U.S. Capitol Police to Be Sued for $10 Million for Killing Unarmed Rioter

We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

The case will fail. And the guv will continue to grow its DB of terrorist symps.
They’ll settle out of court because the swamp doesn’t want the coup discussed.

Well, then, they'd better do it quickly, before the discovery phase provides the records and the cop's name to the plaintiffs. Otherwise, it won't do them any good.
According to the plaintiffs' lawyer, they already have the Capitol cop hero's name.

"Cop hero," that's hilarious. After destroying police forces in leftist cities across the country, you think anyone would buy your lies you're actually pro-cop. No one's as stupid as you think they are, no one's as stupid as you are
Democrats stole the election, the fraud was in big Democrat cities. Particularly Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Las Vegas and Phoenix
No evidence of that. Trump's AG said there was no fraud that would have changed the outcome.

COMPLETE BULLSHIT LIES. There is every evidence of the fraud, it has been shown over and over again ad nauseum and I will document all of it soon again so that it cannot be refuted. And AG Barr never said that. All he said is that his department had not FOUND any fraud yet in wherever they looked!

But then, Barr said a lot of things, about Hillary, about Obumma, about Democrats, and about Bidden------ funny how the left only take note when a republican says something they think they can twist and spin for their own efforts.

You still beating this dead horse, Freaky? There are laws against that. :)

You've documented nothing but the same alt-right blather derived from 6K votes in one Michigan county that's been blown up into a national conspiracy. Besides the 67 lower court cases and 3 Supreme Court cases being shitcanned, I got you some stats news here.:auiqs.jpg:

No one is stupid enough to believe your lies. Democrats stole the election. You did it so openly that your denials are just lame and obviously lies. You know it was stolen too, you're just in favor of it because you're a fascist and a racist

67 lower court judges and three SC rulings disagree with you.

Jack, Try to get a grip on reality. None of these courts agreed with or disagreed with anything. They were presented with cases which they chose not to take up on various technical grounds. No court ruled that the election was stolen, fair, honest or crooked, as much as you want to believe otherwise in that pimple that you call a brain.

Freaky..seriously..move on. The judges saw the "evidence" presented..and they rejected it..wholesale. If there was one hint of probable cause in any of those lawsuits, it would have been in front of a judge and jury. You don't get to present bullshit and hope you have some limp noodle judge who'll give you an audience based on your "evidence". This was an exercise in trying to shape public opinion..as well as judge shopping. Just give me time enough to manufacture..erm...present my case to you...I only need 8 weeks....or maybe more to do that. :auiqs.jpg: We just need time to manufacture..erm...build a case.
Like the judge who recently released the secret audit process of the Arizona election audit so those audited had time to fabricate evidence?

That process should have been disclosed from the word go.
The entire audit was a sham...all because the great white hope lost..sniff, sniff.
Obviously you know nothing about audits and love the fact the election was stolen.
Those 9 billion rounds of ammo purchased last year is going to be handy.

Nothing but deflections and unfocused anger..as usual. You got nothing.
The people elected Joe Biden. Probably because in the race of the geriatrics, Biden actually gave a damn about doing the job.
Yeah, I see no evidence Biden has support either.

Despite the political divide in this country caused by the previous cancer...better numbers than the cancer could have prayed to get. Hey, you asked for evidence.

Sure, sport. It was Trump's fault that you moron racists went off the deep end. Nothing you do is ever your responsibility
Democrats stole the election, the fraud was in big Democrat cities. Particularly Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Las Vegas and Phoenix
No evidence of that. Trump's AG said there was no fraud that would have changed the outcome.

COMPLETE BULLSHIT LIES. There is every evidence of the fraud, it has been shown over and over again ad nauseum and I will document all of it soon again so that it cannot be refuted. And AG Barr never said that. All he said is that his department had not FOUND any fraud yet in wherever they looked!

But then, Barr said a lot of things, about Hillary, about Obumma, about Democrats, and about Bidden------ funny how the left only take note when a republican says something they think they can twist and spin for their own efforts.

You still beating this dead horse, Freaky? There are laws against that. :)

You've documented nothing but the same alt-right blather derived from 6K votes in one Michigan county that's been blown up into a national conspiracy. Besides the 67 lower court cases and 3 Supreme Court cases being shitcanned, I got you some stats news here.:auiqs.jpg:

No one is stupid enough to believe your lies. Democrats stole the election. You did it so openly that your denials are just lame and obviously lies. You know it was stolen too, you're just in favor of it because you're a fascist and a racist

67 lower court judges and three SC rulings disagree with you.

Jack, Try to get a grip on reality. None of these courts agreed with or disagreed with anything. They were presented with cases which they chose not to take up on various technical grounds. No court ruled that the election was stolen, fair, honest or crooked, as much as you want to believe otherwise in that pimple that you call a brain.

Freaky..seriously..move on. The judges saw the "evidence" presented..and they rejected it..wholesale. If there was one hint of probable cause in any of those lawsuits, it would have been in front of a judge and jury. You don't get to present bullshit and hope you have some limp noodle judge who'll give you an audience based on your "evidence". This was an exercise in trying to shape public opinion..as well as judge shopping. Just give me time enough to manufacture..erm...present my case to you...I only need 8 weeks....or maybe more to do that. :auiqs.jpg: We just need time to manufacture..erm...build a case.
Like the judge who recently released the secret audit process of the Arizona election audit so those audited had time to fabricate evidence?

That process should have been disclosed from the word go.
The entire audit was a sham...all because the great white hope lost..sniff, sniff.
Obviously you know nothing about audits and love the fact the election was stolen.
Those 9 billion rounds of ammo purchased last year is going to be handy.

Nothing but deflections and unfocused anger..as usual. You got nothing.
The people elected Joe Biden. Probably because in the race of the geriatrics, Biden actually gave a damn about doing the job.
Yeah, I see no evidence Biden has support either.

Despite the political divide in this country caused by the previous cancer...better numbers than the cancer could have prayed to get. Hey, you asked for evidence.
Yes, the sane vs America haters who think people can change sexes on a whim and go into hysterics over Pepe Le Pew.

No, the people focused on the future moving forward. As opposed to people like you, sitting on their porch rocking chairs yelling at kids to "get off my lawn!" :)
And your side has no right to speak of hysterics given the almost cult like obsession with things that don't mean anything like....Mr Potato Head, Dr Suess, and Brittany Spears.
Oh yeah, you're sane! :auiqs.jpg:

We're not telling you to get off our lawn, we're telling you to get out of our wallets, greedy fascist

That is so much right wing nonsense. We have the right wing propaganda outfits. We also have a nyriad of right wing websites. No one has control over the media.
Hilarious lie.

You are the liar. We already know that. Except it is not hilarious.
Says shitforbrains who thinks conservatives control the media.

What is Fox News? OANN? Newsmax? The Washington Examiner? You are the shit for brains guy around here.
Keep going.
4 out of 2,000.

There are numerous websites as well as national and local radio shows. The fact that you spout stupid ideas shows how effective the right wing propaganda media works.
Ah. So an AM radio station in Boise is just like The NY Times and CNN.

Crazy right wing ideas have no trouble getting circulated. You are living proof of that.
You haven't watched the msm over the last 4+ years apparently.

The right wing media is the real danger to this country. They have constantly amplified Trump's lies. They are responsible for the attack on the capitol.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

She was participating in an insurrection that she as a military veteran should have known was wrong and contrary to the oath she took.
My guess??...

BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS, Jack. Nobody cares about your guesses. The 5,000 participating in each of the 8,700 BLM riots last year robbing, stealing, looting, killing and burning should know better.

Democrats ought to know better than to run such a totally corrupt election.

George Floyd should KNOW BETTER than to pass counterfeit money, do fentanyl, mug pregnant women, and fight with police trying to arrest him for said crimes.

You know Freaky, you need to calm down and relax. Have you taken that car in your garage out for a drive with your special someone? It might calm you down. :)
No one stole any election. Your boy lost..cause he sucked! And then he threw a tantrum because he lost...and then convinced his lemmings to go storm a seat of democracy.

And yes, Floyd deserved to get pinched for passing funny money...but die for it? Have his hands cuffed behind his back while lying face down?..already subdued?..with a knee
on his neck (yes, his neck, not his back) for 9:29???..No.
Tell us more how a small group of unarmed middle age out of shape citizens nearly ended America.

Those out of shape so-called citizens injured 140 capitol officers and killed 1. They posed enouigh of a threat for the Secret Service to hustle the VP out of the capitol.
So the out of shape cops couldn’t handle fat fks?

Not when you are heavily outnumbered. That justified the shooting. The thug who made it to Pelosi'as office should have been shot long before he did that.
Good to know we can shoot unarmed trespassers.
Get more razor wire to hide behind.

You can shoot people when a mob attacks the capitol.
The people own the Capitol.

Provided you obey the laws. You do not have a right to storm the capitol.
The US capitol is public property and can be entered by anyone, except when an illegitimate regime takes over--then like Venezuela and a myriad of other third world countries--they fence it so that their adoring constituents can't get to them. Moron.

You are a fascist. The capitol can be closed at any time. There is no illegitinate regime. Trump's attempt to seize power was thwarted by the courts.

That is so much right wing nonsense. We have the right wing propaganda outfits. We also have a nyriad of right wing websites. No one has control over the media.
Hilarious lie.

You are the liar. We already know that. Except it is not hilarious.
Says shitforbrains who thinks conservatives control the media.

What is Fox News? OANN? Newsmax? The Washington Examiner? You are the shit for brains guy around here.
Keep going.
4 out of 2,000.

There are numerous websites as well as national and local radio shows. The fact that you spout stupid ideas shows how effective the right wing propaganda media works.
Ah. So an AM radio station in Boise is just like The NY Times and CNN.

Crazy right wing ideas have no trouble getting circulated. You are living proof of that.
You haven't watched the msm over the last 4+ years apparently.

The right wing media is the real danger to this country. They have constantly amplified Trump's lies. They are responsible for the attack on the capitol.

OMG, that's funny. You worship fake news who just endlessly make shit up. And no one lies like the Democrat party. Suddenly you care about lies. LOL. No, racist, you don't
Democrats stole the election, the fraud was in big Democrat cities. Particularly Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Las Vegas and Phoenix
No evidence of that. Trump's AG said there was no fraud that would have changed the outcome.

COMPLETE BULLSHIT LIES. There is every evidence of the fraud, it has been shown over and over again ad nauseum and I will document all of it soon again so that it cannot be refuted. And AG Barr never said that. All he said is that his department had not FOUND any fraud yet in wherever they looked!

But then, Barr said a lot of things, about Hillary, about Obumma, about Democrats, and about Bidden------ funny how the left only take note when a republican says something they think they can twist and spin for their own efforts.

You still beating this dead horse, Freaky? There are laws against that. :)

You've documented nothing but the same alt-right blather derived from 6K votes in one Michigan county that's been blown up into a national conspiracy. Besides the 67 lower court cases and 3 Supreme Court cases being shitcanned, I got you some stats news here.:auiqs.jpg:

No one is stupid enough to believe your lies. Democrats stole the election. You did it so openly that your denials are just lame and obviously lies. You know it was stolen too, you're just in favor of it because you're a fascist and a racist

67 lower court judges and three SC rulings disagree with you.

Jack, Try to get a grip on reality. None of these courts agreed with or disagreed with anything. They were presented with cases which they chose not to take up on various technical grounds. No court ruled that the election was stolen, fair, honest or crooked, as much as you want to believe otherwise in that pimple that you call a brain.

Freaky..seriously..move on. The judges saw the "evidence" presented..and they rejected it..wholesale. If there was one hint of probable cause in any of those lawsuits, it would have been in front of a judge and jury. You don't get to present bullshit and hope you have some limp noodle judge who'll give you an audience based on your "evidence". This was an exercise in trying to shape public opinion..as well as judge shopping. Just give me time enough to manufacture..erm...present my case to you...I only need 8 weeks....or maybe more to do that. :auiqs.jpg: We just need time to manufacture..erm...build a case.
Like the judge who recently released the secret audit process of the Arizona election audit so those audited had time to fabricate evidence?

That process should have been disclosed from the word go.
The entire audit was a sham...all because the great white hope lost..sniff, sniff.
Obviously you know nothing about audits and love the fact the election was stolen.
Those 9 billion rounds of ammo purchased last year is going to be handy.

Nothing but deflections and unfocused anger..as usual. You got nothing.
The people elected Joe Biden. Probably because in the race of the geriatrics, Biden actually gave a damn about doing the job.
Yeah, I see no evidence Biden has support either.

Despite the political divide in this country caused by the previous cancer...better numbers than the cancer could have prayed to get. Hey, you asked for evidence.
Yes, the sane vs America haters who think people can change sexes on a whim and go into hysterics over Pepe Le Pew.

No, the people focused on the future moving forward. As opposed to people like you, sitting on their porch rocking chairs yelling at kids to "get off my lawn!" :)
And your side has no right to speak of hysterics given the almost cult like obsession with things that don't mean anything like....Mr Potato Head, Dr Suess, and Brittany Spears.
Oh yeah, you're sane! :auiqs.jpg:

We're not telling you to get off our lawn, we're telling you to get out of our wallets, greedy fascist

Fascists don't care about your wallets. Capitalists do. :auiqs.jpg:
Youz guys...dumb as posts. :)
It was a terrorist attack. Storming the capitol is not part of any legitimate protest.

Thanks. You just disqualified all 8700 BLM riots in 2020 as being racist, illegitimate and terroristic.

Oh and, there would have been no need to protest at the Capitol if the democrats hadn't run a sham of a fraud election.

They were not. The capitol attack was a attempt to stop the certification of the election. That was a direct attack on our democracy. The vast najority of protests over police brutality were peaceful. Also right wing agitators were responsible for some of it and the police completely bungled the situation.
Democrats stole the election, the fraud was in big Democrat cities. Particularly Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Las Vegas and Phoenix
No evidence of that. Trump's AG said there was no fraud that would have changed the outcome.

COMPLETE BULLSHIT LIES. There is every evidence of the fraud, it has been shown over and over again ad nauseum and I will document all of it soon again so that it cannot be refuted. And AG Barr never said that. All he said is that his department had not FOUND any fraud yet in wherever they looked!

But then, Barr said a lot of things, about Hillary, about Obumma, about Democrats, and about Bidden------ funny how the left only take note when a republican says something they think they can twist and spin for their own efforts.

You still beating this dead horse, Freaky? There are laws against that. :)

You've documented nothing but the same alt-right blather derived from 6K votes in one Michigan county that's been blown up into a national conspiracy. Besides the 67 lower court cases and 3 Supreme Court cases being shitcanned, I got you some stats news here.:auiqs.jpg:

No one is stupid enough to believe your lies. Democrats stole the election. You did it so openly that your denials are just lame and obviously lies. You know it was stolen too, you're just in favor of it because you're a fascist and a racist

67 lower court judges and three SC rulings disagree with you.

Jack, Try to get a grip on reality. None of these courts agreed with or disagreed with anything. They were presented with cases which they chose not to take up on various technical grounds. No court ruled that the election was stolen, fair, honest or crooked, as much as you want to believe otherwise in that pimple that you call a brain.

Freaky..seriously..move on. The judges saw the "evidence" presented..and they rejected it..wholesale. If there was one hint of probable cause in any of those lawsuits, it would have been in front of a judge and jury. You don't get to present bullshit and hope you have some limp noodle judge who'll give you an audience based on your "evidence". This was an exercise in trying to shape public opinion..as well as judge shopping. Just give me time enough to manufacture..erm...present my case to you...I only need 8 weeks....or maybe more to do that. :auiqs.jpg: We just need time to manufacture..erm...build a case.
Like the judge who recently released the secret audit process of the Arizona election audit so those audited had time to fabricate evidence?

That process should have been disclosed from the word go.
The entire audit was a sham...all because the great white hope lost..sniff, sniff.
Obviously you know nothing about audits and love the fact the election was stolen.
Those 9 billion rounds of ammo purchased last year is going to be handy.

Nothing but deflections and unfocused anger..as usual. You got nothing.
The people elected Joe Biden. Probably because in the race of the geriatrics, Biden actually gave a damn about doing the job.
Yeah, I see no evidence Biden has support either.

Despite the political divide in this country caused by the previous cancer...better numbers than the cancer could have prayed to get. Hey, you asked for evidence.
Yes, the sane vs America haters who think people can change sexes on a whim and go into hysterics over Pepe Le Pew.

No, the people focused on the future moving forward. As opposed to people like you, sitting on their porch rocking chairs yelling at kids to "get off my lawn!" :)
And your side has no right to speak of hysterics given the almost cult like obsession with things that don't mean anything like....Mr Potato Head, Dr Suess, and Brittany Spears.
Oh yeah, you're sane! :auiqs.jpg:

We're not telling you to get off our lawn, we're telling you to get out of our wallets, greedy fascist

Fascists don't care about your wallets. Capitalists do. :auiqs.jpg:
Youz guys...dumb as posts. :)

Now you're just babbling incoherently, and you literally don't know what a capitalist is.

You're a socialist and a fascist and you don't want to earn money, and you don't want some of it. You want it all, and you take it by force, racist
Democrats stole the election, the fraud was in big Democrat cities. Particularly Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Las Vegas and Phoenix
No evidence of that. Trump's AG said there was no fraud that would have changed the outcome.

COMPLETE BULLSHIT LIES. There is every evidence of the fraud, it has been shown over and over again ad nauseum and I will document all of it soon again so that it cannot be refuted. And AG Barr never said that. All he said is that his department had not FOUND any fraud yet in wherever they looked!

But then, Barr said a lot of things, about Hillary, about Obumma, about Democrats, and about Bidden------ funny how the left only take note when a republican says something they think they can twist and spin for their own efforts.

You still beating this dead horse, Freaky? There are laws against that. :)

You've documented nothing but the same alt-right blather derived from 6K votes in one Michigan county that's been blown up into a national conspiracy. Besides the 67 lower court cases and 3 Supreme Court cases being shitcanned, I got you some stats news here.:auiqs.jpg:

No one is stupid enough to believe your lies. Democrats stole the election. You did it so openly that your denials are just lame and obviously lies. You know it was stolen too, you're just in favor of it because you're a fascist and a racist

67 lower court judges and three SC rulings disagree with you.

Jack, Try to get a grip on reality. None of these courts agreed with or disagreed with anything. They were presented with cases which they chose not to take up on various technical grounds. No court ruled that the election was stolen, fair, honest or crooked, as much as you want to believe otherwise in that pimple that you call a brain.

Freaky..seriously..move on. The judges saw the "evidence" presented..and they rejected it..wholesale. If there was one hint of probable cause in any of those lawsuits, it would have been in front of a judge and jury. You don't get to present bullshit and hope you have some limp noodle judge who'll give you an audience based on your "evidence". This was an exercise in trying to shape public opinion..as well as judge shopping. Just give me time enough to manufacture..erm...present my case to you...I only need 8 weeks....or maybe more to do that. :auiqs.jpg: We just need time to manufacture..erm...build a case.
Like the judge who recently released the secret audit process of the Arizona election audit so those audited had time to fabricate evidence?

That process should have been disclosed from the word go.
The entire audit was a sham...all because the great white hope lost..sniff, sniff.
Obviously you know nothing about audits and love the fact the election was stolen.
Those 9 billion rounds of ammo purchased last year is going to be handy.

Nothing but deflections and unfocused anger..as usual. You got nothing.
The people elected Joe Biden. Probably because in the race of the geriatrics, Biden actually gave a damn about doing the job.
Yeah, I see no evidence Biden has support either.

Despite the political divide in this country caused by the previous cancer...better numbers than the cancer could have prayed to get. Hey, you asked for evidence.
Yes, the sane vs America haters who think people can change sexes on a whim and go into hysterics over Pepe Le Pew.

No, the people focused on the future moving forward. As opposed to people like you, sitting on their porch rocking chairs yelling at kids to "get off my lawn!" :)
And your side has no right to speak of hysterics given the almost cult like obsession with things that don't mean anything like....Mr Potato Head, Dr Suess, and Brittany Spears.
Oh yeah, you're sane! :auiqs.jpg:

We're not telling you to get off our lawn, we're telling you to get out of our wallets, greedy fascist

Fascists don't care about your wallets. Capitalists do. :auiqs.jpg:
Youz guys...dumb as posts. :)

Now you're just babbling incoherently, and you literally don't know what a capitalist is.

You're a socialist and a fascist and you don't want to earn money, and you don't want some of it. You want it all, and you take it by force, racist

You're just tossing terms around that your alt-right media outlets pound into your head. Damn, you are boring. Nothing original. Just the same bag of recycled tough guy crap.
Best to just ignore you and let evolution phase you and people like you out of existence.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

The case will fail. And the guv will continue to grow its DB of terrorist symps.
They’ll settle out of court because the swamp doesn’t want the coup discussed.

Well, then, they'd better do it quickly, before the discovery phase provides the records and the cop's name to the plaintiffs. Otherwise, it won't do them any good.
According to the plaintiffs' lawyer, they already have the Capitol cop hero's name.

"Cop hero," that's hilarious. After destroying police forces in leftist cities across the country, you think anyone would buy your lies you're actually pro-cop. No one's as stupid as you think they are, no one's as stupid as you are
Yes....Capitol cop hero....I know you supported the wounding and killing of Capitol cops and our legislators on Jan 6th.
Democrats stole the election, the fraud was in big Democrat cities. Particularly Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Las Vegas and Phoenix
No evidence of that. Trump's AG said there was no fraud that would have changed the outcome.

COMPLETE BULLSHIT LIES. There is every evidence of the fraud, it has been shown over and over again ad nauseum and I will document all of it soon again so that it cannot be refuted. And AG Barr never said that. All he said is that his department had not FOUND any fraud yet in wherever they looked!

But then, Barr said a lot of things, about Hillary, about Obumma, about Democrats, and about Bidden------ funny how the left only take note when a republican says something they think they can twist and spin for their own efforts.

You still beating this dead horse, Freaky? There are laws against that. :)

You've documented nothing but the same alt-right blather derived from 6K votes in one Michigan county that's been blown up into a national conspiracy. Besides the 67 lower court cases and 3 Supreme Court cases being shitcanned, I got you some stats news here.:auiqs.jpg:

No one is stupid enough to believe your lies. Democrats stole the election. You did it so openly that your denials are just lame and obviously lies. You know it was stolen too, you're just in favor of it because you're a fascist and a racist

67 lower court judges and three SC rulings disagree with you.

Jack, Try to get a grip on reality. None of these courts agreed with or disagreed with anything. They were presented with cases which they chose not to take up on various technical grounds. No court ruled that the election was stolen, fair, honest or crooked, as much as you want to believe otherwise in that pimple that you call a brain.

Freaky..seriously..move on. The judges saw the "evidence" presented..and they rejected it..wholesale. If there was one hint of probable cause in any of those lawsuits, it would have been in front of a judge and jury. You don't get to present bullshit and hope you have some limp noodle judge who'll give you an audience based on your "evidence". This was an exercise in trying to shape public opinion..as well as judge shopping. Just give me time enough to manufacture..erm...present my case to you...I only need 8 weeks....or maybe more to do that. :auiqs.jpg: We just need time to manufacture..erm...build a case.
Like the judge who recently released the secret audit process of the Arizona election audit so those audited had time to fabricate evidence?

That process should have been disclosed from the word go.
The entire audit was a sham...all because the great white hope lost..sniff, sniff.
Obviously you know nothing about audits and love the fact the election was stolen.
Those 9 billion rounds of ammo purchased last year is going to be handy.

Nothing but deflections and unfocused anger..as usual. You got nothing.
The people elected Joe Biden. Probably because in the race of the geriatrics, Biden actually gave a damn about doing the job.
Yeah, I see no evidence Biden has support either.

Despite the political divide in this country caused by the previous cancer...better numbers than the cancer could have prayed to get. Hey, you asked for evidence.

Sure, sport. It was Trump's fault that you moron racists went off the deep end. Nothing you do is ever your responsibility
Jan 6th......feral whitey righties
Democrats stole the election, the fraud was in big Democrat cities. Particularly Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Las Vegas and Phoenix
No evidence of that. Trump's AG said there was no fraud that would have changed the outcome.

COMPLETE BULLSHIT LIES. There is every evidence of the fraud, it has been shown over and over again ad nauseum and I will document all of it soon again so that it cannot be refuted. And AG Barr never said that. All he said is that his department had not FOUND any fraud yet in wherever they looked!

But then, Barr said a lot of things, about Hillary, about Obumma, about Democrats, and about Bidden------ funny how the left only take note when a republican says something they think they can twist and spin for their own efforts.

You still beating this dead horse, Freaky? There are laws against that. :)

You've documented nothing but the same alt-right blather derived from 6K votes in one Michigan county that's been blown up into a national conspiracy. Besides the 67 lower court cases and 3 Supreme Court cases being shitcanned, I got you some stats news here.:auiqs.jpg:

No one is stupid enough to believe your lies. Democrats stole the election. You did it so openly that your denials are just lame and obviously lies. You know it was stolen too, you're just in favor of it because you're a fascist and a racist

67 lower court judges and three SC rulings disagree with you.

Jack, Try to get a grip on reality. None of these courts agreed with or disagreed with anything. They were presented with cases which they chose not to take up on various technical grounds. No court ruled that the election was stolen, fair, honest or crooked, as much as you want to believe otherwise in that pimple that you call a brain.

Freaky..seriously..move on. The judges saw the "evidence" presented..and they rejected it..wholesale. If there was one hint of probable cause in any of those lawsuits, it would have been in front of a judge and jury. You don't get to present bullshit and hope you have some limp noodle judge who'll give you an audience based on your "evidence". This was an exercise in trying to shape public opinion..as well as judge shopping. Just give me time enough to manufacture..erm...present my case to you...I only need 8 weeks....or maybe more to do that. :auiqs.jpg: We just need time to manufacture..erm...build a case.
Like the judge who recently released the secret audit process of the Arizona election audit so those audited had time to fabricate evidence?

That process should have been disclosed from the word go.
The entire audit was a sham...all because the great white hope lost..sniff, sniff.
Obviously you know nothing about audits and love the fact the election was stolen.
Those 9 billion rounds of ammo purchased last year is going to be handy.

Nothing but deflections and unfocused anger..as usual. You got nothing.
The people elected Joe Biden. Probably because in the race of the geriatrics, Biden actually gave a damn about doing the job.
Yeah, I see no evidence Biden has support either.

Despite the political divide in this country caused by the previous cancer...better numbers than the cancer could have prayed to get. Hey, you asked for evidence.
Yes, the sane vs America haters who think people can change sexes on a whim and go into hysterics over Pepe Le Pew.

No, the people focused on the future moving forward. As opposed to people like you, sitting on their porch rocking chairs yelling at kids to "get off my lawn!" :)
And your side has no right to speak of hysterics given the almost cult like obsession with things that don't mean anything like....Mr Potato Head, Dr Suess, and Brittany Spears.
Oh yeah, you're sane! :auiqs.jpg:

We're not telling you to get off our lawn, we're telling you to get out of our wallets, greedy fascist

Fascists don't care about your wallets. Capitalists do. :auiqs.jpg:
Youz guys...dumb as posts. :)

Now you're just babbling incoherently, and you literally don't know what a capitalist is.

You're a socialist and a fascist and you don't want to earn money, and you don't want some of it. You want it all, and you take it by force, racist

You're just tossing terms around that your alt-right media outlets pound into your head. Damn, you are boring. Nothing original. Just the same bag of recycled tough guy crap.
Best to just ignore you and let evolution phase you and people like you out of existence.

You clearly don't know what capitalism even is, you proved that, vacuous boi. You're just vomiting communist propaganda.

Saying I'm tossing out terms then using alt right proving that's your bailiwick was even funnier.

Tell me again how fascists don't care about my wallet. You are obsessed with it, LOL
Democrats stole the election, the fraud was in big Democrat cities. Particularly Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Las Vegas and Phoenix
No evidence of that. Trump's AG said there was no fraud that would have changed the outcome.

COMPLETE BULLSHIT LIES. There is every evidence of the fraud, it has been shown over and over again ad nauseum and I will document all of it soon again so that it cannot be refuted. And AG Barr never said that. All he said is that his department had not FOUND any fraud yet in wherever they looked!

But then, Barr said a lot of things, about Hillary, about Obumma, about Democrats, and about Bidden------ funny how the left only take note when a republican says something they think they can twist and spin for their own efforts.

You still beating this dead horse, Freaky? There are laws against that. :)

You've documented nothing but the same alt-right blather derived from 6K votes in one Michigan county that's been blown up into a national conspiracy. Besides the 67 lower court cases and 3 Supreme Court cases being shitcanned, I got you some stats news here.:auiqs.jpg:

No one is stupid enough to believe your lies. Democrats stole the election. You did it so openly that your denials are just lame and obviously lies. You know it was stolen too, you're just in favor of it because you're a fascist and a racist

67 lower court judges and three SC rulings disagree with you.

Jack, Try to get a grip on reality. None of these courts agreed with or disagreed with anything. They were presented with cases which they chose not to take up on various technical grounds. No court ruled that the election was stolen, fair, honest or crooked, as much as you want to believe otherwise in that pimple that you call a brain.

Freaky..seriously..move on. The judges saw the "evidence" presented..and they rejected it..wholesale. If there was one hint of probable cause in any of those lawsuits, it would have been in front of a judge and jury. You don't get to present bullshit and hope you have some limp noodle judge who'll give you an audience based on your "evidence". This was an exercise in trying to shape public opinion..as well as judge shopping. Just give me time enough to manufacture..erm...present my case to you...I only need 8 weeks....or maybe more to do that. :auiqs.jpg: We just need time to manufacture..erm...build a case.
Like the judge who recently released the secret audit process of the Arizona election audit so those audited had time to fabricate evidence?

That process should have been disclosed from the word go.
The entire audit was a sham...all because the great white hope lost..sniff, sniff.
Obviously you know nothing about audits and love the fact the election was stolen.
Those 9 billion rounds of ammo purchased last year is going to be handy.

Nothing but deflections and unfocused anger..as usual. You got nothing.
The people elected Joe Biden. Probably because in the race of the geriatrics, Biden actually gave a damn about doing the job.
Yeah, I see no evidence Biden has support either.

Despite the political divide in this country caused by the previous cancer...better numbers than the cancer could have prayed to get. Hey, you asked for evidence.
Yes, the sane vs America haters who think people can change sexes on a whim and go into hysterics over Pepe Le Pew.

No, the people focused on the future moving forward. As opposed to people like you, sitting on their porch rocking chairs yelling at kids to "get off my lawn!" :)
And your side has no right to speak of hysterics given the almost cult like obsession with things that don't mean anything like....Mr Potato Head, Dr Suess, and Brittany Spears.
Oh yeah, you're sane! :auiqs.jpg:

We're not telling you to get off our lawn, we're telling you to get out of our wallets, greedy fascist

Fascists don't care about your wallets. Capitalists do. :auiqs.jpg:
Youz guys...dumb as posts. :)

Now you're just babbling incoherently, and you literally don't know what a capitalist is.

You're a socialist and a fascist and you don't want to earn money, and you don't want some of it. You want it all, and you take it by force, racist

You're just tossing terms around that your alt-right media outlets pound into your head. Damn, you are boring. Nothing original. Just the same bag of recycled tough guy crap.
Best to just ignore you and let evolution phase you and people like you out of existence.

You clearly don't know what capitalism even is, you proved that, vacuous boi. You're just vomiting communist propaganda.

Saying I'm tossing out terms then using alt right proving that's your bailiwick was even funnier.

Tell me again how fascists don't care about my wallet. You are obsessed with it, LOL

Two "ist" and one "ism" equals tossing out alt-right talking points.
And yes, I don't care about your wallet. I care about mine. :)
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

The case will fail. And the guv will continue to grow its DB of terrorist symps.
They’ll settle out of court because the swamp doesn’t want the coup discussed.

Well, then, they'd better do it quickly, before the discovery phase provides the records and the cop's name to the plaintiffs. Otherwise, it won't do them any good.
According to the plaintiffs' lawyer, they already have the Capitol cop hero's name.

"Cop hero," that's hilarious. After destroying police forces in leftist cities across the country, you think anyone would buy your lies you're actually pro-cop. No one's as stupid as you think they are, no one's as stupid as you are
Yes....Capitol cop hero....I know you supported the wounding and killing of Capitol cops and our legislators on Jan 6th.

A lie repeated is still a lie. I've condemned all violence on January 6 all along. You never condemned the far, far, more extensive rioting and violence by leftists all last summer.

And no one believes you're pro-cop. That lie is just you being a self deluded moron
Democrats stole the election, the fraud was in big Democrat cities. Particularly Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Las Vegas and Phoenix
No evidence of that. Trump's AG said there was no fraud that would have changed the outcome.

COMPLETE BULLSHIT LIES. There is every evidence of the fraud, it has been shown over and over again ad nauseum and I will document all of it soon again so that it cannot be refuted. And AG Barr never said that. All he said is that his department had not FOUND any fraud yet in wherever they looked!

But then, Barr said a lot of things, about Hillary, about Obumma, about Democrats, and about Bidden------ funny how the left only take note when a republican says something they think they can twist and spin for their own efforts.

You still beating this dead horse, Freaky? There are laws against that. :)

You've documented nothing but the same alt-right blather derived from 6K votes in one Michigan county that's been blown up into a national conspiracy. Besides the 67 lower court cases and 3 Supreme Court cases being shitcanned, I got you some stats news here.:auiqs.jpg:

No one is stupid enough to believe your lies. Democrats stole the election. You did it so openly that your denials are just lame and obviously lies. You know it was stolen too, you're just in favor of it because you're a fascist and a racist

67 lower court judges and three SC rulings disagree with you.

Jack, Try to get a grip on reality. None of these courts agreed with or disagreed with anything. They were presented with cases which they chose not to take up on various technical grounds. No court ruled that the election was stolen, fair, honest or crooked, as much as you want to believe otherwise in that pimple that you call a brain.

Freaky..seriously..move on. The judges saw the "evidence" presented..and they rejected it..wholesale. If there was one hint of probable cause in any of those lawsuits, it would have been in front of a judge and jury. You don't get to present bullshit and hope you have some limp noodle judge who'll give you an audience based on your "evidence". This was an exercise in trying to shape public opinion..as well as judge shopping. Just give me time enough to manufacture..erm...present my case to you...I only need 8 weeks....or maybe more to do that. :auiqs.jpg: We just need time to manufacture..erm...build a case.
Like the judge who recently released the secret audit process of the Arizona election audit so those audited had time to fabricate evidence?

That process should have been disclosed from the word go.
The entire audit was a sham...all because the great white hope lost..sniff, sniff.
Obviously you know nothing about audits and love the fact the election was stolen.
Those 9 billion rounds of ammo purchased last year is going to be handy.

Nothing but deflections and unfocused anger..as usual. You got nothing.
The people elected Joe Biden. Probably because in the race of the geriatrics, Biden actually gave a damn about doing the job.
Yeah, I see no evidence Biden has support either.

Despite the political divide in this country caused by the previous cancer...better numbers than the cancer could have prayed to get. Hey, you asked for evidence.

Sure, sport. It was Trump's fault that you moron racists went off the deep end. Nothing you do is ever your responsibility
Jan 6th......feral whitey righties

You're babbling nonsense again
Democrats stole the election, the fraud was in big Democrat cities. Particularly Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Las Vegas and Phoenix
No evidence of that. Trump's AG said there was no fraud that would have changed the outcome.

COMPLETE BULLSHIT LIES. There is every evidence of the fraud, it has been shown over and over again ad nauseum and I will document all of it soon again so that it cannot be refuted. And AG Barr never said that. All he said is that his department had not FOUND any fraud yet in wherever they looked!

But then, Barr said a lot of things, about Hillary, about Obumma, about Democrats, and about Bidden------ funny how the left only take note when a republican says something they think they can twist and spin for their own efforts.

You still beating this dead horse, Freaky? There are laws against that. :)

You've documented nothing but the same alt-right blather derived from 6K votes in one Michigan county that's been blown up into a national conspiracy. Besides the 67 lower court cases and 3 Supreme Court cases being shitcanned, I got you some stats news here.:auiqs.jpg:

No one is stupid enough to believe your lies. Democrats stole the election. You did it so openly that your denials are just lame and obviously lies. You know it was stolen too, you're just in favor of it because you're a fascist and a racist

67 lower court judges and three SC rulings disagree with you.

Jack, Try to get a grip on reality. None of these courts agreed with or disagreed with anything. They were presented with cases which they chose not to take up on various technical grounds. No court ruled that the election was stolen, fair, honest or crooked, as much as you want to believe otherwise in that pimple that you call a brain.

Freaky..seriously..move on. The judges saw the "evidence" presented..and they rejected it..wholesale. If there was one hint of probable cause in any of those lawsuits, it would have been in front of a judge and jury. You don't get to present bullshit and hope you have some limp noodle judge who'll give you an audience based on your "evidence". This was an exercise in trying to shape public opinion..as well as judge shopping. Just give me time enough to manufacture..erm...present my case to you...I only need 8 weeks....or maybe more to do that. :auiqs.jpg: We just need time to manufacture..erm...build a case.
Like the judge who recently released the secret audit process of the Arizona election audit so those audited had time to fabricate evidence?

That process should have been disclosed from the word go.
The entire audit was a sham...all because the great white hope lost..sniff, sniff.
Obviously you know nothing about audits and love the fact the election was stolen.
Those 9 billion rounds of ammo purchased last year is going to be handy.

Nothing but deflections and unfocused anger..as usual. You got nothing.
The people elected Joe Biden. Probably because in the race of the geriatrics, Biden actually gave a damn about doing the job.
Yeah, I see no evidence Biden has support either.

Despite the political divide in this country caused by the previous cancer...better numbers than the cancer could have prayed to get. Hey, you asked for evidence.
Yes, the sane vs America haters who think people can change sexes on a whim and go into hysterics over Pepe Le Pew.

No, the people focused on the future moving forward. As opposed to people like you, sitting on their porch rocking chairs yelling at kids to "get off my lawn!" :)
And your side has no right to speak of hysterics given the almost cult like obsession with things that don't mean anything like....Mr Potato Head, Dr Suess, and Brittany Spears.
Oh yeah, you're sane! :auiqs.jpg:

We're not telling you to get off our lawn, we're telling you to get out of our wallets, greedy fascist

Fascists don't care about your wallets. Capitalists do. :auiqs.jpg:
Youz guys...dumb as posts. :)

Now you're just babbling incoherently, and you literally don't know what a capitalist is.

You're a socialist and a fascist and you don't want to earn money, and you don't want some of it. You want it all, and you take it by force, racist

You're just tossing terms around that your alt-right media outlets pound into your head. Damn, you are boring. Nothing original. Just the same bag of recycled tough guy crap.
Best to just ignore you and let evolution phase you and people like you out of existence.

You clearly don't know what capitalism even is, you proved that, vacuous boi. You're just vomiting communist propaganda.

Saying I'm tossing out terms then using alt right proving that's your bailiwick was even funnier.

Tell me again how fascists don't care about my wallet. You are obsessed with it, LOL

Two "ist" and one "ism" equals tossing out alt-right talking points.
And yes, I don't care about your wallet. I care about mine. :)

You care about your own wallet, not mine, and you're a Democrat. OMG you're a joke as well as a racist
Democrats stole the election, the fraud was in big Democrat cities. Particularly Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Las Vegas and Phoenix
No evidence of that. Trump's AG said there was no fraud that would have changed the outcome.

COMPLETE BULLSHIT LIES. There is every evidence of the fraud, it has been shown over and over again ad nauseum and I will document all of it soon again so that it cannot be refuted. And AG Barr never said that. All he said is that his department had not FOUND any fraud yet in wherever they looked!

But then, Barr said a lot of things, about Hillary, about Obumma, about Democrats, and about Bidden------ funny how the left only take note when a republican says something they think they can twist and spin for their own efforts.

You still beating this dead horse, Freaky? There are laws against that. :)

You've documented nothing but the same alt-right blather derived from 6K votes in one Michigan county that's been blown up into a national conspiracy. Besides the 67 lower court cases and 3 Supreme Court cases being shitcanned, I got you some stats news here.:auiqs.jpg:

No one is stupid enough to believe your lies. Democrats stole the election. You did it so openly that your denials are just lame and obviously lies. You know it was stolen too, you're just in favor of it because you're a fascist and a racist

67 lower court judges and three SC rulings disagree with you.

Jack, Try to get a grip on reality. None of these courts agreed with or disagreed with anything. They were presented with cases which they chose not to take up on various technical grounds. No court ruled that the election was stolen, fair, honest or crooked, as much as you want to believe otherwise in that pimple that you call a brain.

Freaky..seriously..move on. The judges saw the "evidence" presented..and they rejected it..wholesale. If there was one hint of probable cause in any of those lawsuits, it would have been in front of a judge and jury. You don't get to present bullshit and hope you have some limp noodle judge who'll give you an audience based on your "evidence". This was an exercise in trying to shape public opinion..as well as judge shopping. Just give me time enough to manufacture..erm...present my case to you...I only need 8 weeks....or maybe more to do that. :auiqs.jpg: We just need time to manufacture..erm...build a case.
Like the judge who recently released the secret audit process of the Arizona election audit so those audited had time to fabricate evidence?

That process should have been disclosed from the word go.
The entire audit was a sham...all because the great white hope lost..sniff, sniff.
Obviously you know nothing about audits and love the fact the election was stolen.
Those 9 billion rounds of ammo purchased last year is going to be handy.

Nothing but deflections and unfocused anger..as usual. You got nothing.
The people elected Joe Biden. Probably because in the race of the geriatrics, Biden actually gave a damn about doing the job.
Yeah, I see no evidence Biden has support either.

Despite the political divide in this country caused by the previous cancer...better numbers than the cancer could have prayed to get. Hey, you asked for evidence.
Yes, the sane vs America haters who think people can change sexes on a whim and go into hysterics over Pepe Le Pew.

No, the people focused on the future moving forward. As opposed to people like you, sitting on their porch rocking chairs yelling at kids to "get off my lawn!" :)
And your side has no right to speak of hysterics given the almost cult like obsession with things that don't mean anything like....Mr Potato Head, Dr Suess, and Brittany Spears.
Oh yeah, you're sane! :auiqs.jpg:

We're not telling you to get off our lawn, we're telling you to get out of our wallets, greedy fascist

Fascists don't care about your wallets. Capitalists do. :auiqs.jpg:
Youz guys...dumb as posts. :)

Now you're just babbling incoherently, and you literally don't know what a capitalist is.

You're a socialist and a fascist and you don't want to earn money, and you don't want some of it. You want it all, and you take it by force, racist
Democrats stole the election, the fraud was in big Democrat cities. Particularly Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Las Vegas and Phoenix
No evidence of that. Trump's AG said there was no fraud that would have changed the outcome.

COMPLETE BULLSHIT LIES. There is every evidence of the fraud, it has been shown over and over again ad nauseum and I will document all of it soon again so that it cannot be refuted. And AG Barr never said that. All he said is that his department had not FOUND any fraud yet in wherever they looked!

But then, Barr said a lot of things, about Hillary, about Obumma, about Democrats, and about Bidden------ funny how the left only take note when a republican says something they think they can twist and spin for their own efforts.

You still beating this dead horse, Freaky? There are laws against that. :)

You've documented nothing but the same alt-right blather derived from 6K votes in one Michigan county that's been blown up into a national conspiracy. Besides the 67 lower court cases and 3 Supreme Court cases being shitcanned, I got you some stats news here.:auiqs.jpg:

No one is stupid enough to believe your lies. Democrats stole the election. You did it so openly that your denials are just lame and obviously lies. You know it was stolen too, you're just in favor of it because you're a fascist and a racist

67 lower court judges and three SC rulings disagree with you.

Jack, Try to get a grip on reality. None of these courts agreed with or disagreed with anything. They were presented with cases which they chose not to take up on various technical grounds. No court ruled that the election was stolen, fair, honest or crooked, as much as you want to believe otherwise in that pimple that you call a brain.

Freaky..seriously..move on. The judges saw the "evidence" presented..and they rejected it..wholesale. If there was one hint of probable cause in any of those lawsuits, it would have been in front of a judge and jury. You don't get to present bullshit and hope you have some limp noodle judge who'll give you an audience based on your "evidence". This was an exercise in trying to shape public opinion..as well as judge shopping. Just give me time enough to manufacture..erm...present my case to you...I only need 8 weeks....or maybe more to do that. :auiqs.jpg: We just need time to manufacture..erm...build a case.
Like the judge who recently released the secret audit process of the Arizona election audit so those audited had time to fabricate evidence?

That process should have been disclosed from the word go.
The entire audit was a sham...all because the great white hope lost..sniff, sniff.
Obviously you know nothing about audits and love the fact the election was stolen.
Those 9 billion rounds of ammo purchased last year is going to be handy.

Nothing but deflections and unfocused anger..as usual. You got nothing.
The people elected Joe Biden. Probably because in the race of the geriatrics, Biden actually gave a damn about doing the job.
Yeah, I see no evidence Biden has support either.

Despite the political divide in this country caused by the previous cancer...better numbers than the cancer could have prayed to get. Hey, you asked for evidence.
Yes, the sane vs America haters who think people can change sexes on a whim and go into hysterics over Pepe Le Pew.

No, the people focused on the future moving forward. As opposed to people like you, sitting on their porch rocking chairs yelling at kids to "get off my lawn!" :)
And your side has no right to speak of hysterics given the almost cult like obsession with things that don't mean anything like....Mr Potato Head, Dr Suess, and Brittany Spears.
Oh yeah, you're sane! :auiqs.jpg:

We're not telling you to get off our lawn, we're telling you to get out of our wallets, greedy fascist

Fascists don't care about your wallets. Capitalists do. :auiqs.jpg:
Youz guys...dumb as posts. :)

Now you're just babbling incoherently, and you literally don't know what a capitalist is.

You're a socialist and a fascist and you don't want to earn money, and you don't want some of it. You want it all, and you take it by force, racist
View attachment 486752

That's because you're a moron who doesn't know what capitalism is. You are a fascist who knows how to use a gun

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