U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson Orders White House to Turn Over Ukraine Emails Being Withheld from the Public

That ship has sailed.

IRS Scandal: On September 8, 2017, the Trump Justice Department declined to reopen the criminal investigation into Lois Lerner, a central figure in the controversy.

Fast & Furious:
Obama relents in fight over Fast and Furious documents


04/08/2016 04:59 PM EDT

Updated 04/08/2016 05:24 PM EDT

Four years after asserting executive privilege to block Congress from obtaining documents relating to a controversial federal gun trafficking investigation, President Barack Obama relented Friday, turning over to lawmakers thousands of pages of records that led to unusual House votes holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt in 2012.

In January, a federal district court judge rejected Obama's executive privilege claim over records detailing the Justice Department and White House's response to Operation Fast and Furious, a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives investigation that may have allowed as many as 2,000 firearms to pass into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.

There was plenty of evidence at the time that Fast and Furious was an illegal operation, thus they did have legal reason for those documents.

With Trump temporarily holding Concessional aid (not illegal) , with no illegal activity behind it, he released them soon, within the fiscal year of the aid (no illegal activity behind it) there are no legal reasons to demand 20 e-mails.

You should stop here now, you are getting sillier and sillier....
What is silly---no, criminal--is IGNORING the fact that this withholding of aid coincided with Trump asking for a "favor" and then repeatedly asking the Ambassador if Zelensky had scheduled a TV announcement that he was investigating Biden. Trump released the funds ONLY AFTER HE WAS CAUGHT. And he did it quick, too, because he knew it was wrong.

It was clearly unethical and a huge abuse of his power as President. If there is a single oversight case where the Congress has the shoe on the right foot, it is this one. I'm not sure where they get off "oversighting" their own impeachment proceeding, but hey--politics in D.C. are complex. Are they out to get Trump for this one? Yeah, and they should be.
Every president that ever lived(and Vice President as you patently choose to ignore) has used the leverage of money and aid to extract concessions from those receiving the aid. Trump is the Only chief executive under the microscope for this. And now that Biden and the whole Obama administration has been revealed to be corrupt and treasonous there is even more reason for the investigations into his activities and his sons in Ukraine.
It's appalling, and hideous, how via your signature line, you imply Trump administration is somehow Orwellian.

The irony is how Orwellian your Orwellian use of doublespeak is, and how you use it to excuse Trump's Orwellian actions.

But then, I suppose it's not really irony if your intent is to create a Stalinist utopia. And that is your intent. You're as commie as they come. Thinking about sending liberals to TheGulag sends a tingle down your communist leg. Stalin, in the grave, wishes he could have had as many Useful Idiots as devoted as you are.
You cannot point to one instance of such from Trump, I can paste tens of thousands of such examples from Obama, Clinton, and the democratic party! You haven't a fucking clue as to what it is you are saying, let alone how to corroborate your belief with existing fact! Trump misspeaks, and blunders about for words to be certain, declaring such to be Orwellian is literally impossibly stupid! Lastly you are not "liberal," that specifically is Orwellian doublespeak Mr room temperature IQ, founding fathers were liberal, Abraham Lincoln was liberal, you are a democrat, you are a fascist, fascism is the exact 180 degree opposite of liberal! Let me guess, you admire the shit out of ANTIFA, don't you? That acronym is purely Orwellian, this is exactly how Marxist's roll.....
There was plenty of evidence at the time that Fast and Furious was an illegal operation, thus they did have legal reason for those documents.
You said Obama should turn over those records. My point is, to what purpose? The Trump DOJ declined to reopen the Lois Lerner investigation.

and for Fast and Furious, Obama did turn them over in 2016.

I stated:

There was plenty of evidence at the time that Fast and Furious was an illegal operation, thus they did have legal reason for those documents.

While there are no visible reason for a Judge to demand 20 e-mails, since there was never any demonstrated illegal activity behind the temporary hold up of the Military Aid package.

Try harder next time....
Does it have to be illegal, or is an abuse of power by our highest executive considered an appropriate reason to investigate?

We've already been through this once, and that ship has already sunk. Schiff tried that during the impeachment, but dropped it.
It will be tied up in the courts a long long time. No worries.

So, you're pretty much admitting the evidence is very damning for Trump, which is why you're very glad it will be hidden for a while longer.

Even the Trump cultists are very aware of the Trump admin's guilt. That's why they all fight so hard to hide all the evidence. The Trump cultists act guilty as sin, hence everyone correctly assumes they are guilty as sin.

The funny part is that this was the same crowd that said, during impeachment "LET THE VOTERS LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE AND DECIDE", and now they're all saying "HIDE THE EVIDENCE FROM THE VOTERS!". If it weren't for double standards, the Trump cultists would have no standards at all.
Just another attempt by Obama to harass the Trump Administration thru the courts.
I'd tell that lesbian bitch to go suck a dick.
Obviously, the truthfulness and or validity of anything the Trump admin and especially Billy the Bagman are involved with is immediately suspect.

In early March, Walton slammed Attorney General William Barr’s credibility, going so far as to say Barr “distorted” the findings of the Mueller report and inappropriately went out of his way to control the narrative about the investigation into Russian interference and obstruction of justice. Not taking Barr’s word for it, Walton ordered the DOJ to hand over a full copy of former special counsel Robert Mueller’s work for in camera review. (In camera means in the judge’s chambers.)

First you have to have a legal reason for pursuing private documents, the Judge doesn't seem to have one, neither have YOU and Coyote shown any.

It is another fishing expedition...

Are the Ukraine emails private documents?
That ship has sailed.

IRS Scandal: On September 8, 2017, the Trump Justice Department declined to reopen the criminal investigation into Lois Lerner, a central figure in the controversy.

Fast & Furious:
Obama relents in fight over Fast and Furious documents


04/08/2016 04:59 PM EDT

Updated 04/08/2016 05:24 PM EDT

Four years after asserting executive privilege to block Congress from obtaining documents relating to a controversial federal gun trafficking investigation, President Barack Obama relented Friday, turning over to lawmakers thousands of pages of records that led to unusual House votes holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt in 2012.

In January, a federal district court judge rejected Obama's executive privilege claim over records detailing the Justice Department and White House's response to Operation Fast and Furious, a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives investigation that may have allowed as many as 2,000 firearms to pass into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.

There was plenty of evidence at the time that Fast and Furious was an illegal operation, thus they did have legal reason for those documents.

With Trump temporarily holding Concessional aid (not illegal) , with no illegal activity behind it, he released them soon, within the fiscal year of the aid (no illegal activity behind it) there are no legal reasons to demand 20 e-mails.

You should stop here now, you are getting sillier and sillier....
What is silly---no, criminal--is IGNORING the fact that this withholding of aid coincided with Trump asking for a "favor" and then repeatedly asking the Ambassador if Zelensky had scheduled a TV announcement that he was investigating Biden. Trump released the funds ONLY AFTER HE WAS CAUGHT. And he did it quick, too, because he knew it was wrong.

It was clearly unethical and a huge abuse of his power as President. If there is a single oversight case where the Congress has the shoe on the right foot, it is this one. I'm not sure where they get off "oversighting" their own impeachment proceeding, but hey--politics in D.C. are complex. Are they out to get Trump for this one? Yeah, and they should be.
Every president that ever lived(and Vice President as you patently choose to ignore) has used the leverage of money and aid to extract concessions from those receiving the aid. Trump is the Only chief executive under the microscope for this. And now that Biden and the whole Obama administration has been revealed to be corrupt and treasonous there is even more reason for the investigations into his activities and his sons in Ukraine.
Durham and Barr haven't gotten to the Ukraine mess yet.
That ship has sailed.

IRS Scandal: On September 8, 2017, the Trump Justice Department declined to reopen the criminal investigation into Lois Lerner, a central figure in the controversy.

Fast & Furious:
Obama relents in fight over Fast and Furious documents


04/08/2016 04:59 PM EDT

Updated 04/08/2016 05:24 PM EDT

Four years after asserting executive privilege to block Congress from obtaining documents relating to a controversial federal gun trafficking investigation, President Barack Obama relented Friday, turning over to lawmakers thousands of pages of records that led to unusual House votes holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt in 2012.

In January, a federal district court judge rejected Obama's executive privilege claim over records detailing the Justice Department and White House's response to Operation Fast and Furious, a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives investigation that may have allowed as many as 2,000 firearms to pass into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.

There was plenty of evidence at the time that Fast and Furious was an illegal operation, thus they did have legal reason for those documents.

With Trump temporarily holding Concessional aid (not illegal) , with no illegal activity behind it, he released them soon, within the fiscal year of the aid (no illegal activity behind it) there are no legal reasons to demand 20 e-mails.

You should stop here now, you are getting sillier and sillier....
What is silly---no, criminal--is IGNORING the fact that this withholding of aid coincided with Trump asking for a "favor" and then repeatedly asking the Ambassador if Zelensky had scheduled a TV announcement that he was investigating Biden. Trump released the funds ONLY AFTER HE WAS CAUGHT. And he did it quick, too, because he knew it was wrong.

It was clearly unethical and a huge abuse of his power as President. If there is a single oversight case where the Congress has the shoe on the right foot, it is this one. I'm not sure where they get off "oversighting" their own impeachment proceeding, but hey--politics in D.C. are complex. Are they out to get Trump for this one? Yeah, and they should be.
Every president that ever lived(and Vice President as you patently choose to ignore) has used the leverage of money and aid to extract concessions from those receiving the aid. Trump is the Only chief executive under the microscope for this. And now that Biden and the whole Obama administration has been revealed to be corrupt and treasonous there is even more reason for the investigations into his activities and his sons in Ukraine.
Durham and Barr haven't gotten to the Ukraine mess yet.

You expanding Durham's mandate?
That ship has sailed.

IRS Scandal: On September 8, 2017, the Trump Justice Department declined to reopen the criminal investigation into Lois Lerner, a central figure in the controversy.

Fast & Furious:
Obama relents in fight over Fast and Furious documents


04/08/2016 04:59 PM EDT

Updated 04/08/2016 05:24 PM EDT

Four years after asserting executive privilege to block Congress from obtaining documents relating to a controversial federal gun trafficking investigation, President Barack Obama relented Friday, turning over to lawmakers thousands of pages of records that led to unusual House votes holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt in 2012.

In January, a federal district court judge rejected Obama's executive privilege claim over records detailing the Justice Department and White House's response to Operation Fast and Furious, a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives investigation that may have allowed as many as 2,000 firearms to pass into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.

There was plenty of evidence at the time that Fast and Furious was an illegal operation, thus they did have legal reason for those documents.

With Trump temporarily holding Concessional aid (not illegal) , with no illegal activity behind it, he released them soon, within the fiscal year of the aid (no illegal activity behind it) there are no legal reasons to demand 20 e-mails.

You should stop here now, you are getting sillier and sillier....
What is silly---no, criminal--is IGNORING the fact that this withholding of aid coincided with Trump asking for a "favor" and then repeatedly asking the Ambassador if Zelensky had scheduled a TV announcement that he was investigating Biden. Trump released the funds ONLY AFTER HE WAS CAUGHT. And he did it quick, too, because he knew it was wrong.

It was clearly unethical and a huge abuse of his power as President. If there is a single oversight case where the Congress has the shoe on the right foot, it is this one. I'm not sure where they get off "oversighting" their own impeachment proceeding, but hey--politics in D.C. are complex. Are they out to get Trump for this one? Yeah, and they should be.
Every president that ever lived(and Vice President as you patently choose to ignore) has used the leverage of money and aid to extract concessions from those receiving the aid. Trump is the Only chief executive under the microscope for this. And now that Biden and the whole Obama administration has been revealed to be corrupt and treasonous there is even more reason for the investigations into his activities and his sons in Ukraine.

Not for personal political gain.
This is interesting.

The trump administration is trying to violate the FOIA law. They're using very flimsy excuse for it too.

It will be interesting to see how this works out.

Amy Berman Jackson - appointed by Barack Obama

See my last post. And she ruled against Barack Obama.
I didn't comment one way or another.

Just making sure the info is clear to everyone.


Yeah, Bootney. No inference there by mentioning who appointed her.
Only noting that she is an Obama appointee, who may have an agenda. There is nothing wrong with pointing out potential bias.

Should we have kept that a secret?

There was plenty of evidence at the time that Fast and Furious was an illegal operation, thus they did have legal reason for those documents.
You said Obama should turn over those records. My point is, to what purpose? The Trump DOJ declined to reopen the Lois Lerner investigation.

and for Fast and Furious, Obama did turn them over in 2016.

I stated:

There was plenty of evidence at the time that Fast and Furious was an illegal operation, thus they did have legal reason for those documents.

While there are no visible reason for a Judge to demand 20 e-mails, since there was never any demonstrated illegal activity behind the temporary hold up of the Military Aid package.

Try harder next time....
Does it have to be illegal, or is an abuse of power by our highest executive considered an appropriate reason to investigate?

We've already been through this once, and that ship has already sunk. Schiff tried that during the impeachment, but dropped it.
Pretty sure he was impeached for Abuse of Power. Schiff didn't "drop it." If that's what you meant.
This is interesting.

The trump administration is trying to violate the FOIA law. They're using very flimsy excuse for it too.

It will be interesting to see how this works out.

When will she order obamallama to unseal the fast and furious papers? Get back to us ya hear?
She did. In 2016 and he complied.
Show me!

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