U.S. Energy Dept. Lab leak most likely source of Covid.

You people are a bunch of fuckin' rubes....The one and only reason they are admitting it now is because the Chi-Coms are going to side with the Russians in a bigger way in Ukeland.

I don't think you are going to like the end-game they are playing toward.

Lab technicians weren't the first known to get sick?
Did you read where I posted this yesterday and supported the idea it came from the lab?
No....I don't follow you.
Clearly you're still spouting the Deep state's talking points even though they had to move the goal posts to make this announcement.

They finally admit what we already knew.....but they won't admit that COVID was spread intentionally.

But taking into consideration my NBC training in the military....bio agents are unpredictable....and any release of any kind whether it's accidental or intentional can come back at you, which is why bio-attacks are foolish to say the least. But then again the Chinese sometimes don't give a damn about human life anyway. Communists have historically murdered more of their own people than the enemy.
The report clearly states that there's "low confidence" that COVID-19 came from a lab, but of course Republicans lie about it.

If Republicans didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say!
I'm not sure how that is supposed to work. Covid did major damage to the Chinese economy. It still is worse than it is here.

You are arguing they intentionally sabotaged themselves. Here is where I once again get to note that we helped fund the lab.

How smart was that?

I'm a cynic on a lot of things. Sadly for many I do understand the facts when presented.
Which means you won't believe anything till the MSM tells you what to think and what to believe.
The report clearly states that there's "low confidence" that COVID-19 came from a lab, but of course Republicans lie about it.

If Republicans didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say!
Yet "low confidence" is just another word for skeptical....which means they kindof sortof had to admit to the possibility.
Saying "low confidence" allows the mindless lemmings to hang onto their false belief that our government isn't full of shit.
No....I don't follow you.
Clearly you're still spouting the Deep state's talking points even though they had to move the goal posts to make this announcement.

I said from the beginning it was a lab leak.

They finally admit what we already knew.....but they won't admit that COVID was spread intentionally.

Because there is NO evidence of that at all. The evidence points to a simple leak. Again, you are arguing that China intentionally sabotaged their own economy. All because you also believe they cheated for Trump. LOL

But taking into consideration my NBC training in the military....bio agents are unpredictable....and any release of any kind whether it's accidental or intentional can come back at you, which is why bio-attacks are foolish to say the least. But then again the Chinese sometimes don't give a damn about human life anyway. Communists have historically murdered more of their own people than the enemy.

What color is the sky in your world?
That has shit all to do with the real reason it was finally admitted.

We were lied to initially. We know that. Months ago Fauci was saying it was possible. Long before China got involved with Russia and Ukraine.
The Chinese have a population problem.
They've wiped out whole towns and bulldozed the buildings thanks to the release of COVID.
It has allowed them to put their entire population under wraps and subjugate them. In some cases they even started harvesting organs to be sold on the world market.

So yes, the Chinese government would definitely do this intentionally.

The CCP puts no value on human life, even the lives of their own people. What other country would institute a COVID policy of forcibly barricading people in their own homes to starve, or rolling death penalty buses that drive from town to town to execute people? What other country would have murdered almost 40 million of their own people, just to install a communist regime?

During the Korean War, Chinese soldiers attacked American positions with massive waves of troops, oblivious to being mowed down with machine guns.
The CCP puts no value on human life, even the lives of their own people. What other country would institute a COVID policy of forcibly barricading people in their own homes to starve, or rolling death penalty buses that drive from town to town to execute people? What other country would have murdered almost 40 million of their own people, just to install a communist regime?

During the Korean War, Chinese soldiers attacked American positions with massive waves of troops, oblivious to being mowed down with machine guns.
Yeah...but according to little miss liberal....they'd never ever do it again.

That was just something they put in a book for us to read.
Even is it was a lab leak, why were they developing a biological nightmare, and why was the Obama administration funding it?

LOL........please. Obama ended the funding and Trump started it back up but you know that. I guess things are slow around here right now.
Even is it was a lab leak, why were they developing a biological nightmare, and why was the Obama administration funding it?
Never mind there is a possibility that the war in Ukraine is partially a cover up of the clandestine facilities in Ukraine where we kept some of our bio-labs. We can't do this testing inside the US. Russia claims that there was 30 labs in Ukraine.

They said they found documents that proves it but they haven't found any of the agents. Well this makes sense....because you just don't leave deadly bio-agents lying around. If you're going to destroy something...the first thing you do is destroy the bio agents in an incinerator. It's a little harder to destroy all of the other evidence.

Part of the reason that the US may not want to investigate the source of COVID is because the US has it's own weapons research labs that they're trying to cover up. The Chinese probably know everything there is to know about our labs and they don't want that getting out.

LOL........please. Obama ended the funding and Trump started it back up but you know that. I guess things are slow around here right now.
Just exactly how did Trump all of the sudden earn the trust of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and restart funding?
He couldn't event get a few bucks for a border wall. How is he going to go about restarting funding that Obama supposedly started....then stopped?

And for that matter....why was the funding going on in the first place? If Obama stopped the GD funding why did he start it in the first fucking place? This has all been discussed at length in congressional hearings, to which Dr Fauci claims isn't true. No Gain of Function research was conducted by the US.....nevermind the fact that a US university was talking about actually doing it inside the US at the Unv of Wisconsin.
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Do not have any real idea if this was a lab release or not we probably never will know beyond a shadow of a doubt. Most things tend to point to it coming from a lab release. Doubt it was intentional.
However the simple fact that they allowed international travel after they knew that Covid was out and running rampant while Shutting down travel into China was completely irresponsible and should be viewed as almost intentional.
LOL........please. Obama ended the funding and Trump started it back up but you know that. I guess things are slow around here right now.

It was Trump who finally pulled US funding out of the Wuhan lab. Do you really think he knew about the lab's funding, until some advisor told his about it when the pandemic happened? What kind of an idiot believes that a US President is aware of everything happening in the country? We have a President now who doesn't even believe there's a "border crisis" happening on our southern border.

"That organisation - the US-based EcoHealth Alliance - was awarded a grant in 2014 to look into possible coronaviruses from bats.

EcoHealth received $3.7m from the NIH, $600,000 of which was given to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
In 2019, its project was renewed for another five years, but then pulled by the Trump administration in April 2020 following the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic."

Coronavirus: Was US money used to fund risky research in China?

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