U.S. Energy Dept. Lab leak most likely source of Covid.

We've been saying this for years....and finally the White House admits they know the source of COVID.
They refused to do anything about it for years.....so now it's just "oh well...too bad".

And they wonder why they aren't trusted by anyone.

How much longer until they admit the leak was intentional?

And once - AGAIN -
Something conservatives knew all along that the left called "Trumpism" "Maga" etc. etc. - turns out to be exactly what was said all along.

This is what amazes me about Conservatives in their response to COVID

They fought every attempt to control COVID once it hit our shores. They fought the shutdown, masks, social distancing, vaccines…….anything that would actually fight the virus.

But they are obsessed with blaming China for it.

And what amazes me about Liberals is that they are so slow to recognize that China is an adversary. Maybe it will sink in when the start providing weapons to Russia, but I won't hold my breath.
And what amazes me about Liberals is that they are so slow to recognize that China is an adversary. Maybe it will sink in when the start providing weapons to Russia, but I won't hold my breath.

China is an economic adversary. We need to fight them on that front.

We will also invoke sanctions if they start sending weapons.
This is what amazes me about Conservatives in their response to COVID

They fought every attempt to control COVID once it hit our shores. They fought the shutdown, masks, social distancing, vaccines…….anything that would actually fight the virus.

To be fair the opposition was to the way it was enacted more than to what was enacted.

Also to be fair most of the things that were enacted were stupid and did nothing to actually prevent people from getting COVID.

But they are obsessed with blaming China for it.

Because China is to blame for it?
New evidence from Biden's team. Yeah, same question. You idiots believe Biden's team over your orange fuhrer's team? Yes or No?
If it's new how could we believe or not beleive Trumps team, it's new, you get that right, as in wasn't there before
This is what amazes me about Conservatives in their response to COVID

They fought every attempt to control COVID once it hit our shores. They fought the shutdown, masks, social distancing, vaccines…….anything that would actually fight the virus.

But they are obsessed with blaming China for it.
Turns out we were right to do so!
China is an economic adversary. We need to fight them on that front.

We will also invoke sanctions if they start sending weapons.

They are an adversary on every front.

Biden will treat China with kid gloves no matter what. They have too much leverage due to his son's business dealings. Any sanctions would be for show and for show only.

If Trump had been re-elected, China would be in a real economic bind now.
A hundred thousand died unnecessarily because of Republican misinformation

Or, millions died around the world because the US funded research and "accidently" let it escape just before the 2020 election, which was a sure victory for Trump pre-COVID. Lockdowns and unnecessary hysteria has caused much world-wide economic hardship and death.
A hundred thousand died unnecessarily because of Republican misinformation
Not true, in the early days before it got here, Faucci misinformed everybody as did Nancy, and other democrats, they were going to China town , saying don't change your lifestyle they called Trump names for shutting travel from China
The report clearly states that there's "low confidence" that COVID-19 came from a lab, but of course Republicans lie about it.

If Republicans didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say!
Doesn't that also mean they have more confidence that it came from a lab than it being naturally occurring?
Do not have any real idea if this was a lab release or not we probably never will know beyond a shadow of a doubt. Most things tend to point to it coming from a lab release. Doubt it was intentional.
However the simple fact that they allowed international travel after they knew that Covid was out and running rampant while Shutting down travel into China was completely irresponsible and should be viewed as almost intentional.
Somebody needs to explain why they let sick US citizens from Wuhan into the US right before the pandemic started. (Nothing to see here.....move along)
Also, somebody needs to explain why Biden refuses to vaccinate or even test illegals for diseases when they're captured and carted all over the country.
Not true, in the early days before it got here, Faucci misinformed everybody as did Nancy, and other democrats, they were going to China town , saying don't change your lifestyle they called Trump names for shutting travel from China

Democrats conveniently forget this. Even if it was purely coincidental, Democrats saw the pandemic as an opportunity to hurt Trump. They couldn't care less about lives. They initially didn't care much about it and called Trump xenophobic when he attempted travel restrictions. Pelosi, among others, was very dismissive. That is because they needed the virus to get here. Once here, they then started creating hysteria so they could get lockdowns and all the other things they believed they could use to harm Trump's re-election. Notice how they started downplaying again once Biden took over.

The trained sheep that vote for these people are incapable of figuring this stuff out. To them, it is akin to questioning someone's religion.
Just exactly how did Trump all of the sudden earn the trust of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and restart funding?

He didn't need their trust. Besides, you think I think they are any better? LOL

He didn't need anyone to overturn a presidential pause in the funding. As president that was his call.

But you know all this already.

He couldn't event get a few bucks for a border wall. How is he going to go about restarting funding that Obama supposedly started....then stopped?

And for that matter....why was the funding going on in the first place? If Obama stopped the GD funding why did he start it in the first fucking place? This has all been discussed at length in congressional hearings, to which Dr Fauci claims isn't true. No Gain of Function research was conducted by the US.....nevermind the fact that a US university was talking about actually doing it inside the US at the Unv of Wisconsin.

I have NO idea what it was started nor do I support it at all. You and so many others expect me to defend things I do not even support.

It's the brainwashing. To you since I condemn Trump for starting it up, I have to support Obama for initially funding it.

I do not. I did not vote for Obama.

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