U.S. Fighter Jet Shoots Down Syrian Government Plane


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
As our friends on the left and their pawns in the media fawn over fabricated crimes and non existent cover ups, shit is getting real in the ME...

A U.S. strike aircraft shot down a Syrian government fighter jet shortly after it bombed U.S.-backed Syrian fighters in North Syria, the Pentagon said in a statement Sunday. The Pentagon said the shoot-down came hours after Syrian government-backed forces attacked U.S.-backed fighters, known as the Syrian Democratic Forces, in the village of Ja’Din. As the attack unfolded, the U.S. military used a deconfliction channel to communicate with the Syrian government to stop the skirmish, according to the Pentagon statement. Roughly two hours later, despite the called-for stand down, a Syrian Su-22 jet dropped an unknown number of munitions on the Syrian Democratic Forces. A U.S. F/A-18 promptly shot the Syrian aircraft down “in accordance with rules of engagement and in collective self-defense of coalition partnered forces,” the Pentagon statement said.


As our friends on the left and their pawns in the media fawn over fabricated crimes and non existent cover ups, shit is getting real in the ME...

A U.S. strike aircraft shot down a Syrian government fighter jet shortly after it bombed U.S.-backed Syrian fighters in North Syria, the Pentagon said in a statement Sunday. The Pentagon said the shoot-down came hours after Syrian government-backed forces attacked U.S.-backed fighters, known as the Syrian Democratic Forces, in the village of Ja’Din. As the attack unfolded, the U.S. military used a deconfliction channel to communicate with the Syrian government to stop the skirmish, according to the Pentagon statement. Roughly two hours later, despite the called-for stand down, a Syrian Su-22 jet dropped an unknown number of munitions on the Syrian Democratic Forces. A U.S. F/A-18 promptly shot the Syrian aircraft down “in accordance with rules of engagement and in collective self-defense of coalition partnered forces,” the Pentagon statement said.



"Damascus, SANA-The Army general command announced on Sunday that the air force of the so-called “international coalition” targeted one of the army’s warplanes in al-Rasafah region in Raqqa southern countryside while it was carrying out a combatant mission against ISIS terrorist organization, causing it to down and missing its pilot.

The General command said in a statement that the flagrant aggression undoubtedly affirms the US real stance in support of terrorism which aims to affect the capability of the Syrian Arab army- the only active force- along with its allies that practice its legitimate right in combating terrorism all over Syria.

“The attack stresses coordination between the US and ISIS, and it reveals the evil intentions of the US in administrating terrorism and investing it to pass the US-Zionist project in the region.” The statement added.

It affirmed that such aggressions would not affect the Syrian Arab army in its determination to continue the fight against ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organizations and to restore security and stability to all Syrian territories."

Army general command: international coalition air force targets an army’s warplane in Raqqa countryside – Syrian Arab News Agency
As our friends on the left and their pawns in the media fawn over fabricated crimes and non existent cover ups, shit is getting real in the ME...

A U.S. strike aircraft shot down a Syrian government fighter jet shortly after it bombed U.S.-backed Syrian fighters in North Syria, the Pentagon said in a statement Sunday. The Pentagon said the shoot-down came hours after Syrian government-backed forces attacked U.S.-backed fighters, known as the Syrian Democratic Forces, in the village of Ja’Din. As the attack unfolded, the U.S. military used a deconfliction channel to communicate with the Syrian government to stop the skirmish, according to the Pentagon statement. Roughly two hours later, despite the called-for stand down, a Syrian Su-22 jet dropped an unknown number of munitions on the Syrian Democratic Forces. A U.S. F/A-18 promptly shot the Syrian aircraft down “in accordance with rules of engagement and in collective self-defense of coalition partnered forces,” the Pentagon statement said.



Well at least you are not backing ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front anymore like Obama was, you know the "Moderate Rebels" aka the Al-Nusra Front.

The Syrian Democratic Forces are a very complicated group, primarily they consist of Kurds, Assyrians, Arabs, Armenians and others, I think about 35% of the SDF are Kurds, they've been fighting for about two years against ISIS, the Al-Nusra Front, Turkey backed Militias, Salafists and Al-Qaeda spin off groupings

The Syrian Democratic Forces have also been supported by Russia since early 2016.

That America is now supporting the SDA is going to pit America directly against Turkey who are sworn enemies of the SDA because of the high numbers of Kurds and Armenians in the SDA.
To think we have the right to shoot down a Syrian forces plane is the height of fucking evil arrogance and extremely fool hardy. It is their country after all. But hey go for WWIII if you want to.

I'd like someone to explain to me why we back any group that is and has been affiliated with AQ in Syria.
They are worried about an Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey axis. Look how desperately they try to prevent a Syrian-Iraqi connection. They already failed.

Except for the Syrian government, there is no group or party in this war the US isn´t supporting. They are fueling this war to keep it up and running but as a day passed by the Syrian military has become a bit stronger.
I'd like someone to explain to me why we back any group that is and has been affiliated with AQ in Syria.

Well that was America under Obama that you were backing the Al-Nusra Front aka Jabhat al-Nusra aka "Moderate Rebels", they were until mid-2016 Al-Qaeda in Syria, then they gave themselves this name change, they now early this year have another name change, they merged with about another five equally crazy Radical Islamist groups and are now known as Tahrir al-Sham (The Organisation for the Liberation of the Levant) and also at times again are now called Al-Qaeda in Syria.

You literally need a flow chart to keep up with these crazy groupings. I thankfully do have a flow chart :smoke:
The Syrian Democratic Forces have also been supported by Russia since early 2016.

yes ma'am - thx for bringing that up

that brings up an interesting question, if Trump is a pawn of Putin, as some like to claim, what in the hell are we doing with this action :dunno:
As our friends on the left and their pawns in the media fawn over fabricated crimes and non existent cover ups, shit is getting real in the ME...

A U.S. strike aircraft shot down a Syrian government fighter jet shortly after it bombed U.S.-backed Syrian fighters in North Syria, the Pentagon said in a statement Sunday. The Pentagon said the shoot-down came hours after Syrian government-backed forces attacked U.S.-backed fighters, known as the Syrian Democratic Forces, in the village of Ja’Din. As the attack unfolded, the U.S. military used a deconfliction channel to communicate with the Syrian government to stop the skirmish, according to the Pentagon statement. Roughly two hours later, despite the called-for stand down, a Syrian Su-22 jet dropped an unknown number of munitions on the Syrian Democratic Forces. A U.S. F/A-18 promptly shot the Syrian aircraft down “in accordance with rules of engagement and in collective self-defense of coalition partnered forces,” the Pentagon statement said.



Well at least you are not backing ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front anymore like Obama was, you know the "Moderate Rebels" aka the Al-Nusra Front.

The Syrian Democratic Forces are a very complicated group, primarily they consist of Kurds, Assyrians, Arabs, Armenians and others, I think about 35% of the SDF are Kurds, they've been fighting for about two years against ISIS, the Al-Nusra Front, Turkey backed Militias, Salafists and Al-Qaeda spin off groupings

The Syrian Democratic Forces have also been supported by Russia since early 2016.

That America is now supporting the SDA is going to pit America directly against Turkey who are sworn enemies of the SDA because of the high numbers of Kurds and Armenians in the SDA.

You know what? Fuck Turkey, seriously. We don't need them.

They need to stay their asses in their country, too.
I'd like someone to explain to me why we back any group that is and has been affiliated with AQ in Syria.

you are also bringing up an interesting point - Trump promised to end wars & US meddling in ME affairs

that is the one promise he has broken faith on - "mainstream" republicans are happy with it

I have mixed emotions on this, on the one hand, I trust our generals & want us to hit hard when it is warranted

on the other, I do want to see a more "isolationistic" stance

seems that the Syrians were launching an attack against our surrogates & we take their plane down

this story is tiddlywinks - the real threat looming is the damn NorKs...
To think we have the right to shoot down a Syrian forces plane is the height of fucking evil arrogance and extremely fool hardy. It is their country after all. But hey go for WWIII if you want to.


so, much has been made about Trump in that our allies are "worried" that we won't honor peacekeeping agreements & that we might let an ally get attacked without responding

today's action should put that fallacious concern to rest, AND dispel notions that Trump answers to Putin at the same time...
As our friends on the left and their pawns in the media fawn over fabricated crimes and non existent cover ups, shit is getting real in the ME...

A U.S. strike aircraft shot down a Syrian government fighter jet shortly after it bombed U.S.-backed Syrian fighters in North Syria, the Pentagon said in a statement Sunday. The Pentagon said the shoot-down came hours after Syrian government-backed forces attacked U.S.-backed fighters, known as the Syrian Democratic Forces, in the village of Ja’Din. As the attack unfolded, the U.S. military used a deconfliction channel to communicate with the Syrian government to stop the skirmish, according to the Pentagon statement. Roughly two hours later, despite the called-for stand down, a Syrian Su-22 jet dropped an unknown number of munitions on the Syrian Democratic Forces. A U.S. F/A-18 promptly shot the Syrian aircraft down “in accordance with rules of engagement and in collective self-defense of coalition partnered forces,” the Pentagon statement said.



Well at least you are not backing ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front anymore like Obama was, you know the "Moderate Rebels" aka the Al-Nusra Front.

The Syrian Democratic Forces are a very complicated group, primarily they consist of Kurds, Assyrians, Arabs, Armenians and others, I think about 35% of the SDF are Kurds, they've been fighting for about two years against ISIS, the Al-Nusra Front, Turkey backed Militias, Salafists and Al-Qaeda spin off groupings

The Syrian Democratic Forces have also been supported by Russia since early 2016.

That America is now supporting the SDA is going to pit America directly against Turkey who are sworn enemies of the SDA because of the high numbers of Kurds and Armenians in the SDA.

You know what? Fuck Turkey, seriously. We don't need them.

They need to stay their asses in their country, too.

I agree Fuck Turkey.

Turkey should not be allowed to be in NATO anymore, considering the actions of the psychopath Erdogan, which not only are him setting himself up as a Dictator, but also that there is Turkey's support for ISIS, Turkey should be thrown out of NATO, Turkey cannot be trusted, they are an enemy of The West.
And the maintenance crew promptly painted a Syrian flag on the Super Hornet.
Another one??

The US lead coalition shoots down another Syrian army plane???

Now almost every week they are doing that :mad-61:

This is getting ridiculous!

Are they for ISIS or against ISIS? :rolleyes-41:
Another one??

The US lead coalition shoots down another Syrian army plane???

Now almost every week they are doing that :mad-61:

This is getting ridiculous!

Are they for ISIS or against ISIS? :rolleyes-41:
Why should we be upset about this? Is Syria really our ally against ISIS?
Another one??

The US lead coalition shoots down another Syrian army plane???

Now almost every week they are doing that :mad-61:

This is getting ridiculous!

Are they for ISIS or against ISIS? :rolleyes-41:
Why should we be upset about this? Is Syria really our ally against ISIS?

Yes, Syria is against ISIS.
Another one??

The US lead coalition shoots down another Syrian army plane???

Now almost every week they are doing that :mad-61:

This is getting ridiculous!

Are they for ISIS or against ISIS? :rolleyes-41:

Skye what do you know that I don't?

I don't remember us shooting down jets with jets before in Syria.


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