U.S. Identifies Vast Riches of Minerals in Afghanistan

How is this good news? And for whom? If you think there were problems with tribal warfare in afghanistan before this announcement....well....just wait.

I'm highly confident in my prediction this will be used to justify sending in more US troops.

It's good news for us. If we act accordingly, this could help us get out of there. As for tribal warfare, that's going to be a problem no matter what happens. I mean, we really can't change thousands of years of Afghans being Afghans. That being said, as was my experience, the tribes will jockey for position on this and we can use it as a carrot and stick to keep them in line.

I suppose we'll see if this results in more troops or not. I think the biggest find was in Ghazni, and we've already got plenty of troops there.

Thank you.

Mining would produce thousands of well-paying jobs in Afghanistan and lead to a stable econmomy.

It would be like West Virginia.
How is this good news? And for whom? If you think there were problems with tribal warfare in afghanistan before this announcement....well....just wait.

I'm highly confident in my prediction this will be used to justify sending in more US troops.

Yes, as we all know, tribal warfare in afganistan is a function of the value of Afgani Rocks.

Curvey, you don't work up much sweat thinking before you post, do you:

***I'm trying to give your stupidity a positive spin.***

I'm not a gynecologist so why do the most toxic useless ***** seek my attention?

Here I try to give your idiocy a positive spin, and you begin to go into convulsions of frothy rudeness.

Well I tried.....

Now we'll need to resort to medication and a nice bowl of lime jello.
How is this good news? And for whom? If you think there were problems with tribal warfare in afghanistan before this announcement....well....just wait.

I'm highly confident in my prediction this will be used to justify sending in more US troops.

It's good news for us. If we act accordingly, this could help us get out of there. As for tribal warfare, that's going to be a problem no matter what happens. I mean, we really can't change thousands of years of Afghans being Afghans. That being said, as was my experience, the tribes will jockey for position on this and we can use it as a carrot and stick to keep them in line.

I suppose we'll see if this results in more troops or not. I think the biggest find was in Ghazni, and we've already got plenty of troops there.

Holy shit. You actually believe ~ I mean truly believe ~ we want to get out of afghanistan?
It's Nationalism because you still believe invading afghanistan had anything to do with defending the US. It's well known SA has protected and funded alkida:

Kagan helped shield Saudis from 9/11 lawsuits | Raw Story

That's just one minor blip. Moreover, the Taliban were not exactly best buddies with bin laden.....which is why they offered to help turn bin laden over to a third party if the US provided evidence bin laden had a role in 9E. They weren't asking for a first born child or even a court conviction. They simply asked for evidence and we had none to offer. Doesn't that send a red flag?

Call it what you will.

Under the code of pashtunwali the Taliban would have never given up Bin Laden and no amount of evidence we presented would have been sufficient. Nor was the Taliban's offier:

CNN.com - U.S. rejects Taliban offer to try bin Laden - October 7, 2001


Bin Laden and AQ were guests of the Taliban before, during, and after 9-11. The Taliban wouldn't surrender them. We were entirely justified to go into Afghanistan.

I know we'll never agree, but the underlying notion that we trumped up charges to go into Afghanistan for whatever reason is absurd IMO. They have nothing that we need.
How is this good news? And for whom? If you think there were problems with tribal warfare in afghanistan before this announcement....well....just wait.

I'm highly confident in my prediction this will be used to justify sending in more US troops.

It's good news for us. If we act accordingly, this could help us get out of there. As for tribal warfare, that's going to be a problem no matter what happens. I mean, we really can't change thousands of years of Afghans being Afghans. That being said, as was my experience, the tribes will jockey for position on this and we can use it as a carrot and stick to keep them in line.

I suppose we'll see if this results in more troops or not. I think the biggest find was in Ghazni, and we've already got plenty of troops there.

Holy shit. You actually believe ~ I mean truly believe ~ we want to get out of afghanistan?

No Curvey, we want it to become the 51st state.

Eat your jello, and then you can take a nice nap.
Holy shit. You actually believe ~ I mean truly believe ~ we want to get out of afghanistan?


You obviously believe otherwise, so we are at an impasse.

I have things to do today, so rather then spending 200 posts name calling, I am just going to leave it at that.

Damn, you've just spoiled the entertainment factor of this thread.

Nothing like pulling Curvey's Chain and Watching him Dance.
How is this good news? And for whom? If you think there were problems with tribal warfare in afghanistan before this announcement....well....just wait.

I'm highly confident in my prediction this will be used to justify sending in more US troops.

It's good news for us. If we act accordingly, this could help us get out of there. As for tribal warfare, that's going to be a problem no matter what happens. I mean, we really can't change thousands of years of Afghans being Afghans. That being said, as was my experience, the tribes will jockey for position on this and we can use it as a carrot and stick to keep them in line.

I suppose we'll see if this results in more troops or not. I think the biggest find was in Ghazni, and we've already got plenty of troops there.

Thank you.

Mining would produce thousands of well-paying jobs in Afghanistan and lead to a stable econmomy.

It would be like West Virginia.

Oh great.....just dandy....
Define "we". You serve or you riding the uniforms of those who do?

WHOA>>>>calm down ......Modbert has been here a while and he's no poser.

Thank you Patek. I obviously the U.S military when I said we. Since I'm not a member, that doesn't include me.

No offense was meant. I have a habit of growling at 'we'.

As far as I am concerned, 'we' can not have too many troops there. It is a shit hole of a place. For the sake of the Afghanis, I would like to see the US help them access their natural resources. Like others, I see the distinct possibility of the 'discovery' attracting attention from other nations. If countries are going to fight over the resources, it is in our, and the Afghanis, best interests for the US and the Brits to be there.
How is this good news? And for whom? If you think there were problems with tribal warfare in afghanistan before this announcement....well....just wait.

I'm highly confident in my prediction this will be used to justify sending in more US troops.

It's good news for us. If we act accordingly, this could help us get out of there. As for tribal warfare, that's going to be a problem no matter what happens. I mean, we really can't change thousands of years of Afghans being Afghans. That being said, as was my experience, the tribes will jockey for position on this and we can use it as a carrot and stick to keep them in line.

I suppose we'll see if this results in more troops or not. I think the biggest find was in Ghazni, and we've already got plenty of troops there.

Thank you.

Mining would produce thousands of well-paying jobs in Afghanistan and lead to a stable econmomy.

It would be like West Virginia.

why on earth do you think they would be paid? it would be slave labor just like in the congo and Dubai
It's good news for us. If we act accordingly, this could help us get out of there. As for tribal warfare, that's going to be a problem no matter what happens. I mean, we really can't change thousands of years of Afghans being Afghans. That being said, as was my experience, the tribes will jockey for position on this and we can use it as a carrot and stick to keep them in line.

I suppose we'll see if this results in more troops or not. I think the biggest find was in Ghazni, and we've already got plenty of troops there.

Thank you.

Mining would produce thousands of well-paying jobs in Afghanistan and lead to a stable econmomy.

It would be like West Virginia.

why on earth do you think they would be paid? it would be slave labor just like in the congo and Dubai

Actually, I was thinking of the Diamond Mines in South Africa.


Do you think it would matter?

This is priceless...ha ha ha.

How do you suppose Bush knew those deposits were there since they were only just recently discovered?

2007 is recent, but Bush was in charge then.

Say what? Afghanistan has $1 trillion in untapped mineral resources? | FP Passport
It's Nationalism because you still believe invading afghanistan had anything to do with defending the US. It's well known SA has protected and funded alkida:

Kagan helped shield Saudis from 9/11 lawsuits | Raw Story

That's just one minor blip. Moreover, the Taliban were not exactly best buddies with bin laden.....which is why they offered to help turn bin laden over to a third party if the US provided evidence bin laden had a role in 9E. They weren't asking for a first born child or even a court conviction. They simply asked for evidence and we had none to offer. Doesn't that send a red flag?

Call it what you will.

Under the code of pashtunwali the Taliban would have never given up Bin Laden and no amount of evidence we presented would have been sufficient. Nor was the Taliban's offier:

CNN.com - U.S. rejects Taliban offer to try bin Laden - October 7, 2001


Bin Laden and AQ were guests of the Taliban before, during, and after 9-11. The Taliban wouldn't surrender them. We were entirely justified to go into Afghanistan.

I know we'll never agree, but the underlying notion that we trumped up charges to go into Afghanistan for whatever reason is absurd IMO. They have nothing that we need.

Okay. All I can suggest is you do some serious studying on why we invaded and will continue occupying Afghanistan. It appears you believe you have sufficiently researched the issue and the worst part is you've decided to close your eyes.
Don't know if this link was posted but it has some pertinent info and I think this is a great example of how media-stoopid Americans have become. Think about it. Our media puts out a claim these resources are "newly discovered" and people swallow it without question.

Afghanistan - None of our business? - Auburn Journal

Of course our government and the multinational corporations knew about this long before the news was released to the public. It's naive for you to think you are part of some elite (non-stoopid) group, having done a groundbreaking Google search in a quest for the truth... :rolleyes:
Don't know if this link was posted but it has some pertinent info and I think this is a great example of how media-stoopid Americans have become. Think about it. Our media puts out a claim these resources are "newly discovered" and people swallow it without question.

Afghanistan - None of our business? - Auburn Journal

Of course our government and the multinational corporations knew about this long before the news was released to the public. It's naive for you to think you are part of some elite (non-stoopid) group, having done a groundbreaking Google search in a quest for the truth... :rolleyes:

It's arrogantly assumptive for you to jump a ship that's already sailed. Look how many idiots on this thread alone believe they are "newly discovered."
Don't know if this link was posted but it has some pertinent info and I think this is a great example of how media-stoopid Americans have become. Think about it. Our media puts out a claim these resources are "newly discovered" and people swallow it without question.

Afghanistan - None of our business? - Auburn Journal

Of course our government and the multinational corporations knew about this long before the news was released to the public. It's naive for you to think you are part of some elite (non-stoopid) group, having done a groundbreaking Google search in a quest for the truth... :rolleyes:

It's arrogantly assumptive for you to jump a ship that's already sailed. Look how many idiots on this thread alone believe they are "newly discovered."

Why do you call people idiots? Are you unable to discuss ideas and opinions without resorting to insults? :doubt:
Don't know if this link was posted but it has some pertinent info and I think this is a great example of how media-stoopid Americans have become. Think about it. Our media puts out a claim these resources are "newly discovered" and people swallow it without question.

Afghanistan - None of our business? - Auburn Journal

Of course our government and the multinational corporations knew about this long before the news was released to the public. It's naive for you to think you are part of some elite (non-stoopid) group, having done a groundbreaking Google search in a quest for the truth... :rolleyes:

Of course our government and the multinational corporations knew about this long before the news was released to the public. It's naive for you to think you are part of some elite (non-stoopid) group, having done a groundbreaking Google search in a quest for the truth... :rolleyes:

It's arrogantly assumptive for you to jump a ship that's already sailed. Look how many idiots on this thread alone believe they are "newly discovered."

Why do you call people idiots? Are you unable to discuss ideas and opinions without resorting to insults? :doubt:

What the fuck is this? An Oprah Sensitivty Round Circle class? Stop whining and get some thicker skin.

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