U.S. intel concludes China reported fake numbers to conceal true size of coronavirus outbreak

I have listened to “the word” of our own country’s “democratically elected” leaders lie us into disastrous wars. I “take the word” of dictators and totalitarians with even more skepticism.

Evidence of China’s success in slowing the virus is clear (whatever the final numbers), evidence of its economic successes even clearer — even though the statistics that State and CCP institutions provide is often opaque. Even in China there are multiple sources, if you know where to look, that sometimes reveal the truth. Until I see real evidence, I will remain agnostic on this issue and use my own judgement reviewing sources. If it turns out the “secret report” to Trump has solid evidence, based in the medical community in China, for example, I might change my opinion.
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China, Russia, Iran and North Korea are masters of taqiyya, kitman, treachery and deceit.Therefore, I don't believe a word any of them say and if this virus continues, a nuke on each of their capital cities would be proper.
I have listened to “the word” of our own country’s “democratically elected” leaders lie us into disastrous wars. I “take the word” of dictators and totalitarians with even more skepticism.

Evidence of China’s success in slowing the virus is clear (whatever the final numbers), evidence of its economic successes even clearer — even though the statistics that State and CCP institutions provide is often opaque. Even in China there are multiple sources, if you know where to look, that sometimes reveal the truth. Until I see real evidence, I will remain agnostic on this issue and use my own judgement reviewing sources. If it turns out the “secret report” to Trump has solid evidence, based in the medical community in China, for example, I might change my opinion.
The Chinese have consistently lied from the start of this plague and you think that they have equal footing for claims of veracity?

The fact that their mortuaries ordered ten thousand more runs than usual could be a clue.

Well, the “urn evidence” is pretty well totally debunked in the article I linked to. If you haven’t read that part, I urge you to consider it.
Totally debunked? Attacking the messenger and alleging US propaganda underlying the stories is not a debunking, doofus.

"RFA completely ignores the fact that residents have continued to die from other causes during the pandemic, as well as the backlog in funerals and cremations caused by the city’s several month long lockdown."

Yeah, other causes like pneumonia, the flu, starvation inside government barricaded apartment buildings, severe cough, lol. All kinds of other diagnosis were given to the cremators other than 'DIED FROM COVID19', but funny thing, the Chicoms refused to let them open any of the bags the corpses came in, and they refused to let family touch the remains. Isnt that rather odd for a death by cough?

You are a fucking moron.
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The U.S. mainstream media are everywhere reporting that U.S. security agencies have concluded China is hiding the real numbers of those infected and killed by Covid-19, and sent a secret report to Trump. But what is the reality? What does the report actually say about how many cases were hidden? When? Where? How was the information gathered? Why does everybody suddenly believe our security agencies?

I don’t know the answers to these questions and many others. The reports of tens of thousands more deaths could be — but I believe are probably not — true. I have always known and said that the XiJinping administration’s censorship and repression policies contributed to early bureaucratic bungling and delays, but I also praised its effective response once key decisions were made. Similarly, I agreed with the Trump administration’s restrictions on Chinese tourist flights effective early in January, but denounced its subsequent complacency, wrongheaded denials, and general failure to prepare seriously.

Here is an interesting (leftwing) article criticizing the U.S. media’s gullibility and supposed “anti-China bias,” which exposes many of the dubious and untrustworthy sources for U.S. media reporting on this subject. In my opinion it is worth reading:

You laud the murders of thousands in pursuit of the several hundred infected? I ask because THAT is the reality of a totalitarian response. China didn't bother to sort out the sick.....your admiration for their methods is a bit shallow.

The fact that their mortuaries ordered ten thousand more runs than usual could be a clue.

Well, the “urn evidence” is pretty well totally debunked in the article I linked to. If you haven’t read that part, I urge you to consider it.

LOL, right. You’re a dumb Chinese shill who regurgitates Chinese propaganda. You trust a country that has no freedom of speech or the press. Only state approved media is permitted, and no outside sources are allowed to verify anything in the country. But even in those state permitted stories, interesting facts come out. Like the fact they have locked down entire cities down to the city block and apartment buildings, literally with barbed wire.
I personally know a few Chinese originally from Wuhan with relatives still there. They know that people are starving there because of the lockdown. But, you know better because the MSM that self censors to meet Chinese standards has told you what to believe.

Now, crawl back into your grub hole.
The U.S. mainstream media are everywhere reporting that U.S. security agencies have concluded China is hiding the real numbers of those infected and killed by Covid-19, and sent a secret report to Trump. But what is the reality? What does the report actually say about how many cases were hidden? When? Where? How was the information gathered? Why does everybody suddenly believe our security agencies?

I don’t know the answers to these questions and many others. The reports of tens of thousands more deaths could be — but I believe are probably not — true. I have always known and said that the XiJinping administration’s censorship and repression policies contributed to early bureaucratic bungling and delays, but I also praised its effective response once key decisions were made. Similarly, I agreed with the Trump administration’s restrictions on Chinese tourist flights effective early in January, but denounced its subsequent complacency, wrongheaded denials, and general failure to prepare seriously.

Here is an interesting (leftwing) article criticizing the U.S. media’s gullibility and supposed “anti-China bias,” which exposes many of the dubious and untrustworthy sources for U.S. media reporting on this subject. In my opinion it is worth reading:

The mere fact that this thing became so global is a glaring clue that China is full of shit.
At least to people with a modicum of objectivity.
Something you obviously lack.

Lefties, cut your bullshit about racism and state or question if China as a global citizen and nation is doing its “fair share”?

China is like every other nation on the planet, they care about themselves first and foremost.

They have never been a very good "global citizen" and most of the "good" things they do have an ulterior motive.

Yet when US cares about ourselves, the Left calls us racists or intolerant.

Why do you care what the left calls you?

I don’t care what the Left calls us, I care what they or anyone else calls US particularly if they live in US.

Lefties, cut your bullshit about racism and state or question if China as a global citizen and nation is doing its “fair share”?

China Government is for China Government and cares only about itself and be damn with anyone else including their citizens!

Respectfully disagree. The CIA had built a site to weaponize viruses in .......drum roll .........Wuhan China

"The same day that the lab was controversially allowed to partially reopen, which was the result of heavy lobbying from the Pentagon, local news outlets reported that the lab had suffered “two breaches of containment” last year, though the nature of those breaches and the pathogens involved were redacted in the inspection findings report obtained by the Frederick News Post. Notably, USAMRIID has, since the 1980s, worked closely with virologists and virology labs in Wuhan, China, where the first epicenter of the current novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) cases emerged. The Chinese government has since alleged that the virus had been brought to China by members of the U.S. military, members of which attended the World Military Games in the country last October. "

Is that the official Chinese Government line that the U.S. unleashed the virus?

Then why not take it to the U.N. and have the WHO investigate it with giving all information to be reviewed?

I bet China Government will refuse and say the evidence is no longer in their control or was destroyed by accident!
View attachment 318110
The U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick.

Sloppiness and carelessness at Fort Detrick has been well documented by the Frederick News Post .

But if you were paying attention to the events prior to December 2019 you knew that Netanyahu had asked US warmongers and Likudnicks to destroy Iran, Sanctions were imposed on Iran but China continued doing business with Iran.

Suddenly at a site where the CIA has a lab, Wuhan, a deadly virus is unleashed which affects China and Iran.

You do the math,

The virus was not produced in a lab.


Lefties, cut your bullshit about racism and state or question if China as a global citizen and nation is doing its “fair share”?

China Government is for China Government and cares only about itself and be damn with anyone else including their citizens!

Respectfully disagree. The CIA had built a site to weaponize viruses in .......drum roll .........Wuhan China

"The same day that the lab was controversially allowed to partially reopen, which was the result of heavy lobbying from the Pentagon, local news outlets reported that the lab had suffered “two breaches of containment” last year, though the nature of those breaches and the pathogens involved were redacted in the inspection findings report obtained by the Frederick News Post. Notably, USAMRIID has, since the 1980s, worked closely with virologists and virology labs in Wuhan, China, where the first epicenter of the current novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) cases emerged. The Chinese government has since alleged that the virus had been brought to China by members of the U.S. military, members of which attended the World Military Games in the country last October. "

Is that the official Chinese Government line that the U.S. unleashed the virus?

Then why not take it to the U.N. and have the WHO investigate it with giving all information to be reviewed?

I bet China Government will refuse and say the evidence is no longer in their control or was destroyed by accident!
View attachment 318110
The U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick.

Sloppiness and carelessness at Fort Detrick has been well documented by the Frederick News Post .

But if you were paying attention to the events prior to December 2019 you knew that Netanyahu had asked US warmongers and Likudnicks to destroy Iran, Sanctions were imposed on Iran but China continued doing business with Iran.

Suddenly at a site where the CIA has a lab, Wuhan, a deadly virus is unleashed which affects China and Iran.

You do the math,

The virus was not produced in a lab.

Per the South China post...........LOL

A RAG site reporting PRAVDA from a RAG site in China............LOL

Tell them dumbasses to stop eating crap unfit for Human consumption............SARs in 2003 came from them eating BS too..............

Their eating habbits because of their massive population HAS FUCKED THE WORLD............


Lefties, cut your bullshit about racism and state or question if China as a global citizen and nation is doing its “fair share”?
Shut up right wing wacko. Scientists have found that the virus may not have originated in China and in fact has been around for years.

What scientists? Who? Where? How? Validation and / or empirical data to back up what you say on these boards will go a long way. Further, my argument was not in and around where the virus ultimately originated. Factually speaking, this specific pandemic is being mapped to Wuan and I am holding China as a nation and global citizen accountable.

Lefties, cut your bullshit about racism and state or question if China as a global citizen and nation is doing its “fair share”?
Shut up right wing wacko. Scientists have found that the virus may not have originated in China and in fact has been around for years.
In animals DIP SHIT................And would have still been there if China would stop eating crap unfit for Human Consumption.

Same as SARs in 2003.

Talking heads are trending towards a War with China mentality...........And China's is pointing fingers at us with PRAVDA.............They might end up causing what normally happens after Chaos in the world.

You make designs and set standards. The build it for you faster and cheaper
That only lasts for a short time, maybe two generations till china learns to design it themselves

then they open factories in America and make us build it for them
The U.S. mainstream media are everywhere reporting that U.S. security agencies have concluded China is hiding the real numbers of those infected and killed by Covid-19, and sent a secret report to Trump. But what is the reality? What does the report actually say about how many cases were hidden? When? Where? How was the information gathered? Why does everybody suddenly believe our security agencies?

I don’t know the answers to these questions and many others. The reports of tens of thousands more deaths could be — but I believe are probably not — true. I have always known and said that the XiJinping administration’s censorship and repression policies contributed to early bureaucratic bungling and delays, but I also praised its effective response once key decisions were made. Similarly, I agreed with the Trump administration’s restrictions on Chinese tourist flights effective early in January, but denounced its subsequent complacency, wrongheaded denials, and general failure to prepare seriously.

Here is an interesting (leftwing) article criticizing the U.S. media’s gullibility and supposed “anti-China bias,” which exposes many of the dubious and untrustworthy sources for U.S. media reporting on this subject. In my opinion it is worth reading:

Communist systems are inherently controlled. If the state produces a million glass lenses they work very hard to produce exactly 500,000 frames for this glass.

When funeral homes exponentially more urns than they would ever need in regular times and families are being paid to avoid the Qingming Festival, a festival starting soon in which citizens come out to pray for their recent dead, you know something is up.

The government doesn't want 50,000 families out in the open praying for their recently passed families, they don't want Western media there to see it and report on it. People there are already outraged even as some MSM networks do the communists parties bidding for them. Even as multiple doctors and whistleblowers have disappeared or are dead.

Communists by nature, and weak, flaky, power drive, cowardly liars. They are taught to lie by their parents, they lie as adults, they lie on their deathbed. They are the worst of the worst among us. Their belief truth is only for them to know, not for you. This is how ALL centralized systems work to varying degrees.

So, you piece together the basic nature of this system and it's overlords, combined with it's desire to protect itself from economic and political harm that the entire world is angry about, you will see a motivation to destroy facts not seen since Tiananmen Square
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If the Op thinks that in a country of 1.2 Billion stopped a virus more transmittable than the Flu then I have some Ocean Front Property to sell you in Arizona.

No dang way they stopped it cold.........Math doesn't lie.......They are lying.....Gov'ts like that always Lie.

Taiwan called them on it early on and got Trashed by the WHO for it. WHO is China's bitch........WHO was calling Taiwan China.............in response to them......Taiwan, CHINA ......LOL

If the Op wants to believe China that is his problem.
The U.S. mainstream media are everywhere reporting that U.S. security agencies have concluded China is hiding the real numbers of those infected and killed by Covid-19, and sent a secret report to Trump. But what is the reality? What does the report actually say about how many cases were hidden? When? Where? How was the information gathered? Why does everybody suddenly believe our security agencies?

I don’t know the answers to these questions and many others. The reports of tens of thousands more deaths could be — but I believe are probably not — true. I have always known and said that the XiJinping administration’s censorship and repression policies contributed to early bureaucratic bungling and delays, but I also praised its effective response once key decisions were made. Similarly, I agreed with the Trump administration’s restrictions on Chinese tourist flights effective early in January, but denounced its subsequent complacency, wrongheaded denials, and general failure to prepare seriously.

Here is an interesting (leftwing) article criticizing the U.S. media’s gullibility and supposed “anti-China bias,” which exposes many of the dubious and untrustworthy sources for U.S. media reporting on this subject. In my opinion it is worth reading:

They really cant hear you. Its like Frank Burns has come back to life.
It is amazing that people who believe any half baked conspiracy theory against their government should believe that government in this instance.
The Chinese like partnering with the best designers. In the tool industry they have good relations with the Germans, US, Japanese and. believe it or not, Spaniards which have been excellent at inventing and producing super high quality tools since around WW2.Even a good Chinese designer(like a few I know) will flat out tell you "I don't know where some peoples come up with all these things". Often a friend of mine refers to Jap/German and mechanical devices which is the business he is in. Specifically industrial abrasives. He makes super high quality but admits fast the actual materials and designs from elsewhere.He was simply able to make them, source materials and up quality while being more than competitive. Fucking Capitalist :stir:

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