U.S. Rep. Ron Paul receives more military donations than Obama

there was no independent candidate in the general election. and i would never waste my vote anyhow.

i voted for hillary in the primary.

i wouldn't vote for ron paul if he paid me. he's an idiot.

but i do find paulian zealots amusingly ignorant.
Says the **** who couldn't tell the difference between a poll and military contributions?

Why don't you do us all a fucking favor and stop typing shit here, you clearly have no idea what you're even reading. Hell I doubt you even read, I'm guessing you're some overweight redneck who sits at home and likes to pretend that she's got a fucking clue about what's going on in the world cuz she listens to Rush Limbaugh and watches Bill O'Reilly.


negged for an array of low IQ reasons and piss poor upbringing.

Oh so y'all neg me for calling out a dumbass with harsh language but when that particular dumbass or another dumbass uses harsh language like calling people 'nutsacks' it's all good?

I'm starting to see the hypocritical flocking here...

Here are the facts that people ignore in this thread Ron Paul is the only candidate on the Republican side to have served in the military, Gingrinch said he couldn't cuz he wasn't eligible or he had a wife (some BS). Ron Paul gets more than twice the military contributions that all the other Republican candidates and Obama get combined.

Ron Paul's top three donors are the Army, the Airforce and the Navy. Mitt Romney's top three donors are banks Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, and Morgan Stanley.

Now I assume everyone doesn't like these big banks especially these mainstream Repubs who claim to hate the bailouts. But they're willing to put the candidate who's top three contributions are from big banks some of em' who took bailout money?

Says the **** who couldn't tell the difference between a poll and military contributions?

Why don't you do us all a fucking favor and stop typing shit here, you clearly have no idea what you're even reading. Hell I doubt you even read, I'm guessing you're some overweight redneck who sits at home and likes to pretend that she's got a fucking clue about what's going on in the world cuz she listens to Rush Limbaugh and watches Bill O'Reilly.


negged for an array of low IQ reasons and piss poor upbringing.

Oh so y'all neg me for calling out a dumbass with harsh language but when that particular dumbass or another dumbass uses harsh language like calling people 'nutsacks' it's all good?

I'm starting to see the hypocritical flocking here...

Here are the facts that people ignore in this thread Ron Paul is the only candidate on the Republican side to have served in the military, Gingrinch said he couldn't cuz he wasn't eligible or he had a wife (some BS). Ron Paul gets more than twice the military contributions that all the other Republican candidates and Obama get combined.

Ron Paul's top three donors are the Army, the Airforce and the Navy. Mitt Romney's top three donors are banks Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, and Morgan Stanley.

Now I assume everyone doesn't like these big banks especially these mainstream Repubs who claim to hate the bailouts. But they're willing to put the candidate who's top three contributions are from big banks some of em' who took bailout money?


Why the fuck are you so angry junior?
Says the **** who couldn't tell the difference between a poll and military contributions?

Why don't you do us all a fucking favor and stop typing shit here, you clearly have no idea what you're even reading. Hell I doubt you even read, I'm guessing you're some overweight redneck who sits at home and likes to pretend that she's got a fucking clue about what's going on in the world cuz she listens to Rush Limbaugh and watches Bill O'Reilly.


negged for an array of low IQ reasons and piss poor upbringing.

Oh so y'all neg me for calling out a dumbass with harsh language but when that particular dumbass or another dumbass uses harsh language like calling people 'nutsacks' it's all good?

I'm starting to see the hypocritical flocking here...

Here are the facts that people ignore in this thread Ron Paul is the only candidate on the Republican side to have served in the military, Gingrinch said he couldn't cuz he wasn't eligible or he had a wife (some BS). Ron Paul gets more than twice the military contributions that all the other Republican candidates and Obama get combined.

Ron Paul's top three donors are the Army, the Airforce and the Navy. Mitt Romney's top three donors are banks Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, and Morgan Stanley.

Now I assume everyone doesn't like these big banks especially these mainstream Repubs who claim to hate the bailouts. But they're willing to put the candidate who's top three contributions are from big banks some of em' who took bailout money?


Well said, but you left out Barack Obama.

Obama attacks banks while raking in Wall Street dough...

Despite his rhetorical attacks on Wall Street, a study by the Sunlight Foundation’s Influence Project shows that President Barack Obama has received more money from Wall Street than any other politician over the past 20 years, including former President George W. Bush.

In 2008, Wall Street’s largesse accounted for 20 percent of Obama’s total take, according to Reuters

Read more: Sunlight Foundation | Barack Obama | Wall Street Money | The Daily Caller
negged for an array of low IQ reasons and piss poor upbringing.

Oh so y'all neg me for calling out a dumbass with harsh language but when that particular dumbass or another dumbass uses harsh language like calling people 'nutsacks' it's all good?

I'm starting to see the hypocritical flocking here...

Here are the facts that people ignore in this thread Ron Paul is the only candidate on the Republican side to have served in the military, Gingrinch said he couldn't cuz he wasn't eligible or he had a wife (some BS). Ron Paul gets more than twice the military contributions that all the other Republican candidates and Obama get combined.

Ron Paul's top three donors are the Army, the Airforce and the Navy. Mitt Romney's top three donors are banks Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, and Morgan Stanley.

Now I assume everyone doesn't like these big banks especially these mainstream Repubs who claim to hate the bailouts. But they're willing to put the candidate who's top three contributions are from big banks some of em' who took bailout money?


Well said, but you left out Barack Obama.

Obama attacks banks while raking in Wall Street dough...

Despite his rhetorical attacks on Wall Street, a study by the Sunlight Foundation’s Influence Project shows that President Barack Obama has received more money from Wall Street than any other politician over the past 20 years, including former President George W. Bush.

In 2008, Wall Street’s largesse accounted for 20 percent of Obama’s total take, according to Reuters

Read more: Sunlight Foundation | Barack Obama | Wall Street Money | The Daily Caller

how can you NOT be against corruption within an entity, but still pro that entity? Dense.

Come on guys read a little for once, this board seems to have a bunch of guys who don't partake in political debates but rather ad homiens and opinion stating. An indication they're scared shitless perhaps?
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Yikes the burn!

Come on guys read a little for once, this board seems to have a bunch of guys who don't partake in political debates but rather ad homiens and opinion stating. An indication they're scared shitless perhaps?

You are cursing too junior, so that means you are using "ad hominen" too retard.
Here are the facts that people ignore in this thread Ron Paul is the only candidate on the Republican side to have served in the military....

Who gives a fuck? He served, so did I, so did a lot of posters on these boards.

Where did you serve, nutsack?
Here are the facts that people ignore in this thread Ron Paul is the only candidate on the Republican side to have served in the military....

Who gives a fuck? He served, so did I, so did a lot of posters on these boards.

Where did you serve, nutsack?

I give a fuck as well as many other people? Why the hell would I serve when he hadn't had a real war that defended us in the last century?

And hey look I'm getting neg rep too!

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul... 02-09-2012 02:44 PM Warrior102 Let's see if I can knock you down to zero, you assfucking little beaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatch

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul... 02-09-2012 02:42 PM High_Gravity Fuckin ass clown.

Y'all are hella dumb point black and you can't see the difference between what I do and what you're doing cuz you're scum.

Here are the facts that people ignore in this thread Ron Paul is the only candidate on the Republican side to have served in the military....

Who gives a fuck? He served, so did I, so did a lot of posters on these boards.

Where did you serve, nutsack?

I give a fuck as well as many other people? Why the hell would I serve when he hadn't had a real war that defended us in the last century?

And hey look I'm getting neg rep too!

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul... 02-09-2012 02:44 PM Warrior102 Let's see if I can knock you down to zero, you assfucking little beaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatch

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul... 02-09-2012 02:42 PM High_Gravity Fuckin ass clown.

Y'all are hella dumb point black and you can't see the difference between what I do and what you're doing cuz you're scum.


You neg repped me first ass wipe, don't dish shit out if you can't take it back in return youngster.
Hmm interesting. In the Air Force we have a specialty like that called Services but they don't cut hair though.

Everything done aboard ship back in my day was done by Sailors - no civvies, except for the occasion Contractor who was aboard usually for weps or engineering issues.

Nowadays in Obama's Navy - who knows what goes on aboard ship.

They probably have gay dances on the mess decks on Saturday night with pizza helo'd in from Domino's.
Why the hell would I serve when he hadn't had a real war that defended us in the last century?

So you'd only serve your country if you "agreed" with the specific war?

Sounds cowardly to me.

I bet all those guys that were drafted in Vietnam and died would appreciate that view immensely.

Move to Canada, asslips.
Let's see why I negged you, oh right cuz instead of actually addressing anything I said you wanna pretend like I'm mad for stating facts and pointing out the clear stupidity of the logic found in mainstream Repubs and just ignore everything I said.

You negged me cuz I called you out on it, good stuff.

I'll deal with it but hey there's definitely a double standard with stupidity winning on these boards. But that doesn't surprise me there will always be more stupid people than sensible people. That's how this reality operates.

Why the hell would I serve when he hadn't had a real war that defended us in the last century?

So you'd only serve your country if you "agreed" with the specific war?

Sounds cowardly to me.

I bet all those guys that were drafted in Vietnam and died would appreciate that view immensely.

Move to Canada, asslips.

No I wouldn't fight a fucking occupation war cuz it's not defending this nation, hey sorry I don't believe in bombing little kids from a plane. I could do that and be a 'hero' in your eyes, AMIRITE?

I'm sure you're one of those people who are proud of what those soldiers did in Abu Grhaib, hell I think you even wish you could partake in ass fucking dead Iraqis yourself to prove yourself.
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Hmm interesting. In the Air Force we have a specialty like that called Services but they don't cut hair though.

Everything done aboard ship back in my day was done by Sailors - no civvies, except for the occasion Contractor who was aboard usually for weps or engineering issues.

Nowadays in Obama's Navy - who knows what goes on aboard ship.

They probably have gay dances on the mess decks on Saturday night with pizza helo'd in from Domino's.

Who knows, fuck I got out back in 07 and now in the Air Force the uniforms are competely different and DADT is gone, talking to my buddies that are still in its like a different world now in the service.
Let's see why I negged you, oh right cuz instead of actually addressing anything I said you wanna pretend like I'm mad for stating facts and pointing out the clear stupidity of the logic found in mainstream Repubs and just ignore everything I said.

You negged me cuz I called you out on it, good stuff.

I'll deal with it but hey there's definitely a double standard with stupidity winning on these boards. But that doesn't surprise me there will always be more stupid people than sensible people. That's how this reality operates.

So? you negged me and Warrior and than complain like a broken hearted stripper when you get the negs back?:cuckoo:
No I wouldn't fight a fucking occupation war cuz it's not defending this nation, hey sorry I don't believe in bombing little kids from a plane. I could do that and be a 'hero' in your eyes, AMIRITE?

No, you're a flaming fucking moron.

Are we speaking Vietnamese, Korean or Arabic?
Of course not.
Someone's defending your pathetic sissy ass.
That someone is the U.S. Military.
Who knows, fuck I got out back in 07 and now in the Air Force the uniforms are competely different and DADT is gone, talking to my buddies that are still in its like a different world now in the service.

Well, I got out in 99 and I can tell you - it's 360 today than it was back then.

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