U.S.S.R, err, I mean, U.S. maintaining SECRET prisons

It is bothersome when Bush makes a speech about eliminating the ability to have an anonymous email account, but we still will not profile the ACTUAL ENEMY at security points. If we're going to fight terror we must decouple the fight from political correctness, or abandon it all together, because the way we're going now THE PEOPLE ARE THE ENEMY OF THE STATE.

Heck--we can't even admit who the real enemies are much less do anything about em.
Heck--we can't even admit who the real enemies are much less do anything about em.

And so we're settling for the insane conclusion that "heck we all could be the enemy". I'd just soon abandon the whole war on terror if we're going to lock down the entire society instead of doing what's rational.
And so we're settling for the insane conclusion that "heck we all could be the enemy". I'd just soon abandon the whole war on terror if we're going to lock down the entire society instead of doing what's rational.

May as well---if the libs can't see an enemy til he beheads thier families and destroys thier entire way of life, we don't stand much of a chance.
It is bothersome when Bush makes a speech about eliminating the ability to have an anonymous email account, but we still will not profile the ACTUAL ENEMY at security points.

When did Bush say that?

Got a link?

I'd be lost without my Yahoo! email. Keeps the spam off my real one.
The never of An American citizen comparing the United States of America to the USSR......
Maybe you should move there to get a real good feel for it...
Uhh, I already live in the U.S. I assume that's what you're talking about, since it would be impossible to move to the USSR.

Oh, and I do have plenty of never. Plenty of it.
When did Bush say that?

Got a link?

I'd be lost without my Yahoo! email. Keeps the spam off my real one.

did you try to google it yourself?

I heard it in his speech the other day.

If you're denying he said it, I'll go find it for you. Otherwise, I'm a fool to do your dirty work.
Of course you feel that way, you're an American hatin' terrorist.

The Aerica-hater around here is you and your endless, nonsensical extremist gibberish. You continually ignore any context and/or facts that disagree with you just so you can point your alarmist finger at someone and claim conspiracy.

Get a therapist.
Man, have you been watching the news at all, or do you live under a rock?

No, i saw the news reports start several days later about it. But that doesnt change the fact that you didnt cite any references which could have saved a large amount of time on this issue.

If you want create discussion on an issue you need to support your original posts. We are not here to do your research for you.
"would be" living in perpetual fear?

Sounds like you already are.

How are we living in fear when we recognize valid threats of our enemies and act to counter them? We have no reason to live in fear then. We would only be living in fear if our leaders were refusing to see the threats for what they are. Which is exactly why John Kerry's Presidency would have left Americans living in fear rather than acting to take control of their own destinies.
If you would kindly read over the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution you'll see that the Constitution and ANY RATIFIED TREATY are laws which SUPERCEDE ALL OTHER LAWS, federal, state, and local.

And considering Bush has supposedly agreed to adhere to our treaty obligations, it would be nice if he actually did.

Can you name a verifiable method of determining whether or not U.S. citizens are being held in these prisons?

Glockmail clearly asked you for what clause of the Geneva Convention calls for us to disclose the location of prisons. The Supremacy clause of the Constitution isnt part of the Geneva Convention. Nor would Al Qaida members have any claim on the protections of the Geneva Convention because treaties are reciprical agreements among states. Al Qaida is not a state. It has not signed the Geneva Convention. Why you insist on granting them rights not entitled to them through US and International law is beyond human comprehension.
Glockmail clearly asked you for what clause of the Geneva Convention calls for us to disclose the location of prisons. The Supremacy clause of the Constitution isnt part of the Geneva Convention. Nor would Al Qaida members have any claim on the protections of the Geneva Convention because treaties are reciprical agreements among states. Al Qaida is not a state. It has not signed the Geneva Convention. Why you insist on granting them rights not entitled to them through US and International law is beyond human comprehension.

ST after beatdown: :crutch:

That HAD to hurt.:rotflmao:
The Aerica-hater around here is you and your endless, nonsensical extremist gibberish. You continually ignore any context and/or facts that disagree with you just so you can point your alarmist finger at someone and claim conspiracy.

Get a therapist.

Facts and context? You've supplied NEITHER.
No, i saw the news reports start several days later about it. But that doesnt change the fact that you didnt cite any references which could have saved a large amount of time on this issue.

If you want create discussion on an issue you need to support your original posts. We are not here to do your research for you.

Do you want me to start any post having to do with the Iraq War with a link that proves the Iraq war exists?

Whenever I refer to President BUsh, should I provide a link with evidence that he is President?

Wasted time? You're the one who wasted the time, asking for a link to provide evidence for something that anyone who pays any attention at all to the news knows about.
How are we living in fear when we recognize valid threats of our enemies and act to counter them?
I fail to see how breaking our own laws is going to help anything.
We have no reason to live in fear then. We would only be living in fear if our leaders were refusing to see the threats for what they are.

You mean like...

the cargo holds of passenger planes,

the friendly nation visa program,

our porous border

our failed communications systems

What has Bush done about these security leaks?
Wow, nothing.

Which is exactly why John Kerry's Presidency would have left Americans living in fear rather than acting to take control of their own destinies.
Its 2006.
How are we living in fear when we recognize valid threats of our enemies and act to counter them?
I fail to see how breaking our own laws is going to help anything.

You mean like...

the cargo holds of passenger planes,

the friendly nation visa program,

our porous border

our failed communications systems

What has Bush done about these security leaks?
Wow, nothing.

Its 2006.

All I can say is, THANKS for the help Tuba.:banana:

You sure bring A LOT to the party.:asshole:
Do you want me to start any post having to do with the Iraq War with a link that proves the Iraq war exists?

Whenever I refer to President BUsh, should I provide a link with evidence that he is President?

Wasted time? You're the one who wasted the time, asking for a link to provide evidence for something that anyone who pays any attention at all to the news knows about.

You were asked to provide neither hypothetical. You WERE asked to provide evidence to support your accusations; which, you have not, and replied merely with deflections.
the USSR no longer exists moron......the US spent them out of existance.....
If you would kindly read over the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution you'll see that the Constitution and ANY RATIFIED TREATY are laws which SUPERCEDE ALL OTHER LAWS, federal, state, and local.....

Perhaps you can explain to me how this grants Constitutional rights to our enemies.
Perhaps you can explain to me how this grants Constitutional rights to our enemies.

Depends on whether or not you consider rights under our treaty obligations to be "Constitutional" or not. The Constitution binds our treaties into supreme law, but the rights under our treaties are certainly not written in the Constitution. Its really just a question of definition, though, so I wouldn't get too upset over it. You can either consider the rights under the Geneva Conventions to be a kind of Constitutional right, or a separate set of rights that the Constitution protects but which are not part of the Constitution - either way, I don't care.

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