U.S. State Dept.: Killig ISIS won't defeat them. We must give them jobs.

Need a diagram? They're not religious leaders, they're thugs. You RW morons are working for them in effect...
So why are the non radical Muslims not standing up and condemning the actions of the Muslim thugs?

The wife and I were talking about this last night. Where are all the peaceful Muslim leaders in the country and abroad? Where is their outrage?


a few are showing it. The king of Jordan and the president of Egypt for two.
Thanks for the propaganda, dupe- but these guys killl women and childen and hostages report there are no Korans around. Stop being stupid bigots and alienating a whole religion, Foxbots.

ISIS wants to create an Islamic state.
That comes from them.....They said it...
And we have people who say that ISIS has nothing to do with Islam....

You can't make this stuff up.
Don't care if I piss Muslims off.
Seems like a lot of them already are.
RADICAL MUSLIMS do not need pissing off! They are already sworn to kill us all in the name of Allah!

What is puzzling is that the moderate Muslims, those willing to live in peace with other religions, those willing to join the civilized world around them...generally do not have the balls to stand up and speak out against the RADICAL MUSLIMS that continue to threaten the rest...and all of us.

We have hate-preaching Imams spread all over the USA. Rather than throw their sorry asses out, we hire people to "watch them". We have to wait until they "do something illegal". If hate speech is illegal, these people should have been deported long ago.

To hell with political correctness!
The hater dupes love ALL RW BS propaganda- "Hitler is a socialist", "ISIS is fighting for Allah", "the GOP is for family values and small gov't", etc etc...functional morons.
The hater dupes love ALL RW BS propaganda- "Hitler is a socialist", "ISIS is fighting for Allah", "the GOP is for family values and small gov't", etc etc...functional morons.

It is now official. You have overdosed on the far Left Kool-Aid.
Oh, but you just don't understand! According to our Dear Leader, all we have to do to combat terrorism and the recruitment of young Muslims is to "address their grievances".

Here's a clue, Obama! Their main grievance is that we will not join them in their idiotic belief in the Quran and all of Mohammed's commands. Therefore we must be killed.

Just how do you address that grievance?

What a fucking JOKE Barack Hussein Obama is!
The hater dupes love ALL RW BS propaganda- "Hitler is a socialist", "ISIS is fighting for Allah", "the GOP is for family values and small gov't", etc etc...functional morons.

It is now official. You have overdosed on the far Left Kool-Aid.
Oh, but you just don't understand! According to our Dear Leader, all we have to do to combat terrorism and the recruitment of young Muslims is to "address their grievances".

Here's a clue, Obama! Their main grievance is that we will not join them in their idiotic belief in the Quran and all of Mohammed's commands. Therefore we must be killed.

Just how do you address that grievance?

What a fucking JOKE Barack Hussein Obama is!
BS, dingbat hater dupe. Of course you help the 99% good Muslims to defeat ISIS, but help their economies to stop the recruiting. The black and white idiocy of you shytteheads....
And therein you have the disaster of the Boooshies- Crusading against Muslims and wrecking the world economy. Only hater dupes don't know it.
Only a brainwashed fool or a sympathetic, lying asshole would state that it is poverty that drives radical Islamic terrorism. Osama Bin laden was a rich son-of-a-bitch! Islamic terrorism is well financed!

Terrorists do not need to work for their belongings and food stores. They just take over an area and kill the rightful owners.

Need a diagram? They're not religious leaders, they're thugs. You RW morons are working for them in effect...
So why are the non radical Muslims not standing up and condemning the actions of the Muslim thugs?
They are.
Not enough of them are.
What would be the appropriate number?
For starters, ALL of the Imams in America that preach the hatred doctrine from the safety of their Mosques. (I believe there are at least 35 of these despicable humans spouting hatred of "infidels" and promoting jihad.)

Secondly, ALL of the Muslims that want us to believe they are a peaceful group and desire to live side by side in harmony and tolerance.

I'm not going to hold my breath waiting on the Imams to change their chants.

If anyone should be arrested for inciting to riot, it's these worthless dogs that call themselves religious leaders. They should be arrested and deported....or cheaper yet...just kill the bastards!
And therein you have the disaster of the Boooshies- Crusading against Muslims and wrecking the world economy. Only hater dupes don't know it.
Only a brainwashed fool or a sympathetic, lying asshole would state that it is poverty that drives radical Islamic terrorism. Osama Bin laden was a rich son-of-a-bitch! Islamic terrorism is well financed!

Terrorists do not need to work for their belongings and food stores. They just take over an area and kill the rightful owners.

We're talking about their recruits and why Jihad is their best career choice.
Need a diagram? They're not religious leaders, they're thugs. You RW morons are working for them in effect...
So why are the non radical Muslims not standing up and condemning the actions of the Muslim thugs?
They are.
Not enough of them are.
What would be the appropriate number?
For starters, ALL of the Imams in America that preach the hatred doctrine from the safety of their Mosques. (I believe there are at least 35 of these despicable humans spouting hatred of "infidels" and promoting jihad.)

Secondly, ALL of the Muslims that want us to believe they are a peaceful group and desire to live side by side in harmony and tolerance.

I'm not going to hold my breath waiting on the Imams to change their chants.

If anyone should be arrested for inciting to riot, it's these worthless dogs that call themselves religious leaders. They should be arrested and deported....or cheaper yet...just kill the bastards!
Do you mean just like all the protests by Christians in the US against the Lord's Resistance Army.
So why are the non radical Muslims not standing up and condemning the actions of the Muslim thugs?
They are.
Not enough of them are.
What would be the appropriate number?
For starters, ALL of the Imams in America that preach the hatred doctrine from the safety of their Mosques. (I believe there are at least 35 of these despicable humans spouting hatred of "infidels" and promoting jihad.)

Secondly, ALL of the Muslims that want us to believe they are a peaceful group and desire to live side by side in harmony and tolerance.

I'm not going to hold my breath waiting on the Imams to change their chants.

If anyone should be arrested for inciting to riot, it's these worthless dogs that call themselves religious leaders. They should be arrested and deported....or cheaper yet...just kill the bastards!
Do you mean just like all the protests by Christians in the US against the Lord's Resistance Army.
If they are calling for the physical death of people that simply do not believe as they do, then yes, they are just as worthless as the goddamned RADICAL MUSLIMS!
Look up the word Democrat in the dictionary, next to it will be the word ""ASS!!!""

State Department Spokesperson Marie Harf told Chris Matthews tonight that we cannot win this war with ISIS by killing them. She said we have to get to the root cause of why people are attracted to Jihad — you know like poverty, jobs, etc…

“We’re killing a lot of them and we’re going to keep killing more of them. So are the Egyptians, so are the Jordanians. They’re in this fight with us. But we cannot win this war by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium to longer term to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups,
do you have an opinion on that quote?
i can't find fault with it. you can't bomb an idea to death.
Worked pretty well in WWII...... war is slaughter.... we dont have it in us anymore which is why we lose.
actually, wwii proves her right. we spent a lot of money and effort rebuilding germany and japan - giving the people jobs - after the war.

and the dire economic situation in germany prior to wwii proves the point further.

But we bombed them into submission first.
???"Bombed them into submission first"???
Japan refused to surrender BEFORE we dropped the first atom bomb on Japan.
Japan refused to surrender AFTER we dropped the first atom bomb on Japan.
Japan refused to surrender until we dropped the second atom bomb on them.

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