UConn student caught saying racial slur on video expected to appear in court

So, how well received would dumb Negro jokes be in the USA?

The Polish American IQ is among the highest recorded IQs of American ethnics.

Of course its slander.

That stereotype is decades old. Many of the Polish immigrants were not highly educated when they came to this country, so they appeared to be stupid. However it was true with just about any ethnicity of immigrants at the time. Or as Archie Bunker once said "They only created Polack jokes to take the heat off the Dago's."

It does remind me of a true story though. My late friend was a first generation American. His father brought them over from Poland in the 50's, and he was quite a character. He was driving home drunk and a cop spotted him, and followed him home. After he parked his car on the street, the cop tested him, arrested him for DUI, and had the car towed.

When he went to court, he told the judge "I know, I do wrong, I drink and drive. But they tow my car. My car was not drinking, I was!"

The judge bust out laughing, and got such a kick out of the old man he gave him a slap on the hand. All he had to do is some community service work cleaning up city hall and the police station for a period of time. :auiqs.jpg:

A lot of Poles & Italians are pretty well off around these parts.
Despite facing the brunt of media & Hollywood discrimination.

They tend to be in slightly better shape than Irish Catholics & Germans.

Most of the White Trash in Dutchess county, NY are Protestant English, Scots, Irish Protestants, Dutch.
But also some French Catholics too.

Basically the colonial populations are behind.

At least in the neighborhood I was born in, now called Slavic Village, most everybody was Polish, and didn't have much money. The Italians were in a little bette shape, but the reason some joined the mob is because there was no way for them to make good money outside of crime, due to their lack of education when they came here.

Instead of higher eduction, the Polish immigrants spent a lot of time learning how to become Americans. They studied our culture, went to English class, and the men spent a lot of time working to support the family. Many rented because they didn't believe in borrowing money and paying interest. In their minds, if they didn't have to have something out of necessity, then they just did without. The immigrants that did buy homes usually did so with money they saved. I had several neighbors that didn't even have a telephone back then.

I'm against Polish jokes, but I don't support jailing people, or even discipline for those who disagree with Poles.

The same can't be said for many Blacks, and Hispanics.

The US census data shows Polish Americans are fairly well educated & have fairly high incomes.

Polish Americans - Wikipedia

The same can't be said for many Blacks, and Hispanics.

Without a doubt. However I"m going back to the 60's. Back then was an entirely different time. I think most immigrants came to this country pretty much uneducated. But you are correct, Polish people are very intelligent.

I remember this neighbor we had growing up. When she got here at five years old, she didn't know a word of English. My sister (with the help of my mother for translation purposes) taught her English. She went back to her family and relayed what she learned. Eventually she began to speak with a heavy accent, and by an adult, had no accent at all. She studied hard because her father was obsessed with eduction for his children. She went on to become a doctor, and I believe still practices today as a gynecologist.

Bill Gates was a very smart guy, but nobody advanced technology in the computer world more than Steve Wozniak. Back then, we Apple users used to laugh at the new PC version of Apple which they called Windows. We laughed because all Windows did was turn your PC into a Mac.

Plenty of discriminated against groups have done well in the USA, Chinese, Japanese, Jews, Asian Indians, Poles, Italians, Lebanese, Iranians, Pakistanis, Irish Catholics, etc. etc.
I think discrimination is mostly BULLSHIT. When some people are slighted they pull out a free-pass card. In the end it's they who are at fault or shit happens. If I were black for instance, then I could flash the card a number of times, and people would agree "it's cuz you're black".

I agree blacks in some areas have more obstacles than I do, but when you apply for a job looking like you don't care about yourself, then why should an employer think you'll care about your work? First impressions count, there's no getting around it.
Funny how some invoke the Constitution without really knowing what it says. Not all speech is protected.
What was the racial slur?
They were playing an idiotic game where they were supposed to shout "Penis". If one refused, he was a loser.

They then decided to change the word to a racial slur.

A black guy was filming them and said he couldn't tell if they were directing it at him. So I'm guessing it was the "n-word".

The video is supposedly online.
UConn-Racial Slurs story

“The investigation showed that the males walked back through the apartment complex after leaving a local business and played a game in which they yelled vulgar words,” according to the police report. “As they walked through the parking lot, Mucaj and Karal switched to saying a racial epithet that was heard by witnesses. The investigation revealed the third male did not participate.”

The slurs were recorded by an African American student from an apartment window and posted on social media.

That student told police he was not sure whether the students saw him or were directing the racial epithets toward him.

Karal told police the group was playing a game in which they would yell the word “penis.” The first person who refuses to say the word loses, he said. They decided to change the game to shouting the racial epithet, he said.
It's a bullshit charge, and sets a really stupid precedent.

Someone should do a test and shout, "Honky" in the same apartment complex. See what happens.
The illiberal leftist authoritarians continue to make advances.

Just one problem: the law has been on the books since 1949.
And there are plenty of decent people who says it's unconstitutional: Connecticut vs. free speech: Nutmeg State goes too far in policing offensive words

There are also plenty of insane laws on the books. You folks do love leveraging those who punishing and intimidating people for speech, don't you?

You are what you are.
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This seems blatantly unconstitutional to me. Doesn't this law violate the First Amendment?

UConn student caught saying racial slur on video expected to appear in court

WTNH) — One of the UConn students charged with saying a racial slur outside campus housing will be in court on Thursday. RELATED: College student seeks to have racist slur charge erased 21-year-old Ryan Mucaj is expected to enter a plea. Mucaj and 21-year-old Jarred Karal were arrested after that video surfaced of them yelled that slur. They’re both charged with racial ridicule for the October incident. The pair could face up to 30 days in prison.
“Mucaj” and “Karal?” Sound like exchange students. Who did they slur? Armenians? I can hear it now, their drunk:
Mucaj: “Armenian women look like goat in field.” :21:
Karal: “ Yes...and I hear they can’t cook a good falafel.” :cheers2:
And there are plenty of decent people who says it's unconstitutional:
Absolutely. And settle down excitable one, I don't support the law. Just interjecting some much jeeded factual information into the apoplectic fit that is passing for a discussion in this thrrad.
And there are plenty of decent people who says it's unconstitutional:
Absolutely. And settle down excitable one, I don't support the law. Just interjecting some much jeeded factual information into the apoplectic fit that is passing for a discussion in this thrrad.

It's interesting to note that you are not bothered by blatant attacks on the First Amendment.
In other words, how long it's been on the books is no indication of whether it's constitutional.
That would be a great rebuttal, if anyone had implied or said otherwise. But you won your argument against your little dolly, so there's that.
And there are plenty of decent people who says it's unconstitutional:
Absolutely. And settle down excitable one, I don't support the law. Just interjecting some much jeeded factual information into the apoplectic fit that is passing for a discussion in this thrrad.

It's interesting to note that you are not bothered by blatant attacks on the First Amendment.
Then you are rabid and confused, as I didn't express any support for this law. Nor do I support it. We have better ways of dealing with this than criminal punishment. That's one thing that makes this country great.

But,the facts are: it has been on the books for 70 years, and people get prosecuted for it every year. So to frame it as some "rise in regressive leftism" is absurd, obviously.

If you dont like the facts, that's your problem. Dont get all "pissy bitch" with me over it, i didn't create the facts.

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