Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

Except they didn't clear him.

Is Thinkprogress reporting that Ted is in a Siberian Gulag?

{The Secret Service, which is tasked with protecting the U.S. president, senior officials and other figures, confirmed the meeting with Nugent.

"The Secret Service interview of Ted Nugent has been completed," agency spokesman Brian Leary said. "The issue has been resolved. The Secret Service does not anticipate any further action."} Nugent says had solid meeting with Secret Service | Reuters

If you ever told the truth, would you melt like the Wicked Witch?

Truth? Much like your "cut off the heads of snake" comment that was easily refuted by the video?

Man..your rich alrighty!

When someone suggests that upon the re-election of the President that they will be dead or in jail shortly thereafter, there really is not a lot of play in the interpretation of those words. Where do you get that he suggested that BO give him a BJ from that?


It's the "suck my machine gun barrel."

Nugent, who told NRA supporters in St. Louis last week that he would be "dead or in jail" next year if Obama was reelected. Where exactly is the threat? After the Trayvon Martin thing, I could see some of the fringe tossing out rhetoric that Obama would dispatch troops to round up whites and dissidents.

NOTE: I am NOT saying that this is my belief, just that I could imagine some expressing such a view.

Personally, I view Obama as a narcissistic boob who fans the flames of racism based on incompetence rather than by design. Obama isn't able to connect actions with consequences. In chess terms, he can't think past the next move.
You mean like they did Bush? We watched for eight years the DISREPECT that people heaped on Bush...anti-war marches with posters that said to shoot him, code pinkos interrupting Senate hearings with their crap, Sheehan camping out in front of his house shitting in his bushes, and the beat went on..

I've posted dozens of actual, direct threats against Bush - the left doesn't care. It's all theater to them.
Frankly, I've always wondered about people who really think either Soros or the Koch brothers are paying people good money to post on a message board with only about 30,000 members where only about 1,000 people post with any regularity.

And nearly everyone has already made up their minds about most stuff.

I guess I just can't see the point in doing that.

Do you really (left and right) think that no one can hold a view you disagree with unless they are paid to do so?

Uh stupid, it was your sock, Starkey claiming that I'm paid.
So that makes it alright?

No, it makes it fucking hypocrisy. You leftists moan and wale about what you did a thousand times worse.

Because someone else did it, we can give it a pass?

Didn't your mother ever teach you two wrongs don't make a right?

Didn't you're mother ever teach you "what comes around, goes around?"

No one has made death threats against the grand poobah of incompetence, Obama.

Y'all leftists made hundreds of direct death threats against Bush, though.
When someone suggests that upon the re-election of the President that they will be dead or in jail shortly thereafter, there really is not a lot of play in the interpretation of those words. Where do you get that he suggested that BO give him a BJ from that?


It's the "suck my machine gun barrel."

Nugent, who told NRA supporters in St. Louis last week that he would be "dead or in jail" next year if Obama was reelected. Where exactly is the threat? After the Trayvon Martin thing, I could see some of the fringe tossing out rhetoric that Obama would dispatch troops to round up whites and dissidents.

NOTE: I am NOT saying that this is my belief, just that I could imagine some expressing such a view.

Personally, I view Obama as a narcissistic boob who fans the flames of racism based on incompetence rather than by design. Obama isn't able to connect actions with consequences. In chess terms, he can't think past the next move.

The "suck my machine gun barrel" comment was made something like three years ago, wasn't it? it doesn't really have anything at all to do with this discussion except prove a pattern.

I realize you are trying to defend Ted, but, I am sorry to have to tell you that it is quite evident that he implied it as a threat. Granted, he was "entertaining" at the time and didn't mean he would do something stupid, but, he knew what he was saying and I'm sure he expected the reaction he got.

Truth? Much like your "cut off the heads of snake" comment that was easily refuted by the video?

Man..your rich alrighty!


WTF are you babbling about?


We know you are a compulsory liar - even after irrefutable proof is posted, you continue to tell the same lies about Nugent's deferment.

Oh well, lying is a big part of being a leftist.
The "suck my machine gun barrel" comment was made something like three years ago, wasn't it? it doesn't really have anything at all to do with this discussion except prove a pattern.

The leftist drones, Shallow, et al. have posted the video in this thread a dozen times.

I realize you are trying to defend Ted, but, I am sorry to have to tell you that it is quite evident that he implied it as a threat.

I have no need to "defend" Ted. I just lean toward reality. I enjoy it when the left becomes more shrill, it demonstrates the fear they are wrestling with.

Granted, he was "entertaining" at the time and didn't mean he would do something stupid, but, he knew what he was saying and I'm sure he expected the reaction he got.


Seriously, "I'll be dead or in jail a year from now if Obama is reelected" may be paranoia, but a threat?

Hardly - THIS is what a threat looks like.

The "suck my machine gun barrel" comment was made something like three years ago, wasn't it? it doesn't really have anything at all to do with this discussion except prove a pattern.

The leftist drones, Shallow, et al. have posted the video in this thread a dozen times.

I realize you are trying to defend Ted, but, I am sorry to have to tell you that it is quite evident that he implied it as a threat.

I have no need to "defend" Ted. I just lean toward reality. I enjoy it when the left becomes more shrill, it demonstrates the fear they are wrestling with.

Granted, he was "entertaining" at the time and didn't mean he would do something stupid, but, he knew what he was saying and I'm sure he expected the reaction he got.


Seriously, "I'll be dead or in jail a year from now if Obama is reelected" may be paranoia, but a threat?

Hardly - THIS is what a threat looks like.


The threat is the implied "why" he would be dead or in jail within a year. His implication was that he would attempt to kill the President. Now, please don't try to tell me that you think he is really paranoid that the President has it out for him. That is preposterous.

The "suck my machine gun barrel" comment was made something like three years ago, wasn't it? it doesn't really have anything at all to do with this discussion except prove a pattern.

The leftist drones, Shallow, et al. have posted the video in this thread a dozen times.

I realize you are trying to defend Ted, but, I am sorry to have to tell you that it is quite evident that he implied it as a threat.

I have no need to "defend" Ted. I just lean toward reality. I enjoy it when the left becomes more shrill, it demonstrates the fear they are wrestling with.

Granted, he was "entertaining" at the time and didn't mean he would do something stupid, but, he knew what he was saying and I'm sure he expected the reaction he got.


Seriously, "I'll be dead or in jail a year from now if Obama is reelected" may be paranoia, but a threat?

Hardly - THIS is what a threat looks like.


The threat is the implied "why" he would be dead or in jail within a year.

Because Obama would send stormtroopers to arrest or kill him?

His implication was that he would attempt to kill the President.

That takes a grand canyon leap to reach.

Now, please don't try to tell me that you think he is really paranoid that the President has it out for him. That is preposterous.


Not nearly as preposterous as saying that there was a threat in the statement.

Ted is an advocate of guns and on the Board of the NRA. He has stated repeatedly that any attempt to disarm him would be met with deadly force. The MOST reasonable interpretation of his statement is that Obama, upon reelection, would outlaw guns and send federal police to disarm citizens, resulting in Nugent being in prison or dead.
The threat is the implied "why" he would be dead or in jail within a year.

Because Obama would send stormtroopers to arrest or kill him?

His implication was that he would attempt to kill the President.

That takes a grand canyon leap to reach.

Now, please don't try to tell me that you think he is really paranoid that the President has it out for him. That is preposterous.


Not nearly as preposterous as saying that there was a threat in the statement.

Ted is an advocate of guns and on the Board of the NRA. He has stated repeatedly that any attempt to disarm him would be met with deadly force. The MOST reasonable interpretation of his statement is that Obama, upon reelection, would outlaw guns and send federal police to disarm citizens, resulting in Nugent being in prison or dead.

Actually you are both right.

From just hearing Nugents statements I thought that he was either implying that he personally would do something illegal or that Obama would, if given 4 more years, make it so that those who disagree with him/own guns/do whatever he doesn't like end up arrested and in jail or dead.
US Army to Ted Nugent: FUCK YOU!

Ted Nugent scratched from Fort Knox concert

Ted Nugent scratched from Fort Knox concert

Things may be OK between Ted Nugent and the Secret Service, but the musician's controversial comments about President Obama have landed him in some hot water with Army brass at Fort Knox.

The leadership at the Kentucky base decided to drop Nugent as the opening act for a June 23 concert.
US Army to Ted Nugent: FUCK YOU!

Ted Nugent scratched from Fort Knox concert

Ted Nugent scratched from Fort Knox concert

Things may be OK between Ted Nugent and the Secret Service, but the musician's controversial comments about President Obama have landed him in some hot water with Army brass at Fort Knox.

The leadership at the Kentucky base decided to drop Nugent as the opening act for a June 23 concert.

Army to Kid Rocks: We've seen June Bugs smarter than you.

You know stupid, those who make controversy may find themselves cancelled by government venues.

Ask the Dixie Chicks about the Army cancelling concerts..

Dixie Chicks stand their ground
The threat is the implied "why" he would be dead or in jail within a year.

Because Obama would send stormtroopers to arrest or kill him?

His implication was that he would attempt to kill the President.

That takes a grand canyon leap to reach.

Now, please don't try to tell me that you think he is really paranoid that the President has it out for him. That is preposterous.


Not nearly as preposterous as saying that there was a threat in the statement.

Ted is an advocate of guns and on the Board of the NRA. He has stated repeatedly that any attempt to disarm him would be met with deadly force. The MOST reasonable interpretation of his statement is that Obama, upon reelection, would outlaw guns and send federal police to disarm citizens, resulting in Nugent being in prison or dead.

My personal feeling is that it is foolhardy to think that we are actually near the point where a President would attempt to do such a thing. Not that I don't think it will eventually happen, but we are not yet there. Then again, I didn't think they would try to force a health insurance mandate down our throats so quickly either.

I will stick to my guns. I believe he was implying exactly what I said he was implying. I do not believe he had any intention of following through with it. He was "entertaining". He was speaking to an audience that he knows supports his politics. He figured those who were listening on his political side would chuckle and say "amen", those on the other side would bitch and moan about it and give more awareness to the issue of gun control. He got what he expected.

The threat is the implied "why" he would be dead or in jail within a year.

Because Obama would send stormtroopers to arrest or kill him?

That takes a grand canyon leap to reach.

Now, please don't try to tell me that you think he is really paranoid that the President has it out for him. That is preposterous.


Not nearly as preposterous as saying that there was a threat in the statement.

Ted is an advocate of guns and on the Board of the NRA. He has stated repeatedly that any attempt to disarm him would be met with deadly force. The MOST reasonable interpretation of his statement is that Obama, upon reelection, would outlaw guns and send federal police to disarm citizens, resulting in Nugent being in prison or dead.

Actually you are both right.

From just hearing Nugents statements I thought that he was either implying that he personally would do something illegal or that Obama would, if given 4 more years, make it so that those who disagree with him/own guns/do whatever he doesn't like end up arrested and in jail or dead.

There's no "implying". He said they would have to go on a battlefield and cut off their heads.

That's pretty direct.
US Army to Ted Nugent: FUCK YOU!

Ted Nugent scratched from Fort Knox concert

Ted Nugent scratched from Fort Knox concert

Things may be OK between Ted Nugent and the Secret Service, but the musician's controversial comments about President Obama have landed him in some hot water with Army brass at Fort Knox.

The leadership at the Kentucky base decided to drop Nugent as the opening act for a June 23 concert.
Kid rock is a suburban pussy.

Just sayin............
Truth? Much like your "cut off the heads of snake" comment that was easily refuted by the video?

Man..your rich alrighty!


WTF are you babbling about?


We know you are a compulsory liar - even after irrefutable proof is posted, you continue to tell the same lies about Nugent's deferment.

Oh well, lying is a big part of being a leftist.'ve lied.

Big time.
My personal feeling is that it is foolhardy to think that we are actually near the point where a President would attempt to do such a thing.

I agree, I don't think Obama will touch the gun issue. He seems more intent on revoking the 1st amendment than the 2nd.

BUT based on Nugent's history, I would guess that HE thinks Obama is going to march in and try to disarm the nation.

Not that I don't think it will eventually happen, but we are not yet there. Then again, I didn't think they would try to force a health insurance mandate down our throats so quickly either.

I will stick to my guns. I believe he was implying exactly what I said he was implying. I do not believe he had any intention of following through with it. He was "entertaining". He was speaking to an audience that he knows supports his politics. He figured those who were listening on his political side would chuckle and say "amen", those on the other side would bitch and moan about it and give more awareness to the issue of gun control. He got what he expected.


Well, I don't agree and see nothing in his statement or his past statements to support the notion of a threat. I see a LOT of past statements that support the notion of a totalitarian takeover and a "Red Dawn" type resistance.

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