Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

US Army to Ted Nugent: FUCK YOU!

Ted Nugent scratched from Fort Knox concert

Ted Nugent scratched from Fort Knox concert

Things may be OK between Ted Nugent and the Secret Service, but the musician's controversial comments about President Obama have landed him in some hot water with Army brass at Fort Knox.

The leadership at the Kentucky base decided to drop Nugent as the opening act for a June 23 concert.

Army to Kid Rocks: We've seen June Bugs smarter than you.

You know stupid, those who make controversy may find themselves cancelled by government venues.

Ask the Dixie Chicks about the Army cancelling concerts..

Dixie Chicks stand their ground

The difference being that Ted Nugent is a draft-dodging, Army-hating pedophile assassin.
Because Obama would send stormtroopers to arrest or kill him?

That takes a grand canyon leap to reach.

Not nearly as preposterous as saying that there was a threat in the statement.

Ted is an advocate of guns and on the Board of the NRA. He has stated repeatedly that any attempt to disarm him would be met with deadly force. The MOST reasonable interpretation of his statement is that Obama, upon reelection, would outlaw guns and send federal police to disarm citizens, resulting in Nugent being in prison or dead.

Actually you are both right.

From just hearing Nugents statements I thought that he was either implying that he personally would do something illegal or that Obama would, if given 4 more years, make it so that those who disagree with him/own guns/do whatever he doesn't like end up arrested and in jail or dead.

There's no "implying". He said they would have to go on a battlefield and cut off their heads.

That's pretty direct.

That was something seperate he was talking about. He was referring to voting, specifically getting out to vote to kick all these bums out we have in office right now, aka cutting off their heads. He didn't say cut off "his head" he said "their heads"

I stand by my previous comment that they are both right and it could be taken any way someone wants to interpret it.
US Army to Ted Nugent: FUCK YOU!

Ted Nugent scratched from Fort Knox concert

Ted Nugent scratched from Fort Knox concert

Things may be OK between Ted Nugent and the Secret Service, but the musician's controversial comments about President Obama have landed him in some hot water with Army brass at Fort Knox.

The leadership at the Kentucky base decided to drop Nugent as the opening act for a June 23 concert.
Kid rock is a suburban pussy.

Just sayin............

Ted Nugent is proof-positive that the Tea-Party and the NRA is chock full of...

racists, rednecks, obstructionists, anarchists and assassins!

And I've been saying that for years now.
Ted Nugent is proof-positive that the Tea-Party and the NRA is chock full of...

racists, rednecks, obstructionists, anarchists and assassins!

And I've been saying that for years now.

If you would take Obama's cock out of your mouth, you could make your point more clearly,

Yo stupidfuck, point to something "racist" that old Ted has said?
The difference being that Ted Nugent is a draft-dodging, Army-hating pedophile assassin.

Why not just scream "INFIDEL!"

I realize that you have an IQ in single digits, and that you have no capacity for thought - but based on the talking points you recite, is everyone who got a student deferral a "draft dodger?"

The subject of this thread here and now is that child-molester Ted Nugent. The psycho gun-nut who pissed and shit his pants to avoid serving his country. The would-be assassin.

Try and keep up.
US Army to Ted Nugent: FUCK YOU!

Ted Nugent scratched from Fort Knox concert

Ted Nugent scratched from Fort Knox concert

Things may be OK between Ted Nugent and the Secret Service, but the musician's controversial comments about President Obama have landed him in some hot water with Army brass at Fort Knox.

The leadership at the Kentucky base decided to drop Nugent as the opening act for a June 23 concert.

This is what is great about freedom of speech and expression.

Nugent, under freedom of speech, said what he said. The army, under freedom of expression, told him "no money to make off of us for you"
US Army to Ted Nugent: FUCK YOU!

Ted Nugent scratched from Fort Knox concert

Ted Nugent scratched from Fort Knox concert

Things may be OK between Ted Nugent and the Secret Service, but the musician's controversial comments about President Obama have landed him in some hot water with Army brass at Fort Knox.

The leadership at the Kentucky base decided to drop Nugent as the opening act for a June 23 concert.

There's a thread on this dumbfuck.
US Army to Ted Nugent: FUCK YOU!

Ted Nugent scratched from Fort Knox concert

Ted Nugent scratched from Fort Knox concert
Kid rock is a suburban pussy.

Just sayin............

Ted Nugent is proof-positive that the Tea-Party and the NRA is chock full of...

racists, rednecks, obstructionists, anarchists and assassins!

And I've been saying that for years now.

So a single member defines a group?

If that were the case assaulting democrats would be allowed by law.,

Why isn't someone asking Ted Nugent exactly what did he mean when he said "If Obama is wins in 2012 this time next year I will either be dead or in jail" Sound like a direct threat on the President's life. Or he is inciting other nuts to do harm to the President.
GOD saved us from the radical right wing extremist rhetoric if this was a Obama suporter saying this about Romeny. Look how they castrated Rosen and Rev. Wright and the New Black Panthers.

The Secret Service has ted under their sights and the military cancelled his concert at a military post.
There's no "implying". He said they would have to go on a battlefield and cut off their heads.

That's pretty direct.

I can understand how that kind of talk would scare you on two levels, Swallow. First, a fragile little girl like you shudders at the thought of any kind of violence. Second, cutting off heads sounds like losing customers to a street whore like you, Swallow (but don't worry, he meant the other kind of heads).
The Secret Service has ted under their sights .

Why, does he have some good hooker connections?


You're getting warmer.

Secretes Service Takes Stoic Break From Drunken, Underage Colombian Whorebanging to Investigate The Motor City Madman
April 17th, 2012 at 8:48 pm by Brian

UPDATED 4/18: Nugent feels as persecuted as a poodle at an Obama Ramadan feast. Or something slightly less inflammatory.*

No, not really. Just the usual suspects hyperventilating deep breaths into their man panties in hopes that the Secretes Service can raise their glazed maws from the line of fresh cocaine and inviting chlamydia of underaged Colombian gape enough to paint Mitt Romney as some headbanging denim demon.

The only reason why the Secretes Getting Serviced would be investigating Nugent would be because they thought there would be some Wang Dang Sweet Poontang around (link not safe for Think Progress).

And I really really love this line.

It’s doubtful Mittens will be naming Nugent as Surgeon General of Metal Health but it’s good that the Democommies are giving him this chance to remake his image as something other than Wednesday Night Mormon Jubilee choir.
The difference being that Ted Nugent is a draft-dodging, Army-hating pedophile assassin.

Why not just scream "INFIDEL!"

I realize that you have an IQ in single digits, and that you have no capacity for thought - but based on the talking points you recite, is everyone who got a student deferral a "draft dodger?"

The subject of this thread here and now is that child-molester Ted Nugent. The psycho gun-nut who pissed and shit his pants to avoid serving his country. The would-be assassin.

Try and keep up.

Such lies. Great talking points though.

Ted wanted to marry the young lady. Yes she was 17 and just shy of the 18 year old regulation.

Now that makes him a child molester? To call someone that is vile. But that's liberal evil ways.

The shit his pants story is a lie. It has been debunked but you libs keep running with bullshit. He had proper deferments.

Man you guys are liars.

Would be assassin my ass. You got that line straight out of Media Matters.

Wow you guys are really screwed up.
Ted Nugent to Reporter: I'll S**k Your D**k, If ...

Ted Nugent WENT OFF on a male CBS news reporter during a sit-down interview this week ... claiming he's a "damned nice guy" ... and to prove it, he offered oral sex.

It all went down during a sit-down interview with Jeff Glor ... when Glor suggested he was not a moderate.

Nugent exploded, "I'm an extremely loving and passionate man, and people who investigate me honestly, without the baggage of political correctness, ascertain the conclusion that I'm a damned nice guy ... and if you can find a screening process more powerful than that, I'll s*ck your d**k."

Nugent then turned to Glor's female producer and said, "Or I'll f**k you, how's that sound?"

After the interview, Glor said Nugent's wife came out and told the former rock star that he needed to apologize. And he did.

Video: Ted Nugent to CBS Reporter -- I'll S**k Your D**k, If ... |

Holy shit...
Ted Nugent to Reporter: I'll S**k Your D**k, If ...

Ted Nugent WENT OFF on a male CBS news reporter during a sit-down interview this week ... claiming he's a "damned nice guy" ... and to prove it, he offered oral sex.

It all went down during a sit-down interview with Jeff Glor ... when Glor suggested he was not a moderate.

Nugent exploded, "I'm an extremely loving and passionate man, and people who investigate me honestly, without the baggage of political correctness, ascertain the conclusion that I'm a damned nice guy ... and if you can find a screening process more powerful than that, I'll s*ck your d**k."

Nugent then turned to Glor's female producer and said, "Or I'll f**k you, how's that sound?"

After the interview, Glor said Nugent's wife came out and told the former rock star that he needed to apologize. And he did.

Video: Ted Nugent to CBS Reporter -- I'll S**k Your D**k, If ... |

Holy shit...


Nugent is taking it to these Liberal Geeks...


God bless him. He's a patriot.

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