uh oh.... democrats going to stop BP from paying dividends??

I didn't lie you disingenuous little moron. Go back and read post #7.

Still lying I see.

So you're now admitting that you didn't tell the truth. You admit to "adjusting the facts" to suit your motives.

Like I said, foriegn corps are not allowed to sell their stock on an american exchange. You disagreed with me, but it turns out I'm right. But you still wont say you were wrong.

Nor do dividends on the ADR apply to just the operations in the U.S., which is what you have insinuated in your complete ignorance.

You are lying again. I made no such insinuation.

But I noticed you couldnt answer one of my questions. Let's try again

SO why don't you tell us how BP is going to re-incorporate in England when it's ALREADY incorporated there?

Or maybe you can tell us how BP is going to move its' gas station off shore?

I nominate sagbutt for The Worst Noob of 2010. He has so many negative attributes:

- Poor reading retention and comprehension
- A kneejerk reaction to call people liars for having different POVs
- Willful misrepresentation of other's posts
- Inability to engage in a rational discussion

It's a tough competition this year.
This is America for God's sake. Since when did we start holding people responsible?

Obama said it was his responsibility now. I vote for holding him accountable. He asked for it.


bulloney!!! no way, shape or form should the usa be financially responsible for this disaster caused by the private sector!

that would be CORPORATE WELFARE!

the shareholders ARE the owners, they select their board, who selects those running the show....the shareholders were very aware of BP practices of taking shortcuts, lobbying congress and regulators etc, all they had to do is read the news....

they ARE NOT innocent, on the whole....ignorance is not an excuse.

OUR gvt taxes SHOULD NOT fund one dime for their negligence in my opinion boe....

and why do you even think such, if this is what you meant by your comment?


I guess I should have put my comment in [sarcasm] [/sarcasm] quotes.

Obama is responsible for leadership and oversight of a coordinated response. Clearly, BP has the largest responsibility to contain the spill and pay for the damage caused by their actions. That is cold comfort, however, if lack of a proper federal response makes things worse. In this case, I do believe that the Obama Administration's delays in taking action on dredging and berms of caused damage - and the timing of the criminal probe is an unnecessary distraction and diversion of resources in the midst of a crisis.
I backed up what I said. You, on the other hand, back up jack shit. You're stupidity is, thankfully, not contagious.

Really, you gave an example?

Liar!! Tell us, which country froze a corporations dividends (and name the corp) and which corps then left that country?

All you did to back up your claim was to make another baseless claim. Post some facts. Names, dates, etc

But I know you won't. You got nothing. Not even the backbone to admit you're talking out of your ass

I do my own research. You do yours. I don't spoon feed morons.... to be honest, you would struggle to understand the Plain English Summary, yet alone the fucking research. :lol::lol::lol:

And again, a conservative has trouble keeping track of their lies, and so they change their tune from "back it up, or withdraw it" to "I do my own research"

"Liar! Liar! Liar! I disagree with you so your a hatefilled, racist, liar!" Posters like you - who constantly accuses anyone who disagrees with them a 'liar' etc lose any credibility.

You are, in fact, just too fucking stupid to bother with.

You were the one who was whining "Back it up, or withdraw" Several times you insisted on this. But when it's turned on you, it becomes obvious you've got nothing but bluster.

Name the country that froze a corps dividends, name the corp, and name the corps that then left that country because of the dividend freeze.

Back it up, or withdraw it :lol::lol::lol:
for the first week of this disaster, BP LIED to us and the coast guard and said it was contained....people are forgetting such, for some odd reason....

our gvt has been there, and was there, lickedy split....with tens of thousands of people.

I agree that a couple of things could have or should have been done sooner, by both the state of louisianna and by the federal gvt, but outside of those couple of things, our gvt has done the best job possible, under THESE circumstances imo.
Really, you gave an example?

Liar!! Tell us, which country froze a corporations dividends (and name the corp) and which corps then left that country?

All you did to back up your claim was to make another baseless claim. Post some facts. Names, dates, etc

But I know you won't. You got nothing. Not even the backbone to admit you're talking out of your ass

I do my own research. You do yours. I don't spoon feed morons.... to be honest, you would struggle to understand the Plain English Summary, yet alone the fucking research. :lol::lol::lol:

And again, a conservative has trouble keeping track of their lies, and so they change their tune from "back it up, or withdraw it" to "I do my own research"

"Liar! Liar! Liar! I disagree with you so your a hatefilled, racist, liar!" Posters like you - who constantly accuses anyone who disagrees with them a 'liar' etc lose any credibility.

You are, in fact, just too fucking stupid to bother with.

You were the one who was whining "Back it up, or withdraw" Several times you insisted on this. But when it's turned on you, it becomes obvious you've got nothing but bluster.

Name the country that froze a corps dividends, name the corp, and name the corps that then left that country because of the dividend freeze.

Back it up, or withdraw it :lol::lol::lol:

And you're too stupid to work it out, aren't cha? I have to spell it out, right?

When I said 'back it up or withdraw it', what was your response? Did you back it up? No. So, what goes around, comes around, moron..... Fucking hell, you're stupid. I figured you'd have worked it out by now. I overestimated your intellect. Fortunately I learn by my mistakes. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Do your own research - I am not on this board to school you.
a. BP, and other foreign companies, are likely to pull their investments from the US - including the jobs that their investments bring - to put their profits outside the grasp of a bunch of drooling fools in DC.

b. Most pension plans - including those of the majority of US Unions - will tank even further. Because huge numbers of US pension plans hold BP shares.

That's just for starters.

Those of you who think this is a great idea, are fucking morons. And that's not an opinion, it's a fact.

If it's a fact, then I'm sure you'll have no problem backing it up, or withdraw it, right?

I don't get the reasons that you're falling for the Government's spin of this situation. Show me just one actual quote from anyone at BP saying they are NOT going to pay. Just one quote. Not speculation, not media assumptions, but an actual quote from BP saying that they are refusing to pay for anything. Surely to God, you have some evidence that BP are trying to wiggle out of their responsibility? Because, if there is no evidence of such behavior, why the fuck are you hell bent on destroying the company?

Here's an example of the bimbo "doing her own research" by asking someone else to do it for her.
The is no certainty in life----shit happens even when the all of the best of intentions are in place. We're lucky to be affluent enough to even have time to bitch about what's happening. Armchair quarterbacks are worthless.
So, I can take that as a 'I can't back up my claim about you'. I don't run from jack shit - particularly not from a fool who claims I said something that I didn't. Not only are you a moron, you are a liar.

And here's Ms Does Her Own Research demanding that I do her research for her. She says she "don't run from jackshit", but she still hasn't told which corp had their dividends seized by which nation, and which other corps then left that nation because of it.

Nah, she's not running!!:cuckoo:
He has asked for BP to pay. He's been trying to get the Feds and BP to fund and help with the coastal protection efforts. The EPA finally provided permits a few days ago. But there are still no financial resources.

How about the rest of the oil industry? How come they aren't helping out?

My point is that if "the market", and conservatives, want to have "no government interference" then the industry should be banding together to clean up their own shit.

Otherwise there obviously needs to be LOTS of preventative "government interference" in place to prevent this exact type of circumstance.
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He has asked for BP to pay. He's been trying to get the Feds and BP to fund and help with the coastal protection efforts. The EPA finally provided permits a few days ago. But there are still no financial resources.

How about the rest of the oil industry? How come they aren't helping out?

My point is that if "the market" and conservatives want to have "no government interference" then the industry should be banding together to clean up their own shit.

Otherwise there obviously needs to be LOTS of preventative "government interference" in place to prevent this exact type of circumstance.

That's part of the federal coordination that the Obama Administration could have provided early on: a call to action for experts and equipment across the industry.
He has asked for BP to pay. He's been trying to get the Feds and BP to fund and help with the coastal protection efforts. The EPA finally provided permits a few days ago. But there are still no financial resources.

How about the rest of the oil industry? How come they aren't helping out?

My point is that if "the market" and conservatives want to have "no government interference" then the industry should be banding together to clean up their own shit.

Otherwise there obviously needs to be LOTS of preventative "government interference" in place to prevent this exact type of circumstance.

How come YOU aren't helping out ?
Evidence suggests that I'm a damned sight smarter than you, little whinyboy.

Evidence? Since when do you have evidence for anything?

I'm still waiting for you to tell us about the corp that had its' dividends seized causing other corps to leave that nation.

Back it up or withdraw it

It's a likely outcome of an asset grab, yea.

Another lie. No assets are being "grabbed". The money will remain in the possession of BP
So, I can take that as a 'I can't back up my claim about you'. I don't run from jack shit - particularly not from a fool who claims I said something that I didn't. Not only are you a moron, you are a liar.

And here's Ms Does Her Own Research demanding that I do her research for her. She says she "don't run from jackshit", but she still hasn't told which corp had their dividends seized by which nation, and which other corps then left that nation because of it.

Nah, she's not running!!:cuckoo:

Do you often struggle with reality? You should seek help. I don't run from fools. I sometimes take pity on them though.

Do your own research. Go ahead. Please don't make me humiliate you..... I don't enjoy making an idiot look even more stupid. I find no satisfaction in a war of words with the mentally unarmed.
This constant "You Lie" rhetoric is incredibly tiresome.

Just sayin'.
Does placing blame somehow interfere with the effort to stop the destruction?

Somehow I think that the country can multi-task.

And we all know the right-wingers have been placing LOTS of blame while not actually doing much at all.

Take the folks on this board, for example. They're all bitching and moaning about Obama not doing enough to help, and THEY aren't doing squat except posting complaints on a posting board. Have any of them gone down to the Gulf to scrub beaches and wash birds?

Has Rush Limbaugh lifted even one of his fat little fingers to help?

Meanwhile Obama has diverted half the friggin' Navy to the effort, as well as most of his waking hours.

I found your youtube plea VLWC! Nice.

I fail to see how my post, and your sarcasm, relate at all.

Perhaps I'm missing something.
That's part of the federal coordination that the Obama Administration could have provided early on: a call to action for experts and equipment across the industry.

What would the federal government have been able to do to get the industry to do anything?

Given them a guilt trip?

And even if he did, the right-wingers would have started screaming about "Socialism" and "Statism" again, like they always do.

Why wouldn't the industry voluntarily offer help in a situation like this that could happen to any one of them?
If a company goes BK, then they can't give dividends. Dividends by their very nature are provided out of profits. Like it or not BP's profits are going to take HUGE hits, because they are going to have to pay for the damage they have done.

This is not a Marxist thing, this is a rationality thing. You can't pay the dividends because you will have to use the money to pay for the worst oil spill in human history!
That's part of the federal coordination that the Obama Administration could have provided early on: a call to action for experts and equipment across the industry.

What would the federal government have been able to do to get the industry to do anything?

Given them a guilt trip?

And even if he did, the right-wingers would have started screaming about "Socialism" and "Statism" again, like they always do.

Why wouldn't the industry voluntarily offer help in a situation like this that could happen to any one of them?

You wouldn't have seen this 'right winger' screaming that. I would have applauded him for such a move.

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