Uh-Oh, Donald Trump Tricked Into Fronting Another Con Job

Trump Still Hasn’t Converted Loans to Donations
June 30, 2016

NBC News has learned the FEC has posted no record of Donald Trump converting his campaign loans to donations.

“The Trump Campaign has also declined requests to share the legal paperwork required to execute the transaction, though they suggest it has been submitted.”

The Desperate and the Fail: Inside Trump's June Fundraising Blitz

still can't quite believe that even as big a huckster as Donald Trump thinks he can get away with this. But it's starting to seem like Trump was probably lying when he announced with great fanfare a week ago that he was converting some $50 million of loans to his campaign into simple contributions. This would mean that he could no longer use future contributions to pay himself back for those loans. In other words, he couldn't have either small donors or GOP fat cats reimburse him for his "self-funded" primary campaign.

This news comes from Ari Melber and Alexandre Jaffe at NBC News. Back on June 23rd, on the heels of the Trump campaign's catastrophic and humiliating May FEC report, he grandly announced that he was forgiving the debt and that he would file the relevant paperwork with the FEC that day.

But that apparently never happened. The FEC has no record of such a filing.
The meat of the story:

In 2013, Bondi, a Republican, personally solicited Trump and received a $25,000 contribution to her political committee.

Bondi was considering joining a New York state-led lawsuit against Trump, but after receiving the donation, dropped plans to pursue the case, even though her office had received fraud complaints from Floridians who alleged they had been cheated out of large sums of money by Trump.
“If it looks like a bribe and quacks like a bribe, I think it’s a bribe,” Larrabee told the Sentinel.

Larrabee’s complaint is not the only one like it. Then-Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott — who is now the governor — received a $35,000 campaign contribution from Trump three years after dropping a proposed 2010 lawsuit against Trump U.
Trump Still Hasn’t Converted Loans to Donations
June 30, 2016

NBC News has learned the FEC has posted no record of Donald Trump converting his campaign loans to donations.

“The Trump Campaign has also declined requests to share the legal paperwork required to execute the transaction, though they suggest it has been submitted.”

The Desperate and the Fail: Inside Trump's June Fundraising Blitz

still can't quite believe that even as big a huckster as Donald Trump thinks he can get away with this. But it's starting to seem like Trump was probably lying when he announced with great fanfare a week ago that he was converting some $50 million of loans to his campaign into simple contributions. This would mean that he could no longer use future contributions to pay himself back for those loans. In other words, he couldn't have either small donors or GOP fat cats reimburse him for his "self-funded" primary campaign.

This news comes from Ari Melber and Alexandre Jaffe at NBC News. Back on June 23rd, on the heels of the Trump campaign's catastrophic and humiliating May FEC report, he grandly announced that he was forgiving the debt and that he would file the relevant paperwork with the FEC that day.

But that apparently never happened. The FEC has no record of such a filing.
I've been saying for a while that Trump is going to reimburse himself from campaign donations.

So even his "I'm self-funding" claim is bullshit. There hasn't been an honest word out of this man from Day One.

REVEALED: Trump bankrolled a racist ad campaign against Native Americans to protect his casino biz
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I remember a fight by Trump against an Indian casino. I remember Trump's testimony. He made a memorable remark that a lot of the Indians didn't look like Indians.
Yeah, one of these days he's going to do something REALLY bad, like start a foundation and take massive donations from foreign heads of state while he's in a position to push the US government to benefit them.
I still don't understand what is wrong with any of that ^^^^^^^

It's like you're saying "Hillary brushes her teeth twice a day! AND flosses!...what a liar"

You sound mad, but the deeds you describe don't sound like something that should make anybody mad.

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