Uh Oh, Melania's speech was plagiarized

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Says the lemming who has to suck up to the nitwit with the small penis. Maybe you belong to the same club.......bwahahaha!
Oh no....an ignorant, emotional, irrational liberal who has no idea who I am wants to proclaim that I have a "small penis". Whatever will I do? The insult is unbearable! Unbearable I say!

Sweetie....if you can't do better than that.....don't even try. Hell, UNCENSORED just gave you a lesson in how it's done. At the very least you should have plagiarized his work :lmao:

Everybody knows exactly who you are Buttsoiler. When you changed your name mid-troll thread, you weren't even bright enough to pick a new avatar.

What a maroon.
She said she wrote it ''with little help''.
Here, read it again.

The revelation that Donald Trump’s business staff writer Meredith McIver wrote the partly plagiarized speech given by Melania Trump on Mondaynight raises questions about whether his campaign is illegally commingling corporate and campaign resources.

Well one thing is certain - we know Hitlery has been doing that for decades now. Would be interesting to see if Donald is doing it as well. While I don't approve...at least he would be leveling the playing field with Hitlery.

Having your Tu Quoque and eating the Kool Aid too................. Priceless.
You hate Trump as much as all the other conservatives who called him everything from "cancer to society" to "unqualified" and are now sucking up to him and praising him.

You lemmings will vote for the buffoon on the hopes that he will win, regardless of how he dumbs down the country, but even after all your made-up shit about Hillary....she's still ahead of him in swing states....so keep drinking the KoolAid.
Please show me a post where I "sucked up to Trump" or a post where I "praised him". You really are a pathological liar.

And yes - I will cast a vote for Trump only because Hitlery will dumb this nation down a thousand times more than Trump ever would on his worst day. She's a career criminal, she has serious impulse control issues, she's irrational and emotional, she's desperate hungry for power (though, admittedly, so is Trump), and she's desperately hungry for money. She's the worst form of the selfish liberal and she literally has nothing to provide to America. She has no leadership capabilities. No integrity. No respect of the U.S. Constitution (though, again, neither does Donald Trump). And no idea how to run the executive branch.
Says the lemming who has to suck up to the nitwit with the small penis. Maybe you belong to the same club.......bwahahaha!
Oh no....an ignorant, emotional, irrational liberal who has no idea who I am wants to proclaim that I have a "small penis". Whatever will I do? The insult is unbearable! Unbearable I say!

Yep, you've got a penis to match the size of your brain "Patriot".......just like UNEDUCATED......don't try to act like it's not true and you're not bothered by it.

Sweetie....if you can't do better than that.....don't even try. Hell, UNCENSORED just gave you a lesson in how it's done. At the very least you should have plagiarized his work :lmao:

I'm not your sweetie, asshole. Only Republican "Stepford Wives" like to be called by demeaning names such as "sweetie", "honey" and "sugar".....and I'm not one of them.

The only reason you admire your peer idiot's (UNEDUCATED) comments is because you're just as pathetic and simple-minded as he is. Enjoy the embarrassment that Melania's speech writer has admitted that Melania didn't write the speech and yes, it was plagiarized from Michelle's....which makes most of you conservatives just as dumb as Trumpf and his barbie doll wife Malaria.
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Here, read it again.

The revelation that Donald Trump’s business staff writer Meredith McIver wrote the partly plagiarized speech given by Melania Trump on Mondaynight raises questions about whether his campaign is illegally commingling corporate and campaign resources.

Well one thing is certain - we know Hitlery has been doing that for decades now. Would be interesting to see if Donald is doing it as well. While I don't approve...at least he would be leveling the playing field with Hitlery.
That's why we don't care about Hillary's emails.

Bush White House email controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Missing White House Emails


I'm not sure I follow your irrational thought process here. Because the Bush White House "lost" e-mails it's ok for other Administrations to likewise fuck over the American people? Isn't the fact that it has been done by other Administrations more reason to care? Wouldn't a rational person want to put a stop to it?

You have to loooooove liberal "logic". Oh don't worry about that child that was molested in Manhattan. We have children molested over here in the Bronx. :bang3:
She said she wrote it ''with little help''.

She got by with a little help from her friends.

What do I do when it's speechgiving day
(does it worry you to write alone?)
How do I feel about garism-play
(Are you OK with using a loan?)

(do you need anybody?)
I just need a speech like Michelle's....
(could it repeat anybody?)
Forgot to rewrite it -- oh hell!

(What are the chances of similar speech?)
Yes I'm certain that it happens all the time.
(Is it the same thing, or is that a reach?)
I can't tell but Michelle says "that's mine!"

Ringo will kill me.
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Conservatives have no shame. Hilarious reading how many of you mental midgets straight up defended plagiarism. Unbelievable.
Who is "defending" it junior? Melania Trump isn't running for office. And since she doesn't rape women like Bill Clinton does, I could frankly care less what she does, what she says, or how she lives her life.

There have been dozens of links right here in this thread to stories that prove Hitlery Clinton, Michelle Obama, and Barack Obama stole speeches and plagiarized. Why aren't you up in arms about that? Where are your responses to those posts denouncing Hitlery and the Obama's?
Yeah, but she's got better legs than Bubba Clinton...
Good thing it doesnt matter what kind of legs a FLOTUS has. She is probably a security risk. I wonder how much porn she has done that can be used to bribe Trump?

I agree! She's probably also banged Putin - which may explain why Adolf Trump and Putin are such buds.
In fact, Melania may be a go-between messenger - or even a spy. This is serious!


The Real Winner At The GOP Convention Is Vladimir Putin

Please note you heard it from me first. About a hundred pages ago I pointed out that Melania's career and schooling were financed by none other than The KGB - headed by Vladimir Pootin.

It's not one of those Cinderella stories of poor little commie girl makes the big time against all odds...her Daddy was a card carrying member of the Communist party.

I do hope Sophia Vergara gets to play her in the TV movie, though!

I gotta say --- you've brought some posts here with good info.
This is not one of them.
They say Hillary shouldn't be president because she broke the law?

CLEVELAND ― The revelation that Donald Trump’s business staff writer Meredith McIver wrote the partly plagiarized speech given by Melania Trump on Mondaynight raises questions about whether his campaign is illegally commingling corporate and campaign resources.

McIver does not appear to have any official role in the presidential campaign. Her letter acknowledging her role in the speech debacle appeared on corporate letterhead from the Trump Organization. And she is not listed as being paid by the Trump campaign on any available reports filed with the Federal Election Commission.

Corporations are banned from donating directly or through in-kind services to political campaigns. McIver could have volunteered her services, but her offer to resign from the Trump Organization suggests that she was acting within her job responsibilities. (Donald Trump rejected that offer.)

“Given the identification of McIver as an ‘in-house staff writer’ at the Trump Organization in both the statement and letter, and her resignation from the Trump Organization ― printed on Trump Organization stationary ― and not the campaign, it appears that corporate resources may have been used to prepare the speech,” said Jordan Libowitz, communications director for the campaign finance watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. “That would make the speech an illegal in-kind corporate contribution from the Trump Organization to the campaign.”

Larry Noble, counsel at the Campaign Legal Center and former counsel for the FEC, agreed that McIvers’ role “raises a lot of red flags.”

Melania Trump Speech Appears To Be An Illegal Campaign Contribution

Great observation!

Goes to show that the great "going to make America great again" Presidential candidate's campaign is definitely fucked up. The idiot Trumpf wants to be President and doesn't even know such minutia? Hmmmm......wonder how they are going to spin this one?

We should now have the FBI investigate her (Melania) ass, since she stood in front of the people and claimed she wrote it....not only are they dishonest but unqualified.
Oh...and here is more PLAGARISM by a Dem, Liz Warren, who also lied about her Native American heritage in order to game the system for special privileges on top of her White Privilege.


We've done that over and over. That's yet another myth y'all mythologists are married to --- and it's bogus.

No, WE don't accept that it's over. Liz LIED to get special privileges.
This may have been brought up before, this thread is getting a dizzying amount of posts per day, but just in case it hasn't been, the story of how Melania Trump's speech came to resemble Michelle Obama's so closely has been revealed:
Well, after all of that denial, someone from the Trump orbit has finally stepped forward to provide some semblance of honesty to the public.

“This was my mistake and I feel terrible for the chaos I have caused Melania and the Trumps, as well as to Mrs. Obama. No harm was meant,” Trump staffer Meredith McIver wrote in a statement released by the Trump Organization Wednesday.

The New York Times reported Wednesday evening that McIver was “a New York City-based former ballet dancer and English major who has worked on some of Mr. Trump’s books, including ‘Think Like a Billionaire.'” McIver provides some more insight into what happened with Trump’s speech:

Over the phone, she read me some passages from Mrs. Obama’s speech as examples. I wrote them down and later included some of the phrasing in the draft that ultimately became the final speech. I did not check Mrs. Obama’s speeches

“I asked to put out this statement because I did not like seeing the way this was distracting from Mr. Trump’s historic campaign for president and Melania’s beautiful message and presentation,” she said in the statement.

McIver claimed that she offered her resignation from the Trump Organization, but that the Trump family rejected it.

“Mr. Trump told me that people make innocent mistakes and that we learn and grow from these experiences.”


Source: Trump refuses to fire staffer who plagiarized Michelle Obama’s speech for Melania: “People make innocent mistakes”
Conservatives have no shame. Hilarious reading how many of you mental midgets straight up defended plagiarism. Unbelievable.
Who is "defending" it junior? Melania Trump isn't running for office. And since she doesn't rape women like Bill Clinton does, I could frankly care less what she does, what she says, or how she lives her life.

There have been dozens of links right here in this thread to stories that prove Hitlery Clinton, Michelle Obama, and Barack Obama stole speeches and plagiarized. Why aren't you up in arms about that? Where are your responses to those posts denouncing Hitlery and the Obama's?


Because they're lame attempts to deflect the topic from what is obviously an embarrassing one, and you're too dense to see that?

What do I win?
Oh...and here is more PLAGARISM by a Dem, Liz Warren, who also lied about her Native American heritage in order to game the system for special privileges on top of her White Privilege.


We've done that over and over. That's yet another myth y'all mythologists are married to --- and it's bogus.

No, WE don't accept that it's over. Liz LIED to get special privileges.

Prove it.

Oh WAIT :eusa_doh: That's right --- you can't. That must have been what I meant by "myth".
What a revelation.

SEE ya....
She said she wrote it ''with little help''.

She got by with a little help from her friends.

What do I do when it's speechgiving day
(does it worry you to write alone?)
How do I feel about garism-play
(Are you OK with using a loan?)

(do you need anybody?)
I just need a speech like Michelle's....
(could it repeat anybody?)
Forgot to rewrite it -- oh hell!

(What are the chances of similar speech?)
Yes I'm certain that it happens all the time.
(Is it the same thing, or is that a reach?)
I can't tell but Michelle says "that's mine!"

Ringo will kill me.

Or Joe

Says the lemming who has to suck up to the nitwit with the small penis. Maybe you belong to the same club.......bwahahaha!
Oh no....an ignorant, emotional, irrational liberal who has no idea who I am wants to proclaim that I have a "small penis". Whatever will I do? The insult is unbearable! Unbearable I say!

Yep, you've got a penis to match the size of your brain "Patriot".......just like UNEDUCATED......don't try to act like it's not true and you're not bothered by it.

Sweetie....if you can't do better than that.....don't even try. Hell, UNCENSORED just gave you a lesson in how it's done. At the very least you should have plagiarized his work :lmao:

I'm not your sweetie, asshole. Only Republican "Stepford Wives" like to be called by demeaning names such as "sweetie", "honey" and "sugar".....and I'm not one of them.

The only reason you admire your peer idiot's (UNEDUCATED) comments is because you're just as pathetic and simple-minded as he is. Enjoy the embarrassment that Melania's speech writer has admitted that Melania didn't write the speech and yes, it was plagiarized from Michelle's....which makes most of you conservatives just as dumb as Trumpf and his barbie doll wife Malaria.
You are single, aren't you?
Here, read it again.

The revelation that Donald Trump’s business staff writer Meredith McIver wrote the partly plagiarized speech given by Melania Trump on Mondaynight raises questions about whether his campaign is illegally commingling corporate and campaign resources.

Well one thing is certain - we know Hitlery has been doing that for decades now. Would be interesting to see if Donald is doing it as well. While I don't approve...at least he would be leveling the playing field with Hitlery.
That's why we don't care about Hillary's emails.

Bush White House email controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Missing White House Emails


I'm not sure I follow your irrational thought process here. Because the Bush White House "lost" e-mails it's ok for other Administrations to likewise fuck over the American people? Isn't the fact that it has been done by other Administrations more reason to care? Wouldn't a rational person want to put a stop to it?

Yep, I see how rational you are....did you want to try and put a stop to it when Bush did it? Bet not........bwahahaha, hypocrite. And, the Bush White House didn't "lose" e-mails.....they destroyed them.

You have to loooooove liberal "logic". Oh don't worry about that child that was molested in Manhattan. We have children molested over here in the Bronx. :bang3:

The conservative logic is even more hilarious.....they try and point out all the wrong things Democrats do, while sweeping their shit under the rug and then claiming that just because they did it and didn't raise an eyebrow over it doesn't mean you can do it too! Bwahahaha, gotta love it.
She said she wrote it ''with little help''.

She got by with a little help from her friends.

What do I do when it's speechgiving day
(does it worry you to write alone?)
How do I feel about garism-play
(Are you OK with using a loan?)

(do you need anybody?)
I just need a speech like Michelle's....
(could it repeat anybody?)
Forgot to rewrite it -- oh hell!

(What are the chances of similar speech?)
Yes I'm certain that it happens all the time.
(Is it the same thing, or is that a reach?)
I can't tell but Michelle says "that's mine!"

Ringo will kill me.

Or Joe

Just so you know, that is definitely not my best work. I'm usually pretty good at parodies, this was a challenge.
First time I ever actually resorted to pig-Latin in order to force a rhyme. :redface:
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Oh...and here is more PLAGARISM by a Dem, Liz Warren, who also lied about her Native American heritage in order to game the system for special privileges on top of her White Privilege.


We've done that over and over. That's yet another myth y'all mythologists are married to --- and it's bogus.

No, WE don't accept that it's over. Liz LIED to get special privileges.

Prove it.

Oh WAIT :eusa_doh: That's right --- you can't. That must have been what I meant by "myth".
What a revelation.

SEE ya....

Liz Warren already proved it herself with her lame cheek bones myth.
She said she wrote it ''with little help''.

She got by with a little help from her friends.

What do I do when it's speechgiving day
(does it worry you to write alone?)
How do I feel about garism-play
(Are you OK with using a loan?)

(do you need anybody?)
I just need a speech like Michelle's....
(could it repeat anybody?)
Forgot to rewrite it -- oh hell!

(What are the chances of similar speech?)
Yes I'm certain that it happens all the time.
(Is it the same thing, or is that a reach?)
I can't tell but Michelle says "that's mine!"

Ringo will kill me.

Or Joe

Just so you know, that is definitely not my best work. I'm usually pretty good at parodies, this was a challenge.
First time I ever actually resorted to pig-Latin in order to force a rhyme. :redface:

You're good...gotta hand it to ya. :)
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