Uh Oh: Rick Perry Gets Popped With The Dreaded Evolution Question. (Click For Answer)

How is Perrys' religion belief affect the country? He sure does know how to run Texas.

...Into the ground.

The sad facts behind Rick Perry’s Texas miracle - The Washington Post

It has the fourth-highest poverty rate of any state. It tied with Mississippi last year for the highest percentage of workers in minimum-wage jobs. It ranks first in adults without high school diplomas. Twenty-six percent of Texans have no health insurance — the highest percentage of medically uninsured residents of any state. It leads the nation in the percentage of children who lack medical insurance. Texas has an inordinate number of employers who provide no insurance to their workers, partly because insurance rates are high, thanks to an absence of regulations.

Perry seems quite comfortable with the state’s lagging performance in what we might term the pursuit-of-happiness index. Consider his indifference toward education: In 2008, the state comptroller found that 12 percent of Texans lacked high school diplomas and that the level would rise to 30 percent by 2040 unless the state’s commitment to education was considerably increased. This year, though, when confronted with a $27 billion budget deficit, Perry did not raise taxes but instead slashed $4 billion from K-12 schools. In this regard, the equation of Perry with China’s leaders is unfair to China: The Chinese understand that the better educated their people become, the more high-skill and high-compensating jobs their nation will attain. No such understanding seems to have permeated Perry’s brain.

In one significant particular, though, Perry’s policies fairly ape the Chinese. Over the past eight years, the state has given businesses nearly $500 million in grants and financial incentives to help them expand. Perry’s economic vision is the kind of race-to-the-bottom mercantilism we’ve come to expect from developing nations in the globalized economy, although, as China, Brazil and India illustrate, many such nations have begun to provide citizens with more schooling and better jobs as they grow wealthier. No comparable developments can be seen in Rick Perry’s Texas.

Conservatives quit caring what liberal news papers have to say, they have not hidden they are leftists. Listen to the liberals long enough and they will let you know who they really fear.

They really fear people of faith.
How is Perrys' religion belief affect the country? He sure does know how to run Texas.

...Into the ground.

The sad facts behind Rick Perry’s Texas miracle - The Washington Post

It has the fourth-highest poverty rate of any state. It tied with Mississippi last year for the highest percentage of workers in minimum-wage jobs. It ranks first in adults without high school diplomas. Twenty-six percent of Texans have no health insurance — the highest percentage of medically uninsured residents of any state. It leads the nation in the percentage of children who lack medical insurance. Texas has an inordinate number of employers who provide no insurance to their workers, partly because insurance rates are high, thanks to an absence of regulations.

Perry seems quite comfortable with the state’s lagging performance in what we might term the pursuit-of-happiness index. Consider his indifference toward education: In 2008, the state comptroller found that 12 percent of Texans lacked high school diplomas and that the level would rise to 30 percent by 2040 unless the state’s commitment to education was considerably increased. This year, though, when confronted with a $27 billion budget deficit, Perry did not raise taxes but instead slashed $4 billion from K-12 schools. In this regard, the equation of Perry with China’s leaders is unfair to China: The Chinese understand that the better educated their people become, the more high-skill and high-compensating jobs their nation will attain. No such understanding seems to have permeated Perry’s brain.

In one significant particular, though, Perry’s policies fairly ape the Chinese. Over the past eight years, the state has given businesses nearly $500 million in grants and financial incentives to help them expand. Perry’s economic vision is the kind of race-to-the-bottom mercantilism we’ve come to expect from developing nations in the globalized economy, although, as China, Brazil and India illustrate, many such nations have begun to provide citizens with more schooling and better jobs as they grow wealthier. No comparable developments can be seen in Rick Perry’s Texas.

Conservatives quit caring what liberal news papers have to say, they have not hidden they are leftists. Listen to the liberals long enough and they will let you know who they really fear.

They really fear people of faith.

Please note that none of that is actually a refutation of what was expressed or even a clear sign that the author was being deceptive or dishonest.

Texas does lead the nation in uninsured people, those without a HS diploma, and people earning shit wages. All during Perry's tenure. All the while inflating the budget and staff of the state government.
...Into the ground.

The sad facts behind Rick Perry’s Texas miracle - The Washington Post

It has the fourth-highest poverty rate of any state. It tied with Mississippi last year for the highest percentage of workers in minimum-wage jobs. It ranks first in adults without high school diplomas. Twenty-six percent of Texans have no health insurance — the highest percentage of medically uninsured residents of any state. It leads the nation in the percentage of children who lack medical insurance. Texas has an inordinate number of employers who provide no insurance to their workers, partly because insurance rates are high, thanks to an absence of regulations.

Perry seems quite comfortable with the state’s lagging performance in what we might term the pursuit-of-happiness index. Consider his indifference toward education: In 2008, the state comptroller found that 12 percent of Texans lacked high school diplomas and that the level would rise to 30 percent by 2040 unless the state’s commitment to education was considerably increased. This year, though, when confronted with a $27 billion budget deficit, Perry did not raise taxes but instead slashed $4 billion from K-12 schools. In this regard, the equation of Perry with China’s leaders is unfair to China: The Chinese understand that the better educated their people become, the more high-skill and high-compensating jobs their nation will attain. No such understanding seems to have permeated Perry’s brain.

In one significant particular, though, Perry’s policies fairly ape the Chinese. Over the past eight years, the state has given businesses nearly $500 million in grants and financial incentives to help them expand. Perry’s economic vision is the kind of race-to-the-bottom mercantilism we’ve come to expect from developing nations in the globalized economy, although, as China, Brazil and India illustrate, many such nations have begun to provide citizens with more schooling and better jobs as they grow wealthier. No comparable developments can be seen in Rick Perry’s Texas.

Conservatives quit caring what liberal news papers have to say, they have not hidden they are leftists. Listen to the liberals long enough and they will let you know who they really fear.

They really fear people of faith.

Please note that none of that is actually a refutation of what was expressed or even a clear sign that the author was being deceptive or dishonest.

Texas does lead the nation in uninsured people, those without a HS diploma, and people earning shit wages. All during Perry's tenure. All the while inflating the budget and staff of the state government.

YWC only speaks in blind, dumb, ignorant generalities.

All atheists are like Mao, no liberals are christians, etc etc.
I do for certain that God is not a woman.. If God was a woman we wouldn't have periods, PMS, and hot flashes. Just sayin!

Yes, but women have multiple orgasms and babies, so it's an even trade.

Well I'm on board for the first part but I can't say I'd ever want to have a baby growing inside me and have it come out of my privates.

Gotta agree there. It's bad enough when I eat too many potatoes and apples much less punching out an eight pound object.

OTOH, being able to pee standing up is a really great time saver.
...Into the ground.

The sad facts behind Rick Perry’s Texas miracle - The Washington Post

It has the fourth-highest poverty rate of any state. It tied with Mississippi last year for the highest percentage of workers in minimum-wage jobs. It ranks first in adults without high school diplomas. Twenty-six percent of Texans have no health insurance — the highest percentage of medically uninsured residents of any state. It leads the nation in the percentage of children who lack medical insurance. Texas has an inordinate number of employers who provide no insurance to their workers, partly because insurance rates are high, thanks to an absence of regulations.

Perry seems quite comfortable with the state’s lagging performance in what we might term the pursuit-of-happiness index. Consider his indifference toward education: In 2008, the state comptroller found that 12 percent of Texans lacked high school diplomas and that the level would rise to 30 percent by 2040 unless the state’s commitment to education was considerably increased. This year, though, when confronted with a $27 billion budget deficit, Perry did not raise taxes but instead slashed $4 billion from K-12 schools. In this regard, the equation of Perry with China’s leaders is unfair to China: The Chinese understand that the better educated their people become, the more high-skill and high-compensating jobs their nation will attain. No such understanding seems to have permeated Perry’s brain.

In one significant particular, though, Perry’s policies fairly ape the Chinese. Over the past eight years, the state has given businesses nearly $500 million in grants and financial incentives to help them expand. Perry’s economic vision is the kind of race-to-the-bottom mercantilism we’ve come to expect from developing nations in the globalized economy, although, as China, Brazil and India illustrate, many such nations have begun to provide citizens with more schooling and better jobs as they grow wealthier. No comparable developments can be seen in Rick Perry’s Texas.

Conservatives quit caring what liberal news papers have to say, they have not hidden they are leftists. Listen to the liberals long enough and they will let you know who they really fear.

They really fear people of faith.

Please note that none of that is actually a refutation of what was expressed or even a clear sign that the author was being deceptive or dishonest.

Texas does lead the nation in uninsured people, those without a HS diploma, and people earning shit wages. All during Perry's tenure. All the while inflating the budget and staff of the state government.

Do you have faith in obama and the dems fixing things ?
How do you figure that is the engine of evolution along with a very intelligent process called Natural selection according to your theory.

No gene fixation does not have a lot to do with evolution it has more to do with conservation and ecology. Gene fixation is not when a gene stays in the gene pool it is when there is no variation of that gene. There is nothing at all intelligent about natural selection, saying that just shows your confusion on the subject. What is intelligent about if a species survives to have offspring their genes will be passed on?

Let's not go around in circles anymore.

Tell me what drives Macro-evolution according to you ?

Tell me where this new information comes from ?

You have said some things that i have not heard from the typical Neo Darwinist.

Macroevolution is driven by the same processes as microevolution because it is just a lot of microevolution. New information comes from mutations and in the case of bacteria from plasmids. Sometimes what makes species different from each other is not a gain of function but a loss of function. Look at us humans and how many of our genes are turned off compared to other mammals. I am not a neo Darwinist I am a biologist, Darwin was a smart man that put together an incredible theory before all the parts of his observation were even known to us, but he is neither a god nor a profit.
Conservatives quit caring what liberal news papers have to say, they have not hidden they are leftists. Listen to the liberals long enough and they will let you know who they really fear.

They really fear people of faith.

Please note that none of that is actually a refutation of what was expressed or even a clear sign that the author was being deceptive or dishonest.

Texas does lead the nation in uninsured people, those without a HS diploma, and people earning shit wages. All during Perry's tenure. All the while inflating the budget and staff of the state government.

YWC only speaks in blind, dumb, ignorant generalities.

All atheists are like Mao, no liberals are christians, etc etc.

Atheiests are satans deciples without even knowing it.

I don't equate liberals as dems,are the liberals a party ?

Yes, I don't respect any so called Christian that is for the anti God movement in any faise.

I'm not politically correct,I call it the way I see it. I am an honest person and I pull no punches.
Gene fixation is necessary for a trait to remain in the genepool so it can be passed on or you get no evolutionary change.

And that was sarcasm about my comment for Natural selection,i probably should have made it more obvious.

No, you are wrong, here Fixation (population genetics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fixation supposedly takes place through genetic drift, i know all that. But the mutated gene has to have fixation for it to spread through the population.

No if the mutation is fixed then it is the only thing available to be spread to the population. All you need for a mutation to be spread is reproduction. If the organisms carrying the mutation are not reproductively successful it will not be spread through the population.
How is Perrys' religion belief affect the country? He sure does know how to run Texas.

They believe if he does not believe in the theory of evolution he is not smart enough to run the country.

Maybe that is the problem, there are too many leaders in washington that believe in the theory of evolution. :lol:

I do not think understanding a subject that you have not studied has anything to do with your intelligence. I would only be concerned that he might further screw up our education system.
No gene fixation does not have a lot to do with evolution it has more to do with conservation and ecology. Gene fixation is not when a gene stays in the gene pool it is when there is no variation of that gene. There is nothing at all intelligent about natural selection, saying that just shows your confusion on the subject. What is intelligent about if a species survives to have offspring their genes will be passed on?

Let's not go around in circles anymore.

Tell me what drives Macro-evolution according to you ?

Tell me where this new information comes from ?

You have said some things that i have not heard from the typical Neo Darwinist.

Macroevolution is driven by the same processes as microevolution because it is just a lot of microevolution. New information comes from mutations and in the case of bacteria from plasmids. Sometimes what makes species different from each other is not a gain of function but a loss of function. Look at us humans and how many of our genes are turned off compared to other mammals. I am not a neo Darwinist I am a biologist, Darwin was a smart man that put together an incredible theory before all the parts of his observation were even known to us, but he is neither a god nor a profit.

I didn't think you were a Neo Darwinist,but i still disagree that mutations can be the engine that drives evolution. I can't think of a loss of function benefiting any organism do you have anything to show otherwise ?
Please note that none of that is actually a refutation of what was expressed or even a clear sign that the author was being deceptive or dishonest.

Texas does lead the nation in uninsured people, those without a HS diploma, and people earning shit wages. All during Perry's tenure. All the while inflating the budget and staff of the state government.

YWC only speaks in blind, dumb, ignorant generalities.

All atheists are like Mao, no liberals are christians, etc etc.

Atheiests are satans deciples without even knowing it.

I don't equate liberals as dems,are the liberals a party ?

Yes, I don't respect any so called Christian that is for the anti God movement in any faise.

I'm not politically correct,I call it the way I see it. I am an honest person and I pull no punches.

Being politically correct has gotten blown way out of proportion. If you just make sure that what you are saying would not infringe on a person's right to be heard then you are politically correct. Say you are at a PTA meeting and you are having a disagreement with someone and it gets heated. Sometimes we all want to stay something belittling, but if you keep your cool and get out what you want to say without getting ignorant then you are being politically correct. Everything else is just taking it a step too far.

Fixation supposedly takes place through genetic drift, i know all that. But the mutated gene has to have fixation for it to spread through the population.

No if the mutation is fixed then it is the only thing available to be spread to the population. All you need for a mutation to be spread is reproduction. If the organisms carrying the mutation are not reproductively successful it will not be spread through the population.

I agree that traits can spread through a population through asexual and sexual reproduction but i feel the information was already there. I don't believe mutations can present the new information needed. I really don't buy the explanation of random chance.
Let's not go around in circles anymore.

Tell me what drives Macro-evolution according to you ?

Tell me where this new information comes from ?

You have said some things that i have not heard from the typical Neo Darwinist.

Macroevolution is driven by the same processes as microevolution because it is just a lot of microevolution. New information comes from mutations and in the case of bacteria from plasmids. Sometimes what makes species different from each other is not a gain of function but a loss of function. Look at us humans and how many of our genes are turned off compared to other mammals. I am not a neo Darwinist I am a biologist, Darwin was a smart man that put together an incredible theory before all the parts of his observation were even known to us, but he is neither a god nor a profit.

I didn't think you were a Neo Darwinist,but i still disagree that mutations can be the engine that drives evolution. I can't think of a loss of function benefiting any organism do you have anything to show otherwise ?

Well, a loss of function in the elastin gene lead to the human knee. Now, the knee is not perfect by any means, but without the loss of function mutation we would have more fused knees and not be able to walk upright. There is a long list of loss of function mutations in humans as compared to other mammals.
Fixation supposedly takes place through genetic drift, i know all that. But the mutated gene has to have fixation for it to spread through the population.

No if the mutation is fixed then it is the only thing available to be spread to the population. All you need for a mutation to be spread is reproduction. If the organisms carrying the mutation are not reproductively successful it will not be spread through the population.

I agree that traits can spread through a population through asexual and sexual reproduction but i feel the information was already there. I don't believe mutations can present the new information needed. I really don't buy the explanation of random chance.

Some of it is not random like with stationary phase mutagenesis. The goal is to cause mutations that will help the organism survive. I really believe we will find in the coming years that this process helped in some of the large jumps combined with a plethora of open niches. Since it was recently discovered, no one knows exactly how it will fit in the evolutionary puzzle.
Conservatives quit caring what liberal news papers have to say, they have not hidden they are leftists. Listen to the liberals long enough and they will let you know who they really fear.

They really fear people of faith.

Please note that none of that is actually a refutation of what was expressed or even a clear sign that the author was being deceptive or dishonest.

Texas does lead the nation in uninsured people, those without a HS diploma, and people earning shit wages. All during Perry's tenure. All the while inflating the budget and staff of the state government.

Do you have faith in obama and the dems fixing things ?

Not the point.

Its a matter of trying to polish a turd of a record and putting it up on the mantle piece and telling people its pure gold. Perry has been trumpeting his prior actions as part of his campaign. Its fair game.
Is Perry going to explain that God is just a theory?
Macroevolution is driven by the same processes as microevolution because it is just a lot of microevolution. New information comes from mutations and in the case of bacteria from plasmids. Sometimes what makes species different from each other is not a gain of function but a loss of function. Look at us humans and how many of our genes are turned off compared to other mammals. I am not a neo Darwinist I am a biologist, Darwin was a smart man that put together an incredible theory before all the parts of his observation were even known to us, but he is neither a god nor a profit.

I didn't think you were a Neo Darwinist,but i still disagree that mutations can be the engine that drives evolution. I can't think of a loss of function benefiting any organism do you have anything to show otherwise ?

Well, a loss of function in the elastin gene lead to the human knee. Now, the knee is not perfect by any means, but without the loss of function mutation we would have more fused knees and not be able to walk upright. There is a long list of loss of function mutations in humans as compared to other mammals.

My orthopaedic surgeon is a believer that the knee is a product of design not evolution.
Please note that none of that is actually a refutation of what was expressed or even a clear sign that the author was being deceptive or dishonest.

Texas does lead the nation in uninsured people, those without a HS diploma, and people earning shit wages. All during Perry's tenure. All the while inflating the budget and staff of the state government.

Do you have faith in obama and the dems fixing things ?

Not the point.

Its a matter of trying to polish a turd of a record and putting it up on the mantle piece and telling people its pure gold. Perry has been trumpeting his prior actions as part of his campaign. Its fair game.

So in other words it won't matter which republican is available ,you will vote to continue obama.

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