Uh Oh!!: Tim Adams, Chief Elections Clerk in Hawaii says Obama wasn't born there.

I think many people are beginning to realize that we have a foreigner as our President. This explains quite a bit about this President's policies. He was born in Kenya. Why would his Grandmother state on many occasions that she remembered visiting him as a baby in a local Kenyan hospital? Why would she lie about that? She was later silenced of course when he announced he was running for President. Calling me a crazy "Birther" doesn't bother me at all. I understand that discrediting is always a part of big cover-ups. The disturbing reality is that we have a Saul Alinsky Marxist-trained foreign "Community Organizer" as our President. I think many people are finally coming to this same conclusion.
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Mine doesn't have anything to do with "simple logic"?

Think risk! What is the risk of me getting struck by lightning within the hour? In fact, I wrote that about an hour ago, so now the risk is nil. But the point was that the chances of this having been a bribe or a threat are... well, extremely minimal.

Not that it could not have happened, but rather not likely to have happened. If it were a payoff, someone would have connected the dots a long time ago. If it were a threat, who knows?


Anything's possible. However, without some sort of proof or evidence to suggest their was malfeasance it's a non-issue. The birthers can only create conspiracy theories about Dr. Fukino's statements because they are inconvenient to their position.

So again, to sum this issue up in a nutshell:

You can either believe Tim Adams or Dr. Fukino.

They've both made drastically different claims. I've stated who I believe and why. If people want to believe a part time clerk who had no access to the documents he is disputing and who had to go on a stormfront radio show to pimp his message, then by all means.

I think I got about two and a half sentences into the article in the OP before I discarded it.

A long time ago before the election, when I first heard about the issue, my thoughts were, "Oh wow, if that is the case, this race is over."

The "evidence" didn't pan out. It became apparent that it was a "last ditch" effort to stop Barack Obama's presidential bid. I am absolutely not a fan of the President and quite frankly, I would not have been disappointed if it had been the truth, but then, I don't get everything I want in life and that is a good thing, I'm sure.


what country has obama's allegiance....is he a british citizen if born in south africa under british rule? so his allegiance is to great britain? what country does obama have allegiance to folks, if your scenario is true?
Mine doesn't have anything to do with "simple logic"?

Think risk! What is the risk of me getting struck by lightning within the hour? In fact, I wrote that about an hour ago, so now the risk is nil. But the point was that the chances of this having been a bribe or a threat are... well, extremely minimal.

Not that it could not have happened, but rather not likely to have happened. If it were a payoff, someone would have connected the dots a long time ago. If it were a threat, who knows?


Anything's possible. However, without some sort of proof or evidence to suggest their was malfeasance it's a non-issue. The birthers can only create conspiracy theories about Dr. Fukino's statements because they are inconvenient to their position.

So again, to sum this issue up in a nutshell:

You can either believe Tim Adams or Dr. Fukino.

They've both made drastically different claims. I've stated who I believe and why. If people want to believe a part time clerk who had no access to the documents he is disputing and who had to go on a stormfront radio show to pimp his message, then by all means.

I think I got about two and a half sentences into the article in the OP before I discarded it.

A long time ago before the election, when I first heard about the issue, my thoughts were, "Oh wow, if that is the case, this race is over."

The "evidence" didn't pan out. It became apparent that it was a "last ditch" effort to stop Barack Obama's presidential bid. I am absolutely not a fan of the President and quite frankly, I would not have been disappointed if it had been the truth, but then, I don't get everything I want in life and that is a good thing, I'm sure.


If this were true and prompted some sort of constitutional crisis; it would be devastating to our nation.

That being said, it's not true. How do I know? Because I trust Dr. Fukino when she says she has seen the original document (which is her job as the DOH).

That's basically the end of the matter to me.
Anything's possible. However, without some sort of proof or evidence to suggest their was malfeasance it's a non-issue. The birthers can only create conspiracy theories about Dr. Fukino's statements because they are inconvenient to their position.

So again, to sum this issue up in a nutshell:

You can either believe Tim Adams or Dr. Fukino.

They've both made drastically different claims. I've stated who I believe and why. If people want to believe a part time clerk who had no access to the documents he is disputing and who had to go on a stormfront radio show to pimp his message, then by all means.

I think I got about two and a half sentences into the article in the OP before I discarded it.

A long time ago before the election, when I first heard about the issue, my thoughts were, "Oh wow, if that is the case, this race is over."

The "evidence" didn't pan out. It became apparent that it was a "last ditch" effort to stop Barack Obama's presidential bid. I am absolutely not a fan of the President and quite frankly, I would not have been disappointed if it had been the truth, but then, I don't get everything I want in life and that is a good thing, I'm sure.


If this were true and prompted some sort of constitutional crisis; it would be devastating to our nation.

That being said, it's not true. How do I know? Because I trust Dr. Fukino when she says she has seen the original document (which is her job as the DOH).

That's basically the end of the matter to me.

That is basically where I stand. Without any kind of evidence showing that Dr. Fukino is lying, I have to trust her. I have to accept her word for it.

And yes, if it did prove to be true, it would be devastating to the nation.

That is basically where I stand. Without any kind of evidence showing that Dr. Fukino is lying, I have to trust her. I have to accept her word for it.

And yes, if it did prove to be true, it would be devastating to the nation.


Dr. Fukino and another high ranking official in the DOH that cross checked her work.

It should also be noted that Dr. Fukino did this to verify Obama's eligibility to run for office in accordance with the law long before the birth certificate was an issue.

I have no reason to believe she didn't do her job appropriately. Anyone who does doubt her words has the burden of proof.

They are going to have to do better than a part-time employee who had no access to the birth certificate though.
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what country has obama's allegiance....is he a british citizen if born in south africa under british rule? so his allegiance is to great britain? what country does obama have allegiance to folks, if your scenario is true?
um, who is claiming he was born in South Africa?

i thought the birfers claimed it was Kenya
It is also widely accepted in Kenya that he was born there. His Grandmother's original statements prove that she believed he was born there as well. Something is wrong with this picture. I think more & more Americans are beginning to agree with me on that. We really could very well have a foreigner as our President. It would explain a lot of his policies for sure.
It is also widely accepted in Kenya that he was born there. His Grandmother's original statements prove that she believed he was born there as well. Something is wrong with this picture. I think more & more Americans are beginning to agree with me on that. We really could very well have a foreigner as our President. It would explain a lot of his policies for sure.


And no, this doesn't count....
No, you cannot quantify "more and more people", Lib. The reverse has to be true: hundreds of millions are laughing at the birthers, and the rest of mankind simply ignores you.

what country has obama's allegiance....is he a british citizen if born in south africa under british rule? so his allegiance is to great britain? what country does obama have allegiance to folks, if your scenario is true?

That is still out for debate.To just swear and oath means not one damn thing unless you also act like you have an allegiance. obama does not act like he cares for this country. He is in love with the power that we give him but his does not care for this country.
The facts are clear that BHO loves the USA, and bigrebnc1775 doesn't. Give facts, son, give facts.

what country has obama's allegiance....is he a british citizen if born in south africa under british rule? so his allegiance is to great britain? what country does obama have allegiance to folks, if your scenario is true?

That is still out for debate.To just swear and oath means not one damn thing unless you also act like you have an allegiance. obama does not act like he cares for this country. He is in love with the power that we give him but his does not care for this country.

While I would agree with your comments about swearing an oath and one's love for country, I have to disagree with you when you say that President Obama does not act like he cares for this country.

I disagree with so much of what the President says, does and seems to think, but where do I come off being a judge as to what he happens to love or hate. He may truly believe that his policies are for the best for this country even though I think (if that is the case) he's a certifiable lunatic. Regardless, the actions he takes may in fact be what he believes are best for this country.

Damn, I never believed you birthers were so ignorant and stupid.
You just proved it.
Scary shit. No wonder Obama won the White House and us conservatives are struggling to get heard. You folks have No credibility. You have no evidence whatsoever Obama was born anywhere other than Hawaii. None. Show us some evidence, something, ANYTHING that he was born anywhere else.
You people have nothing. A bunch of ZEROS you people are.
Scary shit. No wonder we arein such a mess.

You folks have No credibility.
1. Neithers does the obama adminastraition

You have no evidence whatsoever Obama was born anywhere other than Hawaii.
2. Nor does obama, other then two people who are employed by a state that has remained liberal since it became a state, has anyone else seen obama's birth certificate?

Show us some evidence, something, ANYTHING that he was born anywhere else.
3. Thats what obama has been asked to do what does he do? Hire lawyers.[/B]


The red parts of your reply seem to defend the position of the Obama camp in my opinion.

2) They don't have any evidence that he was born anywhere else... probably because he wasn't born anywhere else.

3) If he doesn't have evidence that he was born anywhere else, that is probably BECAUSE he wasn't born anywhere else.

Why would you want Obama to prove your points?

Or were you trying to say,

2) Obama has not produced evidence that he WAS born in Hawaii.


3) He has been asked to produce evidence of his Hawaiian birth and has not done so.

My personal opinion is that he provided the required evidence when he registered to have his name put on the ballot and that if he did not then the people that should be fired are the people who's responsibility it is to get that information. Hell, if they didn't get that info, it would be possible for Lenin's grandson to become President.

He was not required to provide said evidence to either you or me. He was, or at least should have been, required to provide it to people in our government whose responsibility it is to verify eligibility.


How is this defending the obama camp?

2. Nor does obama, other then two people who are employed by a state that has remained liberal since it became a state, has anyone else seen obama's birth certificate?

Two people have said they have verified the document this much is true. Now have you ever looked at the voting history of Hawaii? Would it be a far strech to say that the two who varified the Birth Certificate just might be a DEMOCRAT? Do they allow democrats to count the ballots by themself without a repersentative from the opposing party to count the ballots on election day?

Why are you having a problem with number 3? obama hired lawyers to keep his personal records sealed. If you were hiring a person to do a job lets say at the U.S. mint would you hire them if they had their personal information sealed?

what country has obama's allegiance....is he a british citizen if born in south africa under british rule? so his allegiance is to great britain? what country does obama have allegiance to folks, if your scenario is true?

That is still out for debate.To just swear and oath means not one damn thing unless you also act like you have an allegiance. obama does not act like he cares for this country. He is in love with the power that we give him but his does not care for this country.

While I would agree with your comments about swearing an oath and one's love for country, I have to disagree with you when you say that President Obama does not act like he cares for this country.

I disagree with so much of what the President says, does and seems to think, but where do I come off being a judge as to what he happens to love or hate. He may truly believe that his policies are for the best for this country even though I think (if that is the case) he's a certifiable lunatic. Regardless, the actions he takes may in fact be what he believes are best for this country.


Please give an example of oibama showing that he cares for America?
This whole thing may have something to do with the New World Order. I know the Hopey Changey sycophants are going to laugh at this notion but i think it's connected in some way. They may have put a foreigner stooge in there to push for a One World Government. Look at this President's Anti-American policies. Look at his apology tours. It's like they're prepping the nation for something. Hmm?
You folks have No credibility.
1. Neithers does the obama adminastraition

You have no evidence whatsoever Obama was born anywhere other than Hawaii.
2. Nor does obama, other then two people who are employed by a state that has remained liberal since it became a state, has anyone else seen obama's birth certificate?

Show us some evidence, something, ANYTHING that he was born anywhere else.
3. Thats what obama has been asked to do what does he do? Hire lawyers.[/B]


The red parts of your reply seem to defend the position of the Obama camp in my opinion.

2) They don't have any evidence that he was born anywhere else... probably because he wasn't born anywhere else.

3) If he doesn't have evidence that he was born anywhere else, that is probably BECAUSE he wasn't born anywhere else.

Why would you want Obama to prove your points?

Or were you trying to say,

2) Obama has not produced evidence that he WAS born in Hawaii.


3) He has been asked to produce evidence of his Hawaiian birth and has not done so.

My personal opinion is that he provided the required evidence when he registered to have his name put on the ballot and that if he did not then the people that should be fired are the people who's responsibility it is to get that information. Hell, if they didn't get that info, it would be possible for Lenin's grandson to become President.

He was not required to provide said evidence to either you or me. He was, or at least should have been, required to provide it to people in our government whose responsibility it is to verify eligibility.


How is this defending the obama camp?

2. Nor does obama, other then two people who are employed by a state that has remained liberal since it became a state, has anyone else seen obama's birth certificate?

Two people have said they have verified the document this much is true. Now have you ever looked at the voting history of Hawaii? Would it be a far strech to say that the two who varified the Birth Certificate just might be a DEMOCRAT? Do they allow democrats to count the ballots by themself without a repersentative from the opposing party to count the ballots on election day?

Why are you having a problem with number 3? obama hired lawyers to keep his personal records sealed. If you were hiring a person to do a job lets say at the U.S. mint would you hire them if they had their personal information sealed?

Read how you replied to the answers.

In response to this:

"You have no evidence whatsoever Obama was born anywhere other than Hawaii."

You said, "Nor does Obama".

Now read that again. The statement was that you have no evidence that Obama was born anywhere other than Hawaii. Meaning that, of course you don't have that evidence since Obama was born in Hawaii. Your reply that Obama doesn't have any evidence "that he was born anywhere other than Hawaii" says to me that he was born in Hawaii. Why would he have evidence that he was born anywhere other than Hawaii if he was born in Hawaii?

See where I am going with that?

The same thing applied to #3.

Get it? ;)

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It really does look like they're prepping the nation for something. Why would they put a foreigner in the White House? I suspect it does have something to do with the New World Order. They want a One World Government. So they put an Anti-American foreigner in there to apologize and prep the nation for this coming New World Order. It is a Conspiracy Theory but not all Conspiracy theories are just theories. There is definitely something wrong with this picture and i know i'm not the only American who sees this. Who is this President really?
That is still out for debate.To just swear and oath means not one damn thing unless you also act like you have an allegiance. obama does not act like he cares for this country. He is in love with the power that we give him but his does not care for this country.

While I would agree with your comments about swearing an oath and one's love for country, I have to disagree with you when you say that President Obama does not act like he cares for this country.

I disagree with so much of what the President says, does and seems to think, but where do I come off being a judge as to what he happens to love or hate. He may truly believe that his policies are for the best for this country even though I think (if that is the case) he's a certifiable lunatic. Regardless, the actions he takes may in fact be what he believes are best for this country.


Please give an example of oibama showing that he cares for America?

Hard for me to do, because I do not support the vast majority of his policies, but, I am not so arrogant to think that just because I do not agree with his policies that he does not care for America.

Am I the only one that cares for America?

Does the fact that I support the idea of Welfare (I don't want to go into my full beliefs on the subject right now) and I love my country, mean that since you don't support Welfare (not saying you don't, because I don't know your beliefs, just using this as an example) you don't love your country? Or vice versa does the fact that we probably do not agree on this issue, mean that since you love our country, that I can't possibly love it as well?

How about Social Security? If you don't agree with everything about Social Security that I do, does that mean you don't love your country... because I sure do love it.

Health Insurance Reform? Does the fact that I don't support the reform bill that was passed mean that RightWinger who does support it does not love our country?


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