Uh Oh!!: Tim Adams, Chief Elections Clerk in Hawaii says Obama wasn't born there.

Damn, I never believed you birthers were so ignorant and stupid.
You just proved it.
Scary shit. No wonder Obama won the White House and us conservatives are struggling to get heard. You folks have No credibility. You have no evidence whatsoever Obama was born anywhere other than Hawaii. None. Show us some evidence, something, ANYTHING that he was born anywhere else.
You people have nothing. A bunch of ZEROS you people are.
Scary shit. No wonder we arein such a mess.

Wait just a sec, here.

Because I want to KNOW, beyond a shadow of a doubt, about this,

I'm ignorant and stupid?

You fuktard.

You have given All New Meaning to the word: morAn! :rofl:

We're in a mess,

not because of us falling,

but because you don't seem to have enough of a backbone to Stand The Fuck UP.

I mean, seriously?

Ever heard the term: Cut Your Losses ?

Do it, pal. You backed a loser, who betrayed your trust.

It happens.

Get the fuck over it.
You have no evidence whatsoever Obama was born anywhere other than Hawaii.
2. Nor does obama, other then two people who are employed by a state that has remained liberal since it became a state, has anyone else seen obama's birth certificate?

Show us some evidence, something, ANYTHING that he was born anywhere else.
3. Thats what obama has been asked to do what does he do? Hire lawyers.

The BHO administration is credible and to the point on this issue. The birthers are not and are just wasting oxygen.

And fyrenza is an outright idiot, end of story.

Get a life, birthers.
So I guess if you were born in Antarctica, the oh so intelligent writers of birth certificates in Hawaii would put for your race...... Antarctican ........ that's funny.:lol::lol::lol:

U R brain dead. YOU determine what is put as raceon a birth certificate if you are a parent.
Never the government.

Brain dead eh? I bet you get a big charge out of trying to outsmart a fish......... So if I want to have that my race is martian, that's what they will state on my birth certificate? That makes sense. Why aren't you curious?
You have no evidence whatsoever Obama was born anywhere other than Hawaii.
2. Nor does obama, other then two people who are employed by a state that has remained liberal since it became a state, has anyone else seen obama's birth certificate?

Show us some evidence, something, ANYTHING that he was born anywhere else.
3. Thats what obama has been asked to do what does he do? Hire lawyers.

The BHO administration is credible and to the point on this issue. The birthers are not and are just wasting oxygen.

And fyrenza is an outright idiot, end of story.

Get a life, birthers.

They lost their crediblity the day obama took office and lied, He has NONE 0
Damn, I never believed you birthers were so ignorant and stupid.
You just proved it.
Scary shit. No wonder Obama won the White House and us conservatives are struggling to get heard. You folks have No credibility. You have no evidence whatsoever Obama was born anywhere other than Hawaii. None. Show us some evidence, something, ANYTHING that he was born anywhere else.
You people have nothing. A bunch of ZEROS you people are.
Scary shit. No wonder we arein such a mess.

You folks have No credibility.
1. Neithers does the obama adminastraition

You have no evidence whatsoever Obama was born anywhere other than Hawaii.
2. Nor does obama, other then two people who are employed by a state that has remained liberal since it became a state, has anyone else seen obama's birth certificate?

Show us some evidence, something, ANYTHING that he was born anywhere else.
3. Thats what obama has been asked to do what does he do? Hire lawyers.[/B]


The red parts of your reply seem to defend the position of the Obama camp in my opinion.

2) They don't have any evidence that he was born anywhere else... probably because he wasn't born anywhere else.

3) If he doesn't have evidence that he was born anywhere else, that is probably BECAUSE he wasn't born anywhere else.

Why would you want Obama to prove your points?

Or were you trying to say,

2) Obama has not produced evidence that he WAS born in Hawaii.


3) He has been asked to produce evidence of his Hawaiian birth and has not done so.

My personal opinion is that he provided the required evidence when he registered to have his name put on the ballot and that if he did not then the people that should be fired are the people who's responsibility it is to get that information. Hell, if they didn't get that info, it would be possible for Lenin's grandson to become President.

He was not required to provide said evidence to either you or me. He was, or at least should have been, required to provide it to people in our government whose responsibility it is to verify eligibility.

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Who's mangling the facts? I just asked a question. Is it that hard to even consider that the good doctor might have lied? Who has verified what she has said as truth? Does it matter who appointed her? All I ask is that you look at how Hawaii has always leaned politically. It would not be a strech to say that the good doctor is a liberal democrat. just my 2 cents

No, it's not impossible that the director of health and the person she had also verify the document lied on what would be the most scrutinized action during their tenure.

However, if we have to pick which person is stretching the truth here (and we do since the stories conflict) and we have two options: One being a physician who had access to the records and whose job it was to verify them and who has never given any indication that she has behaved unethically or illegally. The other: A party time employee who did not have access to the records and whose job did not even remotely entail verifying them who has to go on a Stormfront radio show to tell his story and then begins back peddling immediately when it becomes suspicious that he acted in an unethical and illegal manner...

I know who I am going to pick.

It does matter who appointed Dr. Fukino if you guys are going to try and turn this into a conspiracy (which claiming she lied would be). If Fukino was a Lingle appointee she most likely was not a liberal democrat and why in the world would she ever sit on information that could disqualify Obama when her boss was endorsing McCain.

Is it too much to assume that she has acted ethically during this whole venture and you guys just don't like the fact that she's given you the facts?
I saw, and believed, this report.

Has it been DISproven, or is everyone all "You RACIST" and "You KoolAid Drinker" over it, still?

Are there any links to valid reports on this, yet?

I'm SO hoping (/praying) that MSM will come to their senses and begin reporting actual NEWS, again,

minus opinion and minus some sort of slant.

They've GOT to be getting a little scared, don't you think? I won't even hook up the TVs we have. I do NetFlix and Hulu for movies and TV shows, and what "news" I get? Is Right HERE, online.

And, yes, I'm not so naive as to think that any of this is The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing BUT the Truth, but,


cripes, it's a little hard to figure out.

Here's the problem with the report:

Timmy, who is making these claims (yet to be corroborated by any of his co-workers) was a part time employee who had no access to any of the records in question. Furthermore, his job would not have allowed him access to these records (original birth certificate) and if they tried to, under color of their jobs, obtain these records they most likely committed a crime.

Dr. Fukino, who is the director of the DOH (and has been since 2002) has stated (twice) that she personally verified all original documents existed in the state archives, which was her job to do.

So you choose who you are going to believe.

BTW, I am as annoyed as anyone else when people play the racist card, but when you are talking about Stormfront, then, if the shoe fits, wear it.
Who's mangling the facts? I just asked a question. Is it that hard to even consider that the good doctor might have lied? Who has verified what she has said as truth? Does it matter who appointed her? All I ask is that you look at how Hawaii has always leaned politically. It would not be a strech to say that the good doctor is a liberal democrat. just my 2 cents

No, it's not impossible that the director of health and the person she had also verify the document lied on what would be the most scrutinized action during their tenure.

However, if we have to pick which person is stretching the truth here (and we do since the stories conflict) and we have two options: One being a physician who had access to the records and whose job it was to verify them and who has never given any indication that she has behaved unethically or illegally. The other: A party time employee who did not have access to the records and whose job did not even remotely entail verifying them who has to go on a Stormfront radio show to tell his story and then begins back peddling immediately when it becomes suspicious that he acted in an unethical and illegal manner...

I know who I am going to pick.

It does matter who appointed Dr. Fukino if you guys are going to try and turn this into a conspiracy (which claiming she lied would be). If Fukino was a Lingle appointee she most likely was not a liberal democrat and why in the world would she ever sit on information that could disqualify Obama when her boss was endorsing McCain.

Is it too much to assume that she has acted ethically during this whole venture and you guys just don't like the fact that she's given you the facts?

Why would she?

I can think of a couple of reasons? Money (everyone has a price), threats to family members, stuff like that.

Now, that being said, I don't believe that is what happened, but like I just said, everyone has a price.

Why would she?

I can think of a couple of reasons? Money (everyone has a price), threats to family members, stuff like that.

Now, that being said, I don't believe that is what happened, but like I just said, everyone has a price.


Like I said; as opposed to going with Occam's razor, to dispute Dr. Fukino's statements requires conspiracy theories and conjecture.
First, I believe that Obama is legally eligible to be President because I just don't believe somebody that couldn't be blown off wouldn't have talked by now if he wasn't. It's kind of like the 9/11 conspiracists who seem to be unable to acknowledge how many thousands and thousands of people would have to lie and stick to a lie in order for the conspiracy theories to be at all credible.

I do think there is probably something about the birth certificate that is really embarrassing to President Obama, however, as I can't think of any other reason he would have gone to such lengths to ensure that it not be produced.

We may know at some point. Or not. At any rate, we can hope it won't matter come 2012 anyway.
I saw, and believed, this report.

Has it been DISproven, or is everyone all "You RACIST" and "You KoolAid Drinker" over it, still?

Are there any links to valid reports on this, yet?

I'm SO hoping (/praying) that MSM will come to their senses and begin reporting actual NEWS, again,

minus opinion and minus some sort of slant.

They've GOT to be getting a little scared, don't you think? I won't even hook up the TVs we have. I do NetFlix and Hulu for movies and TV shows, and what "news" I get? Is Right HERE, online.

And, yes, I'm not so naive as to think that any of this is The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing BUT the Truth, but,


cripes, it's a little hard to figure out.

Here's the problem with the report:

Timmy, who is making these claims (yet to be corroborated by any of his co-workers) was a part time employee who had no access to any of the records in question. Furthermore, his job would not have allowed him access to these records (original birth certificate) and if they tried to, under color of their jobs, obtain these records they most likely committed a crime.

Dr. Fukino, who is the director of the DOH (and has been since 2002) has stated (twice) that she personally verified all original documents existed in the state archives, which was her job to do.

So you choose who you are going to believe.

BTW, I am as annoyed as anyone else when people play the racist card, but when you are talking about Stormfront, then, if the shoe fits, wear it.

Love how willing leftist ass licks are to believe a Dr. Fukino and yet didn't believe the last President or anyone in his administration. What about the community organizer's paternal Grandmother, why did she say she was present at her grandson's birth?
Love how willing leftist ass licks are to believe a Dr. Fukino and yet didn't believe the last President or anyone in his administration. What about the community organizer's paternal Grandmother, why did she say she was present at her grandson's birth?

Total non sequitur. Feel free to address any of the points I made in my post, though.

Again, since we have conflicting statements this boils down to which person you believe to be more credible. Dr. Fukino or Tim Adams.

The Grandmother issue has been addressed again and again and again.
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First, I believe that Obama is legally eligible to be President because I just don't believe somebody that couldn't be blown off wouldn't have talked by now if he wasn't. It's kind of like the 9/11 conspiracists who seem to be unable to acknowledge how many thousands and thousands of people would have to lie and stick to a lie in order for the conspiracy theories to be at all credible.

I do think there is probably something about the birth certificate that is really embarrassing to President Obama, however, as I can't think of any other reason he would have gone to such lengths to ensure that it not be produced.

We may know at some point. Or not. At any rate, we can hope it won't matter come 2012 anyway.

What lengths? Hawaii is simply following the law by not releasing someone's health records without their consent.

If Obama released his birth certificate, something no other candidate has been required to do, then he would go to extra lengths.

Now to answer the predictable response: I think Obama refuses to capitulate to the birther's demands, because he knows once he gives an inch they will want a mile and the demands will become more and more strange.

This group is obviously unhinged. Why simply fold and give them their way?
Love how willing leftist ass licks are to believe a Dr. Fukino and yet didn't believe the last President or anyone in his administration. What about the community organizer's paternal Grandmother, why did she say she was present at her grandson's birth?

Total non sequitur. Feel free to address any of the points I made in my post, though.

The Grandmother issue has been addressed again and again and again.

Don't count on sitarro acting in accord with the real world, but will continue as a simple birther ass lick who does not have a clue. What a whiner!
Why would she?

I can think of a couple of reasons? Money (everyone has a price), threats to family members, stuff like that.

Now, that being said, I don't believe that is what happened, but like I just said, everyone has a price.


Like I said; as opposed to going with Occam's razor, to dispute Dr. Fukino's statements requires conspiracy theories and conjecture.

Well, if you read my posts very often at all, you would know for a fact that I put very little trust in the political parties or the individuals that come out of them. :D

There is of course the possibility that what I wrote happened.

Of course, there is also the possibility that I can be struck by lightning within the hour. Me living in Tampa Bay probably makes that likelihood greater than for you, but still extremely minimal.

Why would she?

I can think of a couple of reasons? Money (everyone has a price), threats to family members, stuff like that.

Now, that being said, I don't believe that is what happened, but like I just said, everyone has a price.


Like I said; as opposed to going with Occam's razor, to dispute Dr. Fukino's statements requires conspiracy theories and conjecture.

Well, if you read my posts very often at all, you would know for a fact that I put very little trust in the political parties or the individuals that come out of them. :D

There is of course the possibility that what I wrote happened.

Of course, there is also the possibility that I can be struck by lightning within the hour. Me living in Tampa Bay probably makes that likelihood greater than for you, but still extremely minimal.


My statements have less to do with political parties and more to do with simple logic. I only throw the political party bit in there for the conspiracy theorists.
He was born in Kenya. His own Grandmother in Kenya stated this in the past. She stated that she recalled visiting him and his mother when he was born in a local Kenyan hospital. She was later silenced when he announced he was running for President. She never spoke of this again. I don't care that many are trying to discredit and label people as being crazy "Birthers" for questioning this President's legal citizenship. That's all part of the cover-up. They have to try and discredit people who are asking these questions. So much of this guy's past is very murky. I believe he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. That's my feeling anyway.
He was born in Kenya. His own Grandmother in Kenya stated this in the past. She stated that she recalled visiting him and his mother when he was born in a local Kenyan hospital. She was later silenced when he announced he was running for President. She never spoke of this again. I don't care that many are trying to discredit and label people as being crazy "Birthers" for questioning this President's legal citizenship. That's all part of the cover-up. They have to try and discredit people who are asking these questions. So much of this guy's past is very murky. I believe he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. That's my feeling anyway.

Label "people as being crazy "Birthers"?

How about labeling "you" as being a crazy birther?

I like keeping the birthers separate from the other run-of-the-mill conservatives. I figure anyone who is that dense, probably deserve little, if any, consideration on other matters as well.
Like I said; as opposed to going with Occam's razor, to dispute Dr. Fukino's statements requires conspiracy theories and conjecture.

Well, if you read my posts very often at all, you would know for a fact that I put very little trust in the political parties or the individuals that come out of them. :D

There is of course the possibility that what I wrote happened.

Of course, there is also the possibility that I can be struck by lightning within the hour. Me living in Tampa Bay probably makes that likelihood greater than for you, but still extremely minimal.


My statements have less to do with political parties and more to do with simple logic. I only throw the political party bit in there for the conspiracy theorists.

Mine doesn't have anything to do with "simple logic"?

Think risk! What is the risk of me getting struck by lightning within the hour? In fact, I wrote that about an hour ago, so now the risk is nil. But the point was that the chances of this having been a bribe or a threat are... well, extremely minimal.

Not that it could not have happened, but rather not likely to have happened. If it were a payoff, someone would have connected the dots a long time ago. If it were a threat, who knows?

Mine doesn't have anything to do with "simple logic"?

Think risk! What is the risk of me getting struck by lightning within the hour? In fact, I wrote that about an hour ago, so now the risk is nil. But the point was that the chances of this having been a bribe or a threat are... well, extremely minimal.

Not that it could not have happened, but rather not likely to have happened. If it were a payoff, someone would have connected the dots a long time ago. If it were a threat, who knows?


Anything's possible. However, without some sort of proof or evidence to suggest their was malfeasance it's a non-issue. The birthers can only create conspiracy theories about Dr. Fukino's statements because they are inconvenient to their position.

So again, to sum this issue up in a nutshell:

You can either believe Tim Adams or Dr. Fukino.

They've both made drastically different claims. I've stated who I believe and why. If people want to believe a part time clerk who had no access to the documents he is disputing and who had to go on a stormfront radio show to pimp his message, then by all means.

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