Uh Oh!!: Tim Adams, Chief Elections Clerk in Hawaii says Obama wasn't born there.

Or his family was threatened by union thugs.

:lol::cuckoo:..You're an idiot. If O was to give you his certificate of live birth and let you look over it..You'd still claim it was fake. Get your head out of Orly Taitz' ass!

I know you are young Lefty and it's hard for you to understand what this country might have been like in 1961 but the fact is, there is no way that what was shown on Obama's web site pretending to be a copy of his certificate of live birth was produced back then. Computers were decades away and birth certificates were either typed out on a typewriter or hand written. His father's race would have never been classified as African back then, it would have been negro or negroid. That is just what it was like back then, why isn't a copy of his real birth certificate shown? Why are his college records sealed? Why don't you care?

Wrong again you are. Why is it I have to do your home work over and over and over and over and over?
Obama's father WAS AN AFRICAN CITIZEN at that time. Race is listed as African if you are from there as indicated in the birth certificate and that is the way it was done at that time in Hawaii and many other states such as NY, Fla, California that have many births of mixed parents where one is a foreigner. I have worked many cases where that is the case from the 40s.
:lol::cuckoo:..You're an idiot. If O was to give you his certificate of live birth and let you look over it..You'd still claim it was fake. Get your head out of Orly Taitz' ass!

I know you are young Lefty and it's hard for you to understand what this country might have been like in 1961 but the fact is, there is no way that what was shown on Obama's web site pretending to be a copy of his certificate of live birth was produced back then. Computers were decades away and birth certificates were either typed out on a typewriter or hand written. His father's race would have never been classified as African back then, it would have been negro or negroid. That is just what it was like back then, why isn't a copy of his real birth certificate shown? Why are his college records sealed? Why don't you care?

Wrong again you are. Why is it I have to do your home work over and over and over and over and over?
Obama's father WAS AN AFRICAN CITIZEN at that time. Race is listed as African if you are from there as indicated in the birth certificate and that is the way it was done at that time in Hawaii and many other states such as NY, Fla, California that have many births of mixed parents where one is a foreigner. I have worked many cases where that is the case from the 40s.

Lets say a white person from African fathered a child in America what would his race be? Would it still show African as a race? That is if we are talking about the year 1961
I know you are young Lefty and it's hard for you to understand what this country might have been like in 1961 but the fact is, there is no way that what was shown on Obama's web site pretending to be a copy of his certificate of live birth was produced back then. Computers were decades away and birth certificates were either typed out on a typewriter or hand written. His father's race would have never been classified as African back then, it would have been negro or negroid. That is just what it was like back then, why isn't a copy of his real birth certificate shown? Why are his college records sealed? Why don't you care?

Wrong again you are. Why is it I have to do your home work over and over and over and over and over?
Obama's father WAS AN AFRICAN CITIZEN at that time. Race is listed as African if you are from there as indicated in the birth certificate and that is the way it was done at that time in Hawaii and many other states such as NY, Fla, California that have many births of mixed parents where one is a foreigner. I have worked many cases where that is the case from the 40s.

Lets say a white person from African fathered a child in America what would his race be? Would it still show African as a race? That is if we are talking about the year 1961[/QUOTE

Good question. I have seen South African listed on birth certificates. The father can have whatever they want listed on a birth certificate and many times there is no information about the father. Information about religion or race can be whatever the parents identified themselves to be.
The best evidence is the doctor that delivered Obama. Dr. Rodney T.West. West spoke often amongst friends of this birth as Obama's father was the 1st black student at University of Hawaii. And then the birth announcementalong with the current validation by Hawaiian officials.
Of course if facts and evidence get in the way of political ideology then none of this matters. For those, Barry was born in the Bermuda Triangle.
Wrong again you are. Why is it I have to do your home work over and over and over and over and over?
Obama's father WAS AN AFRICAN CITIZEN at that time. Race is listed as African if you are from there as indicated in the birth certificate and that is the way it was done at that time in Hawaii and many other states such as NY, Fla, California that have many births of mixed parents where one is a foreigner. I have worked many cases where that is the case from the 40s.

Lets say a white person from African fathered a child in America what would his race be? Would it still show African as a race? That is if we are talking about the year 1961[/QUOTE

Good question. I have seen South African listed on birth certificates. The father can have whatever they want listed on a birth certificate and many times there is no information about the father. Information about religion or race can be whatever the parents identified themselves to be.
The best evidence is the doctor that delivered Obama. Dr. Rodney T.West. West spoke often amongst friends of this birth as Obama's father was the 1st black student at University of Hawaii. And then the birth announcementalong with the current validation by Hawaiian officials.
Of course if facts and evidence get in the way of political ideology then none of this matters. For those, Barry was born in the Bermuda Triangle.

The best evidence is the doctor that delivered Obama. Dr. Rodney T.West
Now this is news to me. Is this doctor still alive?
Lets say a white person from African fathered a child in America what would his race be? Would it still show African as a race? That is if we are talking about the year 1961[/QUOTE

Good question. I have seen South African listed on birth certificates. The father can have whatever they want listed on a birth certificate and many times there is no information about the father. Information about religion or race can be whatever the parents identified themselves to be.
The best evidence is the doctor that delivered Obama. Dr. Rodney T.West. West spoke often amongst friends of this birth as Obama's father was the 1st black student at University of Hawaii. And then the birth announcementalong with the current validation by Hawaiian officials.
Of course if facts and evidence get in the way of political ideology then none of this matters. For those, Barry was born in the Bermuda Triangle.

The best evidence is the doctor that delivered Obama. Dr. Rodney T.West
Now this is news to me. Is this doctor still alive?
He was until recently. Do some research into that and you will find lots of evidence of this Dr. stating he delivered Obama in Hawaii. But you won't do it as your ideology will not allow it. You believe the birth announcement in the Hawaiian papers 3 days after his birth was a Kenyan/Muslim plot.
Jesus could come back and confirm his Hawaiian birth and it would not matter to you. Your closed mind is made up. You have no evidence other than your ideology and ignore all of the facts.
The best evidence is the doctor that delivered Obama. Dr. Rodney T.West
Now this is news to me. Is this doctor still alive?
He was until recently. Do some research into that and you will find lots of evidence of this Dr. stating he delivered Obama in Hawaii. But you won't do it as your ideology will not allow it. You believe the birth announcement in the Hawaiian papers 3 days after his birth was a Kenyan/Muslim plot.
Jesus could come back and confirm his Hawaiian birth and it would not matter to you. Your closed mind is made up. You have no evidence other than your ideology and ignore all of the facts.

Here is a little bit about Dr. West that I found just from your info:

More testimony: Obama was born in K… | Obama Conspiracy Theories

When Barack Hussein Obama places his hand on the Bible today to take the oath of office as 44th president of the United States, Barbara Nelson of Kenmore will undoubtedly think back to the day he was born. It was Aug. 4, 1961, at Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women & Children in Honolulu.

“I may be the only person left who specifically remembers his birth. His parents are gone, his grandmother is gone, the obstetrician who delivered him is gone,” said Nelson, referring to Dr. Rodney T. West, who died in February at the age of 98. Here’s the story: Nelson was having dinner at the Outrigger Canoe Club on Waikiki Beach with Dr. West, the father of her college friend, Jo-Anne. Making conversation, Nelson turned to Dr. West and said: “‘So, tell me something interesting that happened this week,’” she recalls.

His response: “Well, today, Stanley had a baby. Now that’s something to write home about.”

The new mother was Stanley (later referred to by her middle name of Ann) Dunham, and the baby was Barack Hussein Obama.

Definitely not proof of anything, but it lends some credibility to the information. Edit: Reading that a little more, I would have to say that all of that is hearsay and not reliable evidence in regards to anything. It only provides some basis for the fact that this information may be true.

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Obama's father WAS AN AFRICAN CITIZEN at that time.
actually, at that time he was a British citizen(or subject) as Kenya was still under its control
but, that doesnt change the fact that Obama was born in HI as the state has certified by issuing the CoLB
Wrong again you are. Why is it I have to do your home work over and over and over and over and over?
Obama's father WAS AN AFRICAN CITIZEN at that time. Race is listed as African if you are from there as indicated in the birth certificate and that is the way it was done at that time in Hawaii and many other states such as NY, Fla, California that have many births of mixed parents where one is a foreigner. I have worked many cases where that is the case from the 40s.

Lets say a white person from African fathered a child in America what would his race be? Would it still show African as a race? That is if we are talking about the year 1961[/QUOTE

Good question. I have seen South African listed on birth certificates. The father can have whatever they want listed on a birth certificate and many times there is no information about the father. Information about religion or race can be whatever the parents identified themselves to be.
The best evidence is the doctor that delivered Obama. Dr. Rodney T.West. West spoke often amongst friends of this birth as Obama's father was the 1st black student at University of Hawaii. And then the birth announcementalong with the current validation by Hawaiian officials.
Of course if facts and evidence get in the way of political ideology then none of this matters. For those, Barry was born in the Bermuda Triangle.

So I guess if you were born in Antarctica, the oh so intelligent writers of birth certificates in Hawaii would put for your race...... Antarctican ........ that's funny.:lol::lol::lol:
A hand written one?

I have not seen that one. The only one that I have seen is the green one floating around the internet.

Other people (not you) keep saying they want to see the original. States don't give out originals. They keep the originals and they give out certified copies. It is foolish to even ask for an original.

Re-reading what you wrote "a hand produced" copy, maybe it is the same one that I have seen. Maybe you mean they (the Obama camp) produced that "version". Maybe they did or maybe they didn't. Maybe when all this controversy began (or maybe it was needed for him to actually get on the ballot) he didn't have the needed documentation so he contacted the State of Hawaii and that was what they sent him. A certified copy is not an actual copy (as in stick the original in a copy machine, push the "copy" button and then stamp "certified copy" on the copy that comes out of the machine) but it is a form filled out by the state with the pertinent information, generally embossed with the state seal on legal paper and "signed" by the county recorder or whoever is assigned the duty by the state or county. Therefore; it would not be a document from 1961, but rather a modern looking document authorized by the State of Hawaii.

As for the language, I've heard that argument and quite frankly, I don't give it a whole heck of a lot of weight. If it were faked, they would have known enough to have used whatever term was used back then. I have not heard of many people today that refer to themselves as "African". African-American yes, but not African, but that has been due to the PC climate we live in.

And as for the "I'm better than you because I voted for him" blinders you mentioned, I didn't vote for him, so I do not have those blinders on. I'm sure I'm better than you in some things and not as good as you in others.

As I have said before, I believe that he had to show proof when he registered to be put on the ballot. I highly doubt that the people responsible for verifying eligibility would have waited for the controversy to have come up before they decided to confirm his eligibility.

Didn't the left say pretty much the same thing about Bush's "Mission"? I remember Care4all saying things like he was the Anti-christ and others claiming that he would declare martial law before the 2008 elections and try to become President for life.

Taking down our system of government? It seems to me that more power has been sought by Presidents for a long, long time. Bush tried it with things like the Patriot Act, why would you expect Obama to be any different? That happens to be why we have three branches of our federal government. I pray that the checks and balances that were designed into our system still work although my confidence in our system is declining.

Bottom line: as far as I am concerned is that he is the President now whether I like it or not. These continued efforts are in my book useless and worse yet, a down right disaster if they succeeded in removing him from office, because as much as I disagree with him and his policies, Biden is a frigging moron!


the only time I ever speculated on Bush being the antichrist when he was president, was in PRIVATE messages with you....and on this board AFTER he left office, I admitted to those who think Obama is the antichrist, that I once thought that President Bush could be...only to find out and laugh at myself, later.....I gave this as warning to those on this route with obama....

If they were in PM's please forgive me. I did not mean to divulge things you thought were private.

To me, that is just a part of the wonderful person you are... odd, but wonderful!


it was not in private message on this board immie, if it were it would have given me good reason to ban your bootie from the site for a few days/weeks! :D

i believe it was ym, many years ago.

apology accepted!
The best evidence is the doctor that delivered Obama. Dr. Rodney T.West
Now this is news to me. Is this doctor still alive?
He was until recently. Do some research into that and you will find lots of evidence of this Dr. stating he delivered Obama in Hawaii. But you won't do it as your ideology will not allow it. You believe the birth announcement in the Hawaiian papers 3 days after his birth was a Kenyan/Muslim plot.
Jesus could come back and confirm his Hawaiian birth and it would not matter to you. Your closed mind is made up. You have no evidence other than your ideology and ignore all of the facts.

Here is a little bit about Dr. West that I found just from your info:

More testimony: Obama was born in K… | Obama Conspiracy Theories

When Barack Hussein Obama places his hand on the Bible today to take the oath of office as 44th president of the United States, Barbara Nelson of Kenmore will undoubtedly think back to the day he was born. It was Aug. 4, 1961, at Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women & Children in Honolulu.

“I may be the only person left who specifically remembers his birth. His parents are gone, his grandmother is gone, the obstetrician who delivered him is gone,” said Nelson, referring to Dr. Rodney T. West, who died in February at the age of 98. Here’s the story: Nelson was having dinner at the Outrigger Canoe Club on Waikiki Beach with Dr. West, the father of her college friend, Jo-Anne. Making conversation, Nelson turned to Dr. West and said: “‘So, tell me something interesting that happened this week,’” she recalls.

His response: “Well, today, Stanley had a baby. Now that’s something to write home about.”

The new mother was Stanley (later referred to by her middle name of Ann) Dunham, and the baby was Barack Hussein Obama.

Definitely not proof of anything, but it lends some credibility to the information. Edit: Reading that a little more, I would have to say that all of that is hearsay and not reliable evidence in regards to anything. It only provides some basis for the fact that this information may be true.



Nelson turned to Dr. West and said: “‘So, tell me something interesting that happened this week,’” she recalls.

His response: “Well, today, Stanley had a baby. Now that’s something to write home about.”
Now why would a teenage girl giving birth at the time be noteworthy and intresting? I'm sure that he had help deliever many more baby's before that.
Because there was a relationship of some there would be the logical reason.

Which is far more reasonable than any of the birther nonsense aborted on to this thread.
Not to you, but to some they just can't get it through their heads that the state keeps the original and ONLY issues certified copies.

The state would not give away the original.

They only produce certified copies and certified copies are considered legal documents.

I personally do not consider the internet version floating around the net to be a legal document, but I am not the one that needed to be convinced of the issue of his birth. I believe he provided evidence before the election and that should have been the end of the issue.

Those who refuse to accept that fact, should find someone born in Hawaii and ask them about the details that they need proof on.

If you can't accept a certified copy of a birth certificate from the state of issue, then what will you accept?


I don't have the original Immie, my copy of my Birth Certificate is a copy, a print of the original. That garbage that was posted on Barry's website was hand produced in the era of computers, not 1961, the language and look are completely different than what would have come from that time. Why do we not get to see an actual print of the original document, the one that states all of the facts and is either hand written or typed on a typewriter. The one that would have stated his father's race as negro, negroid or black...... not African, that is a modern term and idea, certainly not what would have been considered a race back in 61.... not when his mother was classified as caucasian.

I couldn't really give a shit where this asshole was born(the rules are meaningless anymore), it's common knowledge where he got his hatred of the Capitalist system, it was all around him growing up. His father.....communist. His Mother...... self described anarchist, her parents, the ones that raised the kid..... self proclaimed communist. His mentors have all been radical leftist except for the false one he constantly brings up and attempts to hide behind, Lincoln????? How contrived is that?

This jerks mission is to make himself more powerful and rich and then take down our system, it's obvious to anyone that don't have the racial(I'm better than you because I voted for a black guy)blinders on. This guy, being the easily guided puppet that he is, is the perfect storm to help destroy our way of life and bring on the new world order that leftist thugs have wanted through out my lifetime.

A hand written one?

I have not seen that one. The only one that I have seen is the green one floating around the internet.

Other people (not you) keep saying they want to see the original. States don't give out originals. They keep the originals and they give out certified copies. It is foolish to even ask for an original.

Re-reading what you wrote "a hand produced" copy, maybe it is the same one that I have seen. Maybe you mean they (the Obama camp) produced that "version". Maybe they did or maybe they didn't. Maybe when all this controversy began (or maybe it was needed for him to actually get on the ballot) he didn't have the needed documentation so he contacted the State of Hawaii and that was what they sent him. A certified copy is not an actual copy (as in stick the original in a copy machine, push the "copy" button and then stamp "certified copy" on the copy that comes out of the machine) but it is a form filled out by the state with the pertinent information, generally embossed with the state seal on legal paper and "signed" by the county recorder or whoever is assigned the duty by the state or county. Therefore; it would not be a document from 1961, but rather a modern looking document authorized by the State of Hawaii.

As for the language, I've heard that argument and quite frankly, I don't give it a whole heck of a lot of weight. If it were faked, they would have known enough to have used whatever term was used back then. I have not heard of many people today that refer to themselves as "African". African-American yes, but not African, but that has been due to the PC climate we live in.

And as for the "I'm better than you because I voted for him" blinders you mentioned, I didn't vote for him, so I do not have those blinders on. I'm sure I'm better than you in some things and not as good as you in others.

As I have said before, I believe that he had to show proof when he registered to be put on the ballot. I highly doubt that the people responsible for verifying eligibility would have waited for the controversy to have come up before they decided to confirm his eligibility.

Didn't the left say pretty much the same thing about Bush's "Mission"? I remember Care4all saying things like he was the Anti-christ and others claiming that he would declare martial law before the 2008 elections and try to become President for life.

Taking down our system of government? It seems to me that more power has been sought by Presidents for a long, long time. Bush tried it with things like the Patriot Act, why would you expect Obama to be any different? That happens to be why we have three branches of our federal government. I pray that the checks and balances that were designed into our system still work although my confidence in our system is declining.

Bottom line: as far as I am concerned is that he is the President now whether I like it or not. These continued efforts are in my book useless and worse yet, a down right disaster if they succeeded in removing him from office, because as much as I disagree with him and his policies, Biden is a frigging moron!


The state would not give away the original.

According to Hawaii they disgarded the original 9 years ago.

State of Hawaii claims it discarded Obama's birth certificate 8 YEARS AGO! WHAT? Lou Dobbs, CNN, July 23, 2009
State of Hawaii claims it discarded Obama's birth certificate 8 YEARS AGO! WHAT? Lou Dobbs, CNN, July 23, 2009 | Ron Paul 2012 | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul
Why haven't any of the Hospitals claimed he was born there? If you were a Hospital wouldn't you want it to be known that it was the place that Obama was born in or have a plaque up on the sign or wall saying " Birthplace of Barack Obama"?
You have nothing to offer, and you can't rebut the logical. Take a hike, son.
I don't have the original Immie, my copy of my Birth Certificate is a copy, a print of the original. That garbage that was posted on Barry's website was hand produced in the era of computers, not 1961, the language and look are completely different than what would have come from that time. Why do we not get to see an actual print of the original document, the one that states all of the facts and is either hand written or typed on a typewriter. The one that would have stated his father's race as negro, negroid or black...... not African, that is a modern term and idea, certainly not what would have been considered a race back in 61.... not when his mother was classified as caucasian.

I couldn't really give a shit where this asshole was born(the rules are meaningless anymore), it's common knowledge where he got his hatred of the Capitalist system, it was all around him growing up. His father.....communist. His Mother...... self described anarchist, her parents, the ones that raised the kid..... self proclaimed communist. His mentors have all been radical leftist except for the false one he constantly brings up and attempts to hide behind, Lincoln????? How contrived is that?

This jerks mission is to make himself more powerful and rich and then take down our system, it's obvious to anyone that don't have the racial(I'm better than you because I voted for a black guy)blinders on. This guy, being the easily guided puppet that he is, is the perfect storm to help destroy our way of life and bring on the new world order that leftist thugs have wanted through out my lifetime.

A hand written one?

I have not seen that one. The only one that I have seen is the green one floating around the internet.

Other people (not you) keep saying they want to see the original. States don't give out originals. They keep the originals and they give out certified copies. It is foolish to even ask for an original.

Re-reading what you wrote "a hand produced" copy, maybe it is the same one that I have seen. Maybe you mean they (the Obama camp) produced that "version". Maybe they did or maybe they didn't. Maybe when all this controversy began (or maybe it was needed for him to actually get on the ballot) he didn't have the needed documentation so he contacted the State of Hawaii and that was what they sent him. A certified copy is not an actual copy (as in stick the original in a copy machine, push the "copy" button and then stamp "certified copy" on the copy that comes out of the machine) but it is a form filled out by the state with the pertinent information, generally embossed with the state seal on legal paper and "signed" by the county recorder or whoever is assigned the duty by the state or county. Therefore; it would not be a document from 1961, but rather a modern looking document authorized by the State of Hawaii.

As for the language, I've heard that argument and quite frankly, I don't give it a whole heck of a lot of weight. If it were faked, they would have known enough to have used whatever term was used back then. I have not heard of many people today that refer to themselves as "African". African-American yes, but not African, but that has been due to the PC climate we live in.

And as for the "I'm better than you because I voted for him" blinders you mentioned, I didn't vote for him, so I do not have those blinders on. I'm sure I'm better than you in some things and not as good as you in others.

As I have said before, I believe that he had to show proof when he registered to be put on the ballot. I highly doubt that the people responsible for verifying eligibility would have waited for the controversy to have come up before they decided to confirm his eligibility.

Didn't the left say pretty much the same thing about Bush's "Mission"? I remember Care4all saying things like he was the Anti-christ and others claiming that he would declare martial law before the 2008 elections and try to become President for life.

Taking down our system of government? It seems to me that more power has been sought by Presidents for a long, long time. Bush tried it with things like the Patriot Act, why would you expect Obama to be any different? That happens to be why we have three branches of our federal government. I pray that the checks and balances that were designed into our system still work although my confidence in our system is declining.

Bottom line: as far as I am concerned is that he is the President now whether I like it or not. These continued efforts are in my book useless and worse yet, a down right disaster if they succeeded in removing him from office, because as much as I disagree with him and his policies, Biden is a frigging moron!


The state would not give away the original.

According to Hawaii they disgarded the original 9 years ago.

State of Hawaii claims it discarded Obama's birth certificate 8 YEARS AGO! WHAT? Lou Dobbs, CNN, July 23, 2009
State of Hawaii claims it discarded Obama's birth certificate 8 YEARS AGO! WHAT? Lou Dobbs, CNN, July 23, 2009 | Ron Paul 2012 | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

The Daily Paul?

Do you have anything reliable to back that up? Maybe something from Lou Dobbs himself?

This is news to me. Suffice it to say, I'm skeptical.

A hand written one?

I have not seen that one. The only one that I have seen is the green one floating around the internet.

Other people (not you) keep saying they want to see the original. States don't give out originals. They keep the originals and they give out certified copies. It is foolish to even ask for an original.

Re-reading what you wrote "a hand produced" copy, maybe it is the same one that I have seen. Maybe you mean they (the Obama camp) produced that "version". Maybe they did or maybe they didn't. Maybe when all this controversy began (or maybe it was needed for him to actually get on the ballot) he didn't have the needed documentation so he contacted the State of Hawaii and that was what they sent him. A certified copy is not an actual copy (as in stick the original in a copy machine, push the "copy" button and then stamp "certified copy" on the copy that comes out of the machine) but it is a form filled out by the state with the pertinent information, generally embossed with the state seal on legal paper and "signed" by the county recorder or whoever is assigned the duty by the state or county. Therefore; it would not be a document from 1961, but rather a modern looking document authorized by the State of Hawaii.

As for the language, I've heard that argument and quite frankly, I don't give it a whole heck of a lot of weight. If it were faked, they would have known enough to have used whatever term was used back then. I have not heard of many people today that refer to themselves as "African". African-American yes, but not African, but that has been due to the PC climate we live in.

And as for the "I'm better than you because I voted for him" blinders you mentioned, I didn't vote for him, so I do not have those blinders on. I'm sure I'm better than you in some things and not as good as you in others.

As I have said before, I believe that he had to show proof when he registered to be put on the ballot. I highly doubt that the people responsible for verifying eligibility would have waited for the controversy to have come up before they decided to confirm his eligibility.

Didn't the left say pretty much the same thing about Bush's "Mission"? I remember Care4all saying things like he was the Anti-christ and others claiming that he would declare martial law before the 2008 elections and try to become President for life.

Taking down our system of government? It seems to me that more power has been sought by Presidents for a long, long time. Bush tried it with things like the Patriot Act, why would you expect Obama to be any different? That happens to be why we have three branches of our federal government. I pray that the checks and balances that were designed into our system still work although my confidence in our system is declining.

Bottom line: as far as I am concerned is that he is the President now whether I like it or not. These continued efforts are in my book useless and worse yet, a down right disaster if they succeeded in removing him from office, because as much as I disagree with him and his policies, Biden is a frigging moron!


The state would not give away the original.

According to Hawaii they disgarded the original 9 years ago.

State of Hawaii claims it discarded Obama's birth certificate 8 YEARS AGO! WHAT? Lou Dobbs, CNN, July 23, 2009
State of Hawaii claims it discarded Obama's birth certificate 8 YEARS AGO! WHAT? Lou Dobbs, CNN, July 23, 2009 | Ron Paul 2012 | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

The Daily Paul?

Do you have anything reliable to back that up? Maybe something from Lou Dobbs himself?

This is news to me. Suffice it to say, I'm skeptical.


This get's really wierd I have two reports From the L.A.Times
The website TVNewser reported today that Klein sent an e-mail to staffers of “Lou Dobbs Tonight” just as the program went to air, informing them that CNN researchers had determined that Hawaiian officials discarded all paper documents in 2001. A long-form birth certificate with details about the doctor who delivered Obama no longer exists, they reported. The shorter Certificate of Live Birth noting Obama’s birth on Aug. 4, 1961, that has been made public is the official record.
CNN President Jon Klein declares Obama birther story 'dead' | Show Tracker | Los Angeles Times

Then we have a report that states Hawaii did not discarde the documents

Hawaii officials confirm Obama’s original birth certificate still exists
Now how did the story get to CNN and LA Times about the document being disgraded if in fact it hadn't happen?
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This get's really wierd I have two reports From the L.A.Times
The website TVNewser reported today that Klein sent an e-mail to staffers of “Lou Dobbs Tonight” just as the program went to air, informing them that CNN researchers had determined that Hawaiian officials discarded all paper documents in 2001. A long-form birth certificate with details about the doctor who delivered Obama no longer exists, they reported. The shorter Certificate of Live Birth noting Obama’s birth on Aug. 4, 1961, that has been made public is the official record.
CNN President Jon Klein declares Obama birther story 'dead' | Show Tracker | Los Angeles Times

Then we have a report that states Hawaii did not discarde the documents

Hawaii officials confirm Obama’s original birth certificate still exists
Hawaii officials confirm Obama’s original birth certificate still exists | The Honolulu Advertiser | Hawaii's Newspaper
Now how did the story get to CNN and LA Times about the document being disgraded if in fact it hadn't happen?

Because CNN made a mistake? I guess, when it suits your purpose, CNN can never make a flaw.

Also, the statement from Dr. Fukino that you linked was her second attempt to quash this nonsense.

"I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawai'i State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai'i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai'i and is a natural-born American citizen," Fukino said in a statement. "I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008, over eight months ago."

So, this all boils down to whether you want to trust a part-time minion whose job was not to confirm Obama's birthplace or the Director of Health whose job it was.

I would further state that I trust Dr. Fukino's statements more than any other source. She, and she alone, is the authority on this manner. Though, to be transparent, another employee varied that the document (the originals) existed and also went on the record saying as much.

This is why you birthers always fail.
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