UK now the worst-performing advanced economy in the world...Go Brexit!

I would not praise such a referendum even if my side had won.
It was a crude piece of politicking in order to pacify the anti-European Union element among the Tories.
As I indicated there were different motivations behind those who supported it without being clear on any one idea.
Contrary to what Prime Minister Theresa May says, no-one knows what Brexit means.
Well, ok. No one knows what will come, granted. But it isn´t the doomsday. Britain could remain in the European customs union - it isn´t EU exclusive - or otherwise negotiate similar conditions. The EU stressed several times they don´t want to punish Britain.
Indeed, being outside of the EU will still permit Britain to remain in the customs union. All this means is that Britain will be required to impose the same tariffs on good entering Britain from outside the customs union as the other members. These goods can then enter the EU without further tariffs.

I agree the majority of the Scottish are being treated as if they had voted to leave the EU. Considering that they had been told that the only way to preserve their place within the EU was to vote to stay in the United Kingdom, this is a treachery by the ruling English.
A referendum outcome cannot be promised, that you should know. Maybe it was the only way but I cannot imagine they guaranteed success.
What's done is done.

You cannot say that based on the text of the referendum. It was a crude question with serious repercussions and not appropriate for a referendum in the first place.
Can you explain this more precisely?
Because the European Union has been formed through a series international treaties, all signed by Britain with some opt-out clauses included, having a single Yes/No response was ludicrous. Some treaties might have been supported even by those who voted out and it is impossible to untangle this given an overall Yes/No response.

I have no idea what you are on about. I do not know what your union is or what you think my domestic problems are or what you imagine my country to be. This part of your post is incoherent.
Don´t worry, most countries couldn´t join without serious efforts but I explain it in short:

- Being a satellite state of a foreign power and thus a trojan horse
Worse than any other, the UK is submissive to the US.

- Allowing foreign and domestic criminals to terrorize and abuse the population
Example: Organized forced prostitution with gruesome methods of minors with government knowledge.

- Allowing the breakdown of the education system
Half of the school leavers are dyslectic. They barely master SMS/Whatsapp language.

- Supporting terrorism
Support for al-Qaeda and ISIS in Syria and Libya.

- Destroying the own economy
Destruction of the industries beginning under Thatcher.

- Red Bobbies are not allowed

- Running out of ammo after a month of bombing a 75.000 men army
The UK had to beg the US for ammo during the Libya war 2011.

- Allowing malicious immigration
Criminal intruders are not proper immigrants and should be treated accordingly.

- Banning the celebrations and traditions of native religions while supporting foreign
Example: Renaming Christmas, banning of piggy banks at counters and Christmas decoration in multiple cases - even in advance.

- Establishing a "political correctness" in the name of freedom
Telling the Brits what they can say and what not, which opinions are evil and which not, ect. All not based on law.

- Red buses are not allowed

- Maintaining expensive but useless government institutions
Monarchy-remains and Upper House at least can go away.

- Privatizing public property
Example: Privatization of water. A hot good as it belongs to the people. Led to increase of prices and decrease of quality, for example pressure decreases due to absence of maintenance.

- Issuing referendums whose outcomes are not binding
Example: The Brexit referendum.

- Raiding countries in malicious intentions
Multiple examples.

- Snickers dip recipes are not allowed
I'm sorry; I do not see the relevance of this list.
Because the European Union has been formed through a series international treaties, all signed by Britain with some opt-out clauses included, having a single Yes/No response was ludicrous. Some treaties might have been supported even by those who voted out and it is impossible to untangle this given an overall Yes/No response.
The referendum was still about the EU as a whole. It was promised long enough.

I'm sorry; I do not see the relevance of this list.
If you don´t realize this homegrown problems, nothing can be done about this. And the EU issue, how can it be that important in face of this? What does the EU membership mean in the face of this? They are openly supporting al-Qaeda:
Boris Johnson wants to behead President Assad

What are those doing in your country:
Intelligence agencies admit 23.000 jihadists active in UK

Are you not concerned? What about Manchester? Doesn´t it matter? Is that the price to be payed for freedom?
Because the European Union has been formed through a series international treaties, all signed by Britain with some opt-out clauses included, having a single Yes/No response was ludicrous. Some treaties might have been supported even by those who voted out and it is impossible to untangle this given an overall Yes/No response.
The referendum was still about the EU as a whole. It was promised long enough.
It was a stupid idea to promise an In/Out referendum in the first place in order to placate anti-Europe Conservative backbenchers and the UKIP party which had only one MP in the London parliament. It has been very destructive and divisive. Great harm has been done to the British by the Tories.

I'm sorry; I do not see the relevance of this list.
If you don´t realize this homegrown problems, nothing can be done about this. And the EU issue, how can it be that important in face of this? What does the EU membership mean in the face of this? They are openly supporting al-Qaeda:
Boris Johnson wants to behead President Assad
Boris Johnson is a blockhead. He looks like a fat clown because he is a fat clown.
This has nothing to do with the European Union.

Are you not concerned? What about Manchester? Doesn´t it matter? Is that the price to be payed for freedom?
This has nothing do do with the European Union.
It was a stupid idea to promise an In/Out referendum in the first place in order to placate anti-Europe Conservative backbenchers and the UKIP party which had only one MP in the London parliament. It has been very destructive and divisive. Great harm has been done to the British by the Tories.
There should be a referendum on the joining in the first place, since this is a matter of great importance. UK had an EEC referendum but EEC is not EU.

This has nothing to do with the European Union.
Indeed, it is British issue. The mentioned problems won´t disappear with the UK leaving the EU. My question is, though, why the Brexit is such a big issue when the government is rotten to an extent, that it is just incredible. I even heard Cameron is an active nekrophile.
It was a stupid idea to promise an In/Out referendum in the first place in order to placate anti-Europe Conservative backbenchers and the UKIP party which had only one MP in the London parliament. It has been very destructive and divisive. Great harm has been done to the British by the Tories.
There should be a referendum on the joining in the first place, since this is a matter of great importance. UK had an EEC referendum but EEC is not EU.
Changes to the constitution of the European Economic Community by way of treaties were all ratified by the British parliament. The English operate a representative democracy and do not allow their citizens any authority to approve treaties by using referenda.

Only Ireland must allow its citizens to ratify EU treaties by referendum which gives the Irish people veto authority.

This has nothing to do with the European Union.
Indeed, it is British issue. The mentioned problems won´t disappear with the UK leaving the EU. My question is, though, why the Brexit is such a big issue when the government is rotten to an extent, that it is just incredible. I even heard Cameron is an active nekrophile.
I cannot express an opinion on this.
Changes to the constitution of the European Economic Community by way of treaties were all ratified by the British parliament. The English operate a representative democracy and do not allow their citizens any authority to approve treaties by using referenda.

Only Ireland must allow its citizens to ratify EU treaties by referendum which gives the Irish people veto authority.
When this "representative democracy" wants to concede sovereignty to a private institution, the people must be asked for its approval.

I cannot express an opinion on this.
Germany is not better in the mentioned points. That´s not an excuse.
Changes to the constitution of the European Economic Community by way of treaties were all ratified by the British parliament. The English operate a representative democracy and do not allow their citizens any authority to approve treaties by using referenda.

Only Ireland must allow its citizens to ratify EU treaties by referendum which gives the Irish people veto authority.
When this "representative democracy" wants to concede sovereignty to a private institution, the people must be asked for its approval.

I cannot express an opinion on this.
Germany is not better in the mentioned points. That´s not an excuse.
There is not "must" about it. The London Parliament has no authority to answer to. It can make any law it likes and sign any treaty without the people getting a vote.
Changes to the constitution of the European Economic Community by way of treaties were all ratified by the British parliament. The English operate a representative democracy and do not allow their citizens any authority to approve treaties by using referenda.

Only Ireland must allow its citizens to ratify EU treaties by referendum which gives the Irish people veto authority.
When this "representative democracy" wants to concede sovereignty to a private institution, the people must be asked for its approval.

I cannot express an opinion on this.
Germany is not better in the mentioned points. That´s not an excuse.
There is not "must" about it. The London Parliament has no authority to answer to. It can make any law it likes and sign any treaty without the people getting a vote.
So its a dictatorship?
Changes to the constitution of the European Economic Community by way of treaties were all ratified by the British parliament. The English operate a representative democracy and do not allow their citizens any authority to approve treaties by using referenda.

Only Ireland must allow its citizens to ratify EU treaties by referendum which gives the Irish people veto authority.
When this "representative democracy" wants to concede sovereignty to a private institution, the people must be asked for its approval.

I cannot express an opinion on this.
Germany is not better in the mentioned points. That´s not an excuse.
There is not "must" about it. The London Parliament has no authority to answer to. It can make any law it likes and sign any treaty without the people getting a vote.
So its a dictatorship?
If the public don't like what the government has done in their name, they can wait for a maximum of 5 years and then try to remove them by a first-past-the-post electoral system. England is not a very democratic state. Scotland and North Ireland have proportional representation in their parliaments and are, therefore, more democratic.
Changes to the constitution of the European Economic Community by way of treaties were all ratified by the British parliament. The English operate a representative democracy and do not allow their citizens any authority to approve treaties by using referenda.

Only Ireland must allow its citizens to ratify EU treaties by referendum which gives the Irish people veto authority.
When this "representative democracy" wants to concede sovereignty to a private institution, the people must be asked for its approval.

I cannot express an opinion on this.
Germany is not better in the mentioned points. That´s not an excuse.
There is not "must" about it. The London Parliament has no authority to answer to. It can make any law it likes and sign any treaty without the people getting a vote.
So its a dictatorship?
If the public don't like what the government has done in their name, they can wait for a maximum of 5 years and then try to remove them by a first-past-the-post electoral system. England is not a very democratic state. Scotland and North Ireland have proportional representation in their parliaments and are, therefore, more democratic.
It is the typical farce.

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