UK Parliment Would NOT Vote to Work with Biden on Military Cooperation

Let other countries chart their own political destinies. It's clear that America is bent on being the outlier, in a bad way.
taliban taking over, yes.

abandoning our allies and leaving Americans left behind, FUCK NO.
That was the nub of Trumpybears plan. He bragged about it and took credit for setting up another planned GOP cut an run, played forward again to the Next Democrat President. Trumpy and the Neo-GOP would stab America in the Back to regain power, and they did.
thats why the troops get AMERICANS out....XIDEN FUCKED THAT UP
thank TRUMP for thinking about AMERICANS, and not deserting them...

We had nearly 20 years to get them out. Trump had 4 many years is needed?
That was the nub of Trumpybears plan. He bragged about it and took credit for setting up another planned GOP cut an run, played forward again to the Next Democrat President. Trumpy and the Neo-GOP would stab America in the Back to regain power, and they did.
you want to be a scum demonRAT, then take the credit for that major fuck-up....instead you have to deny the TRUTH, and then try to deflect the blame to are a delusional retarded, scum demonRAT, and it shows
That was the nub of Trumpybears plan. He bragged about it and took credit for setting up another planned GOP cut an run, played forward again to the Next Democrat President. Trumpy and the Neo-GOP would stab America in the Back to regain power, and they did.
oh you are so full of biased ass shit.
We had nearly 20 years to get them out. Trump had 4 many years is needed?

i'll see your 4 year trump plan and raise you 8 years of obama.

again - leaving isn't the issue. it was long since past time we did. but the manner in which we've done it is a total disgrace and zero to do with trump.

regardless of how many times you cry out his name in your sleep.

i'll see your 4 year trump plan and raise you 8 years of obama.

again - leaving isn't the issue. it was long since past time we did. but the manner in which we've done it is a total disgrace and zero to do with trump.

regardless of how many times you cry out his name in your sleep.

Absolutely. I've said over and over and over and over and over and...........that Obama was a complete failure here. Not only did he not do the right things in Afghanistan and Iraq he started new wars. A complete and total failure.

I said that if Trump brought the troops home that I would seriously consider voting for him but he didn't. With you and so many others this is a partisan thing which is extremely sad.
Nobody, even our oldest and dearest allies are willing to work with the United States so long as Xiden and the Dems are in power...just wow.

Folks, we must remove this cancer that is the Dems from offices of power....and never forget this dark chapter in US History.
you want to be a scum demonRAT, then take the credit for that major fuck-up....instead you have to deny the TRUTH, and then try to deflect the blame to are a delusional retarded, scum demonRAT, and it shows

Hahahaha. I must admit, you are fucking hilarious. But don't hold back......

Trumpybear took credit for forcing the Afghan withdrawal on America.
Absolutely. I've said over and over and over and over and over and...........that Obama was a complete failure here. Not only did he not do the right things in Afghanistan and Iraq he started new wars. A complete and total failure.

I said that if Trump brought the troops home that I would seriously consider voting for him but he didn't. With you and so many others this is a partisan thing which is extremely sad.
why - because i simply disagree with you - is it partisan? your limited capability for thought is even more sad. i can assure you it is not except in your own mind.

i would like to believe trump would work with allies to pull out all people THEN military. if he had not done it that way then yes i would be giving him all the shit he would deserve.

you don't leave people behind, you don't abandon allies, you don't ignore them for several days after such a bullshit move - and the list of fuck ups biden has done is long and growing. IF TRUMP HAD DONE THIS i would be just as furious.

you and so many others act like there's only 1 way to pull out of afganistan and that is YOUR limited mind, not mine. there are a thousand ways to do something - and biden made all the wrong calls along the way.

again - since you seem to revert to pre-existing thoughts about my stance - i don't give an unholy fuck who would have done this - if my brother would have done it this way i'd be railing his ass.

got it yet or do i need to dumb it down more?
We are simply complying with the withdrawal Trump started.
haha that is a lie....and complete and total debunked lie.

It's sad you dembots keep repeating these debunked lies...ignoring reality...this is what cults do I suppose
why - because i simply disagree with you - is it partisan? your limited capability for thought is even more sad. i can assure you it is not except in your own mind.

i would like to believe trump would work with allies to pull out all people THEN military. if he had not done it that way then yes i would be giving him all the shit he would deserve.

you don't leave people behind, you don't abandon allies, you don't ignore them for several days after such a bullshit move - and the list of fuck ups biden has done is long and growing. IF TRUMP HAD DONE THIS i would be just as furious.

you and so many others act like there's only 1 way to pull out of afganistan and that is YOUR limited mind, not mine. there are a thousand ways to do something - and biden made all the wrong calls along the way.

again - since you seem to revert to pre-existing thoughts about my stance - i don't give an unholy fuck who would have done this - if my brother would have done it this way i'd be railing his ass.

got it yet or do i need to dumb it down more?

Trump didn't do squat even though he seemed to know it was the right thing to do. Throwing Obama back at me shows you see this as all partisan.
Trump didn't do squat even though he seemed to know it was the right thing to do. Throwing Obama back at me shows you see this as all partisan.
actually you bringing up Trump shows how partisan you are...Trump has and had absolutely nothing to do with the disaster that is Xiden. Try again
Trump didn't do squat even though he seemed to know it was the right thing to do. Throwing Obama back at me shows you see this as all partisan.
he set a timeline. had he won the election like most felt he would have, then he would have to follow through on it. this isn't the first time a president set a plan in motion another one had to finish.

the problem is *how* biden finished it. you seem to pretend there was only one way this could have been done.

that is about as limited of thought as a person can have.
actually you bringing up Trump shows how partisan you are...Trump has and had absolutely nothing to do with the disaster that is Xiden. Try again

Like Obama, Trump failed to do the right thing.
Trump didn't do squat even though he seemed to know it was the right thing to do. Throwing Obama back at me shows you see this as all partisan.
great. then throwing trump at me while i bitch at biden is partisan.

your fucking logic sammich. eat it.

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