UK Parliment Would NOT Vote to Work with Biden on Military Cooperation

The brits pulled out of the EU and can't field an armored brigade because they cut their number of tanks, and their armored personnel carriers don't work.

And we just sold Poland 250 upgraded M-1 tanks to potentially counter "the Soviets."

Let's hope it doesn't come to a shooting war in Europe case we spent money we don't have in Afghan.
he set a timeline. had he won the election like most felt he would have, then he would have to follow through on it. this isn't the first time a president set a plan in motion another one had to finish.

the problem is *how* biden finished it. you seem to pretend there was only one way this could have been done.

that is about as limited of thought as a person can have.

Like how he followed through with the trade agreement with China?
The brits pulled out of the EU and can't field an armored brigade because they cut their number of tanks, and their armored personnel carriers don't work.

And we just sold Poland 250 upgraded M-1 tanks to potentially counter "the Soviets."

Let's hope it doesn't come to a shooting war in Europe case we spent money we don't have in Afghan.
not pertinent to the convo or thread but nice try of diversion.
Like how he followed through with the trade agreement with China?
oh look - you divert again to trump so you must be partisan.

again, your logic sammich. eat it again.
great. then throwing trump at me while i bitch at biden is partisan.

your fucking logic sammich. eat it.

It's valid to note that Biden is simply following up with the agreement left for him.

When you do stupid things, bad things happen and that is what we are seeing. There was NO good way to leave but leaving is still the right thing to do.
why - because i simply disagree with you - is it partisan? your limited capability for thought is even more sad. i can assure you it is not except in your own mind.

i would like to believe trump would work with allies to pull out all people THEN military. if he had not done it that way then yes i would be giving him all the shit he would deserve.

you don't leave people behind, you don't abandon allies, you don't ignore them for several days after such a bullshit move - and the list of fuck ups biden has done is long and growing. IF TRUMP HAD DONE THIS i would be just as furious.

you and so many others act like there's only 1 way to pull out of afganistan and that is YOUR limited mind, not mine. there are a thousand ways to do something - and biden made all the wrong calls along the way.

again - since you seem to revert to pre-existing thoughts about my stance - i don't give an unholy fuck who would have done this - if my brother would have done it this way i'd be railing his ass.

got it yet or do i need to dumb it down more?
The afghan army folded. The Taliban are not interfering (at least the leadership) with non-afghan civilians leaving. And the same generals now were running things when Trump was there.
I'm not a Democrat. I'm someone that has long wanted our troops home.

Former Trump’s adviser says Pompeo signed ‘surrender agreement’ with Taliban
hahaha yeah you are....

That's an interesting but incorrect opinion. There was nothing in that agreement about had conditions that must of been met before we totally withdrew. Trump lost the election, Xiden took over, ignored the requirements...ignored his own intel, lied repeatedly about it, and completely f'd up things.

This has nothing to do with Trump...but you are a partisan hack, dembot repeating the debunked lies...even Xiden debunked it...

President Joe Biden revealed in a new interview that he still would have sought to pull American forces out of Afghanistan even if former President Donald Trump had not struck a deal with the Taliban last year that paved the way for an eventual U.S. troop withdrawal.

“I would have tried to figure out how to withdraw those troops, yes,” Biden told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos in an interview conducted Wednesday. Segments of the interview aired Wednesday on ABC’s “World News Tonight” and Thursday on “Good Morning America.”

The president’s acknowledgment comes after he and top aides have argued the White House’s hands were tied by the Trump-era agreement — brokered last February in Doha, Qatar — saying it forced Biden to follow through on a full-scale Afghanistan withdrawal in his opening months in office.

But Biden’s latest statement that he would have pursued a pullout of U.S. troops regardless of Trump’s negotiations with the Taliban complicates the current administration’s argument for its own withdrawal order.
It's valid to note that Biden is simply following up with the agreement left for him.

When you do stupid things, bad things happen and that is what we are seeing. There was NO good way to leave but leaving is still the right thing to do.
there were far better ways to leave than unplugging our shit in the night and leaving everyone hanging.

if you can't see you're pretty single minded in focus and incapable of understanding there's a thousand ways to get a job done and keep at the only pinhole you have.

not my problem your manner of thinking is limiting you to a narrow field of view.
The afghan army folded. The Taliban are not interfering (at least the leadership) with non-afghan civilians leaving. And the same generals now were running things when Trump was there.

its got to hurt to be as wrong as you constantly are.
hahaha yeah you are....

That's an interesting but incorrect opinion. There was nothing in that agreement about had conditions that must of been met before we totally withdrew. Trump lost the election, Xiden took over, ignored the requirements...ignored his own intel, lied repeatedly about it, and completely f'd up things.

This has nothing to do with Trump...but you are a partisan hack, dembot repeating the debunked lies...even Xiden debunked it...

President Joe Biden revealed in a new interview that he still would have sought to pull American forces out of Afghanistan even if former President Donald Trump had not struck a deal with the Taliban last year that paved the way for an eventual U.S. troop withdrawal.

“I would have tried to figure out how to withdraw those troops, yes,” Biden told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos in an interview conducted Wednesday. Segments of the interview aired Wednesday on ABC’s “World News Tonight” and Thursday on “Good Morning America.”

The president’s acknowledgment comes after he and top aides have argued the White House’s hands were tied by the Trump-era agreement — brokered last February in Doha, Qatar — saying it forced Biden to follow through on a full-scale Afghanistan withdrawal in his opening months in office.

But Biden’s latest statement that he would have pursued a pullout of U.S. troops regardless of Trump’s negotiations with the Taliban complicates the current administration’s argument for its own withdrawal order.

You are unable to grasp the idea that not everyone is either a partisan Republican or partisan Democrat. I feel sorry for you.
there were far better ways to leave than unplugging our shit in the night and leaving everyone hanging.

if you can't see you're pretty single minded in focus and incapable of understanding there's a thousand ways to get a job done and keep at the only pinhole you have.

not my problem your manner of thinking is limiting you to a narrow field of view.

If there were better ways it should have been done long ago. The reason it wasn't is because the administrations knew it was going to be a real mess.

When you do stupid things, bad things happen.
If there were better ways it should have been done long ago. The reason it wasn't is because the administrations knew it was going to be a real mess.

When you do stupid things, bad things happen.
oh good God. you keep finding ways to put this on Trump then dare to call ME partisan.
It's valid to note that Biden is simply following up with the agreement left for him.

When you do stupid things, bad things happen and that is what we are seeing. There was NO good way to leave but leaving is still the right thing to do.
Well said!! Yeah, that's what I think, too. Way past time to go, and finally Biden did it. Best thing he's done in office, IMO.
Remember how so many people speculated that Biden would resign in two years and Caramel Harris would replace him? Could be, but it's looking dodgy now because she's polling worse even than he is!!
Pretty much all NATO allies have written Biden off as a blithering idiot. They are getting their citizens out of Afghanistan however they can since Biden hung them out to dry without even consulting with them.
Pretty much all NATO allies have written Biden off as a blithering idiot. They are getting their citizens out of Afghanistan however they can since Biden hung them out to dry without even consulting with them.

We told them in Feb 2020 we were leaving. That's not enough time? Why didn't they leave?
It's valid to note that Biden is simply following up with the agreement left for him.

When you do stupid things, bad things happen and that is what we are seeing. There was NO good way to leave but leaving is still the right thing to do.
But Biden’s latest statement that he would have pursued a pullout of U.S. troops regardless of Trump’s negotiations with the Taliban complicates the current administration’s argument for its own withdrawal order.

You are unable to grasp the idea that not everyone is either a partisan Republican or partisan Democrat. I feel sorry for you.
Oh I's just you are partisan...I can READ your post...
We told them in Feb 2020 we were leaving. That's not enough time? Why didn't they leave?
No, we told them we were planning on leaving if certain conditions were met. We gave a date that we wanted to leave if those conditions were met.

Why were they still there? their lives....until Xiden turned the country over to the Taliban unexpectedly and without warning...leaving Americans, and our allies hostage.

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