UK Parliment Would NOT Vote to Work with Biden on Military Cooperation

Actual Headline:

Nigel Farage: 'No way' British parliament would vote for military cooperation with America under Biden admin​

and yet people keep trying to defend what can't be defended.

Nigel Farage is the biggest asshole in the Western world. He's only saying that because there isn't a politician in North America or Europe who are willing to work with Nigel Farage. He's the guy who couldn't even get a Brexit Agreement with the EU after 3 years of negotiations.

The British Parliament under Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage is the laughingstock of the world.
We didn't announce in Feb 2020 we were leaving? All the sources that note that are just making it up?
did you look into why we didn't?

either do your homework and back up your assertations or move on to another topic.
did you look into why we didn't?

either do your homework and back up your assertations or move on to another topic.

We did announce it in Feb 2020. I posted a link already and well, you know we did.
The psychopaths were running the Bush administration.
Dementia is running the Biden administration. Even Joe bravely said "the buck stops" with him. Not original, I know.

Bush may have been a lot of things, but he was no psychopath.
We did announce it in Feb 2020. I posted a link already and well, you know we did.
and you have not looked to find the reasons why we didn't leave to know if they are valid or not. you are hard nosed on 1 date and don't care about the reality of the situation.

like I said, do your homework or you are just emo ranting
You know it is bad when the elft reaches to blame Trump for something that he, quite literally, has zero to do with whatsoever.

You know when the Cult seeks to deflect blame for the FUBAR outcome of yet another "great deal" that Trump negotiated on behalf of the American people, by saying that Trump had NOTHING to do with an Agreement he negotiated and signed without Congressional approval or comment, and left for Biden to complete.

Like his trade wars with China, the EU, and Great Britain. Like the National Emergency on the Southern Border. Like the covid pandemic. Like the economic collapse. Like the racial unrest. Like starving Americans in line for food banks.
You know it is bad when the elft reaches to blame Trump for something that he, quite literally, has zero to do with whatsoever.

In his final year he reduced our troop level to 2500 regulars and freed 5000 Taliban fighters.

That's from the self proclaim "art of the deal" maker too. Call it his "Fuck America Deal" with the Taliban.
Dementia is running the Biden administration. Even Joe bravely said "the buck stops" with him. Not original, I know.

Bush may have been a lot of things, but he was no psychopath.

I don't disagree with the idea that Joe isn't all there. I still 100% support us leaving. It kind of brings into question what is being right in the head and what isn't.
No, we're not. That withdrawal was supposed to happen in May and had all evacuation contingencies.

And it got delayed some. Oddly people are complaining because we aren't delaying it even longer. I believe we should have left in May. Better now though than never.
And it got delayed some. Oddly people are complaining because we aren't delaying it even longer. I believe we should have left in May. Better now though than never.
We should have left when we could safely leave, having secured US citizens, our allies, weapons and intelligence.

It's a tautology, but a clusterfuck is a clusterfuck. This cannot be denied.
only in adelusional mind...TRUMP was in alabama, retard, not DC....this is XIDENS FUCK UP
you are commenting and passing judgment on a situation you know nothing of....
enjoy your TRUMP orgasm, shit stain

Funny I admit, but most Trumphumper are. They're proud of the way he made America look bad. Proud.

"..... I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.

Donald Trump: (22:53)
21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah."

We should have left when we could safely leave, having secured US citizens, our allies, weapons and intelligence.

It's a tautology, but a clusterfuck is a clusterfuck. This cannot be denied.

With only 2500 troop in the country we had to rely on the Afghan Army. Why did we only have 2500 troops in the country before Trump left office? Who made that deal?
Funny I admit, but most Trumphumper are. They're proud of the way he made America look bad. Proud.

"..... I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.

Donald Trump: (22:53)
21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah."

Pathetic defense of the indefensible. Clusterfuck Joe is done.
We should have left when we could safely leave, having secured US citizens, our allies, weapons and intelligence.

It's a tautology, but a clusterfuck is a clusterfuck. This cannot be denied.

We had nearly 20 years to do this.

Actual Headline:

Nigel Farage: 'No way' British parliament would vote for military cooperation with America under Biden admin​

and yet people keep trying to defend what can't be defended.
It was the previous administration that "cut the deal".

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