UK politicians ran pedophile ring

Do you have to go on anti U.S. tirade in every thread? Are you insane? This thread is about U.K. not U.S.

You're attempting to suggest Muslims are perverts.
The truth is, all races and religions have perverts.
If that's anti American, so be it.

The main focus of the thread was on UK politicians who ran the pedophile ring till morons like you started to bring in Muslims.
Well, it isn't just the UK politicians that covers up or participates in dirty crimes such as this above, we have had our share of them too and we too or our politicians and media combined, just cover them up or sweep them under the table, or never give the full details of the depth of the problems, because it's embarrassing, or just too scummy to even let the public know...(so they think)

BUT I believe, with the internet and smart phone videos and cameras, those days may be over....not that the pedophile rings won't exist, but keeping it quiet for any length of time, I think will be near impossible in this day and age...

However, I don't count out that I still could be shocked and surprised by another person or another group of rich men, or influential politicians, or Priests or actors, or football coaches that will get my goat, one more time, with something shocking that will make my gut turn and my heart and soul feel like they just got churned in a garbage disposal. :(
Do you have to go on anti U.S. tirade in every thread? Are you insane? This thread is about U.K. not U.S.

You're attempting to suggest Muslims are perverts.
The truth is, all races and religions have perverts.
If that's anti American, so be it.

The main focus of the thread was on UK politicians who ran the pedophile ring till morons like you started to bring in Muslims.
Well, it isn't just the UK politicians that covers up or participates in dirty crimes such as this above, we have had our share of them too and we too or our politicians and media combined, just cover them up or sweep them under the table, or never give the full details of the depth of the problems, because it's embarrassing, or just too scummy to even let the public know...(so they think)

BUT I believe, with the internet and smart phone videos and cameras, those days may be over....not that the pedophile rings won't exist, but keeping it quiet for any length of time, I think will be near impossible in this day and age...

However, I don't count out that I still could be shocked and surprised by another person or another group of rich men, or influential politicians, or Priests or actors, or football coaches that will get my goat, one more time, with something shocking that will make my gut turn and my heart and soul feel like they just got churned in a garbage disposal. :(

Fair enough. U.S. too ranks extremely high on rape index. Media here too likes to focus on the problems of other countries instead of focusing on the problems of the U.S. So I guess we could discuss both U.S. and U.K. in the same thread.
Do you have to go on anti U.S. tirade in every thread? Are you insane? This thread is about U.K. not U.S.

You're attempting to suggest Muslims are perverts.
The truth is, all races and religions have perverts.
If that's anti American, so be it.

The main focus of the thread was on UK politicians who ran the pedophile ring till morons like you started to bring in Muslims.
Well, it isn't just the UK politicians that covers up or participates in dirty crimes such as this above, we have had our share of them too and we too or our politicians and media combined, just cover them up or sweep them under the table, or never give the full details of the depth of the problems, because it's embarrassing, or just too scummy to even let the public know...(so they think)

BUT I believe, with the internet and smart phone videos and cameras, those days may be over....not that the pedophile rings won't exist, but keeping it quiet for any length of time, I think will be near impossible in this day and age...

However, I don't count out that I still could be shocked and surprised by another person or another group of rich men, or influential politicians, or Priests or actors, or football coaches that will get my goat, one more time, with something shocking that will make my gut turn and my heart and soul feel like they just got churned in a garbage disposal. :(

Fair enough. U.S. too ranks extremely high on rape index. Media here too likes to focus on the problems of other countries instead of focusing on the problems of the U.S. So I guess we could discuss both U.S. and U.K. in the same thread.
Ohhhh no, honestly, I didn't mean to change the topic...I didn't want to turn this in to a US thread as well as UK...I was just agreeing with you on the part of your initial post that you mentioned how in the UK they don't like to get in to the nitty gritty or basically face up to the depth of them, on these kind of scandals when about themselves... USA'ers are the same....if it were not for the internet and google, I would not have even really known about our own scandals and coverups...never heard any of it in the mainstream media...
Do you have to go on anti U.S. tirade in every thread? Are you insane? This thread is about U.K. not U.S.

You're attempting to suggest Muslims are perverts.
The truth is, all races and religions have perverts.
If that's anti American, so be it.

The main focus of the thread was on UK politicians who ran the pedophile ring till morons like you started to bring in Muslims.
Well, it isn't just the UK politicians that covers up or participates in dirty crimes such as this above, we have had our share of them too and we too or our politicians and media combined, just cover them up or sweep them under the table, or never give the full details of the depth of the problems, because it's embarrassing, or just too scummy to even let the public know...(so they think)

BUT I believe, with the internet and smart phone videos and cameras, those days may be over....not that the pedophile rings won't exist, but keeping it quiet for any length of time, I think will be near impossible in this day and age...

However, I don't count out that I still could be shocked and surprised by another person or another group of rich men, or influential politicians, or Priests or actors, or football coaches that will get my goat, one more time, with something shocking that will make my gut turn and my heart and soul feel like they just got churned in a garbage disposal. :(

Fair enough. U.S. too ranks extremely high on rape index. Media here too likes to focus on the problems of other countries instead of focusing on the problems of the U.S. So I guess we could discuss both U.S. and U.K. in the same thread.
Ohhhh no, honestly, I didn't mean to change the topic...I didn't want to turn this in to a US thread as well as UK...I was just agreeing with you on the part of your initial post that you mentioned how in the UK they don't like to get in to the nitty gritty or basically face up to the depth of them, on these kind of scandals when about themselves... USA'ers are the same....if it were not for the internet and google, I would not have even really known about our own scandals and coverups...never heard any of it in the mainstream media...

U.S. media is worse than British media when it comes to cover up. I remember Abu Ghraib. The whole world was talking about it except U.S. media. The U.S. media did not report it for whole one week. NBC I think was the first one to report it but only after the whole world started talking about it. I had a discussion with a woman about this before US media decided to report it. I asked her, "Did you hear about the Abu Ghraib?" She said, "What the heck is that?" I gave her a little run down. She did not believe me. She said, "If it were really true then how come none of the media (U.S.) is covering it?"

That aside, for the sake of focused discussion, we should keep the scope of discussion narrow. That is why I was against bringing U.S. or any other country in this thread because this will take the focus away from the UK.
Do you have to go on anti U.S. tirade in every thread? Are you insane? This thread is about U.K. not U.S.

You're attempting to suggest Muslims are perverts.
The truth is, all races and religions have perverts.
If that's anti American, so be it.

The main focus of the thread was on UK politicians who ran the pedophile ring till morons like you started to bring in Muslims.
Well, it isn't just the UK politicians that covers up or participates in dirty crimes such as this above, we have had our share of them too and we too or our politicians and media combined, just cover them up or sweep them under the table, or never give the full details of the depth of the problems, because it's embarrassing, or just too scummy to even let the public know...(so they think)

BUT I believe, with the internet and smart phone videos and cameras, those days may be over....not that the pedophile rings won't exist, but keeping it quiet for any length of time, I think will be near impossible in this day and age...

However, I don't count out that I still could be shocked and surprised by another person or another group of rich men, or influential politicians, or Priests or actors, or football coaches that will get my goat, one more time, with something shocking that will make my gut turn and my heart and soul feel like they just got churned in a garbage disposal. :(

I agree. Disgusting, but I don't ever remember hearing about a child molestation scandal this large involving government officials in the US?
Do you have to go on anti U.S. tirade in every thread? Are you insane? This thread is about U.K. not U.S.

You're attempting to suggest Muslims are perverts.
The truth is, all races and religions have perverts.
If that's anti American, so be it.

The main focus of the thread was on UK politicians who ran the pedophile ring till morons like you started to bring in Muslims.
Well, it isn't just the UK politicians that covers up or participates in dirty crimes such as this above, we have had our share of them too and we too or our politicians and media combined, just cover them up or sweep them under the table, or never give the full details of the depth of the problems, because it's embarrassing, or just too scummy to even let the public know...(so they think)

BUT I believe, with the internet and smart phone videos and cameras, those days may be over....not that the pedophile rings won't exist, but keeping it quiet for any length of time, I think will be near impossible in this day and age...

However, I don't count out that I still could be shocked and surprised by another person or another group of rich men, or influential politicians, or Priests or actors, or football coaches that will get my goat, one more time, with something shocking that will make my gut turn and my heart and soul feel like they just got churned in a garbage disposal. :(

I agree. Disgusting, but I don't ever remember hearing about a child molestation scandal this large involving government officials in the US?
Delta posted a link on it up above....I didn't go to the link so I am not certain how good the article is that he linked up to, mainly because I had already read about this scandal a while back...maybe 10 years or so ago.

here is the link he gave on it
The Franklin Coverup Scandal The Child sex ring that reached Bush Reagan Whitehouse
Do you have to go on anti U.S. tirade in every thread? Are you insane? This thread is about U.K. not U.S.

You're attempting to suggest Muslims are perverts.
The truth is, all races and religions have perverts.
If that's anti American, so be it.

The main focus of the thread was on UK politicians who ran the pedophile ring till morons like you started to bring in Muslims.
Well, it isn't just the UK politicians that covers up or participates in dirty crimes such as this above, we have had our share of them too and we too or our politicians and media combined, just cover them up or sweep them under the table, or never give the full details of the depth of the problems, because it's embarrassing, or just too scummy to even let the public know...(so they think)

BUT I believe, with the internet and smart phone videos and cameras, those days may be over....not that the pedophile rings won't exist, but keeping it quiet for any length of time, I think will be near impossible in this day and age...

However, I don't count out that I still could be shocked and surprised by another person or another group of rich men, or influential politicians, or Priests or actors, or football coaches that will get my goat, one more time, with something shocking that will make my gut turn and my heart and soul feel like they just got churned in a garbage disposal. :(

I agree. Disgusting, but I don't ever remember hearing about a child molestation scandal this large involving government officials in the US?
Delta posted a link on it up above....I didn't go to the link so I am not certain how good the article is that he linked up to, mainly because I had already read about this scandal a while back...maybe 10 years or so ago.

here is the link he gave on it
The Franklin Coverup Scandal The Child sex ring that reached Bush Reagan Whitehouse

Meh, I'm not sure how I feel about that link. It seems a bit questionable. I'm well aware that there have been scandals, but I think something to the extent of what we are discussing in this thread would be pretty impossible to cover up for this long in this country. The media would be just drooling over a case such as this.
Because the muslims from the Indian sub continent are bringing their disgusting ways to my country, and like most other British people I dont want them here.

Drr, these were all white British chaps.

Nope as over 500 pakistani muslim adult men out of a population of 250,000 have already been questioned on charges of child rape. With over another 10,000 named by the girls as having taken part in the abuse. Just take the Rotherham scandal were 5 men were arrested and found guilty, and another 250 pakistani muslim men are under investigation.

Jimmy Savile did more than that on his own.

Actually he didn't as he did not rape every child, he only abused the vast majority of them. In the Rotherham case the count was over 5,000 rapes of very young white girls in a racist manner by the men arrested and charged.
Because the muslims from the Indian sub continent are bringing their disgusting ways to my country, and like most other British people I dont want them here.

Drr, these were all white British chaps.

Nope as over 500 pakistani muslim adult men out of a population of 250,000 have already been questioned on charges of child rape. With over another 10,000 named by the girls as having taken part in the abuse. Just take the Rotherham scandal were 5 men were arrested and found guilty, and another 250 pakistani muslim men are under investigation.

Jimmy Savile did more than that on his own.

Actually he didn't as he did not rape every child, he only abused the vast majority of them. In the Rotherham case the count was over 5,000 rapes of very young white girls in a racist manner by the men arrested and charged.

To blame these few Muslim perverts is fine, but they were perverts first, crap Muslims second.
There are far more child sex offences (even pro rata) by non Muslims in the UK than by Muslims.
Jimmy Savile, a load of MPs, Secret service blokes and so on prove it.

Must be arabic maths that reduces the figures for muslims automatically so it is under that of anyone else. If 1% of the muslim male community is known to be a serial child rapists how can that be lower than the figures for Jews 0.0001%, Christians 0.001% and Catholic priests 0.01%. The muslims acted on their religous teachings and instructions received in their mosques by wahabi and deobandi clerics, who told them all about the ways they can inflict terror on the kuufar.

The evidence of Rotherham was in the report released that detailed the extent of the problem and crunched the numbers. And that was just one incident out of many hundreds up and down the country
So have they NOT brought forth the names of the criminals and are still holding back?
You're attempting to suggest Muslims are perverts.
The truth is, all races and religions have perverts.
If that's anti American, so be it.

The main focus of the thread was on UK politicians who ran the pedophile ring till morons like you started to bring in Muslims.
Well, it isn't just the UK politicians that covers up or participates in dirty crimes such as this above, we have had our share of them too and we too or our politicians and media combined, just cover them up or sweep them under the table, or never give the full details of the depth of the problems, because it's embarrassing, or just too scummy to even let the public know...(so they think)

BUT I believe, with the internet and smart phone videos and cameras, those days may be over....not that the pedophile rings won't exist, but keeping it quiet for any length of time, I think will be near impossible in this day and age...

However, I don't count out that I still could be shocked and surprised by another person or another group of rich men, or influential politicians, or Priests or actors, or football coaches that will get my goat, one more time, with something shocking that will make my gut turn and my heart and soul feel like they just got churned in a garbage disposal. :(

Fair enough. U.S. too ranks extremely high on rape index. Media here too likes to focus on the problems of other countries instead of focusing on the problems of the U.S. So I guess we could discuss both U.S. and U.K. in the same thread.
Ohhhh no, honestly, I didn't mean to change the topic...I didn't want to turn this in to a US thread as well as UK...I was just agreeing with you on the part of your initial post that you mentioned how in the UK they don't like to get in to the nitty gritty or basically face up to the depth of them, on these kind of scandals when about themselves... USA'ers are the same....if it were not for the internet and google, I would not have even really known about our own scandals and coverups...never heard any of it in the mainstream media...

U.S. media is worse than British media when it comes to cover up. I remember Abu Ghraib. The whole world was talking about it except U.S. media. The U.S. media did not report it for whole one week. NBC I think was the first one to report it but only after the whole world started talking about it. I had a discussion with a woman about this before US media decided to report it. I asked her, "Did you hear about the Abu Ghraib?" She said, "What the heck is that?" I gave her a little run down. She did not believe me. She said, "If it were really true then how come none of the media (U.S.) is covering it?"

That aside, for the sake of focused discussion, we should keep the scope of discussion narrow. That is why I was against bringing U.S. or any other country in this thread because this will take the focus away from the UK.

You think so? I think they would love to get a story like this. They are the media after all. That's what they do.
So have they NOT brought forth the names of the criminals and are still holding back?

Just to sum it up for you. This ring consisted of some very highly placed people such as MPs, members of royal family, etc. When police initially started the investigation in 80s, they were told to stop.

But for some reason, investigation has started again. Three MPs were officially indicted. You will see more detail about this in the last link I have posted.
Last edited:
The main focus of the thread was on UK politicians who ran the pedophile ring till morons like you started to bring in Muslims.
Well, it isn't just the UK politicians that covers up or participates in dirty crimes such as this above, we have had our share of them too and we too or our politicians and media combined, just cover them up or sweep them under the table, or never give the full details of the depth of the problems, because it's embarrassing, or just too scummy to even let the public know...(so they think)

BUT I believe, with the internet and smart phone videos and cameras, those days may be over....not that the pedophile rings won't exist, but keeping it quiet for any length of time, I think will be near impossible in this day and age...

However, I don't count out that I still could be shocked and surprised by another person or another group of rich men, or influential politicians, or Priests or actors, or football coaches that will get my goat, one more time, with something shocking that will make my gut turn and my heart and soul feel like they just got churned in a garbage disposal. :(

Fair enough. U.S. too ranks extremely high on rape index. Media here too likes to focus on the problems of other countries instead of focusing on the problems of the U.S. So I guess we could discuss both U.S. and U.K. in the same thread.
Ohhhh no, honestly, I didn't mean to change the topic...I didn't want to turn this in to a US thread as well as UK...I was just agreeing with you on the part of your initial post that you mentioned how in the UK they don't like to get in to the nitty gritty or basically face up to the depth of them, on these kind of scandals when about themselves... USA'ers are the same....if it were not for the internet and google, I would not have even really known about our own scandals and coverups...never heard any of it in the mainstream media...

U.S. media is worse than British media when it comes to cover up. I remember Abu Ghraib. The whole world was talking about it except U.S. media. The U.S. media did not report it for whole one week. NBC I think was the first one to report it but only after the whole world started talking about it. I had a discussion with a woman about this before US media decided to report it. I asked her, "Did you hear about the Abu Ghraib?" She said, "What the heck is that?" I gave her a little run down. She did not believe me. She said, "If it were really true then how come none of the media (U.S.) is covering it?"

That aside, for the sake of focused discussion, we should keep the scope of discussion narrow. That is why I was against bringing U.S. or any other country in this thread because this will take the focus away from the UK.

You think so? I think they would love to get a story like this. They are the media after all. That's what they do.

Are you not aware of that U.S. media did not report Abu Ghraib for whole week even though it was a big news all over the world?

Anyway, let us keep the focus on this issue that is happening in the UK. If you want we can start a separate thread to discuss U.S. media and its reluctance to report certain types of news. This thread is not a place to do that.

:) paix :)

Another thing to note is that the ring was responsible for torture and death of kids. It was not just sexual exploitation. If you go over some of my early links, you will see some very gory details. These elites were monsters.
Well, it isn't just the UK politicians that covers up or participates in dirty crimes such as this above, we have had our share of them too and we too or our politicians and media combined, just cover them up or sweep them under the table, or never give the full details of the depth of the problems, because it's embarrassing, or just too scummy to even let the public know...(so they think)

BUT I believe, with the internet and smart phone videos and cameras, those days may be over....not that the pedophile rings won't exist, but keeping it quiet for any length of time, I think will be near impossible in this day and age...

However, I don't count out that I still could be shocked and surprised by another person or another group of rich men, or influential politicians, or Priests or actors, or football coaches that will get my goat, one more time, with something shocking that will make my gut turn and my heart and soul feel like they just got churned in a garbage disposal. :(

Fair enough. U.S. too ranks extremely high on rape index. Media here too likes to focus on the problems of other countries instead of focusing on the problems of the U.S. So I guess we could discuss both U.S. and U.K. in the same thread.
Ohhhh no, honestly, I didn't mean to change the topic...I didn't want to turn this in to a US thread as well as UK...I was just agreeing with you on the part of your initial post that you mentioned how in the UK they don't like to get in to the nitty gritty or basically face up to the depth of them, on these kind of scandals when about themselves... USA'ers are the same....if it were not for the internet and google, I would not have even really known about our own scandals and coverups...never heard any of it in the mainstream media...

U.S. media is worse than British media when it comes to cover up. I remember Abu Ghraib. The whole world was talking about it except U.S. media. The U.S. media did not report it for whole one week. NBC I think was the first one to report it but only after the whole world started talking about it. I had a discussion with a woman about this before US media decided to report it. I asked her, "Did you hear about the Abu Ghraib?" She said, "What the heck is that?" I gave her a little run down. She did not believe me. She said, "If it were really true then how come none of the media (U.S.) is covering it?"

That aside, for the sake of focused discussion, we should keep the scope of discussion narrow. That is why I was against bringing U.S. or any other country in this thread because this will take the focus away from the UK.

You think so? I think they would love to get a story like this. They are the media after all. That's what they do.

Are you not aware of that U.S. media did not report Abu Ghraib for whole week even though it was a big news all over the world?

Anyway, let us keep the focus on this issue that is happening in the UK. If you want we can start a separate thread to discuss U.S. media and its reluctance to report certain types of news. This thread is not a place to do that.

:) paix :)

Okay, it's your thread. :) I don't really have much more to say on this topic except for the fact that it's disgusting and I hope all of the people involved are prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Sadly, for the kids, they are probably going to have a difficult life. :(
Fair enough. U.S. too ranks extremely high on rape index. Media here too likes to focus on the problems of other countries instead of focusing on the problems of the U.S. So I guess we could discuss both U.S. and U.K. in the same thread.
Ohhhh no, honestly, I didn't mean to change the topic...I didn't want to turn this in to a US thread as well as UK...I was just agreeing with you on the part of your initial post that you mentioned how in the UK they don't like to get in to the nitty gritty or basically face up to the depth of them, on these kind of scandals when about themselves... USA'ers are the same....if it were not for the internet and google, I would not have even really known about our own scandals and coverups...never heard any of it in the mainstream media...

U.S. media is worse than British media when it comes to cover up. I remember Abu Ghraib. The whole world was talking about it except U.S. media. The U.S. media did not report it for whole one week. NBC I think was the first one to report it but only after the whole world started talking about it. I had a discussion with a woman about this before US media decided to report it. I asked her, "Did you hear about the Abu Ghraib?" She said, "What the heck is that?" I gave her a little run down. She did not believe me. She said, "If it were really true then how come none of the media (U.S.) is covering it?"

That aside, for the sake of focused discussion, we should keep the scope of discussion narrow. That is why I was against bringing U.S. or any other country in this thread because this will take the focus away from the UK.

You think so? I think they would love to get a story like this. They are the media after all. That's what they do.

Are you not aware of that U.S. media did not report Abu Ghraib for whole week even though it was a big news all over the world?

Anyway, let us keep the focus on this issue that is happening in the UK. If you want we can start a separate thread to discuss U.S. media and its reluctance to report certain types of news. This thread is not a place to do that.

:) paix :)

Okay, it's your thread. :) I don't really have much more to say on this topic except for the fact that it's disgusting and I hope all of the people involved are prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Sadly, for the kids, they are probably going to have a difficult life. :(

Please discuss. Just don't bring U.S. in this thread.

Let us see what happens with the investigation.
I am trying to read all the articles....I think I just found your last article that had the information on who has been charged.... but haven't read it yet...

and I guess I am trying to get my head wrapped around the cover up and how it could have lasted for so long????
I am trying to read all the articles....I think I just found your last article that had the information on who has been charged.... but haven't read it yet...

and I guess I am trying to get my head wrapped around the cover up and how it could have lasted for so long????

Exactly! That is attributed to societal reluctance of facing uncomfortable realities. Also, UK is a very class oriented society. This give elites all sorts of privileges and they sometimes get away with murder - literally.
I Remember Enoch Powel's so called " rivers of blood" speech, dang here we are NOW. What do I know, I am just an old dumb American.
I am trying to read all the articles....I think I just found your last article that had the information on who has been charged.... but haven't read it yet...

and I guess I am trying to get my head wrapped around the cover up and how it could have lasted for so long????

Exactly! That is attributed to societal reluctance of facing uncomfortable realities. Also, UK is a very class oriented society. This give elites all sorts of privileges and they sometimes get away with murder - literally.

I don't think most people in society are reluctant. I would want to hang them, all of them! This kind of stuff makes me so angry, when people single out the most vulnerable and abuse them. It's totally sick!

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