Ukraine crisis: US to give Kiev $200m in defense support

My point again was.... you claimed that we overthrew the Ukraine government. No one has provided any evidence, let alone proof of this.

Eh, Nuland was caught on tape discussing the coup with Pyatt

The $5 billion to promote 'democracy'

Yats is the guy

Fuck the EU

Handing out cookies to neo nazis

But don't take my word for it, just google it


I thought liberals were upset and demanding that the U.S. protect Ukraine from Russia for their annexation of Crimea and other acts of aggression. When did that change?
Simple fact is, we're broke and can't afford this.

Let Germany finance them since they think they have all the answers.

The entire purpose of the Federal Government, is to provide national defense against security threats.

Let's get rid of the unconstitutional activities.

Because if we don't stop Russia now..... we will be forced to stop them when they invade Europe. You say they won't do that.

Yeah, and Chamberlain said the same thing, once they let him have Czechoslovakia. And by the way, Putin has openly used the exact same rational for engaging in war against the Ukraine, that Hitler did to engage in war against the the Czechs.

This is not a minor issue.

You want to save money? 2/3rds of the federal budget goes to handouts. Cut SNAP by 1%, and you've saved $700 Million, more than enough to cover $200 Million to oppose Russia aggression.
Don't put words into My mouth. I never said that Russia will never invade Europe.

I just don't give a fuck about Europe.

We are broke. We cannot continue to defend the world from Russia or from themselves.

As for cutting other places in the budget, I'm down with that. However, that won't make a shits bit of difference to the fact we are broke. Cut a way, but stop spending money on other nations, particularly the ungrateful ones.
Another Democratically-Elected Government overthrown by the US/West. How many nations have they done that to over many years? This one's about starting another Cold War with Russia.

The MIC was getting very nervous about possibly running out of 'enemies.' It was deathly afraid that could reduce their massive budgets. Ukraine was a peaceful stable nation before the US/West illegal Coup. But Peace is bad for business. So, cue the new Cold War. Very sad.

There is absolutely zero evidence whatsoever, that anyone other than the people of the Ukraine, overthrew their government.

No evidence whatsoever.

$200 Million in 'Defense' cash is all the proof you need. They have another Puppet Government installed.

So in your world............. $200 Million in defense cash, after Russia invades the Ukraine, is proof of an overthrow 4 years ago? That makes sense to you?

No illegal Coup, no violent chaos in Ukraine. This $200 Million in American Tax Dollars, is to ensure their new Puppets behave themselves.

Again... you think that a mere $200 Million would ensure puppets behave themselves? Really? Even Ukraine politicians are not that cheap.

My point again was.... you claimed that we overthrew the Ukraine government. No one has provided any evidence, let alone proof of this.

I don't support giving Ukraine any Tax Dollars. The current Government is full of Neo-Nazis. And it's systematically killing and imprisoning Russian-speaking Citizens. There's a Genocide going on there. And it's being funded with US Tax Dollars. It's another shameful US-meddling mess.
Simple fact is, we're broke and can't afford this.

Let Germany finance them since they think they have all the answers.

The current US/Western Puppet Government is full of Neo-Nazis. They were very instrumental in carrying out the illegal Coup. US Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to fund such evil.
Don't put words into My mouth. I never said that Russia will never invade Europe.

So far they've only shown interest in the annexation of land filled with people that identify as Russians. I honestly can't find reason to be outraged over that. They're not going to invade Europe.

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