Ukraine in a nutshell and why it shouldn't matter TO YOU. Don't be baited by the media

He said invading America is called 'equity' but invading the Ukraine is called a war crime. Also Clinton and the Democrats took away Ukraine's nuclear defense and promised to defend them with OUR 'blood and treasure.' You are being programmed to hate the wrong tyrants.

best few sentences typed on this forum in months.
Absolutely wrong. Biden didn't do ANYTHING in the Ukraine, other than what NATO, the IMF, and the World Bank instructed him to do, but thanks for confirming your belief in Russian propaganda and lies, yet again.

With every post, you dig yourself in further. As for your blithering second paragraph. Please write in English, using complete sentences.

I can understand having a healthy distrust of any government but believing Putin over your own government indicates a level of stupidity that defies sanity and rational behaviour.

Lol, ah yes, defaulting to the grammar queen.

You gotta hand it to Putin for putting one over on Obama, Biden and the Democrats. He's a good strategist. Trump was a better strategist because he did not underestimate Putin and understood he was a tyrant and the way to handle a tyrant is to cut off his abilities like, making yourself strong and energy independent.
Comrade Tucker has his head up Putin's ass.
The Democrat leadership are warmongers. The very same characters championing war with Russia are the very same ones that lied about Trump for 4 years and installed a brainless POTUS in 2020. Obama and Biden are directly responsible for making Putin the world's energy czar. Putin has played them like a fiddle.
The fact of the matter is that when Putin sent troops into the Crimea nothing was done. Nothing is going to be done of substance with this invasion.

Not much different than the early days of Hitler.

The real reason is essentially the same reason that the Brits and France had. They didn't want to confront the bully over something that was not a direct threat to them.

They were willing to put up with Hitler protecting ethic Germans because that was not a big threat to them. Not much different than what is happening now.

Putin is taking advantage of a weak NATO and a weak American leader and that is a shit sandwich.
Depends on what the sanctions are. This tranche of it is painful but not crippling. Although Nordstream 2 will really hurt.

There are however much worse. Everything from a full international trade embargo which will severely limits Russia's ability to get basic necessities. To a freezing of all assets which will hurt the oligarchs personally.

In any case you are still trying to excuse Putin's behaviour by selectively citing historical events.
So Putin has plans to take over France and the UK along with a good portion of the rest of Europe?

So Putin is rounding up millions of people and exterminating them?

How about taking over the Middle East oil fields?

How about attacking American shipping?

Putin is a piece of shit and an adversary and he is eating Potatohead's and NATO's lunch but to compare him to Hitler, who caused the deaths of 30 million people in a war of massive conquest, is really over the top.
I don't know how much you know about WW2 but Hitler didn't want to invade the entirety of Europe. He figured just like Putin is now that the Western allies would simply accept his taking over Poland. After all he had no reason to think otherwise.

The Western allies had stood by when he occupied the Rhineland. Annexed Austria. Annexed Sudetenland. Invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia despite treaties of mutual protection. He invaded France because he couldn't leave millions of men in arms undisturbed on his flank when he invaded Russia. He invaded Norway because he needed to secure iron ore. He invaded Yugoslavia because they had a pro-Western coup. He invaded Afrika because Italy was getting its but kicked.

War has a logic of it's own.

The corrolations to now are obvious. Putin has taken over Georgia and the Crimea with little reaction from the West. He is making the calculation that they will do the same now. Figuring the West's and particularly American political instability will prevent a severe response.

And Putin DOES want for instance Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. All members of Nato. Something that could easily result in him miscalculating the West's response and result in an unforseen war that will make WW2 look like a garden party.

If you want to stop that. YOU and the rest of the people that hate Biden need to stop trying to excuse Putin and stop trying to make this a political windfall for Republicans and act as a loyal opposition. You are the ones purposefully trying to make Biden look weak.
It amazes me seeing FoxNews and Trump side with Putin

You are losing hard. And this is BEFORE the gas prices, BEFORE the grocery prices, BEFORE cyber attacks.

Good luck telling Americans, after covid and inflation, "yeah you all have to suffer for Ukraine"
I don't know how much you know about WW2 but Hitler didn't want to invade the entirety of Europe. He figured just like Putin is now that the Western allies would simply accept his taking over Poland. After all he had no reason to think otherwise.

The Western allies had stood by when he occupied the Rhineland. Annexed Austria. Annexed Sudetenland. Invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia despite treaties of mutual protection. He invaded France because he couldn't leave millions of men in arms undisturbed on his flank when he invaded Russia. He invaded Norway because he needed to secure iron ore. He invaded Yugoslavia because they had a pro-Western coup. He invaded Afrika because Italy was getting its but kicked.

War has a logic of it's own.

The corrolations to now are obvious. Putin has taken over Georgia and the Crimea with little reaction from the West. He is making the calculation that they will do the same now. Figuring the West's and particularly American political instability will prevent a severe response.

And Putin DOES want for instance Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. All members of Nato. Something that could easily result in him miscalculating the West's response and result in an unforseen war that will make WW2 look like a garden party.

If you want to stop that. YOU and the rest of the people that hate Biden need to stop trying to excuse Putin and stop trying to make this a political windfall for Republicans and act as a loyal opposition. You are the ones purposefully trying to make Biden look weak.

Putin is a twisted a$$hole. Anyone who needs to read this again, read it again.

My question is: why is it perpetually OUR PROBLEM.

Where is Europe?
He said invading America is called 'equity' but invading the Ukraine is called a war crime. Also Clinton and the Democrats took away Ukraine's nuclear defense and promised to defend them with OUR 'blood and treasure.' You are being programmed to hate the wrong tyrants.
Why did it matter the communists took Vietnam? You didn't mind sacrificing 55000 soldiers to stop a communist take over.

What's the difference in Ukraine???
It's because you want Biden to lose and you know it. How pathetic you squalid POS you are.
Don't ever mention patriotism or treason against dems ever again. You have the principles of alley cats and the intelligence of an omeba.
I don't know how much you know about WW2 but Hitler didn't want to invade the entirety of Europe. He figured just like Putin is now that the Western allies would simply accept his taking over Poland. After all he had no reason to think otherwise.

The Western allies had stood by when he occupied the Rhineland. Annexed Austria. Annexed Sudetenland. Invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia despite treaties of mutual protection. He invaded France because he couldn't leave millions of men in arms undisturbed on his flank when he invaded Russia. He invaded Norway because he needed to secure iron ore. He invaded Yugoslavia because they had a pro-Western coup. He invaded Afrika because Italy was getting its but kicked.

War has a logic of it's own.

The corrolations to now are obvious. Putin has taken over Georgia and the Crimea with little reaction from the West. He is making the calculation that they will do the same now. Figuring the West's and particularly American political instability will prevent a severe response.

And Putin DOES want for instance Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. All members of Nato. Something that could easily result in him miscalculating the West's response and result in an unforseen war that will make WW2 look like a garden party.

If you want to stop that. YOU and the rest of the people that hate Biden need to stop trying to excuse Putin and stop trying to make this a political windfall for Republicans and act as a loyal opposition. You are the ones purposefully trying to make Biden look weak.
Biden is weak. That is why Putin did this now.
Why did it matter the communists took Vietnam? You didn't mind sacrificing 55000 soldiers to stop a communist take over.

What's the difference in Ukraine???
It's because you want Biden to lose and you know it. How pathetic you squalid POS you are.
Don't ever mention patriotism or treason against dems ever again. You have the principles of alley cats and the intelligence of an omeba.
First of all, this thread is not about Vietnam. Then you make up some garbage about me not minding sacrificing 55000 soldiers? THEN you take that fairy tale and try to connect it to the Ukraine!!! THEN you call me a POS. The rest of your screed is unhinged to say the least. You prattle on about patriotism and treason against dems? Then you call me an alley cat and something you call an 'omeba' which is actually (and sadly for you) an ignorant spelling of the one-celled creature, the amoeba, which is probably how many functional brain cells you possess.
Why did it matter the communists took Vietnam? You didn't mind sacrificing 55000 soldiers to stop a communist take over.

What's the difference in Ukraine???
It's because you want Biden to lose and you know it. How pathetic you squalid POS you are.
Don't ever mention patriotism or treason against dems ever again. You have the principles of alley cats and the intelligence of an omeba.
Lol. Because you always supported Trump to win . Loser
I have to wonder about some people. Your video had a quote that was, interesting. Hitler wasn’t a bad guy because he invaded Austria. He was a bad guy because he murdered the Jews.

If the world had reacted when he reoccupied the Rhineland, Hitler never would have gotten the chance to murder the Jews.

If the world had reacted when Hitler took over Austria, there never would have been Concentration Camps.

If the world had reacted when Hitler took over Czechoslovakia, there would never have been the Death Squads who executed Jews wholesale.

If the world had reacted, Hitler never would have had the chance to be a bad guy, at least by the standards of your video.

Here's where I have to be contrary.

Up until the invasion of Poland, every claim Hitler made was on German speaking areas that wanted to be part of Germany. The real problem was that the peace treaties that ended WWI were unfair to the former Central Powers, all of which except Turkey joined the Axis.

I would go so far as to argue that the British made a mistake giving the Polish Colonels a blank check they couldn't cash, instead of pressuring them to negotiate on Silesia and the Danzig corridor.

The real problem was that the west was more fearful of Stalin than it was of Hitler before the war started, so they let Hitler get away with a lot because they wanted him to be a foil against Stalin. Hence, why the official name for the Axis was "The Anti-Comintern Pact".

Nobody cared about the Jews before the war, during the war or even after the war. When Patton liberated Buchenwald and Dachau, he left SS men in charge of guarding the inmates.

No, how does this apply to the Ukraine. The reality is, the borders of the Ukraine are not based on nationality, but on administrative borders of the old USSR, so when the USSR broke up, a bunch of Russians found themselves on the wrong side of the border. This was okay when they had a reasonable amount of representation, but that ended in 2014, when the Ukrainian factions threw out the pro-Russian government of Viktor Yanukovych. A government that was elected by a fair process that the west validated as a fair election.

And because I'm not a partisan drone, I will come right out and say Obama fucked up when he threw in with these clowns.

The Crimea, which is almost all Russian, left the Ukraine and joined Russia. The Donbass also wants to join Russia. The only way they get to is if Russia defeats the Ukraine and those areas are ceded as part of a peace treaty.
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he lesson is the same. You stop it early. You don’t let it get bad enough that it takes a full world war to stop the madman. You stop it early. It’s cheaper in lives and money, it’s a damned sight easier, and it’s smarter.

Or you can be dumb, and wait until the opposition takes years, if it is ever stopped.

It took decades to roll back Soviet Expansionism that happened during World War II. Decades and billions of dollars.

Why invite it again?

Because... um... Russia has nukes.

let's be all crazy here and say Russia takes over the entire former USSR. They would already be massively overtaxed as they really don't have enough forces to occupy all those areas.
You are losing hard. And this is BEFORE the gas prices, BEFORE the grocery prices, BEFORE cyber attacks.

Good luck telling Americans, after covid and inflation, "yeah you all have to suffer for Ukraine"

We suffer regardless as oil prices will skyrocket

Why won’t Republicans stand by their country?
Putin is a twisted a$$hole. Anyone who needs to read this again, read it again.

My question is: why is it perpetually OUR PROBLEM.

Where is Europe?

Europe is aligned with the US in enforcing crippling sanctions on Putin

US Conservatives choose to align with Putin

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