Ukraine in a nutshell and why it shouldn't matter TO YOU. Don't be baited by the media

like this post, Have not made up my mind about our ability to handle the situation. And do see Putin's point of Ukraine being on its border, Has Ukraine ever tried to take Russian territory? My memory's not great but I remember Cuba. Plus 2 country's Putin's Russia tried to take by force.
Stalin did starve 3 million of them, and there was Chernobyl ... so .... I can see their desire to be in Western markets, LOL.

For centuries, Imperialistic Russia occupied what had been an independent geographical and ethnic country for previous centuries. Crimea was a bit unique because it had been part of Russia since 1780 or so until Khrushchev gave it up. In Donbus it was a bit different in that the Soviets only changed the ethnic makeup on Donbas in the 1950s-60s. But the result is that the extreme eastern 1/4 or so of Ukraine has lots of Russians and even a maj in places, while Western Ukraine retains its ethnic identity and loathing for Imperialist Russia.
That's all you have because you're intellectually dishonest, you're a coward and you cannot defend your own.

Nice job Tucker, he nailed it.
Tucker is providing cover for Putin

Not that had a guy, Dems are picking on him, Not our business, leave him alone

Same guy who murders and tortures his rivals

Republicans are scum
Pamela Harris looks like she's wearing a feed bag over her mouth. hahahahahahahahahaha I was laughing far too hard.

View attachment 605458
What has this to do with the topic? Just want to move on to personal insults? this is a good discussion with information from both sides of the situation, that leads to informed decisions.
So you can't back up your accusations but continue to flap that pussy on your face.

Should I be surprised?
No you shouldn't be surprised because you know exactly what I'm saying. You know I'm right. Why not admit it? We all know I have you all wedged
with your hypocritical stance.
Stop denying it.
No you shouldn't be surprised because you know exactly what I'm saying. You know I'm right. Why not admit it? We all know I have you all wedged
with your hypocritical stance.
Stop denying it.
Post it dumbass. THEN we will all know it. Until they you're just a lying hack
I really do believe that between Trump's current legal troubles, which will see him tied up in the Courts for the rest of his life, and his wrongheaded decision to praise Putin's lawless aggression, will break the Republican swamp fever for this con artist.
Trump has a history of doubling back on what he says and his minions forgive him and accept what “he really meant”
Trump has a history of doubling back on what he says and his minions forgive him and accept what “he really meant”
I don't doubt for a minute "his minions" think we should seize (steal) a strip of Mexico from the Gulf to the Pacific and make it a sort of DMZ or no man's land. It's hard to see the Mexican American War as anything besides a "land grab" by the US, and few probably recall it from civic/history that Lincoln lost his House seat opposing that war. But we changed. In the Spanish American war we explicitly declined to make Cuba a colony or "protectorate." And in the Phillipines, our occupation was always legally justified on our desire to leave behind a republic. In all of our interventions in the hispanic and latino worlds, we never intended any permanent occupation ... even when our motives may have been to protect US corporate economic interests rather than the well being of people living there.

But Trump's "minions" see borders as something force should be able to change.
Ukraine is nothing but an attempted expansion of NATO right up to the Russian border.
How the fuck does anyone think Putin would react?

Not one American life for Ukraine...
They are not worth it...
ivan lover , stop your bs

Russian Disinformation Distorted Reality in Ukraine. Americans Should Take Note.

Putin’s propaganda portrayed Ukraine as a fascist state filled with anti-Semites. Despite Ukrainians’ election of a Jewish president,

All republicans use biden as a conduit to his orchestrated invasion for propaganda purposes. Don't deny that.
You're one of them.

I love how you parrot Russian propaganda with a straight face. Who "orchestrated" this invasion. Who moved all his troops to the Ukrainian border, and then made false claims about "ethnic cleansing". Who claims that the Ukraine isn't a real country, but a part of Russia?

Last but not least, who attacked whom, in this scenario. At all time, Putin has been the aggressor, but here you are saying it's Joe Biden.

What a useful idiot you are for the Russians.
Oh I'm sure there is propaganda in there from russia but much of what o and biden did with meddling in ukraine did happen. Putin just happens to be calling biden out now. Gonna be a lot of sad congress people when they can't grift at the trough over there anymore.

Speaking of lies and propaganda, remember w pushing yellowcake and weapons of mass destruction, o pushing syrian incursions, orange man and his snake juice injections, bubba and what does is mean? Yeah, I don't trust my own govt.

Absolutely wrong. Biden didn't do ANYTHING in the Ukraine, other than what NATO, the IMF, and the World Bank instructed him to do, but thanks for confirming your belief in Russian propaganda and lies, yet again.

With every post, you dig yourself in further. As for your blithering second paragraph. Please write in English, using complete sentences.

I can understand having a healthy distrust of any government but believing Putin over your own government indicates a level of stupidity that defies sanity and rational behaviour.
All republicans use biden as a conduit to his orchestrated invasion for propaganda purposes. Don't deny that.
You're one of them.
All of the TV talk shows told us for years that Progs knew better. The View, Samantha Bee, Trevor Noah, Kimmell, Fallon and Colbert. Morning Joe killed a broad for the cause. TV programs and movies have all these macho women killing males in battle. And yet in reality 99.99% of those killed and maimed are males. We have spent trillions of dollars on gender differences that progs and elites have declared that there are none. Send in several battalions of women into a ground war. Do it. Even with the tough ones see what happens.
Do any of you dumbass Lefties realize that while you are kissing Putin's ass, and propping up EmperorShitzHizPantz that Putin just moved two more squadrons of Jet Fighters in to Syria to help cover more missile batteries pointed at Israel? Quit pleasuring yourself over Ukraine which Biden told Putin he could have.

It's a distraction.

And you are idiots like Biden, pretending to play checkers while Putin plays Chess.

All of the TV talk shows told us for years that Progs knew better. The View, Samantha Bee, Trevor Noah, Kimmell, Fallon and Colbert. Morning Joe killed a broad for the cause. TV programs and movies have all these macho women killing males in battle. And yet in reality 99.99% of those killed and maimed are males. We have spent trillions of dollars on gender differences that progs and elites have declared that there are none. Send in several battalions of women into a ground war. Do it. Even with the tough ones see what happens.

Every one of the programs you quoted are COMEDY PROGRAMS. All of those people are comedians who make fun of politics and politicians. Do your Russian trolls not understand the difference between "comedy" and "hard news".

A staffer tragically died in Joe Scarborough's congressional office. And here you are again parroting Russian lies and propaganda about it.


Every one of the programs you quoted are COMEDY PROGRAMS. All of those people are comedians who make fun of politics and politicians. Do your Russian trolls not understand the difference between "comedy" and "hard news".

A staffer tragically died in Joe Scarborough's congressional office. And here you are again parroting Russian lies and propaganda about it.


Biden has been colluding with Russia since day 1 when he shut down the XL, suspended drilling leases, opposed the Israeli pipeline and got Nordstream2 going again, and then told Putin he could take a little bite of Ukraine.

Do any of you dumbass Lefties realize that while you are kissing Putin's ass, and propping up EmperorShitzHizPantz that Putin just moved two more squadrons of Jet Fighters in to Syria to help cover more missile batteries pointed at Israel? Quit pleasuring yourself over Ukraine which Biden told Putin he could have.

It's a distraction.

And you are idiots like Biden, pretending to play checkers while Putin plays Chess.


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