Ukraine in a nutshell and why it shouldn't matter TO YOU. Don't be baited by the media

The "incompetent invalid" who couldn't handle Putin is down in Mar-a-Lago making an ass of himself and scamming the public.

Putin's ass is in a sling. He's done the dumbest thing in his life, and completely underestimated NATO. What I don't understand is why all you members of the Trump Cult are cheering for Putin. Are you really that STUPID??????
They are well aware they are providing aid and comfort to America's enemies.......
Just wait until the U.S. cyber attacks itself to blame it on Russia in order to whip up anti-Russkie sentiment!!
This is when things will get really weird.
You hate this county if your orange boogyman is president
I love this country....gave 21 years in her service and con-tinue to love America. I love this country so much I voted against the fat orange slug because he's trying to destroy America. I sure am not giving aid and comfort to this country's enemies like you are.
why are we there is the question? Why is xiden speaking about day after fking day? what's our interest there? Educate me.
I sure am not giving aid and comfort to this country's enemies like you are.
Actually you are helping our enemies without even realizing it

biden is a terrible president

and America will be a weaker nation thanks to his misguided policies
Actually you are helping our enemies without even realizing it

biden is a terrible president

and America will be a weaker nation thanks to his misguided policies
Not true at all.....he's an adequate President. Not the best, IMO, but certainly better than the fat orange slug. Con-tinue to provide aid and comfort to America's enemies. We are watching.
Not true at all.....he's an adequate President.

Biden is a senile old fool and a puppet head for whoever is guiding him from the background

and whoever they are they are far lefties with a very bad agenda for America
Con-tinue to provide aid and comfort to America's enemies. We are watching.
I accept your threat

but be careful what you wish for

Tyranny is a very dark place that can turn on the conspirators themselves without warning
So you're aligning yourself with Putin and his criminal actions. Thanks for outing yourself as a traitor to the USA. I always knew when the chips were down, you American hating Russian trolls would out yourselves.

Haha. Nope. Not listening to the mainstream whore out this same w iraq war song and dance.
These are not "slap on the wrist" sanctions like Trump announced but never imposed, this is cutting Russian banks and oligarchs off from the world financial systems, and access to their money. No lives were lost, but with a click of a mouse, Russia is financially isolated.

That's hardly a "weak stick". Anytime someone tries to screw me over, I go after them financially. It's so much more effective and longer lasting than just kicking them in the balls.

Putin has already mitigated such elementary antics. Putin was already screwed over by biden and o when they meddled in the Ukraine election.
Interesting to see how long that resolve lasts

It usually doesnt last long when opposing Trump

You're a moron. This is over unless Ukraine becomes the aggressor.

More idiocy on your part, it was the parliament that voted to recognize the Donbas independent provinces. You should shut up now before you make a bigger ass of yourself, you ignorant rube.

The Russian Parliament will ratify anything Putin tells them to. No other major foreign government is recognizing any of Putin's bullshit. No other major foreign power will be doing business with these purported "independent provinces", so they will be wholly dependent on Russia in all matters.

The Ukrainian people have a long memory of what life was like under Russian rule in the past, and they want no part of it. 40 million dead under Stalin across the USSR, but it began with a forced famine in the Ukraine.

As for the Russian naval base. It was the "excuse" for the invasion of Crimea. This is the same playbook Putin used last time. Manufacture an excuse to invade, claim "ethnic interests", annex the land. Wash, rinse, repeat for Georgia. Now the Ukraine is the target.

Putin has miscalculated. Isolated, alone, paranoid, fearing covid. Putin's iron rule is coming to an end. This is Putin's Viet Nam.
Putin has already mitigated such elementary antics. Putin was already screwed over by biden and o when they meddled in the Ukraine election.

Once again, you're spouting Russian propaganda that has no basis in fact or reality.
Why didn't any of you Progs cry when Obambi let Pootie have Crimea?

I guess you forgot completely what happened over the Crimea. It was the Republican Party who said "Let him have it. Nothing to do with us."

The Obama Administration had no authorization from the Republican House and Senate to attack, nor would he have gotten one.

Biden has clearly learned from past mistakes, and is not prepared to let Putin take Ukraine. And a strengthened and re-united NATO stands ready to provide weapons and support in the Ukraine's fight against this illegal aggression.
Once again, you're spouting Russian propaganda that has no basis in fact or reality.

I guess you forgot completely what happened over the Crimea. It was the Republican Party who said "Let him have it. Nothing to do with us."

The Obama Administration had no authorization from the Republican House and Senate to attack, nor would he have gotten one.

Biden has clearly learned from past mistakes, and is not prepared to let Putin take Ukraine. And a strengthened and re-united NATO stands ready to provide weapons and support in the Ukraine's fight against this illegal aggression.
What is illegal about recognizing breakaway provinces as independent? Please cite any relevant treaties or other binding legislation. Otherwise the Donbas provinces have every right to cede from the Ukraine. Putin in turn had every right to protect them from Ukrainian aggression.
What the fuck Trump do about Crimea?

He is a Putin cheerleader..

by the way that wasn't a fucking peace force, only an idiot calls it that..

The Worthless Negro didn't do jackshit. Weak and stupid President that didn't hold Putin accountable. He was Putin's little bitch.

Putin didn't invade anything when Trump was President but waited until Potatohead stole the election to make his move.

Democrats are weak and stupid and our foreign adversaries always take advantage of that fact.

Putin and Xi are tickled pink that the US military spent over five million man hours last year getting training in Diversity and CRT instead of combat training.
Interesting to see how long that resolve lasts

It usually doesnt last long when opposing Trump

I really think his "genius" remarks and wholehearted support for this invasion is really a bridge too far for Republican leadership. Nobody in Republican leadership wants any part of siding with Putin in launching a war against the Ukraine.

The real possibility exists that Putin thinks this will help Donald Trump because Republicans will stand with him, further dividing Americans. But the vast majority of Americans aren't as stupid as your average FOX News viewer, and I think this will backfire on FOX too.

Remember when FOX News used to say "If you're not with the American President, you are aiding and abetting the terrorists". Well in this one thing, they were right. When the nation is at war, attacking the US President as "weak", "senile" or "stupid" is emboldening Vladimir Putin to believe that he can help Donald Trump's re-election chances, as a bonus benefit of this attack.

I really do believe that between Trump's current legal troubles, which will see him tied up in the Courts for the rest of his life, and his wrongheaded decision to praise Putin's lawless aggression, will break the Republican swamp fever for this con artist.

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