Ukraine in a nutshell and why it shouldn't matter TO YOU. Don't be baited by the media

Once again, you're spouting Russian propaganda that has no basis in fact or reality.

I guess you forgot completely what happened over the Crimea. It was the Republican Party who said "Let him have it. Nothing to do with us."

The Obama Administration had no authorization from the Republican House and Senate to attack, nor would he have gotten one.

Biden has clearly learned from past mistakes, and is not prepared to let Putin take Ukraine. And a strengthened and re-united NATO stands ready to provide weapons and support in the Ukraine's fight against this illegal aggression.

Oh I'm sure there is propaganda in there from russia but much of what o and biden did with meddling in ukraine did happen. Putin just happens to be calling biden out now. Gonna be a lot of sad congress people when they can't grift at the trough over there anymore.

Speaking of lies and propaganda, remember w pushing yellowcake and weapons of mass destruction, o pushing syrian incursions, orange man and his snake juice injections, bubba and what does is mean? Yeah, I don't trust my own govt.
What is illegal about recognizing breakaway provinces as independent? Please cite any relevant treaties or other binding legislation. Otherwise the Donbas provinces have every right to cede from the Ukraine. Putin in turn had every right to protect them from Ukrainian aggression.

Only Russians are calling these areas "breakaway provinces". They are nothing more than rebel strongholds in two cities, and do not encompass a "province" at all.

Again, why are you promoting Putin's lies and propaganda. You seem really invested in these lies and the bullshit Putin is pushing. Why is that?

If you're not siding with the USA in opposing this aggression, you're not much of a patriot, supporting the man who wants to see your country destroyed, now are you. No patriotic American who believes in the Constitution and right of nations to determine their own path, can possibly support Putin or his aggression.

If you're supporting the guy who wants to destroy your country, you're a traitor.
Not siding with Putin but rather sidng with Americans who hyave no interest in protecting Ukraine

This is a case where if you're not with us, you're helping Putin. This is not the time for neutrality. This is the time to stand up to a tyrant - not with weapons of war, but with isolationism, and absolute condemnation. Go after his money and his economy, and shut them down.

Modern warfare isn't fought with guns or bombs.
The difference is Hitler didn't have nukes. Putin does.
So Putin has plans to take over France and the UK along with a good portion of the rest of Europe?

So Putin is rounding up millions of people and exterminating them?

How about taking over the Middle East oil fields?

How about attacking American shipping?

Putin is a piece of shit and an adversary and he is eating Potatohead's and NATO's lunch but to compare him to Hitler, who caused the deaths of 30 million people in a war of massive conquest, is really over the top.
Only Russians are calling these areas "breakaway provinces". They are nothing more than rebel strongholds in two cities, and do not encompass a "province" at all.

Again, why are you promoting Putin's lies and propaganda. You seem really invested in these lies and the bullshit Putin is pushing. Why is that?

If you're not siding with the USA in opposing this aggression, you're not much of a patriot, supporting the man who wants to see your country destroyed, now are you. No patriotic American who believes in the Constitution and right of nations to determine their own path, can possibly support Putin or his aggression.

If you're supporting the guy who wants to destroy your country, you're a traitor.
So you got nothing? Figures. There is nothing illegal here, end of story.
Putin is completely invested in the notion you keep promoting that Biden is senile. And yet this doddering old fool has managed to reunite NATO,
are suggesting that putin takes his lead from US Message Board? You didn't just write that did you?
To what end? The sanctions were stupid to begin with. Pushing this further will hurt everyone involved. Ukraine had years to resolve the breakaway provinces and failed. Blame them, and move on. There is no longer any legitimate interest for the US or NATO.
Lol do you have any clue WHY they "failed to resolve"?

Because Russians are financing, arming and even have their forces in those provinces. Without that support it would be long ago resolved.
I have to say, it's just unbelievable how far the left has declined, wholly fuck, Biden and Kamala.

Wholly fuck Biden & Kamala. Can't a normal person conclude that anyone who would support that must desire the end of a society assuming they can reason at all?
When Putin attacks America then I'll worry about him.

Until then thee are plenty of things to worry about in this county that are way more important that what Putin does in the Ukraine.
Lol do you have any clue WHY they "failed to resolve"?

Because Russians are financing, arming and even have their forces in those provinces. Without that support it would be long ago resolved.
That sounds like good time to find outside moderators. Still Ukraine's failure, since they did nothing. None of it is America's problem.
Correct, a FORMER, Russian state.

One that gave up its nuclear arsenal to Russia on the express promise it would be guaranteed independence.

One that has a Democratically elected government.

One that has extensive ties to NATO and the EU.

One that is a sovereign State, recognised as such by the entire world.

One that is now being threatened with destruction and massive loss of life.

It matters because it signals if successful that national borders don't mean anything if someone is willing to use sufficient force to ignore them.

What credibility to have a willingness to stop, lets say China from invading Taiwan does the West have if they don't react now?

It matters because not reacting is tantamount the saying to the world, that nobody will help the weaker nations against the stronger one's.

We've been in this position before. The cost of it was measured in millions of innocent lives. Today's weaponry would make it billions if not everyone.
like this post, Have not made up my mind about our ability to handle the situation. And do see Putin's point of Ukraine being on its border, Has Ukraine ever tried to take Russian territory? My memory's not great but I remember Cuba. Plus 2 country's Putin's Russia tried to take by force.
This is a case where if you're not with us, you're helping Putin. This is not the time for neutrality. This is the time to stand up to a tyrant - not with weapons of war, but with isolationism, and absolute condemnation. Go after his money and his economy, and shut them down.

Modern warfare isn't fought with guns or bombs.
Well then it is simple, Im against you and Biden
A war with Russia over the Ukraine is not worth it
The US gains nothing
Once again, you're spouting Russian propaganda that has no basis in fact or reality.

I guess you forgot completely what happened over the Crimea. It was the Republican Party who said "Let him have it. Nothing to do with us."

The Obama Administration had no authorization from the Republican House and Senate to attack, nor would he have gotten one.

Biden has clearly learned from past mistakes, and is not prepared to let Putin take Ukraine. And a strengthened and re-united NATO stands ready to provide weapons and support in the Ukraine's fight against this illegal aggression.

Obambi simply bent over and let Putin take it. He never asked for an approval. Joe doesn't even know where he is half the time. You are also not telling th whole truth, Donetsk and Luhansk both want to be a part of Russia.

I laid out my feelings a few days ago in another thread then Tucker dropped this gem last night.

A perfect synopsis of what I tried to say the other day.

What you're really saying is You hate Biden and want to see him fail.
Comrade Tucker is no different.
It never stopped you invading Vietnam or Iraq.
Suddenly your backing out like standing up to communist because you want Biden to look bad.

You know I'm right but you haven't the guts to admit it.
One minute your fearing a communist takeover under Biden, now your siding with the communists.

You hypocrite arsehole.
What you're really saying is You hate Biden and want to see him fail.
Comrade Tucker is no different.
It never stopped you invading Vietnam or Iraq.
Suddenly your backing out like standing up to communist because you want Biden to look bad.

You know I'm right but you haven't the guts to admit it.
One minute your fearing a communist takeover under Biden, now your siding with the communists.

You hypocrite arsehole.
Feel free to post my statements about fearing communism take over in America.


Shut that pussy on your face up.

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