Ukraine in a nutshell and why it shouldn't matter TO YOU. Don't be baited by the media

What you're really saying is You hate Biden and want to see him fail.
I want him to take care of Americans and stop fking with Putin and Ukraine. We have quite a lot going on, and he is ignoring americans. Why are you okay with that? are you a traitor to your country that Putin is more important than us?
What has this to do with the topic? Just want to move on to personal insults? this is a good discussion with information from both sides of the situation, that leads to informed decisions.
I couldn't hear her through her feeding bag. Tell her to take her feeding bag off when talking to the press. fking idiot.
Do any of you dumbass Lefties realize that while you are kissing Putin's ass, and propping up EmperorShitzHizPantz that Putin just moved two more squadrons of Jet Fighters in to Syria to help cover more missile batteries pointed at Israel? Quit pleasuring yourself over Ukraine which Biden told Putin he could have.

It's a distraction.

And you are idiots like Biden, pretending to play checkers while Putin plays Chess.

You realize that Syria is now a Russian puppet right?
I couldn't hear her through her feeding bag. Tell her to take her feeding bag off when talking to the press. fking idiot.

People better start looking at how much weaponry, fighter jets and bombers Putin is quietly moving in to Syria while he distracts Joe and the Fake News with a shiny new object in Ukraine.
You realize that Syria is now a Russian puppet right?

So is Lybia which Obama, Biden and Clinton conveniently arranged for their Lover and Comrade Pooty Poot Putin.

Syria is now a Russian Military Base for them to take control of The Middle East.

Iran, Turkey and Russia are going to attack Israel and try to take control of their oil and gas production.

Damascus will be turned in to a smoking heap of rubble and be uninhabitable.
like this post, Have not made up my mind about our ability to handle the situation. And do see Putin's point of Ukraine being on its border, Has Ukraine ever tried to take Russian territory? My memory's not great but I remember Cuba. Plus 2 country's Putin's Russia tried to take by force.

Yet Putin killed more ISIS in recent years than we did.
Go figure? :dunno:
I want him to take care of Americans and stop fking with Putin and Ukraine. We have quite a lot going on, and he is ignoring americans. Why are you okay with that? are you a traitor to your country that Putin is more important than us?
Don't change the subject. You know I'm right so admit it. You hate him.
All of the TV talk shows told us for years that Progs knew better. The View, Samantha Bee, Trevor Noah, Kimmell, Fallon and Colbert. Morning Joe killed a broad for the cause. TV programs and movies have all these macho women killing males in battle. And yet in reality 99.99% of those killed and maimed are males. We have spent trillions of dollars on gender differences that progs and elites have declared that there are none. Send in several battalions of women into a ground war. Do it. Even with the tough ones see what happens.
Not I tersted in any of that. The fact remains that is the situation right now and you are part of it.
Not I tersted in any of that. The fact remains that is the situation right now and you are part of it.
Propaganda is real. And it affects people. For many it is like "rebel without a cause". But now we are in decline and a nation divided big time. One side always barking and the other quiet in comparison. But we know the lines are drawn. Send several battalions of female soldiers over there to fight to start. Give them a little ground war experience. You talk the shit now do it. The police and fire has been reduced in real numbers doing the real dirty work domestically due to equity. Putting cops like Chauvin who worked on the edge into the scope of trouble.
Propaganda is real. And it affects people. For many it is like "rebel without a cause". But now we are in decline and a nation divided big time. One side always barking and the other quiet in comparison. But we know the lines are drawn. Send several battalions of female soldiers over there to fight to start. Give them a little ground war experience. You talk the shit now do it. The police and fire has been reduced in real numbers doing the real dirty work domestically due to equity. Putting cops like Chauvin who worked on the edge into the scope of trouble.
Not interested again. I am rigjt and you cannot admit it. Piss off
Staying neutral is not picking a side. There is roughly ⅓ of the population that supports unification with Russia. The Ukraine is a former Russian state.

How is this shit ANY OF OUR BUSINESS?

We can't even control our own borders and you want to obsess over a border dispute half way around the globe?
The US is a former British colony.

So are India, Canada, South Africa, Australia, Hong Kong, parts of China...

Should they all be returned to England?

Putin views all of eastern Europe as belonging to Russia. It is how he grew up and he wants to restore the Soviet Union to its previous "glory."

Your reasoning is unreasonable.
Staying neutral is not picking a side. There is roughly ⅓ of the population that supports unification with Russia. The Ukraine is a former Russian state.

How is this shit ANY OF OUR BUSINESS?

We can't even control our own borders and you want to obsess over a border dispute half way around the globe?

Was going into Vietnam any of your business? Who's business is it to kill 55000 soldiers for no reason at all.

Don't give me the humanitarian rubbish about Iraq either because you had no problem invading it.

Kuwait is a sovereign nation but you hurriedly intervened there also.
You've got a very poor memory.

The border issue is concentrating on Mexicans etc. How about the Canadian illegals?
Not interested in them?
What about the hundreds of thousands who over stay their visas each year?
Any concern about them?

You hypocrite.
Did you hear what Tucker said?

Putin is not that bad, it is Biden who is overreacting

Why should America care if Russia takes Ukraine
He said invading America is called 'equity' but invading the Ukraine is called a war crime. Also Clinton and the Democrats took away Ukraine's nuclear defense and promised to defend them with OUR 'blood and treasure.' You are being programmed to hate the wrong tyrants.
No. I'm discussing how you all support putin.
no you asked about us wishing xiden would fail, or did you forget that question? Are you truly that fking stupid you can't follow along? Grow some fking balls you asshole.

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