Ukraine minister denies Trump put pressure on Zelenskiy during call: report

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Who are you going to believe a couple of Annomous sources with supposedly 2nd hand hearsay or the minister.....Hard choice for an ABNORMAL....ROTFLMFAO!!!!


Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko on Saturday denied suggestions U.S. President Donald Trump had put pressure on Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskiy during a phone call in July.

In an interview with media outlet Hromadske, Prystaiko said Ukraine was an independent state and would not take sides in U.S. politics even if “in theory” the country was in a position to do so. He added that Kiev appreciated the assistance it received from Washington.

On Friday reports by U.S. media outlets said Trump repeatedly pressured Ukraine’s president to investigate Joe Biden, one of Trump’s chief political rivals, in a July phone call.

The call featured in a classified whistleblower complaint that has sparked a political battle between Democrats warning of a national security threat and Republicans turning it into an attack on Biden, a frontrunner in the field of Democrats seeking to challenge Trump in the 2020 presidential election.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko on Saturday denied suggestions U.S. President Donald Trump had put pressure on Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskiy during a phone call in July.

In an interview with media outlet Hromadske, Prystaiko said Ukraine was an independent state and would not take sides in U.S. politics even if “in theory” the country was in a position to do so. He added that Kiev appreciated the assistance it received from Washington.

Prystaiko talking about rejection of Trump's corrupt pressure is NOT an actual denial that the pressure happened, in fact his dodging statement is an implicit confirmation that it took place.

"Kiev apreciated assistance" and wants to play nice with Trump's admin is how it reads.
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Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko on Saturday denied suggestions U.S. President Donald Trump had put pressure on Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskiy during a phone call in July.

In an interview with media outlet Hromadske, Prystaiko said Ukraine was an independent state and would not take sides in U.S. politics even if “in theory” the country was in a position to do so. He added that Kiev appreciated the assistance it received from Washington.

Prystaiko talking about rejection of Trump's corrupt pressure is NOT an actual denial that the pressure happened, in fact his dodging statement is an implicit confirmation that it took place.

"Kiev apreciated assistance" and wants to play nice with Trump's admin is how it reads.
You are so predictable Antontoo, here is what he says about it, from The Last Refuge,

Minister Vadym Prystaiko was a participant in the discussions between the U.S. and Ukraine and has specific knowledge of the phone call. Minister Prystaiko says the phone call was long, friendly and covered a variety of important issues. There was no undue pressure or “coercion” from U.S. President Donald Trump.WATCH:

LINK to the video


You didn't read the link from post one, since you missed this:

“I know what the conversation was about and I think there was no pressure,” Prystaiko said. “This conversation was long, friendly, and it touched on many questions, sometimes requiring serious answers.”

You should drop falling for this obvious Media contrived bullcrap.
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko on Saturday denied suggestions U.S. President Donald Trump had put pressure on Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskiy during a phone call in July.

In an interview with media outlet Hromadske, Prystaiko said Ukraine was an independent state and would not take sides in U.S. politics even if “in theory” the country was in a position to do so. He added that Kiev appreciated the assistance it received from Washington.

Prystaiko talking about rejection of Trump's corrupt pressure is NOT an actual denial that the pressure happened, in fact his dodging statement is an implicit confirmation that it took place.

"Kiev apreciated assistance" and wants to play nice with Trump's admin is how it reads.
He directly contradicted it. Directly.


There is a real issue here though - can Kiev afford to openly go against Trump in this instance? I doubt it though I would think that if there were pressure there then he would have not commented on it at all. I find him lying about it far less likely than pressure simply not being applied. The very fact Trump asked the question is a problem but not likely to be enough for an impeachment as it would have easily been should political pressure been applied. It does not look good politically in any manner.

We still need more detail here.
Another bullshit impeachment scandal invented by the left, thinking the American people are stupid enough to believe Trump is a fucking foreign agent or some shit they think they can float out there and eventually the public is gonna say "Oh that does it, he needs to be impeached now"!
What we know is the inspector General deemed the whistle blower concern credible and urgent to our national security.

And we know the law requires the DNI to turn over the whistle blowers complaint and IG REPORT within 7 days to the intelligence committees in Congress, and it was not turned over....the Trump admin broke the Law, once again.

Who are you going to believe a couple of Annomous sources with supposedly 2nd hand hearsay or the minister.....Hard choice for an ABNORMAL....ROTFLMFAO!!!!


Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko on Saturday denied suggestions U.S. President Donald Trump had put pressure on Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskiy during a phone call in July.

In an interview with media outlet Hromadske, Prystaiko said Ukraine was an independent state and would not take sides in U.S. politics even if “in theory” the country was in a position to do so. He added that Kiev appreciated the assistance it received from Washington.

On Friday reports by U.S. media outlets said Trump repeatedly pressured Ukraine’s president to investigate Joe Biden, one of Trump’s chief political rivals, in a July phone call.

The call featured in a classified whistleblower complaint that has sparked a political battle between Democrats warning of a national security threat and Republicans turning it into an attack on Biden, a frontrunner in the field of Democrats seeking to challenge Trump in the 2020 presidential election.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The Ukraine has much to loose if they do not back-up Trump 100%.
There is an easy solution to this "he said, he said" Turn the transcript of the phone calls to Congress and remove all doubt.
The sooner people realize that all these accusations against Trump are lies and fabrications, the sooner we can start saving time and money by not freaking out over these fantasies. I think we have seen enough instances to understand the MSM will always lie about Trump in their unhinged frenzy to hurt the man in any way they can. They need to be disregarded completely. Also forget about trying to change the minds of those who believe the MSM is gospel. They're shallow bigots and change is not in their nature. They're the useful idiots the MSM depends on.
"Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko on Saturday denied suggestions U.S. President Donald Trump had put pressure on Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskiy during a phone call in July."

So, the Ukraine PM just debunked the latest attack on President Trump. Time to go after the leaker and investigate Biden for abusing his power to strong-arm an ally's leader.
Who are you going to believe a couple of Annomous sources with supposedly 2nd hand hearsay or the minister.....Hard choice for an ABNORMAL....ROTFLMFAO!!!!


Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko on Saturday denied suggestions U.S. President Donald Trump had put pressure on Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskiy during a phone call in July.

In an interview with media outlet Hromadske, Prystaiko said Ukraine was an independent state and would not take sides in U.S. politics even if “in theory” the country was in a position to do so. He added that Kiev appreciated the assistance it received from Washington.

On Friday reports by U.S. media outlets said Trump repeatedly pressured Ukraine’s president to investigate Joe Biden, one of Trump’s chief political rivals, in a July phone call.

The call featured in a classified whistleblower complaint that has sparked a political battle between Democrats warning of a national security threat and Republicans turning it into an attack on Biden, a frontrunner in the field of Democrats seeking to challenge Trump in the 2020 presidential election.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
/——-/ Oh we almost had him this time...
"Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko on Saturday denied suggestions U.S. President Donald Trump had put pressure on Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskiy during a phone call in July."

So, the Ukraine PM just debunked the latest attack on President Trump. Time to go after the leaker and investigate Biden for abusing his power to strong-arm an ally's leader.

Yep, go after the leaker and give Congress the full transcript of the phone calls. Only way to be sure
Yep, go after the leaker and give Congress the full transcript of the phone calls. Only way to be sure
Be sure of what? The Ukraine P.M. has debunked the latest false narrative against President Trump while Biden remains proud of the fact that he blackmailed the leader of an allied nation...
Yep, go after the leaker and give Congress the full transcript of the phone calls. Only way to be sure
Be sure of what? The Ukraine P.M. has debunked the latest false narrative against President Trump while Biden remains proud of the fact that he blackmailed the leader of an allied nation...

I know that you are too loyal of a worshiper to admit it, but the Ukraine has much to loose if they cross Trump, so their denial should be taken with a fair amount of skepticism.

Why are you so opposed to Congress getting the transcripts?
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko on Saturday denied suggestions U.S. President Donald Trump had put pressure on Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskiy during a phone call in July.

In an interview with media outlet Hromadske, Prystaiko said Ukraine was an independent state and would not take sides in U.S. politics even if “in theory” the country was in a position to do so. He added that Kiev appreciated the assistance it received from Washington.

Prystaiko talking about rejection of Trump's corrupt pressure is NOT an actual denial that the pressure happened, in fact his dodging statement is an implicit confirmation that it took place.

"Kiev apreciated assistance" and wants to play nice with Trump's admin is how it reads.
And Ghouliani has confirmed that he too has attempted to pressure Ukraine to open a bogus investigation of Biden
GG, if the Ukraine Prosecutor's name had been 'Robert Mueller' and we were talking about Trump you and Democrats would be screaming at the top of your lungs about how Trump must be Impeached because this was an obvious case of OBSTRUCTION...and YOU KNOW IT, you f*ing hypocrite!
GG, if the Ukraine Prosecutor's name had been 'Robert Mueller' and we were talking about Trump you and Democrats would be screaming at the top of your lungs about how Trump must be Impeached because this was an obvious case of OBSTRUCTION...and YOU KNOW IT, you f*ing hypocrite!

You do have an active imagination, but I have said from day one that I did not think Trump did anything illegal and that nothing would come of the Mueller investigation.

The question still remains, why are you so afraid of the transcripts being turned over to Congress? There is a reason we have an oversight committee
GG, if TRUMP had bragged how he got the prosecutor going after Manafort or Papadapoulos by using $1billion to blackmail / pressure him, again, you would be screaming how Trump must be Impeached for doing it.

Thanks for the demonstration of your having different rules / standards for Biden than you have Trump.


Biden got a prosecutor fired because he was NOT prosecuting corruption. He was also not investigating the company that Biden's son worked for. He has admitted that
The question still remains, why are you so afraid of the transcripts being turned over to Congress? There is a reason we have an oversight committee
Question? No, it's your attempt to breathe life into a bogus a accusation that has already been debunked by Ukraine's P..M and distract from Biden's video-taped confession about blackmailing the leader of an allied nation.

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