Ukraine wants in to NATO

Please remember this statement as you and hundreds of millions die in WW III.

the national socialist shouldn’t of been alllowed to take Austria, Poland or any other one of their neighbors either.

We were fight to fight Hitler, we should have done it sooner…not been more flexible…sadly we will look back at 2012…and obama and xiden’s promise as the turning point of Putin’s regime
Even if their levels of corruption and the frozen conflict in the Donbass makes Ukraine ineligible for NATO membership?

Adding Ukraine to NATO weakens the overall alliance instead of strengthening it unless you're one of those who believes it's possible to win a nuclear war.

Map of War in Donbass, Ukraine with numerical Superiority of Russian Tanks
If NaTO says no, because of some non ompaliance with their requirements fine…but ukraine should be allowed to try and apply and get in compliance

the new president was committed to rooting out corruption….the conflict you speak of was russian interfere spurred by their 2014 invasion…not a bar to membership…it was created by and allowed to fester due to the more flexible policies after 2012
For thirteen days, October 16 – 28, 1962, the U.S. and Soviet Union faced each other down in a confrontation that would be the closest the world came to nuclear annihilation during the Cold War. Why wasn't Cuba allowed to pursue an alliance without the interference of the United States, and the world subjected to possible annihilation?

It seems, your ideas are completely influenced by the place you belong to, whom rules over you, and the TEE VEE you watch. Having double standards doesn't seem to be a problem for you at all. . . does it?

Or. . . was JFK wrong with his actions back then?

they were allowed, they were in an alliance with the soviets

the ussr wasn’t allowed to bring nukes there though

i don’t see any plans to bring nukes to ukraine…in fact we took them all out and agreed to help defend them when we did decades ago

try again.
Question is: Should we?
YES---well that is that we should have already done it--might be to late now and would lead to WW3 instead of preventing it. That fuck up biden has really fucked the world.
the national socialist shouldn’t of been alllowed to take Austria, Poland or any other one of their neighbors either.

We were fight to fight Hitler, we should have done it sooner…not been more flexible…sadly we will look back at 2012…and obama and xiden’s promise as the turning point of Putin’s regime
Putin is not our primary foe. Russia is no longer a Communist country. Russia‘s GDP is about the same as Australia’s.

We should focus on our primary foe, the CCP.

We should seek a compromise regarding Ukraine. Both Russia and the US can accept a neutral and independent Ukraine. Let’s stop talking about NATO membership for Ukraine and end this disastrous war.

Can we stop pushing Russia into the arms of the CCP?

Biden and Zelensky don’t need help marching us into WW III.
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Why is that?

Does your answer incorporate CIA actions in Ukraine since 1949 that were (are) designed to kill as many Russians as possible regardless of the cost to Ukrainian civilians?

"Drawing on a CIA internal history, Evan Thomas describes in his book 'The Very Best Men' how the CIA parachuted operatives into Ukraine’s Carpathian Mountains, starting in 1949. 'These were hopeless missions; the Kremlin’s highly efficient security services rounded up the infiltrators as they crushed the resistance movements,' Thomas writes.

"He quotes a CIA officer involved in the operation who describes it as 'a horrible mistake.'
Dude...stupid CIA missions from what...70 years ago?

That's lame even by Putin propaganda standards
Nope, I would like to avoid a nuclear exchange. If they were admitted to NATO, NATO would have to defend them and NATO forces are about 65% US.
Which is why it ain't happening...stupid topic
That is ridiculous.
The US elections are a total fraud, with the worst possible and least popular candidates.
We have the largest and most corrupt military in the world, lying about and invading innocent countries we want to exploit, like Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Libya, Syria, etc.
The US has the largest % imprisoned in the world, mostly on illegal charges like drugs.
And the US is also the worst country for health care, having no public option and the highest charges in the world.
The government does not have to jail or censor the press because the press is already totally corrupt and lies constantly.
By any measure, like homelessness, life span, etc., the US is one of the worst countries in the modern world.
The only reason to live in the US is that is where all the money this country steals, ends up, and if you live anywhere else, the US is likely to invade.

If it's so bad GTFO, and STFU.
They're liberals, they have no fucking backbone.

It's why Putin is moving on Ukraine now, and not while Trump was in office. It's why Putin moved on Crimea under Obama.
And Xi is watching this as he has designs on Tiwan....Biden will probably give that up as well...Disgraceful....
"we" had that and Russia is now destroying it
No. The current leadership has been pushing hard for membership.

I guess people like you need to start WW III to prove your masculinity.
Need to? no....I hope and pray that doesn't happen, but you can't let an enemy know that he can back you down with a threat....So, you scared? Just say you're scared....
I am not always a pessimist, but when it comes to the outcome of Putin’s unjustified war of pure aggression against such a smaller neighboring nation, I am pessimistic. I don’t believe there will be a nation known as “Ukraine” when this war is over. I therefore assume that there will be no nation of Ukraine to join NATO.
Need to? no....I hope and pray that doesn't happen, but you can't let an enemy know that he can back you down with a threat....So, you scared? Just say you're scared....
So you have no fear of a massive nuclear arsenal that can kill hundreds of millions? You think nuclear brinkmanship is the intelligent option?
Bad news, Ukraine is over, they aren't joining anything..... This whole thing is about the obscene corruption of Biden, and Ukraine, where Obama and his "point man" on Ukraine(hint his first name is Joe)sparked a coup d' tat against the lawfully elected, pro-Russian Ukrainian president in 2013, then they got an actor elected to the job, an actor totally beholding to the USA and its money, and whom never ceased lobbying for Nato membership. In this whole Ukraine matter, Putin is wearing the white hat, Biden and both houses of the totally corrupt US congress, the black hats!

Putin told them for almost 15 years what he would do if they attempted to incorporate Ukraine into Nato, and nobody listened to him, with but one singular exception, Trump! This is why Putin took no aggressive actions against them while Trump was president and its why the totally corrupt two houses of the congress did take action, against Trump. I might add, that it was Obama and his point man, who motivated their new Ukrainian vassal to wage war upon the separatist regions back in 2014, those two regions are predominantly ethnic Russians, and as soon as Putin saw Biden cheated into office, he knew what was coming, and here we are...

Putin took no aggressive action because even the implied threat of NATO was enough to hold him at bay, despite Ukraine not being a Nato country, but more importantly, he was waiting for Trump to hand him the whole country. Its as simple as that. What do you think all their back room wheeling and dealing was all about? Why do you think Trump wanted those talks to be secret? Who knows how much Putin was willing to pay Trump to look the other way. Without the United States, NATO would eventually fall and crumble, paving the way for Russia to invade any country they thought they could take over. You're openly supporting a traitor.
Dude...stupid CIA missions from what...70 years ago?

That's lame even by Putin propaganda standards
Except those "stupid CIA missions" are still going on today, and Ukrainians are dying for Raytheon.
Chart Of The Day: Raytheon Stock Escalates On Ukraine War, Falling Flag Breakout |

"A February 25 op-ed in The Los Angeles Times by Jeff Rogg, 'The CIA has backed Ukrainian insurgents before- Let’s learn from those mistakes,' cites a CIA program to train Ukrainian nationalists as insurgents to fight the Russians that began in 2015 and compares it with a similar effort by Truman’s CIA in Ukraine that began in 1949.

"By 1950, one year in, 'U.S. officers involved in the program knew they were fighting a losing battle."

“Let Them Kill as Many as Possible”: United States Policy Toward Russia and its Neighbors

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