Ultimate compilation:Dems & MSM talking heads freak out over AG barr's impending spying investigatio

Stalin did that as well, told his people to investigate his political opponents. Republicans do it. Democrats don't. The two sides are totally different that way.

At this stage, it's not a question of whether Trump cultists are like Stalinists. It's only a question of whether they differ in any significant way.
Stalin did that as well, told his people to investigate his political opponents. Republicans do it. Democrats don't. The two sides are totally different that way.

At this stage, it's not a question of whether Trump cultists are like Stalinists. It's only a question of whether they differ in any significant way.
Honey, you sooo have that backwards.
Stalin did that as well, told his people to investigate his political opponents. Republicans do it. Democrats don't. The two sides are totally different that way.

At this stage, it's not a question of whether Trump cultists are like Stalinists. It's only a question of whether they differ in any significant way.
You'd think that Clapper and Brennan would finally shut their big fat mouths.
Stalin did that as well, told his people to investigate his political opponents. Republicans do it. Democrats don't. The two sides are totally different that way.

At this stage, it's not a question of whether Trump cultists are like Stalinists. It's only a question of whether they differ in any significant way.

Just the opposite is true and here are the ones willing to do anything to get their way:

CARLSBAD, Calif.—A secretive three-day conference where big money liberal donors are plotting the next steps of the "resistance" will be headlined by Friday speeches by billionaire George Soros and Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
Resistance Royalty: Pelosi, Soros Headline Left's Biggest Dark Money Conference

We have got to rid ourselves of the destructive Soros influence on the Democrats and those he controls, if we are ever going to mend this rift...
Stalin did that as well, told his people to investigate his political opponents. Republicans do it. Democrats don't. The two sides are totally different that way.

At this stage, it's not a question of whether Trump cultists are like Stalinists. It's only a question of whether they differ in any significant way.

Dude, did you seriously just claim that Democrats don't investigate their political opponents? Are you on medication? What do you call the Mueller investigation? What do you call the Kavanaugh investigation? You claiming Democrats don't investigate their political opponents is probably the DUMBEST statement made on this board in a long, long time!
Honey, you sooo have that backwards

Don't project, little Stalinist. We are the opposite of you in that regard.

The Democrats never sicced the Justice Department on the Republicans, because that would have been openly Stalinist.

In stark contrast, Barr flat out said that he had no evidence to support his initial claim of spying. Yet he's going to investigate anyways. Barr is using a made-up conspiracy theory to justify an inquisition.

It's open Stalinism, and all of the Trump cultists here love it. I'm just making it clear where we all stand here. All of the Republicans here adore Stalinist tactics, and all the Democrats reject such tactics. The Democrats are loyal Americans, while the Trump cultists suck as Americans.

Why don't you Trump cultists move to North Korea, which has a legal system more to your liking? They also say that all EnemiesOfTheState must be prosecuted.
Honey, you sooo have that backwards

Don't project, little Stalinist. We are the opposite of you in that regard.

The Democrats never sicced the Justice Department on the Republicans, because that would have been openly Stalinist.

In stark contrast, Barr flat out said that he had no evidence to support his initial claim of spying. Yet he's going to investigate anyways. Barr is using a made-up conspiracy theory to justify an inquisition.

It's open Stalinism, and all of the Trump cultists here love it. I'm just making it clear where we all stand here. All of the Republicans here adore Stalinist tactics, and all the Democrats reject such tactics. The Democrats are loyal Americans, while the Trump cultists suck as Americans.

Why don't you Trump cultists move to North Korea, which has a legal system more to your liking? They also say that all EnemiesOfTheState must be prosecuted.
You lost again. Man up for a change. No one likes whiny little "witches".
Dude, did you seriously just claim that Democrats don't investigate their political opponents?

No. If you can't argue against what I actually say, just admit it. Don't make up stories about what I supposedly said.

Are you on medication?

I see. It's your low intelligence. That's what explains why you can't read, and why you actually believe the propaganda that your Stalinist cult feeds you.

What do you call the Mueller investigation?

An investigation headed by a Republican, and run by the Republican-leaning FBI, and based on hard evidence. Only a hopelessly brainwashed cultist would call that some kind of Democratic spying.

What do you call the Kavanaugh investigation?

What Kavanaugh investigation specifically? What law enforcement branches investigated him?

You claiming Democrats don't investigate their political opponents is probably the DUMBEST statement made on this board in a long, long time!

Says the dope who thinks oppo research is a legal investigation, and who thinks Meuller was a Democrat. You're saying hilariously stupid things, because your cult commands you to say them

And you're still batting .000 in regards to these Democratic investigations. That's because you made it all up. The only side siccing the Justice Department on their political opponents is yours, and you're thrilled with that Stalinist tactic.
You lost again

Lost what, little Stalinist?

Man up for a change. No one likes whiny little "witches".

Barr said he had no evidence to support his conspiracy theory, yet you still cheer a criminal investigation based on that conspiracy theory.

That's textbook Stalinism, making up crimes to pin on political opponents. And it thrills you.

All the Trump cultists here know what DearLeader is doing is wrong. No matter, TheParty has issued marching orders, so the sheep must obey. Going against the wishes of TheParty would require integrity and guts, and anyone possessing those qualities left the Trump cult long ago.
Conspiracy? Seriously?
Show us where he stated he saw nothing supporting his charge.

You guys have really lost it-

“I think spying did occur, yes,” he said. “I think spying did occur.”

“The question was whether it was predicated, adequately predicated,” he added. “I’m not suggesting that it wasn’t adequately predicated, but I need to explore that. I think it’s my obligation.”

“I want to make it clear, thinking back on all the different colloquies here that I am not saying that improper surveillance occurred,” Barr said. “I’m saying that I am concerned about it and looking into it. That’s all.”

He never once stated he hadn’t seen any evidence. He stated he was concerned over whether the surveillance was proper or not, and what he wanted to investigate.

You lost again

Lost what, little Stalinist?

Man up for a change. No one likes whiny little "witches".

Barr said he had no evidence to support his conspiracy theory, yet you still cheer a criminal investigation based on that conspiracy theory.

That's textbook Stalinism, making up crimes to pin on political opponents. And it thrills you.

All the Trump cultists here know what DearLeader is doing is wrong. No matter, TheParty has issued marching orders, so the sheep must obey. Going against the wishes of TheParty would require integrity and guts, and anyone possessing those qualities left the Trump cult long ago.
Conspiracy? Seriously?

Crazy stories with zero evidence to support them are correctly classified as conspiracy theories by most people.

Show us where he stated he saw nothing supporting his charge.

"I have no specific evidence that I would cite right now, I do have some questions about it. I have concerns about various aspects of it."

Why did you think that would be difficult?

You guys have really lost it-

Says the one demanding a criminal investigation over feelings and a conspiracy theory.

“I think spying did occur, yes,” he said. “I think spying did occur.”

“The question was whether it was predicated, adequately predicated,” he added. “I’m not suggesting that it wasn’t adequately predicated, but I need to explore that. I think it’s my obligation.”

“I want to make it clear, thinking back on all the different colloquies here that I am not saying that improper surveillance occurred,” Barr said. “I’m saying that I am concerned about it and looking into it. That’s all.”

So, all he has is feelings.

He never once stated he hadn’t seen any evidence.

He did specifically state he wouldn't present any evidence.

He stated he was concerned over whether the surveillance was proper or not, and what he wanted to investigate.

Which does not meet the standards for a criminal investigation. And that was all already investigated by the previous congress. They came up with nothing.
Barr said he had no evidence to support his conspiracy theory, yet you still cheer a criminal investigation based on that conspiracy theory.

That's textbook Stalinism, making up crimes to pin on political opponents. And it thrills you.
|Ah, the irony. :)

If you can't "man up", maybe you can find a boyfriend who likes whining and make each other miserable.
“That I would cite right now”. Not, “I don’t have any evidence.” He wants to investigate whether it (the evidence) was predicated.
You are on a roll today, mammoth. What got your rankles up?
Conspiracy? Seriously?

Crazy stories with zero evidence to support them are correctly classified as conspiracy theories by most people.

Show us where he stated he saw nothing supporting his charge.

"I have no specific evidence that I would cite right now, I do have some questions about it. I have concerns about various aspects of it."

Why did you think that would be difficult?

You guys have really lost it-

Says the one demanding a criminal investigation over feelings and a conspiracy theory.

“I think spying did occur, yes,” he said. “I think spying did occur.”

“The question was whether it was predicated, adequately predicated,” he added. “I’m not suggesting that it wasn’t adequately predicated, but I need to explore that. I think it’s my obligation.”

“I want to make it clear, thinking back on all the different colloquies here that I am not saying that improper surveillance occurred,” Barr said. “I’m saying that I am concerned about it and looking into it. That’s all.”

So, all he has is feelings.

He never once stated he hadn’t seen any evidence.

He did specifically state he wouldn't present any evidence.

He stated he was concerned over whether the surveillance was proper or not, and what he wanted to investigate.

Which does not meet the standards for a criminal investigation. And that was all already investigated by the previous congress. They came up with nothing.
Dude, did you seriously just claim that Democrats don't investigate their political opponents?

No. If you can't argue against what I actually say, just admit it. Don't make up stories about what I supposedly said.

Are you on medication?

I see. It's your low intelligence. That's what explains why you can't read, and why you actually believe the propaganda that your Stalinist cult feeds you.

What do you call the Mueller investigation?

An investigation headed by a Republican, and run by the Republican-leaning FBI, and based on hard evidence. Only a hopelessly brainwashed cultist would call that some kind of Democratic spying.

What do you call the Kavanaugh investigation?

What Kavanaugh investigation specifically? What law enforcement branches investigated him?

You claiming Democrats don't investigate their political opponents is probably the DUMBEST statement made on this board in a long, long time!

Says the dope who thinks oppo research is a legal investigation, and who thinks Meuller was a Democrat. You're saying hilariously stupid things, because your cult commands you to say them

And you're still batting .000 in regards to these Democratic investigations. That's because you made it all up. The only side siccing the Justice Department on their political opponents is yours, and you're thrilled with that Stalinist tactic.
"Stalin did that as well, told his people to investigate his political opponents. Republicans do it. Democrats don't."
Was that your post, Mamooth? If so then how can you claim you never said Democrats don't investigate their political opponents? I'm not making up anything that you said...I'm simply pointing out how what you said is freaking RIDICULOUS!

So the FBI was "Republican leaning" during the Obama Administration? Really? Comey? Page? Strozk? Those people were "helping" Trump? You get more amusing with each post!

What Kavanaugh investigation? Duh...the one that was on TV? You Democrats dug up shit from 40 years ago on someone...accusations by people who were so scatter brained there isn't a court in the nation that would have bought their stories! It was about as disgusting a display of partisan politics as I've EVER witnessed!

Still trying to claim that Fusion GPS and Glenn Simpson were simply engaged in "opposition research", Mamooth? That's laughable at this point. The fact of the matter is that the Clinton campaign paid money to Fusion GPS to launch a smear campaign against Trump using foreign agents. THAT is collusion! THAT is what people should be investigated over!
So the FBI was "Republican leaning" during the Obama Administration? Really? Comey?

Given that Comey deliberately threw the election to Trump, you look completely detached from reality when you claim Comey is working for Democrats.

How does your conspiracy theory account for the FBI deliberately throwing the election to Trump? If the FBI wanted to get rid of Trump, wouldn't it have been simpler to just not interfere in the election so that Clinton would win?

Your conspiracy babbling is flatly contradicted by reality. Doesn't that dampen the fervor of your religious belief here even a tiny bit?

What Kavanaugh investigation? Duh...the one that was on TV?

You're off your rocker there. Confirmation hearings are not a criminal legal investigation. You're scraping bottom in desperation there.

Still trying to claim that Fusion GPS and Glenn Simpson were simply engaged in "opposition research", Mamooth?

Well, yes, initially hired by Republicans for that purpose. Claiming that was a Democratic plot is another of your wacky conspiracy theories.

So, you're still batting a perfect .000 on these supposed Democratic investigations. Your side does it. Ours doesn't. You're faking stories about Democrats supposedly doping to justify your side's open Stalinism.

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