Ultimately, this is what should scare us with Trump.....

Trump is doing exactly what we elected him to do. Drive you nuts.

You elected Trump to bring us to the edge of a nuclear war???
actually,probably so because YOU are truly fucked up.
JFK brought the world to the brink of nuclear war like it was never seen. And thank God he did. Soviet Ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads 20 miles off our coast would have certainly led to a nuclear attack later.
Has your coal job come back yet, Trumptard?

Trump's cult members will "excuse" the orange moron and blame everyone else for the failures on his ridiculous promises....That's what keeps the cult mentality alive.

promises, eh

"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"mine will be the most transparent administration in history"
"I never sent classified data on my personal server"
"I will have more flexibility after the election" "I'll tell Vlad"
"increasing the national debt is a failure of leadership"
"Hillary has a 97% chance of winning"
Trump has openly endorsed Russia, is pushing for an increase in the defecit, has completely eliminated transparency, and is trying to get rid of people’s healthcare plans.

Way to go, Trumptard
Obama after his re election said he would be more flexible with Putin.
Obama had 9 trillion dollars of debt left him by George, Obama doubled it to 19 trillion.
Obama promised transparency yet wasn't any where close and even shut out his own liberal media.
Obama by passing unaffordable healthcare took away many plans that "working" people had.

Fuck you...
Will have to say what trump is doing with Iran & North Korea is like taking a stick in each hand and poking at two wasps nests. Would be very interested to know his plan, just poking them may not be wise.
If Winston Churchill had been in power instead of Neville Chamberlain, Adolf Hitler would of been stopped before the France invasion. But pansy ass liberal Neville played nice with the EVIL dictator and the rest is history. Bill, George, Barry all played nice with Kim and the Iran mooolas and see where we are today.....
Funny how trumpanzees talk about Chamberlain and Churchill when they identify most with Hitler and Goebbels.
Has your coal job come back yet, Trumptard?

Trump's cult members will "excuse" the orange moron and blame everyone else for the failures on his ridiculous promises....That's what keeps the cult mentality alive.
Indeed. They immediately abandoned caring at all about the repeal of the ACA, and counted that day as a win because Trump insulted the NFL.
Yeah right, that must be why conservatives are showing Republican Senators the door when they announce they will not run again. We love the elitists.

No most are too chicken to open their mouths.
Has your coal job come back yet, Trumptard?

Trump's cult members will "excuse" the orange moron and blame everyone else for the failures on his ridiculous promises....That's what keeps the cult mentality alive.
Indeed. They immediately abandoned caring at all about the repeal of the ACA, and counted that day as a win because Trump insulted the NFL.
Yeah right, that must be why conservatives are showing Republican Senators the door when they announce they will not run again. We love the elitists.
Yeah you do. Look at all that Goldman Sachs money in your elitist billionaire President’s cabinet. Rube.
By this juncture, after nine miserable months of a Trump regime, we know that domestic issues are in a quagmire.

BUT, what should scare us should be what Trump's inexperience and stupidity may usher in regarding North Korea.

Trump is just a taller version of Kim Jung Un.....narcissistic, reckless and a "deity" among a bunch of sycophants who would readily offer their loyalty to a charlatan above their oath to the welfare of the nation.

What Trump is doing regarding North Korea, is to challenge an equally crazed world leader (with nukes) in the same way that he bullied opponents in a real estate deal...........The problem, however, is that this orange idiot is gambling with our lives, rather than his own money.

Trump wants a war more than anything else. That is why he is poking both NK and Iran hoping one of them will poke back enough he has his justification for "the best and biggest war ever". He wants to be able to say he "won a war better than anyone else ever has" and that all the world leaders are calling him and telling him he is the "best at war ever in the history of the world".
What does the left consider to be "domestic issues"? Even left wing hypocrites agree that Trump's policies allowed the DOW to increase by about two trillion dollars and their 401k's are once more secure. Isn't that a domestic issue? Even hypocrite angry lefties would agree that FEMA handled two (domestic) natural disasters pretty well otherwise we would never hear the end of it from the criminal enterprise in the MSM. Illegal immigration is a domestic issue and it's down about 80%. Is it about the fake allegations about Russian collusion that turned around and bit Hillary?
Trump is doing exactly what we elected him to do. Drive you nuts.
Has your coal job come back yet, Trumptard?
He also kept Hillary out of the white house,
Soon, not even that’s going to be enough to make your sorry ass feel better
You should realize that your lame attempts at predicting the future never have worked. If they had, Clinton would be president.

"Hillary will win by a landslide." LOL!
Russian sabotage, Trump team treason, and a broken, obsolete electoral system. That’s the wave your pussy grabber rode in on.
JFK brought the world to the brink of nuclear war like it was never seen. And thank God he did. Soviet Ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads 20 miles off our coast would have certainly led to a nuclear attack later.

Morons like you "forget" that we had to pull out OUR nukes from Turkey as the quid pro quo.....
Trump is doing exactly what we elected him to do. Drive you nuts.

You elected Trump to bring us to the edge of a nuclear war???
actually,probably so because YOU are truly fucked up.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- yeah , if nuke war is needed NAT . And only if President Trump decides that nuclear war is needed . I hear that you are an oldster , can it be that you still don't understand that President Trump is the Decider and 'Commander in Chief' of the USA Nat .
Trump is doing exactly what we elected him to do. Drive you nuts.
Has your coal job come back yet, Trumptard?
He also kept Hillary out of the white house,
Soon, not even that’s going to be enough to make your sorry ass feel better
You should realize that your lame attempts at predicting the future never have worked. If they had, Clinton would be president.

"Hillary will win by a landslide." LOL!
Russian sabotage, Trump team treason, and a broken, obsolete electoral system. That’s the wave your pussy grabber rode in on.
Lie spin cheat, lather rinse repeat.
By this juncture, after nine miserable months of a Trump regime, we know that domestic issues are in a quagmire.

BUT, what should scare us should be what Trump's inexperience and stupidity may usher in regarding North Korea.

Trump is just a taller version of Kim Jung Un.....narcissistic, reckless and a "deity" among a bunch of sycophants who would readily offer their loyalty to a charlatan above their oath to the welfare of the nation.

What Trump is doing regarding North Korea, is to challenge an equally crazed world leader (with nukes) in the same way that he bullied opponents in a real estate deal...........The problem, however, is that this orange idiot is gambling with our lives, rather than his own money.

Trump wants a war more than anything else. That is why he is poking both NK and Iran hoping one of them will poke back enough he has his justification for "the best and biggest war ever". He wants to be able to say he "won a war better than anyone else ever has" and that all the world leaders are calling him and telling him he is the "best at war ever in the history of the world".

Nonsense, pure unadulterated nonsense. NoKO is playing a fool's game and Trump calls them out
Obama after his re election said he would be more flexible with Putin.
Obama had 9 trillion dollars of debt left him by George, Obama doubled it to 19 trillion.
Obama promised transparency yet wasn't any where close and even shut out his own liberal media.
Obama by passing unaffordable healthcare took away many plans that "working" people had.

Fuck you...

KEEP REPEATING the above as you practice duck and cover....LOL
Has your coal job come back yet, Trumptard?

Trump's cult members will "excuse" the orange moron and blame everyone else for the failures on his ridiculous promises....That's what keeps the cult mentality alive.

promises, eh

"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"mine will be the most transparent administration in history"
"I never sent classified data on my personal server"
"I will have more flexibility after the election" "I'll tell Vlad"
"increasing the national debt is a failure of leadership"
"Hillary has a 97% chance of winning"
Trump has openly endorsed Russia, is pushing for an increase in the defecit, has completely eliminated transparency, and is trying to get rid of people’s healthcare plans.

Way to go, Trumptard
Obama after his re election said he would be more flexible with Putin.
Obama had 9 trillion dollars of debt left him by George, Obama doubled it to 19 trillion.
Obama promised transparency yet wasn't any where close and even shut out his own liberal media.
Obama by passing unaffordable healthcare took away many plans that "working" people had.

Fuck you...

You mean helped people get decent insurance. Oh if only we had the ACA long before, most on disability would not need to be, but did, as they needed medicare. If you do not understand what the pre existing clause did for healthcare , it means you know nothing about it.
By this juncture, after nine miserable months of a Trump regime, we know that domestic issues are in a quagmire.

BUT, what should scare us should be what Trump's inexperience and stupidity may usher in regarding North Korea.

Trump is just a taller version of Kim Jung Un.....narcissistic, reckless and a "deity" among a bunch of sycophants who would readily offer their loyalty to a charlatan above their oath to the welfare of the nation.

What Trump is doing regarding North Korea, is to challenge an equally crazed world leader (with nukes) in the same way that he bullied opponents in a real estate deal...........The problem, however, is that this orange idiot is gambling with our lives, rather than his own money.

Trump wants a war more than anything else. That is why he is poking both NK and Iran hoping one of them will poke back enough he has his justification for "the best and biggest war ever". He wants to be able to say he "won a war better than anyone else ever has" and that all the world leaders are calling him and telling him he is the "best at war ever in the history of the world".

Did Kennedy and Reagan want wars when they took strong stands against our potential enemies? Wars come when the US has weak presidents.

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