Ultimately, this is what should scare us with Trump.....

Trump wants a war more than anything else. That is why he is poking both NK and Iran hoping one of them will poke back enough he has his justification for "the best and biggest war ever". He wants to be able to say he "won a war better than anyone else ever has" and that all the world leaders are calling him and telling him he is the "best at war ever in the history of the world".

When your approval ratings are in the toilet, WAR is the "best" way to divert attention........Heck, GWB certainly took that advice.
Has your coal job come back yet, Trumptard?

Trump's cult members will "excuse" the orange moron and blame everyone else for the failures on his ridiculous promises....That's what keeps the cult mentality alive.

promises, eh

"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"mine will be the most transparent administration in history"
"I never sent classified data on my personal server"
"I will have more flexibility after the election" "I'll tell Vlad"
"increasing the national debt is a failure of leadership"
"Hillary has a 97% chance of winning"
Trump has openly endorsed Russia, is pushing for an increase in the defecit, has completely eliminated transparency, and is trying to get rid of people’s healthcare plans.

Way to go, Trumptard
Obama after his re election said he would be more flexible with Putin.
Obama had 9 trillion dollars of debt left him by George, Obama doubled it to 19 trillion.
Obama promised transparency yet wasn't any where close and even shut out his own liberal media.
Obama by passing unaffordable healthcare took away many plans that "working" people had.

Fuck you...

You mean helped people get decent insurance. Oh if only we had the ACA long before, most on disability would not need to be, but did, as they needed medicare. If you do not understand what the pre existing clause did for healthcare , it means you know nothing about it.

There were two minor things that needed fixing in the medical insurance industry.
1. they should be required to take people with pre-existing conditions
2. there should be no lifetime maximum payments.

Those two things could have been fixed with a one page bill. Instead we got the worst piece of legislation in US history that has just about destroyed the best medical system in the world.
By this juncture, after nine miserable months of a Trump regime, we know that domestic issues are in a quagmire.

BUT, what should scare us should be what Trump's inexperience and stupidity may usher in regarding North Korea.

Trump is just a taller version of Kim Jung Un.....narcissistic, reckless and a "deity" among a bunch of sycophants who would readily offer their loyalty to a charlatan above their oath to the welfare of the nation.

What Trump is doing regarding North Korea, is to challenge an equally crazed world leader (with nukes) in the same way that he bullied opponents in a real estate deal...........The problem, however, is that this orange idiot is gambling with our lives, rather than his own money.

You are scared of your shadow cupcake.

Find a safe place to cry and hide.
BUT, what should scare us should be what Trump's inexperience and stupidity may usher in regarding North Korea.
Carter, Clinton, Bush, and Barry allowed North Korea to obtain nuclear weapons and the ability to strike the US.

Obama violated the Constitution by agreeing to his own illegal treaty with Iran - while they made it clear they want to destroy us - making it easier for them to continue to develop their own nuclear weapons.

Mueller, Holder, Hillary, and Obama - in the midst of the Russian crimes of Bribery / Extortion / Influence-Purchasing - facilitated the Russian purchase of 20% of the US's supply of Uranium

Obama aided and abetted terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and ISIS for 8 years - financing, supplying, arming, training, defending, protecting, and helping them take over Libya, & a large part of Iraq (temporarily, no thanks to Barry) our military had liberated at great cost...

Obama dragged the US into 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Approved wars and has us on the verge of another one with a nuclear North Korea ('Here ys go, Trump - have fun with THIS mess')...

And you are saying it is Trump that we now have to fear......

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Trump wants a war more than anything else. That is why he is poking both NK and Iran hoping one of them will poke back enough he has his justification for "the best and biggest war ever". He wants to be able to say he "won a war better than anyone else ever has" and that all the world leaders are calling him and telling him he is the "best at war ever in the history of the world".

When your approval ratings are in the toilet, WAR is the "best" way to divert attention........Heck, GWB certainly took that advice.

Oh, so we are back to Bush did 9/11. If you want to go there, lets talk about how Clinton did not take OBL when Sudan offered him up.
Yes Trump is a magnificent improvement to containing NK. roflmao And let's all blame the party we don't like - that's always a sure fire way to make an argument.

The problem with NK is NOT that it's going to strike first with either its artillery that could turn Seoul into a charnel house, or with a Nuke that could conceivably end Seattle. Either act would result in NK's demise. We already dropped more fire bombs on them that we did Japan and Germany combined. They know quite well what we're capable of ... and that's why they want WOMD, and absent some real assurance we don't want regime change, why they have a logical reason to want them.

The problem with NK IS THAT they sell arms to terrorists and rogue states. And they do that to get cash, which they need to stay afloat. So, when China doesn't cut off trade, it's not necessarily against our interests. Neither dem nor gop administrations have solved this conundrum. We cannot bomb NK without destroying Seoul and destabilizing China. We have not found a way to get NK to stop selling weapons. That is the conundrum.
Trump wants a war more than anything else. That is why he is poking both NK and Iran hoping one of them will poke back enough he has his justification for "the best and biggest war ever". He wants to be able to say he "won a war better than anyone else ever has" and that all the world leaders are calling him and telling him he is the "best at war ever in the history of the world".

When your approval ratings are in the toilet, WAR is the "best" way to divert attention........Heck, GWB certainly took that advice.

Yeah right, dipshit GWB's approval rating was through the roof before 9/11 and Iraq

This is why you'r laughed at, you're clueless
Obama had 9 trillion dollars of debt left him by George, Obama doubled it to 19 trillion.


In Jan of 2009 the debt was 10.632 trillion. In Jan of 2017 the debt was 19.937 trillion. Obama did not double, that is a lie that the far right tell themselves at night.

Only one president has managed to double the debt in his 8 years...that was Reagan, and some people think he was a conservative. In Jan 1981 the debt was 994.04 billion and in Jan 1989 it was 2867.80 billion. Reagan almost tripled the debt in his 8 years.
Trump's cult members will "excuse" the orange moron and blame everyone else for the failures on his ridiculous promises....That's what keeps the cult mentality alive.

promises, eh

"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"mine will be the most transparent administration in history"
"I never sent classified data on my personal server"
"I will have more flexibility after the election" "I'll tell Vlad"
"increasing the national debt is a failure of leadership"
"Hillary has a 97% chance of winning"
Trump has openly endorsed Russia, is pushing for an increase in the defecit, has completely eliminated transparency, and is trying to get rid of people’s healthcare plans.

Way to go, Trumptard
Obama after his re election said he would be more flexible with Putin.
Obama had 9 trillion dollars of debt left him by George, Obama doubled it to 19 trillion.
Obama promised transparency yet wasn't any where close and even shut out his own liberal media.
Obama by passing unaffordable healthcare took away many plans that "working" people had.

Fuck you...

You mean helped people get decent insurance. Oh if only we had the ACA long before, most on disability would not need to be, but did, as they needed medicare. If you do not understand what the pre existing clause did for healthcare , it means you know nothing about it.

There were two minor things that needed fixing in the medical insurance industry.
1. they should be required to take people with pre-existing conditions
2. there should be no lifetime maximum payments.

Those two things could have been fixed with a one page bill. Instead we got the worst piece of legislation in US history that has just about destroyed the best medical system in the world.
Destroyed? :cuckoo:

Hows about you tell the GOP to undo their sabotage of the ACA so it can be implemented as intended. Then we can see if it was a good bill or not.
Has your coal job come back yet, Trumptard?

Trump's cult members will "excuse" the orange moron and blame everyone else for the failures on his ridiculous promises....That's what keeps the cult mentality alive.

promises, eh

"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"mine will be the most transparent administration in history"
"I never sent classified data on my personal server"
"I will have more flexibility after the election" "I'll tell Vlad"
"increasing the national debt is a failure of leadership"
"Hillary has a 97% chance of winning"
Trump has openly endorsed Russia, is pushing for an increase in the defecit, has completely eliminated transparency, and is trying to get rid of people’s healthcare plans.

Way to go, Trumptard

Obama fought so hard against deficits, eh?
Trump is working China so they will shut down the little fat boy. Fuckhead!

Are you really as dumb as your posts indicate?

here, moron........

China to Trump: That speech on North Korea was really unhelpful ...

Why China Won't Pressure North Korea as Much as Trump Wants ...
It's an oversimplification of the problem with China and NK, as that predates the Oranguton, but it's true that
"China doesn’t trust Kim Jong Un—but it trusts Trump even less."
Obama had 9 trillion dollars of debt left him by George, Obama doubled it to 19 trillion.


In Jan of 2009 the debt was 10.632 trillion. In Jan of 2017 the debt was 19.937 trillion. Obama did not double, that is a lie that the far right tell themselves at night.

Only one president has managed to double the debt in his 8 years...that was Reagan, and some people think he was a conservative. In Jan 1981 the debt was 994.04 billion and in Jan 1989 it was 2867.80 billion. Reagan almost tripled the debt in his 8 years.

Obama did not double, that is a lie that the far right tell themselves at night.

Exactly! Obama only added $9.3 trillion to the debt, bitches!
Oh, so we are back to Bush did 9/11. If you want to go there, lets talk about how Clinton did not take OBL when Sudan offered him up.

And the snowflakes on this board - like NYC - have been crying again this morning about how it has been 9 months since Barry left office and how we are not allowed to talk about Obama and his administration's crimes and betrayal / treason that continuous to haunt us anymore...

Yes Trump is a magnificent improvement to containing NK. roflmao And let's all blame the party we don't like - that's always a sure fire way to make an argument.

The problem with NK is NOT that it's going to strike first with either its artillery that could turn Seoul into a charnel house, or with a Nuke that could conceivably end Seattle. Either act would result in NK's demise. We already dropped more fire bombs on them that we did Japan and Germany combined. They know quite well what we're capable of ... and that's why they want WOMD, and absent some real assurance we don't want regime change, why they have a logical reason to want them.

The problem with NK IS THAT they sell arms to terrorists and rogue states. And they do that to get cash, which they need to stay afloat. So, when China doesn't cut off trade, it's not necessarily against our interests. Neither dem nor gop administrations have solved this conundrum. We cannot bomb NK without destroying Seoul and destabilizing China. We have not found a way to get NK to stop selling weapons. That is the conundrum.

China and Russia are the key elements in stopping NK or causing regime change. It is now in both of their interests to shut down the little dictator. NK is not going to send a nuke to American territory. If it did, it would cease to exist.
Trump wants a war more than anything else. That is why he is poking both NK and Iran hoping one of them will poke back enough he has his justification for "the best and biggest war ever". He wants to be able to say he "won a war better than anyone else ever has" and that all the world leaders are calling him and telling him he is the "best at war ever in the history of the world".

When your approval ratings are in the toilet, WAR is the "best" way to divert attention........Heck, GWB certainly took that advice.

Yeah right, dipshit GWB's approval rating was through the roof before 9/11 and Iraq

This is why you'r laughed at, you're clueless

Trump is doing exactly what we elected him to do. Drive you nuts.
At the expense of our country. At the expense of American lives. At the expense of our allies.

Really? You are this petty?

Are you that stupid? Do you really believe what you just posted?

Why did Obama send American troops into Niger? Do you care? Do you give a shit?
Yes Trump is a magnificent improvement to containing NK. roflmao And let's all blame the party we don't like - that's always a sure fire way to make an argument.

The problem with NK is NOT that it's going to strike first with either its artillery that could turn Seoul into a charnel house, or with a Nuke that could conceivably end Seattle. Either act would result in NK's demise. We already dropped more fire bombs on them that we did Japan and Germany combined. They know quite well what we're capable of ... and that's why they want WOMD, and absent some real assurance we don't want regime change, why they have a logical reason to want them.

The problem with NK IS THAT they sell arms to terrorists and rogue states. And they do that to get cash, which they need to stay afloat. So, when China doesn't cut off trade, it's not necessarily against our interests. Neither dem nor gop administrations have solved this conundrum. We cannot bomb NK without destroying Seoul and destabilizing China. We have not found a way to get NK to stop selling weapons. That is the conundrum.

China and Russia are the key elements in stopping NK or causing regime change. It is now in both of their interests to shut down the little dictator. NK is not going to send a nuke to American territory. If it did, it would cease to exist.
It is NOT in China's interest to get rid of the regime. NK keeps its people on its side of the border. And Putin just wants to fuck us without getting fucked in return.

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