Ultimately, this is what should scare us with Trump.....

Obama after his re election said he would be more flexible with Putin.
Obama had 9 trillion dollars of debt left him by George, Obama doubled it to 19 trillion.
Obama promised transparency yet wasn't any where close and even shut out his own liberal media.
Obama by passing unaffordable healthcare took away many plans that "working" people had.

Fuck you...

KEEP REPEATING the above as you practice duck and cover....LOL
----------------------------------------------------------- oh big deal , PREPPERS have been preparing for problems for years Nat . And its probably you city folk and your kids and grandkids that should be concerned as they grab their ankles and say , thankyou 'clinton' . gwb and mrobama Nat .
Trump's cult members will "excuse" the orange moron and blame everyone else for the failures on his ridiculous promises....That's what keeps the cult mentality alive.

promises, eh

"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"mine will be the most transparent administration in history"
"I never sent classified data on my personal server"
"I will have more flexibility after the election" "I'll tell Vlad"
"increasing the national debt is a failure of leadership"
"Hillary has a 97% chance of winning"
Trump has openly endorsed Russia, is pushing for an increase in the defecit, has completely eliminated transparency, and is trying to get rid of people’s healthcare plans.

Way to go, Trumptard

Obama fought so hard against deficits, eh?
Obama had to save the economy. After the GOP’s Dubya disaster, deficits were the least of our worries. You remember that collapse don’t you? Then Obama came in, and the stock market spent years breaking records, long before you hacks decided that that just started mattering.

The recession ended in June 2009.
So when did Obama start fighting deficits? 2012?
2013? 2015? 2016? Never?

Then Obama came in, and the stock market spent years breaking records

When the market broke records, was that when Obama started worrying about deficits?
Or not?
What do you think Trump will do about deficit? We had one of the highest deficits in history this year. Do you care that Reagan tripled the deficit?
Obama had to save the economy. After the GOP’s Dubya disaster, deficits were the least of our worries. You remember that collapse don’t you? Then Obama came in, and the stock market spent years breaking records, long before you hacks decided that that just started mattering.

under Obama the stock market increased by 140%.......
Plus, Obama had to place back on the books the TWO unpaid for wars and the unpaid for Medicare Advantage.

so the DOW is now the measurement of presidential success? Have you happened to look at it since last November?
I thought Clinton, Bush, and Obama were the ones that set NK up as a nuclear power.
That's what you thought, eh? Thanks for confirming how fucking willfully ignorant you and your fellow travelers truly are as hacks and subservient, unthinking fools! You get another star today for displaying your unwavering and unthinking devotion as a used dupe!

Now to keep the hits rolling on the Orange Bandwagon, here is a chart buster from the autobiographical archives in the Reich Wing of the White House so beloved by the fawning sycophants of the Despot-in-Chief!

Thanks for proving you believe history started with Trump, and ignoring anything, and everything, that happened before he took office.

as for your video, one of my favorite movies.

(Well, the original was, the remake, not so much).
promises, eh

"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"mine will be the most transparent administration in history"
"I never sent classified data on my personal server"
"I will have more flexibility after the election" "I'll tell Vlad"
"increasing the national debt is a failure of leadership"
"Hillary has a 97% chance of winning"
Trump has openly endorsed Russia, is pushing for an increase in the defecit, has completely eliminated transparency, and is trying to get rid of people’s healthcare plans.

Way to go, Trumptard

Obama fought so hard against deficits, eh?
Obama had to save the economy. After the GOP’s Dubya disaster, deficits were the least of our worries. You remember that collapse don’t you? Then Obama came in, and the stock market spent years breaking records, long before you hacks decided that that just started mattering.

The recession ended in June 2009.
So when did Obama start fighting deficits? 2012?
2013? 2015? 2016? Never?

Then Obama came in, and the stock market spent years breaking records

When the market broke records, was that when Obama started worrying about deficits?
Or not?
What do you think Trump will do about deficit? We had one of the highest deficits in history this year. Do you care that Reagan tripled the deficit?

Obama added 10 trillion dollars to the deficit. How many dollars did Reagan add?
By this juncture, after nine miserable months of a Trump regime, we know that domestic issues are in a quagmire.

BUT, what should scare us should be what Trump's inexperience and stupidity may usher in regarding North Korea.

Trump is just a taller version of Kim Jung Un.....narcissistic, reckless and a "deity" among a bunch of sycophants who would readily offer their loyalty to a charlatan above their oath to the welfare of the nation.

What Trump is doing regarding North Korea, is to challenge an equally crazed world leader (with nukes) in the same way that he bullied opponents in a real estate deal...........The problem, however, is that this orange idiot is gambling with our lives, rather than his own money.

Domestic issues are in a quagmire??? WTF, are your EBT bennies about to expire. Get a fricken real job.
He also kept Hillary out of the white house,
Soon, not even that’s going to be enough to make your sorry ass feel better
You should realize that your lame attempts at predicting the future never have worked. If they had, Clinton would be president.

"Hillary will win by a landslide." LOL!
Russian sabotage, Trump team treason, and a broken, obsolete electoral system. That’s the wave your pussy grabber rode in on.
You talking about the Russia collusion, Hillary paid for?
You mean that dumb shit you rubes are pretending is important?

I’ll tell you what, if Hillary goes down for treason along with Trump, then I’m 100% fine with that.
Oh so since it's been found out Hillary was behind the Russia story. It's not important anymore? Trump had nothing to do with it, Hillary did.
Trump is doing exactly what we elected him to do. Drive you nuts.

You elected Trump to bring us to the edge of a nuclear war???
actually,probably so because YOU are truly fucked up.

who gave NK the ability to build nuclear weapons? hint: not Trump. Try Clinton and Bush.

Trump is provoking NK top user them.

No he isn't. He is telling them what will happen if they do. NK made the threat. Trump just told them what the consequences will be.

So, if I tell you that if you scratch my car that "I will rip your arm off, beat you with it & then shove it up your ass" That is not a threat?
Domestic issues are in a quagmire??? WTF, are your EBT bennies about to expire. Get a fricken real job.

Well, fuckhead NAME ONE legislative achievement under Trump's "leadership"????

The ACA?
The Wall?
The tax reform?
The infrastructure?
The coal jobs?
Trump is doing exactly what we elected him to do. Drive you nuts.

You elected Trump to bring us to the edge of a nuclear war???
actually,probably so because YOU are truly fucked up.

who gave NK the ability to build nuclear weapons? hint: not Trump. Try Clinton and Bush.

Trump is provoking NK top user them.

No he isn't. He is telling them what will happen if they do. NK made the threat. Trump just told them what the consequences will be.

So, if I tell you that if you scratch my car that "I will rip your arm off, beat you with it & then shove it up your ass" That is not a threat?

Sure, let's just kick back and do nothing...oops we already tried that for the last 25 years.
Soon, not even that’s going to be enough to make your sorry ass feel better
You should realize that your lame attempts at predicting the future never have worked. If they had, Clinton would be president.

"Hillary will win by a landslide." LOL!
Russian sabotage, Trump team treason, and a broken, obsolete electoral system. That’s the wave your pussy grabber rode in on.
You talking about the Russia collusion, Hillary paid for?
You mean that dumb shit you rubes are pretending is important?

I’ll tell you what, if Hillary goes down for treason along with Trump, then I’m 100% fine with that.
Oh so since it's been found out Hillary was behind the Russia story. It's not important anymore? Trump had nothing to do with it, Hillary did.
That is not what was learned.

The company hired to do opposition research discovered this report.

Oh yea, your orange buddy's collusion is still an issue - at least to real Americans.
Trump is doing exactly what we elected him to do. Drive you nuts.

You elected Trump to bring us to the edge of a nuclear war???
actually,probably so because YOU are truly fucked up.

who gave NK the ability to build nuclear weapons? hint: not Trump. Try Clinton and Bush.

Trump is provoking NK top user them.

No he isn't. He is telling them what will happen if they do. NK made the threat. Trump just told them what the consequences will be.

So, if I tell you that if you scratch my car that "I will rip your arm off, beat you with it & then shove it up your ass" That is not a threat?

Idiots like Mr. Tunafish "think" that NK did not know about our retaliation if they dropped a nuke BEFORE Trump.......LOL
Obama had to save the economy. After the GOP’s Dubya disaster, deficits were the least of our worries. You remember that collapse don’t you? Then Obama came in, and the stock market spent years breaking records, long before you hacks decided that that just started mattering.

under Obama the stock market increased by 140%.......
Plus, Obama had to place back on the books the TWO unpaid for wars and the unpaid for Medicare Advantage.
Obama's mantra on for policy was literally "don't do stupid shit." Given W's disasters, that was understandable to a degree. And despite the fears of the victims who have to have an enemy that hates them for no reason, the Iran deal is working in terms of a "nuclear deal." But the Iranians still support actors who would destabilize the Saudis and other Sunni states. So, the Iran deal is not a total solution. But it was not intended to be. It was intended to get Iran talking to the world. But Trump ceded our leadership, and the EU China and Russia aren't really pushing Tehran to cease pursuing a for policy that is not in the interests of the many.
You elected Trump to bring us to the edge of a nuclear war???
actually,probably so because YOU are truly fucked up.

who gave NK the ability to build nuclear weapons? hint: not Trump. Try Clinton and Bush.

Trump is provoking NK top user them.

No he isn't. He is telling them what will happen if they do. NK made the threat. Trump just told them what the consequences will be.

So, if I tell you that if you scratch my car that "I will rip your arm off, beat you with it & then shove it up your ass" That is not a threat?

Idiots like Mr. Tunafish "think" that NK did not know about our retaliation if they dropped a nuke BEFORE Trump.......LOL
Possibly fish knows it, but it doesn't fit with his need for enemies or excuses for his fears
Obama had 9 trillion dollars of debt left him by George, Obama doubled it to 19 trillion.


In Jan of 2009 the debt was 10.632 trillion. In Jan of 2017 the debt was 19.937 trillion. Obama did not double, that is a lie that the far right tell themselves at night.

Only one president has managed to double the debt in his 8 years...that was Reagan, and some people think he was a conservative. In Jan 1981 the debt was 994.04 billion and in Jan 1989 it was 2867.80 billion. Reagan almost tripled the debt in his 8 years.
So you want to be exact on the debt? Obama added by your own fucking words over 9 trillion dollars and you cheered for Obama. A liberal is the most stupid person on the planet..

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