Ultimately, this is what should scare us with Trump.....

So you want to be exact on the debt? Obama added by your own fucking words over 9 trillion dollars

Those 9 trillion were to finally pay for the TWO unpaid for wars, the unpaid for Medicare Advantage, AND to prevent an all-out DEPRESSION......

Why are you Trump cultists so damn dense?
Obama had to save the economy. After the GOP’s Dubya disaster, deficits were the least of our worries. You remember that collapse don’t you? Then Obama came in, and the stock market spent years breaking records, long before you hacks decided that that just started mattering.

under Obama the stock market increased by 140%.......
Plus, Obama had to place back on the books the TWO unpaid for wars and the unpaid for Medicare Advantage.
So then you must commend Trump for what the stock market has done, since he started right?

Or, are you a just a typical LWNJ hypocrite?
Domestic issues are in a quagmire??? WTF, are your EBT bennies about to expire. Get a fricken real job.

Well, fuckhead NAME ONE legislative achievement under Trump's "leadership"????

The ACA?
The Wall?
The tax reform?
The infrastructure?
The coal jobs?

Again we get nothing from the left but BS.
ACA...Democrats (especially) do nothing but obstruct, Republicans are doing nothing.
The Wall...if you'd pay attention there are something like 10 prototypes currently in San Diego.
Tax reform...it's being worked on.
Infrastructure...that one I don't know the status.
Coal jobs...appear to be doing just fine nowadays.

WTF, you seem to expect Trump to just snap his fingers and things get done. How fricken long did it take, how many lies were made to get Obamacare passed?
Talk about being scared when a President is elected but I was scared when that worthless affirmative action asshole Obama was elected that he would increase poverty, decrease family income, increase the debt $10 trillion, increased income disparity, have dismal economic growth, lie to us, destroy healthcare, incite racial turmoil and make America's foreign policy the laughing stock of the world and guess what? All those things happened.
Trump is doing exactly what we elected him to do. Drive you nuts.

You elected Trump to bring us to the edge of a nuclear war???
actually,probably so because YOU are truly fucked up.

who gave NK the ability to build nuclear weapons? hint: not Trump. Try Clinton and Bush.

Trump is provoking NK top user them.

No he isn't. He is telling them what will happen if they do. NK made the threat. Trump just told them what the consequences will be.

So, if I tell you that if you scratch my car that "I will rip your arm off, beat you with it & then shove it up your ass" That is not a threat?

nope its a promise and may prevent your car from getting scratched. That's the point, fool. these pompous little weasels need to understand what will happen if they attack the big dog.
Trump's cult members will "excuse" the orange moron and blame everyone else for the failures on his ridiculous promises....That's what keeps the cult mentality alive.

promises, eh

"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"mine will be the most transparent administration in history"
"I never sent classified data on my personal server"
"I will have more flexibility after the election" "I'll tell Vlad"
"increasing the national debt is a failure of leadership"
"Hillary has a 97% chance of winning"
Trump has openly endorsed Russia, is pushing for an increase in the defecit, has completely eliminated transparency, and is trying to get rid of people’s healthcare plans.

Way to go, Trumptard

Obama fought so hard against deficits, eh?
Obama had to save the economy. After the GOP’s Dubya disaster, deficits were the least of our worries. You remember that collapse don’t you? Then Obama came in, and the stock market spent years breaking records, long before you hacks decided that that just started mattering.

The recession ended in June 2009.
So when did Obama start fighting deficits? 2012?
2013? 2015? 2016? Never?

Then Obama came in, and the stock market spent years breaking records

When the market broke records, was that when Obama started worrying about deficits?
Or not?
Obama doubled the national debt in just eight years. Yet, we do not have free college education or free healthcare or an updated infrastructure.

But that fucking Trump is major asshole!!!:uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhh::uhh::uhh:
Possibly fish knows it, but it doesn't fit with his need for enemies or excuses for his fears

just pointing out the danger of the mentality of a trump CULT member
So then you must commend Trump for what the stock market has done, since he started right?

actually, the stock market rise under Trump CLEARLY points out that a tax cut to the wealthy is NOT needed....but that would take some fucking brain cells to figure out, which you do not have.
So you want to be exact on the debt? Obama added by your own fucking words over 9 trillion dollars

Those 9 trillion were to finally pay for the TWO unpaid for wars, the unpaid for Medicare Advantage, AND to prevent an all-out DEPRESSION......

Why are you Trump cultists so damn dense?

wrong, most of it was to pay for the worst legislation in the history of this nation, Obamacare. The rest was to provide welfare, food stamps, and unemployment to all of the people who lost their jobs under obozo. Then there were the pallets of cash sent to Iran. Providing US benefits to illegal aliens, funding Obama's muslim brotherhood friends and trying to influence the elections in Israel.
Domestic issues are in a quagmire??? WTF, are your EBT bennies about to expire. Get a fricken real job.

Well, fuckhead NAME ONE legislative achievement under Trump's "leadership"????

The ACA?
The Wall?
The tax reform?
The infrastructure?
The coal jobs?

Apparently you've got nothing but the little icons indicating "funny". That's fine, but the real funny is that your sorry ass will be left behind to rot.....:9:
When folks look back and wonder;

What was Trump's greatest accomplishment?

. . . he kept Hillary out of the White House

"Brilliant"....and someday, when you grow up....you'll [maybe] know that you lost TOO.....

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