Ultimately, this is what should scare us with Trump.....

You are confused Moon Bat.

Fake news from CNN (Clinton News Network) . Clinton did start the birther movement.

Hillary Invented Birtherism: 11 Things the Media Won't Tell You

Hillary Invented Birtherism: 11 Things the Media Won't Tell You

2. Hillary's Hardcore Supporters First Raised the Question of Obama's Birth

As the contest between Obama and Hillary became increasingly ugly, it was Hillary's hardcore supporters who first raised doubts about the origins of Obama's birth. Hillary gave her blessing through her silence. It wouldn’t take long, though, before her campaign became directly involved.

Hillary is guilty as hell; she is without question The Godmother of Birtherism.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Fake news from CNN (Clinton News Network) . Clinton did start the birther movement.

Hillary Invented Birtherism: 11 Things the Media Won't Tell You

Hillary Invented Birtherism: 11 Things the Media Won't Tell You

2. Hillary's Hardcore Supporters First Raised the Question of Obama's Birth

As the contest between Obama and Hillary became increasingly ugly, it was Hillary's hardcore supporters who first raised doubts about the origins of Obama's birth. Hillary gave her blessing through her silence. It wouldn’t take long, though, before her campaign became directly involved.

Hillary is guilty as hell; she is without question The Godmother of Birtherism.

Your sheet and pointy hat are ready from the cleaners....LOL
Then there were the pallets of cash sent to Iran.

"true"....Obama took that money from your fucking bank account or piggy bank. Correct, moron???.............LOL

he took it from the national treasury, put it on pallets, put the pallets on a plane, and sent it to the Iranian regime that has called for the death of all americans and the elimination of Israel. I assume that you think those millions were well spent.
Trump is doing exactly what we elected him to do. Drive you nuts.
Has your coal job come back yet, Trumptard?
He also kept Hillary out of the white house, great man! Tell me, are you gonna be a screamer. On the one year anniversary of Trump?

When folks look back and wonder;

What was Trump's greatest accomplishment?

. . . he kept Hillary out of the White House. :banana:
The question may be looking back whether that was worth the price. I'd think Mitch the Turtle is having second thoughts. LOL
Trump is doing exactly what we elected him to do. Drive you nuts.
Has your coal job come back yet, Trumptard?
He also kept Hillary out of the white house, great man! Tell me, are you gonna be a screamer. On the one year anniversary of Trump?

When folks look back and wonder;

What was Trump's greatest accomplishment?

. . . he kept Hillary out of the White House. :banana:
The question may be looking back whether that was worth the price. I'd think Mitch the Turtle is having second thoughts. LOL

Mitch the establishment puke is on his way out. Buh bye Mitch.
Oops, you forgot the "shovel ready jobs".

...True....and extending UNEMPLOYMENT insurance to red necks.....like you.

racist asshole. do you know that there are black rednecks? and Asian rednecks? and Hispanic rednecks?

you are a typical libtard, you hate everyone who is not a northeast or west coast gay elite liberal.

Although I really doubt if NAT associates with the elite liberals....more like an elite liberal wannabe.

whether she started it or not, she used it to her advantage in the 08 campaign. It didn't work because the dem party was determined to run a black to prove that it was not racist. The fact is that Obama is NOT black, he is exactly 50% white and 50% black. He self identifies as black because it works to his advantage in getting free stuff and recognition.

None of this changes the facts that his 8 years were marred by failures, lies, and corruption. Some of which is just now coming out.
Oops, you forgot the "shovel ready jobs".

...True....and extending UNEMPLOYMENT insurance to red necks.....like you.

racist asshole. do you know that there are black rednecks? and Asian rednecks? and Hispanic rednecks?

you are a typical libtard, you hate everyone who is not a northeast or west coast gay elite liberal.

Although I really doubt if NAT associates with the elite liberals....more like an elite liberal wannabe.
he most likely associates with fruit flies, gnats do that.
When folks look back and wonder;

What was Trump's greatest accomplishment?

. . . he kept Hillary out of the White House

"Brilliant"....and someday, when you grow up....you'll [maybe] know that you lost TOO.....

Hey, I'm not the one with any illusions, I didn't vote, and I'm not on here always spreading bile day after day. I knew when there were no good choices, we all lost.

You think there is a good choice between this? Because nothing was more accurate than this. . .


You probably believed that if Trump had lost, you would be in good shape, eh? I realized that if he won, or lost, everyone still loses. The difference? I was disgusted that an obvious criminal since the days of Whitewater was allowed to run. . .

Apparently, you had no problem with that.

I already knew from day one that when the Deep State gave us the choices that they did, WE ALL LOST. It was planned that way since they don't have any good solutions for the bankrupt state of the state, and all the corruption, but to keep it all for themselves, and refuse to fix what needs to be fixed.

The fact that you don't have a clue what is going on, and you just continue to parrot that propaganda is telling.
Possibly fish knows it, but it doesn't fit with his need for enemies or excuses for his fears

just pointing out the danger of the mentality of a trump CULT member
View attachment 156463
Well fish apparently thinks "liberalism" is some mental disease. So the guy ain't exactly got both oars in the water ... even if you consider liberalism of LBJ to be a disaster.
LBJ created the projects.. In that area, murders went up, drugs went up, welfare queens went up, child abuse went up.. Oh, and LBJ took US full force into the Vietnam War, that JFK got US into..

LBJ’s “War on Poverty” Hurt Black Americans
“Five decades after President Johnson initiated the ‘war’ on poverty, America remains at around the same percentage of people still living in poverty as it did back then. In 1964, the poverty rate was approximately 19 percent. Today, it’s around 15 percent,” said Project 21 spokesman Derryck Green. “Statistics such as these demonstrate the War on Poverty was a continually-mismanaged disaster. That isn’t to say there haven’t been people helped by it. All things considered, however, it’s been a tragedy.”
Obama had to save the economy. After the GOP’s Dubya disaster, deficits were the least of our worries. You remember that collapse don’t you? Then Obama came in, and the stock market spent years breaking records, long before you hacks decided that that just started mattering.

under Obama the stock market increased by 140%.......
Plus, Obama had to place back on the books the TWO unpaid for wars and the unpaid for Medicare Advantage.

under Obama the stock market increased by 140%.......

Obama was awesome for rich folks.

Obama had to place back on the books the TWO unpaid for wars and the unpaid for Medicare Advantage

Every dollar spent on those under Bush was "on the books", just as all spending is.
When folks look back and wonder;

What was Trump's greatest accomplishment?

. . . he kept Hillary out of the White House

"Brilliant"....and someday, when you grow up....you'll [maybe] know that you lost TOO.....

Hey, I'm not the one with any illusions, I didn't vote, and I'm not on here always spreading bile day after day. I knew when there were no good choices, we all lost.

You think there is a good choice between this? Because nothing was more accurate than this. . .


You probably believed that if Trump had lost, you would be in good shape, eh? I realized that if he won, or lost, everyone still loses. The difference? I was disgusted that an obvious criminal since the days of Whitewater was allowed to run. . .

Apparently, you had no problem with that.

So far, I have been winning regularly as my investments have gone up with the stock market... If the bitch would of won, I would be taxed more for being a rich white guy...

I already knew from day one that when the Deep State gave us the choices that they did, WE ALL LOST. It was planned that way since they don't have any good solutions for the bankrupt state of the state, and all the corruption, but to keep it all for themselves, and refuse to fix what needs to be fixed.

The fact that you don't have a clue what is going on, and you just continue to parrot that propaganda is telling.
So far, I have done quite well, with President Trump in office. I have invested in the stock market and no complaints. If the bitch would of won, I would of been taxed to death as I am a rich white guy.
What should really scare us about NK is whether the generals can prevent this guy from blowing up something really big.
promises, eh

"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"mine will be the most transparent administration in history"
"I never sent classified data on my personal server"
"I will have more flexibility after the election" "I'll tell Vlad"
"increasing the national debt is a failure of leadership"
"Hillary has a 97% chance of winning"
Trump has openly endorsed Russia, is pushing for an increase in the defecit, has completely eliminated transparency, and is trying to get rid of people’s healthcare plans.

Way to go, Trumptard

Obama fought so hard against deficits, eh?
Obama had to save the economy. After the GOP’s Dubya disaster, deficits were the least of our worries. You remember that collapse don’t you? Then Obama came in, and the stock market spent years breaking records, long before you hacks decided that that just started mattering.

The recession ended in June 2009.
So when did Obama start fighting deficits? 2012?
2013? 2015? 2016? Never?

Then Obama came in, and the stock market spent years breaking records

When the market broke records, was that when Obama started worrying about deficits?
Or not?
What do you think Trump will do about deficit? We had one of the highest deficits in history this year. Do you care that Reagan tripled the deficit?

What do you think Trump will do about deficit?

We'll have to see. If his tax cuts and regulation cuts pass and increase growth, it will increase less than you think.

Do you care that Reagan tripled the deficit?

Reagan's $1.6 trillion in new debt doesn't bother me considering his excellent economic growth and his defeat of the Evil Empire.

Obama's $9.3 trillion in new debt bothers me more, considering his weak growth and the fact that he made us less safe.
Obama had 9 trillion dollars of debt left him by George, Obama doubled it to 19 trillion.


In Jan of 2009 the debt was 10.632 trillion. In Jan of 2017 the debt was 19.937 trillion. Obama did not double, that is a lie that the far right tell themselves at night.

Only one president has managed to double the debt in his 8 years...that was Reagan, and some people think he was a conservative. In Jan 1981 the debt was 994.04 billion and in Jan 1989 it was 2867.80 billion. Reagan almost tripled the debt in his 8 years.
So you want to be exact on the debt? Obama added by your own fucking words over 9 trillion dollars and you cheered for Obama. A liberal is the most stupid person on the planet..

I have pretty much never cheered Obama for anything and I am not a liberal you stupid partisan hack. But I do have a thing for honest post, something you seem to have no worries about.
he took it from the national treasury, put it on pallets, put the pallets on a plane, and sent it to the Iranian regime

Very good....a "conclusion" that only a fucked up Tuna would reach after overdosing on FOX and Alex Jones.....Congrats....LOL


The left have no problem distancing Hillary from her supporters, we all KNOW that her supporters started this movement, yeah?

"The story appears to have started with supporters of Clinton, an important distinction."

And yet. . . . The MSM doesn't seem to want to make a distinction between Trump and his lunatic fringe, the far right that he likewise needs. Just as her lunatic frigne does and says things she is not responsible for, shouldn't the same be said about him?

But no, every leftist on this board has been brainwashed to believe that the POTUS is a neo-Nazi and is responsible for the most vile things his supporters have done. Yet she remains blameless?

I think getting down to the root of Politifact is in order.

"Who pays for PolitiFact?
By Aaron Sharockman on Thursday, October 6th, 2011 at 01:42 p.m.

PolitiFact is a nonpartisan fact-checking website to sort out the truth in American politics. It is a project of the Tampa Bay Times, a publishing company based in St. Petersburg, Fla. The Tampa Bay Times is owned by The Poynter Institute, a nonprofit school for journalists.

You can view The Poynter Institute’s most-recent public financial disclosure form 990 here."
Inside the Meters: Who pays for PolitiFact? | PolitiFact

Let's go elsewhere to do some research. . . shall we?

George Soros Is Funding Facebook's "Third-Party Fact Checking" Organization Targeting "Fake News"
George Soros Is Funding Facebook's "Third-Party Fact Checking" Organization Targeting "Fake News"

"Well, not so much apparently. A quick review of Poynter's website reveals that the organization is funded by the who's who of leftist billionaires including George Soros' Open Society Foundations, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Google, and Ebay founder Pierre Omidyar's Omidyar Network. Well that seem fairly bipartisan, right?"

BTW, it should be noted that the NED is in bed with the CIA. :lmao:

So then you must commend Trump for what the stock market has done, since he started right?

actually, the stock market rise under Trump CLEARLY points out that a tax cut to the wealthy is NOT needed....but that would take some fucking brain cells to figure out, which you do not have.
Why did you chose NOT to answer my question, but give me stupid LWNJ talking points?

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