Umpire decides the game on an awful 3rd strike call. They have replay review for everything else, why not this?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
Dodgers down 1, 9th inning, 2 outs, 2 strikes man on 2nd. Umpire calls out Betts on a ball 4 inches outside. Would have been overturned if they had replay review for called strikes. They already have replay review for just about everything else, baseball needs to add balls and strikes calls. Only one time and if you get it right you get one more. What do you think?

And no, I'm not a Dodger fan, I love the fact that they lost since I'm a D-backs fan. I don't like to see refs and umpires make a wrong call that decides the game. What do you think?

Meh...the ump in the Astros Athletics game today made worse calls,in fact he made at least a half dozen of em.
They were actually talking about the same thing you just said,having strikes and balls be reviewable.
They keep wanting to speed up the game and making strikes and balls reviewable is gonna slow down the game in a big way.
I suppose if they only allowed them to be reviewed in certain circumstances it would work.
Maybe this is just Karma for the way the Dodgers benefitted from that checked swing that was called a strike against the Giants in the 2021 playoffs.
You can go with "they all even out", but pro sports have already brought replay review in for most calls. Things like this keep happening and the races are tight.
That's what I'm saying, limited reviews for balls and strikes for end of game calls.

I think the best solution would be to limit the times a team can call for a review on a pitch.
I'd say twice per game would work. That way teams wouldnt abuse it since they'd want to be able to call for a review when it actually mattered.
I think the best solution would be to limit the times a team can call for a review on a pitch.
I'd say twice per game would work. That way teams wouldnt abuse it since they'd want to be able to call for a review when it actually mattered.
Oh for sure, two balls and strikes call challenge per game tops.
That was clearly outside of the strike zone on that called third strike. And in the bottom of the 8th he also called out Muncy on another pitch out of the zone.
Electronic calls are inevitable; the only question is when it will happen. The Umpires' union is all that stands in the way.

I can't help mentioning that the Braves, in their glory years, got calls like this night after night. The catchers set up outside, the pitchers hit the glove and the umpires called those pitches strikes. For years.
Electronic calls are inevitable; the only question is when it will happen. The Umpires' union is all that stands in the way.

I can't help mentioning that the Braves, in their glory years, got calls like this night after night. The catchers set up outside, the pitchers hit the glove and the umpires called those pitches strikes. For years.
Smoltz, Glavine and Maddux did things with the strike zone that most pitchers could not do. There is no reason for these questionable calls, it ended up costing the Dodgers a possible win last night, it's time for technology to take the place of human error.
Are teams routinely trying to not score runs just because they didn’t go in the hole in an early inning?

Huh? Did i mess up another thread? I thought you asked if a late run was worth more? Tecnically no ( duh). But less chance to overcome that run by the opposing team.
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Is a run scored in the 9th worth more than one scored in the 1st?
Bad calls in the 9th inning decide ball games, like it did yesterday. Baseball has reviews for all kinds of plays, what is the reason to exclude balls and strikes calls that allow the Umpire to decide the game winner?
Huh? Did i mess up another thread? I thought you asked if a late run was worth more? Tecnically no ( duh). But less chance to overcome that run by the opposing team.

Teams arent trying harder to score runs in the 9th than in the 2nd inning regardless of the score. (unless one team is winning by a huge margin anyway) So I fail to see how a bad call in the 9th is of larger importance than one in the 1st if that bad call kept a team from scoring (and this call didnt BTW). You're placing more value on it because you know how important the run is at the end of the game, but in reality the winning run scored in the 9th doenst mean any more than a winning run scored in the 1st to the outcome of the game.
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Bad calls in the 9th inning decide ball games, like it did yesterday. Baseball has reviews for all kinds of plays, what is the reason to exclude balls and strikes calls that allow the Umpire to decide the game winner?
1) no they dont. Not any more than a bad call in the first. If the exact same situation had happened in the 1st inning and the exact same call was made it would have had the exact same impact on the game as it did in the 9th. If everything else happens the same way in the game the Dodgers still lose the game by a run.

2) That individual bad call did not decide that game. Calling that pitch a ball wouldnt have scored a run and even if it had the Cards still had an at bat.
Dodgers down 1, 9th inning, 2 outs, 2 strikes man on 2nd. Umpire calls out Betts on a ball 4 inches outside. Would have been overturned if they had replay review for called strikes. They already have replay review for just about everything else, baseball needs to add balls and strikes calls. Only one time and if you get it right you get one more. What do you think?

And no, I'm not a Dodger fan, I love the fact that they lost since I'm a D-backs fan. I don't like to see refs and umpires make a wrong call that decides the game. What do you think?

Looked like a strike to me. Player didn't argue.

Get over it, lol
Oh and by the way, my Cards won again today. They fucken rolled the Dodgers. Took 3 of 4 against what *was* the hottest team in the NL.

On the flip side, the Astros are now winners of 9 of 10. Karma will haunt us forever for not promoting Jeff Luhnow and going with that fucken pencil-neck geek Mozeliak. The Astros will probably win 10 more championships and we will win none. And I bet that if the Cards ever do make the WS again we'll get swept by the Astros every time.

Letting Luhnow go to Houston was our version of "The Curse of the Bambino".

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