UN declares Israel as genocidal state


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

The UN declared today that Israel was blood libel for the deaths of children in Gaza as they held a moment of silence for all the children Israel has tried to murder in their racist war of exterminating all Palestinian women and children. The vote was taken after report after report have poured into the UN from Hamas regarding Jews using the blood of Palestinian children for the baking of matzos, an unleavened flatbread which is eaten during Passover. Hamas estimates that well over 20,000 children were drained of their blood to make matzos, which would make a lot of matzos. No word yet on where all these matzos that is allegedly being made is going, however.

Despite the resolution to condemn Israel passed for blood libel, the United States obtained from voting as Joe Biden stated, "Although we oppose Netanyahu of using the blood of Palestinian children to make matzos, we support the Israeli people's right to make matzos since they are a long time ally, thus we only voted present during the voting. Folks, don't be so hard on Israel. Here in the United States we turn our heads as Planned Parenthood uses the body parts of unborn infants to sell to the highest bidder. It's like.......um..............you know, the guy who said the thing. Um.................yea.............Ghandi once said, he that is without genocide cast the first matzos"

No word yet on whether Planned Parenthood will also start making matzos with the blood of unborn infants.
Meanwhile, Hamas, that burned babies alive in ovens while raping, torturing and killing their moms, gets a pass.

Liberals would be proud.

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