UN Resolutions that Israel has defied/ ignored

Press TV
January 5, 2008

Medics tell Press TV they have found traces of depleted uranium in some Gazan residents wounded in Israel’s ground offensive into the strip.

Norwegian medics told Press TV correspondent Akram al-Sattari that some of the victims who have been wounded since Israel began its attacks on the Gaza Strip on December 27 have traces of depleted uranium in their bodies.

The report comes after Israeli tanks and troops swept across the border into Gaza on Saturday night, opening a ground operation after eight days of intensive attacks by Israeli air and naval forces on the impoverished region.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned on Sunday that the wide-ranging ground offensive in the Gaza Strip would be “full of surprises.”
Alex Jones' Infowars.com: Because there is a war on for your mind!
oh man, more alex jones bullshit
where's the one about Cheney holding the remote control in Building 7 guiding the "drones" that were painted to look like American Airlines into the towers?

its not there.. because its not factual.. the use of depleted uranium is...fucking idiot

Depleted uranium found in Gaza victims

(Reuters) A wounded Palestinian boy is carried into a hospital in Gaza January 4, 2009.

Medics tell Press TV they have found traces of depleted uranium in some Gazan residents wounded in Israel's ground offensive into the strip.

Norwegian medics told Press TV correspondent Akram al-Sattari that some of the victims who have been wounded since Israel began its attacks on the Gaza Strip on December 27 have traces of depleted uranium in their bodies.

alJazeera Magazine - Depleted uranium found in Gaza victims

Depleted uranium risk 'ignored'

Both British and US troops have used depleted uranium in Iraq
UK and US forces have continued to use depleted uranium weapons despite warnings they pose a cancer risk, a BBC investigation has found

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Depleted uranium risk 'ignored'
its not there.. because its not factual.. the use of depleted uranium is...fucking idiot

Depleted uranium found in Gaza victims

(Reuters) A wounded Palestinian boy is carried into a hospital in Gaza January 4, 2009.

Medics tell Press TV they have found traces of depleted uranium in some Gazan residents wounded in Israel's ground offensive into the strip.

Norwegian medics told Press TV correspondent Akram al-Sattari that some of the victims who have been wounded since Israel began its attacks on the Gaza Strip on December 27 have traces of depleted uranium in their bodies.

alJazeera Magazine - Depleted uranium found in Gaza victims

Depleted uranium risk 'ignored'

Both British and US troops have used depleted uranium in Iraq
UK and US forces have continued to use depleted uranium weapons despite warnings they pose a cancer risk, a BBC investigation has found

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Depleted uranium risk 'ignored'
yeah, Al Jazzera is so much better a source than alex jones :lol:
and bbc ..what you want fox and cnn as well.. I can find it if I must
the BBC story you linked was about US and UK using DU in Iraq


btw, never use Alex Jones
hes a liar
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its not there.. because its not factual.. the use of depleted uranium is...fucking idiot

Depleted uranium found in Gaza victims

(Reuters) A wounded Palestinian boy is carried into a hospital in Gaza January 4, 2009.

Medics tell Press TV they have found traces of depleted uranium in some Gazan residents wounded in Israel's ground offensive into the strip.

Norwegian medics told Press TV correspondent Akram al-Sattari that some of the victims who have been wounded since Israel began its attacks on the Gaza Strip on December 27 have traces of depleted uranium in their bodies.

alJazeera Magazine - Depleted uranium found in Gaza victims

Depleted uranium risk 'ignored'

Both British and US troops have used depleted uranium in Iraq
UK and US forces have continued to use depleted uranium weapons despite warnings they pose a cancer risk, a BBC investigation has found

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Depleted uranium risk 'ignored'

you quoted Alex Jones, who believes in 9/11 conspiracy theories. That's the connection but you're too dense to figure it out.
you believe in a 911 conspiracy theory ..that is unproven and unsound. and has never been properly investigated publicly

Yes the official story is a conspiracy theory. I agree. A conspiracy is defined as whenever two or more people collaborate to commit a crime. The official story is also the most likely explanation. I have seen the David Ray Griffin videos. I have talked to physicists and structural engineers who have said the collapse of the towers did NOT resemble controlled demolition. In a controlled demolition, the "mound" would have been much taller. The debris wouldn't have rolled down the street God knows how many blocks.
Yes, that golfer's plane was intercepted.....It took longer for the fighters to get to Payne Stewart's plane than it did for the fighters to get to Washington. Payne Stewart's plane crossed a time zone, and therefore the facts can be twisted to say Stewart's plane was intercepted in 15 minutes. By the way, the fighter missed interception of flight 77 by minutes.
where's the one about Cheney holding the remote control in Building 7 guiding the "drones" that were painted to look like American Airlines into the towers?

Asking what happened to the Washington DC plane and its passengers. Ask him what happened to the Pennsylvania Plane and its passengers. He has posted ( EOTS) before that neither of those planes crashed where we have been told they did. His claim is that a missile hit the Pentagon and that either the US shot down the Penn State plane or that the crash site is not of a plane, depending on the weather conditions and the day of the week, or maybe whether his tin foil hat slipped.

The DC one is fun to harass him with cause he has posted 2 conflicting "proofs" that the plane never hit the Pentagon. One was that some High Military officer insists that there was no air craft debris anywhere at the site moments after the crash, the other is that there was LOTS of debris, including part of the fuselage BUT that it was all from the wrong airline and the wrong type of Aircraft.
All you are doing is showing us you have nothing by trying to be 'mini-shogon.'

I wasn't impressed with his baby act and I'm not by yours.

I really don't understand what the hell you are talking about or what shogon has anything to do with this. Is he even in this thread? If anyone is being a baby it's you. If you're going to respond to my post, I'd hope you'd at least attempt to refute something, ANYTHING, from the post you're quoting. But you refuse to even do that. Go ahead, look at the post, pick it apart- have some fun with it! What the hell is the point otherwise?

Let's go over it again, ok? I'll make it Xeno-friendly, for those with delicate digestive systems.

Xenophon said:
The UN sucks- it's run by Arabs.

Epsilon Delta said:
What do you say about the other 160 members of the United Nations? What about Latin American states? or African states? or Asian states? [...]

Let me ask you something: Is the UN some sort of Alien Colonial Council? Did they get sent to earth from above, just appeared over the sky? Or was it established by Americans, established IN America, funded BY Americans, and largely STAFFED BY AMERICANS? You have to give your government some credit where its due. Like basically all international institutions, the UN is run by those who fund it, and the biggest 'funder' is the US. The US has a permanent seat in the Security Council, and can veto whatever it likes. [ADDITION: UNLIKE ANY MUSLIM STATE] If the US does not approve of something going on at the UN, it just turns it into a debating society, as Colin Powell so poetically put it. [...]

Well, and who have been some of those dictators? Somoza? Hussein? Pinochet? Suharto? The Saudi Royal Dictatorship? Are those the dictators you're speaking of? Or are you only speaking of those that haven't been backed, supported, and funded by the United States? [...]

BELIEVE IT OR NOT, there are perfectly functioning democracies in the Third World, [...] You don't have a monopoly on "freedom" and "democracy"; nor should you have a monopoly on dialogue. No, sir, if there's any thuggery going on it's certainly not by the irrelevant foreign ministers at the GA, but by the military-appointed "security experts" that head the delegations of the great powers.

Xenophone said:
Uhhh, the UN sucks- it's run by Arabs.

Way to go, Xenophobe. You really showed me. I guess if everyone was like you the board would be a much more orderly place. Nobody would have to waste any time reasoning!

Poster 1: Yes.

Poster 2: No.

Poster 1: Yes.

Poster 2: No.

So, why don't you go ahead and make my day? Tell us how a group of backward-ass states in West Asia somehow managed to hijack one of America's largest pet projects- right from under the noses of the other ~150 member states! Maybe you can even shed some light on the Sub-Saharan African take-over of the IMF! :lol: Hopefully you'll also be able to get me the article in which you read that the GA has any real power to do anything. Ever heard of something called THE SECURITY COUNCIL? The fact that you keep bringing up the GA leads me to believe that you don't know anything about the UN. The GA is only somewhat useful because it's [partly] an indicator of world opinion. In this case it's usually pretty clear (usually 150+ vs. 3 or 4). But other than that, it's exactly what Collin Powel said: a debating society.
Dude, you showed me no 'facts'.

You also took it to the anti jew rant, I didn't take you there, you led the way.

As I stated from the start the general assembly is lead about by the Muslim block, where all those fun anti Israel 'resolutions' come from.

The UN is a waste of US tax payer money and should be dissolved.

It might be a waste of US taxpayer money if the US actually paid its arrears :lol:

Look on the bright side, you might hate it but you're getting it cheap! :lol:
Asking what happened to the Washington DC plane and its passengers. Ask him what happened to the Pennsylvania Plane and its passengers.

I have no idea.../

He has posted ( EOTS) before that neither of those planes crashed where we have been told they did. His claim is that a missile hit the Pentagon and that either the US shot down the Penn State plane or that the crash site is not of a plane, depending on the weather conditions and the day of the week, or maybe whether his tin foil hat slipped.

the plane in Pennsylvania may very well of been shot down and i did not claim a missile hit the pentagon military experts and eyewitness did..I posted their statements ans asked why the 84 surveillance tapes from the pentagon are still classified

The DC one is fun to harass him with cause he has posted 2 conflicting "proofs" that the plane never hit the Pentagon. One was that some High Military officer insists that there was no air craft debris anywhere at the site moments after the crash,

yes a PhD and fighter pilot and eyewittnessyand ITT is clear by her statement that she meant not enough debri to be a commercial aircraft

the other is that there was LOTS of debris, including part of the fuselage BUT that it was all from the wrong airline and the wrong type of Aircraft.

yes another eyewittness reported debri of the wrong kind of a smaller craft
this is true
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The link does not work anymore. Is that because this was a bogus video report:

Liberal Blogosphere Duped By 3-Year-Old 'Gaza Bombing Video' | NewsBusters.org


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