Unbelievable: Ron Paul Slams Civil Rights Act

We had one hundred years of free market and nothing happened. What makes Dr Paul think that giving the free market more time would have led to any improvement?

Because of the time. It was time for that change to happen. Just as there wasn't a federal law against descrimination, there wasn't a free market solution. Free market ebb and flow is also subject to societal pressures. To imply that free market solutions wouldn't work because they didn't for 100 years is not fully understanding how things work.

Oh.....I get it now. It was time for that change to happen. Free market was about to end segregation all on it's own. Martin Luther King was just wasting his time because all that change would have happened without the civil rights movement.......it was time for the change to happen

God.....that Dr Paul is a smart guy

Nice bit of sarcasm, too bad good sarcasm doesn't equal good logic.

Do you think that Dr.Martin Luther King sprung up as soon as the Civil Rights Act was passed? King brought the problem to light and changed the whole country's attitudes. Yes, that would have changed the market.
Because of the time. It was time for that change to happen. Just as there wasn't a federal law against descrimination, there wasn't a free market solution. Free market ebb and flow is also subject to societal pressures. To imply that free market solutions wouldn't work because they didn't for 100 years is not fully understanding how things work.

Whether a ‘market solution’ would have worked or not is irrelevant.

As a matter of law segregation violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, and laws authorizing segregation were struck down accordingly. Segregation in public accommodations adversely effected commerce among the states, and Congress is authorized to regulate that activity per the Commerce Clause.

That this is even subject to debate in 2012 is sad and telling.

Irrelevant garbage.
I am an Evangelical Republican, member of the tea party, and fiscal conservative. I can tell you that the more I read about Ron Paul, the more I cannot believe that ANY educated person would vote for this idiot. He is completely and totally talking through his butt, because surely there aren't any brain cells in ANY human being that would be so completely stupid.

What scares me is that there are those who actually "buy" into this guy's line of crap. I hate to admit it, but if Ron Paul got the Republican nomination, either I would vote for Barry OR I simply would sit it out.

My God, what a nightmare! The Republican's answer to Dennis Kusinich...
The Civil Rights act had two parts: ending government mandated discrimination and segregation (Jim Crow Laws) and mandating intrusive government involvement in business and personal lives to stop personal discrimination.

More nonsense and gibberish.

As the Heart of Atlanta Motel Court noted, the settled interpretation of the Commerce Clause to regulate public accommodations was in place at the time for 140 years – this had noting to do with ‘legislating morality’ or ‘mandating intrusive government involvement in business and personal lives,’ to argue so only exhibits one’s ignorance of the Constitution and its case law.

How does your post have anything at all to do with quote cited? Your "case law" droning is tedious even when it is applicable. Here it's just pompous blathering.

I'm beginning to think Mr.Clayton doesn't understand what the thread is about.
Do you think that Dr.Martin Luther King sprung up as soon as the Civil Rights Act was passed? King brought the problem to light and changed the whole country's attitudes. Yes, that would have changed the market.

It's true that the civil rights movement caused the Civil Rights Act and not vice-versa, but I think the Act was an important part of the transformation of our culture. We have two generations (Gen-X and the Millennials) that have grown up without ever seeing segregation. (I was barely old enough to see it in Texas before Jim Crow was struck down; I'm a Boomer.) The Millies are by most stats the least racist generation we have ever had. I strongly believe that the one led to the other. If it had not become illegal to discriminate in hiring, employment, and service, a climate would have continued to exist in which racism was normal and accepted, even if the public schools and so on were integrated.

You can't legislate cultural change directly, but you can legislate physical circumstances that lead to it.
I am an Evangelical Republican, member of the tea party, and fiscal conservative. I can tell you that the more I read about Ron Paul, the more I cannot believe that ANY educated person would vote for this idiot. He is completely and totally talking through his butt, because surely there aren't any brain cells in ANY human being that would be so completely stupid.

What scares me is that there are those who actually "buy" into this guy's line of crap. I hate to admit it, but if Ron Paul got the Republican nomination, either I would vote for Barry OR I simply would sit it out.

My God, what a nightmare! The Republican's answer to Dennis Kusinich...

Vote for corruption or sit out.

Thats a choice?
So, what is the purpose of government?

Which government state or federal??

Federal government - to protect us from foreign threats...

State governments - to govern how the people see fit....

If you want to live in a welfare state that is governed by lunatic progressives then fine - that is your choice, but I will chose to live in a state where the government doesn't shove tomatoes down my throat and that grants me the liberties to govern over myself - to make my own decisions.

Federal Government- to do what is in the best interests and general welfare of the people

State Government- to do what the federal government doesn't want to. Trickle down power

This kind of thinking is what has fucked this country up.
You know what? I think the Republican party should run on a platform of repealing the Civil Rights Act.


I heartily recommend you go for it.

I think Ron Paul already is

And how did you get to thinking that? Because he's not.

This is how demagoguery works. People, usually inspired by a sound bite and little else, let their imaginations run wild.

One of Ron Paul's key faults as a politician is that he doesn't respect demagoguery. Most other politicians learn to never say anything that can be construed to actually mean anything. The never explain their views, never indulge any detailed discussion of their political philosophy or convictions. They just spew empty platitudes that have been time-tested against distortion.

Ron Paul isn't railing against the Civil Rights Act. He is questioning the precedent that our government should be so involved in day-to-day business decisions. It's still an open debate, still an important issue that is raised in more and more laws currently under consideration. Which means, of course, he should have never brought it up. He should have stuck with some thing simple and digestible. Truth, justice and the American way!

Ignore that kind of partisan hack garbage. You're wasting your life on it.
The Civil Rights Act of 1965 made the US a truly great nation.

Up until that time, we claimed to be a great nation but lacked a moral compass. Any nation that denies a significant part of their population basic liberty and freedom because they do not like their color is not a great nation.

For Ron Paul to seek to deny people the right to attend the college of their choice, eat at a public lunch counter, be seated in a restaurant, swim in a public pool or stay in a hotel solely because some racists believe them to be subhuman shows why Paul is unfit to be President

Because we can never be great, or moral, or anything else without the almighty government. Yeah, you're getting that opinion of your's accross loud and clear.
Than whats his problem with civil rights exactly? I don't understand how anyone can have an issue with that, taking all that away puts our country backwards and puts people of color like me in a very very awkward position.

He's actually in favor of Civil Rights. His issue with the Civil Rights Act was the portion that granted government the power to interfere with personal decisions. He believes (and I agree with him) that the state telling us who we must associate with, who we must do business with, who we can hire or fire (and for what reasons) is unnecessary to achieve equal protection. It's intrusive and sets up a dangers precedent that supports the corporatism that is now running rampant.

Be that as it may if you actually left this up to the people, big parts of the country would still have segregation, especially here in the South. I just can't support that, the only way civil rights were enforced was by force, not because people wanted them. I am half Black and I will stand to lose alot if Civil rights are taken away.

I seriously doubt that.
That depends on the area of the business, if I opened a whites only store in Baltimore or Chicago sure it would fail, however if I did that in rural Alabama or Idaho, the business would probably survive.

That's one way to look at it, here's another.

You've got a POS racist who owns a business, he can't segregate his business so he gets business from black ppl who are making a POS racist who hates them rich. Rather than taking their money to a business who deserves it.

On the other hand with the economy the way it is, can anyone really afford to segregate their business anymore, unless they are really, really stubborn? businesses are closing left and right, I would assume most businesses would be welcome to any kind of business regardless of color right now.

And you would be correct even in a good economy. Business is business and a dollar is a dollar.
Ron Paul is perfectly fine with segregation as long as the government is not doing it

You want to make deny blacks the use of your restrooms, that is your right. You own a hotel and don't want coloreds using your swimming pool, that is your right
You want to make coloreds eat around back, that is your right

That is Ron Paul's vision of America

No, it's people who have more faith in gov't than americans who think we have to have gov't to keep americans from segregating.

When you take the emotion out of it you realize all those businesses would be out of business in 2 seconds thanks to the american ppl and not gov't.

Ron Paul clearly hates blacks, as evidence of all the free healthcare he gave to minorities. I can only imagine how much money Obama has given to minorities out of his pocket to pay their healthcare expenses. It's probably in the billions of dollars.


Bullshit. I drove across the country twice and have stopped at some small towns who's demographics where pretty much the same. All white. In those towns, if they had signs that said no blacks served, they would be "out of business in 2 seconds"?

Here is a hint, Americans would not do the right thing if they didnt have to. Laws are in place for a reason and its juvenile and just dumb to think otherwise.

Bull shit front to back top to bottom.
No, it's people who have more faith in gov't than americans who think we have to have gov't to keep americans from segregating.

When you take the emotion out of it you realize all those businesses would be out of business in 2 seconds thanks to the american ppl and not gov't.

Ron Paul clearly hates blacks, as evidence of all the free healthcare he gave to minorities. I can only imagine how much money Obama has given to minorities out of his pocket to pay their healthcare expenses. It's probably in the billions of dollars.


Without the full Civil Rights bill those businesses would be business as usual, colored come around the back. That is the world as Ron Paul sees it

After the civil war, those businesses had 100 years to do the right thing and allow full access to all. The local community had 100 years to force business to treat all customers with respect. They were perfectly fine with their peculiar institution.

It was the government forcing business to accept all customers that broke the peculiar institution. Within five years of the Civil Rights bill, everyone accepted integration and it was no big deal.

It wouldnt have happened if Ron Paul was calling the shots

I'm sorry you have such a low opinion of your fellow americans, i truly am. If you really think we'd have a nationwide epidemic of thriving racist businesses.

That could be true, or it could be that he's simply a partisan liberal hack who will say any stupid thing instead of ever admit that they were wrong.
Bullshit. I drove across the country twice and have stopped at some small towns who's demographics where pretty much the same. All white. In those towns, if they had signs that said no blacks served, they would be "out of business in 2 seconds"?

Here is a hint, Americans would not do the right thing if they didnt have to. Laws are in place for a reason and its juvenile and just dumb to think otherwise.

Businesses can serve whoever the fuck they want...

One time I wasn't dressed correctly and I was refused entry into a fucking club - is that discrimination??

Come now thats competely different and you know it, you can edit your dress and go back to the club, I can't edit my black skin color if a club is whites only.

Seriously though, who's going to go to a whites only club? What music would they play there? Pat Boone?
As I said above, I understand where Paul is coming from -- not racism, but a belief in an absolute right of a business owner to conduct his business as he chooses, regardless of any other considerations -- but I disagree. I disagree not merely on this point, but in general.

A business cannot be treated like private behavior in the home, because it has great impact on other people: employees, customers, the community. It is for that reason perfectly sound to apply greater obligations and restrictions to business behavior than we do to private behavior in the home. And there is a graduation of obligation depending on the nature and size of the business

If I'm baking bread just for myself and my family, I can do it any way I want. If I'm baking it for sale, though, I have to meet reasonable health-code restrictions and disclose my ingredients.

If I'm the only person working in my business, then I can oppress and exploit my sole employee (myself) anyway I want -- expect long hours, low (or no) pay, etc. But if my business is the source of someone else's livelihood, that creates an obligation towards my employee that doesn't exist if I have none.

Et cetera. Your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins. And a business inherently has a long arm.

A fine point, and I'd love to hear Dr.Paul's response to that kind of argument.

That said, is there anyone here who is naive enough to think that if RP won the White House, the Civil Rights Act would end?
The Civil Rights Act of 1965 made the US a truly great nation.

Up until that time, we claimed to be a great nation but lacked a moral compass. Any nation that denies a significant part of their population basic liberty and freedom because they do not like their color is not a great nation.

For Ron Paul to seek to deny people the right to attend the college of their choice, eat at a public lunch counter, be seated in a restaurant, swim in a public pool or stay in a hotel solely because some racists believe them to be subhuman shows why Paul is unfit to be President

So Ron Paul is ok with segregation, but wants to legalize drugs? oh boy.:cuckoo:

Why are people acting like Paul wants mandated segregation? He thinks that if a racist bar owner wants to refuse to serve blacks (or whites, or Asians), they should be allowed to do so.

Because they are left wing partisan hacks who will say any stupid thing to win an argument.

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