Unbelievable: Ron Paul Slams Civil Rights Act

Let's get this right from the beginning: Ron Paul is wrong on this issue.

Only federal force of law and might ended an America that permitted certain groups of citizens to terrorize and torture certain minority groups of citizens.

Mother Kluckers, we are not going back.

Bull shit.

Their kind was dfying out and exposure from the media, and the crusade of Dr.Martin uther King ended that America.
Damn....Libertarians are scary

Celebrating the right to treat your fellow citizens as subhuman. Celebrating the freedom to discriminate

While denying freedom to fellow Americans solely on the basis of the color of their skin

I thank god that in America, libertarian views are looked at with disdain and libertarians have no chance of influencing public policy

No idiot. You can't deny someone else their freedom while espousing freedom. The fact remains NO ONE is free to tell anyone else what they have to do with their own property. You shoud thank god that there is an actual group that stands up for all freedoms, not just the ones you deem moral. Freedom to do only what you deem morally okay, isn't freedom at all.

The other side will never get it. Having Nazis/white supremacists and separate but equal proms in our country in 2012 means nothing, but the potential to have a handful of stores being segregated would destroy our country.

Fact is all those things are awful, IN MY OPINION, and there's parts of my political views that others find to be awful (pro-choice, anti-war, not religious at all, etc) IN THEIR OPINION.

The big difference is the level of faith the people have in big gov't, Libertarians are as close to zero as you can get, reps and dems basically have unwavering faith in gov't. Dems think no social program can ever do wrong. That's why they think whenever one is failing it needs more money. Reps think our foreign policy can never be wrong. That's why they have a meltdown whenever the word blowback is even whispered.

Yes everyone is going to have different opinions about what constitutes what is moral and what isn't. And that's libertarians whole point. Since what constiutes moral is so subjective and people may not agree on what is or isn't, the opinion of the libertarians is that the government should have no legal say over morality issues period. It doesn't matter who thinks this or that is good or bad. It isn't the government's business.

Freedom, on the other hand is very black and white. You're either free to choose to do something or your not. Every ideology draws the line at different places on different things based on their morality. Libertarians however are the most liberal about it. They only have a couple real 'rules'. Personal autonomy and personal property must be protected at all costs and all citizens should be free and unimpeded to do what they want. And the constitution should be followed strictly and not used as simply a guide. Since everyone ought to be free to do what they want, then obviously the only thing a person can't do is that which impedes a person from doing exactly that. Denying someone access to your property, whether it's your home or your restaurant, on the basis of race violates none of that.

What I'm trying to get across is that the libertarian way of governence is not an opinion on what the moral way to do things is. Libertarianism aims to elminate opinion from the equation entirely.
I am an Evangelical Republican, member of the tea party, and fiscal conservative. I can tell you that the more I read about Ron Paul, the more I cannot believe that ANY educated person would vote for this idiot. He is completely and totally talking through his butt, because surely there aren't any brain cells in ANY human being that would be so completely stupid.

What scares me is that there are those who actually "buy" into this guy's line of crap. I hate to admit it, but if Ron Paul got the Republican nomination, either I would vote for Barry OR I simply would sit it out.

My God, what a nightmare! The Republican's answer to Dennis Kusinich...

Why dont you just save yourself the effort and us the time. Instead of using 3 paragraphs to say that Ron Paul is stupid just use four words.

Ron Paul is stupid. That is your opinion. You have nothing to back it up. You have not read any books on the subject. You have not watched many video's of Dr. Paul. You just have an opinion that he is stupid. No relevant information. No reasoning behind your thought process. Just Ron Paul is stupid.

You sir are the stupid one, but like most stupid people you dont even know it.
No idiot. You can't deny someone else their freedom while espousing freedom. The fact remains NO ONE is free to tell anyone else what they have to do with their own property. You shoud thank god that there is an actual group that stands up for all freedoms, not just the ones you deem moral. Freedom to do only what you deem morally okay, isn't freedom at all.

The other side will never get it. Having Nazis/white supremacists and separate but equal proms in our country in 2012 means nothing, but the potential to have a handful of stores being segregated would destroy our country.

Fact is all those things are awful, IN MY OPINION, and there's parts of my political views that others find to be awful (pro-choice, anti-war, not religious at all, etc) IN THEIR OPINION.

The big difference is the level of faith the people have in big gov't, Libertarians are as close to zero as you can get, reps and dems basically have unwavering faith in gov't. Dems think no social program can ever do wrong. That's why they think whenever one is failing it needs more money. Reps think our foreign policy can never be wrong. That's why they have a meltdown whenever the word blowback is even whispered.

Yes everyone is going to have different opinions about what constitutes what is moral and what isn't. And that's libertarians whole point. Since what constiutes moral is so subjective and people may not agree on what is or isn't, the opinion of the libertarians is that the government should have no legal say over morality issues period. It doesn't matter who thinks this or that is good or bad. It isn't the government's business.

Freedom, on the other hand is very black and white. You're either free to choose to do something or your not. Every ideology draws the line at different places on different things based on their morality. Libertarians however are the most liberal about it. They only have a couple real 'rules'. Personal autonomy and personal property must be protected at all costs and all citizens should be free and unimpeded to do what they want. And the constitution should be followed strictly and not used as simply a guide. Since everyone ought to be free to do what they want, then obviously the only thing a person can't do is that which impedes a person from doing exactly that. Denying someone access to your property, whether it's your home or your restaurant, on the basis of race violates none of that.

What I'm trying to get across is that the libertarian way of governence is not an opinion on what the moral way to do things is. Libertarianism aims to elminate opinion from the equation entirely.

Thank you. That hits the nail right on the head, atleast for the federal government. Moral issues are really cultural issues, and like all culture it should be handled where it happens, at the local level.

As a libertarian I do not see any reason that the federal government should be mandating that none can use drugs, however I have no problem with a state government outlawing drugs.

People who support central power in a far off land are generally rent seekers. They like a strong central government and weak local governments because then they only have to lobby one government instead of 50. The voice of the people is marginalized and suffocated by the screaming lobbiests dollars, and agenda's that are motivated by money win over agenda's motivated by morality and doing the right thing are silenced.

The constitution was organized in a way to maximize the freedom and the influence of the people on the government. All of our problems today is caused by our gross negligence of the rule of law.
Libertarians have once again proven they are unable to turn voters over to their cause. That is because voters look at candidates who object to civil rights, blame America for 9-11 and support Iran having nuclear weapons and say.....that guy is just fricken nuts
Libertarians have once again proven they are unable to turn voters over to their cause. That is because voters look at candidates who object to civil rights, blame America for 9-11 and support Iran having nuclear weapons and say.....that guy is just fricken nuts

No. The issue is most people can't separate what they would like to see government do with what government should do. A club you clearly belong to.
Libertarians have once again proven they are unable to turn voters over to their cause. That is because voters look at candidates who object to civil rights, blame America for 9-11 and support Iran having nuclear weapons and say.....that guy is just fricken nuts

No. The issue is most people can't separate what they would like to see government do with what government should do. A club you clearly belong to.

Most people are just to stupid and spoiled to look after themselves. They have become dependent on a baby sitter so to suggest that none will be there to tuck them in at night is horrific. They just dont have the smarts to see that the caretaker is destroying them for there own good.
Libertarians have once again proven they are unable to turn voters over to their cause. That is because voters look at candidates who object to civil rights, blame America for 9-11 and support Iran having nuclear weapons and say.....that guy is just fricken nuts

No. The issue is most people can't separate what they would like to see government do with what government should do. A club you clearly belong to.

I love America and think we have the greatest government on earth

Do you disagree with that?
Libertarians have once again proven they are unable to turn voters over to their cause. That is because voters look at candidates who object to civil rights, blame America for 9-11 and support Iran having nuclear weapons and say.....that guy is just fricken nuts

No we don't "blame america" for 9/11, we blame the individuals who supported Osama Bin Laden and friends.

Your hero Jimmy Carter for example.
Libertarians have once again proven they are unable to turn voters over to their cause. That is because voters look at candidates who object to civil rights, blame America for 9-11 and support Iran having nuclear weapons and say.....that guy is just fricken nuts

No. The issue is most people can't separate what they would like to see government do with what government should do. A club you clearly belong to.

I love America and think we have the greatest government on earth

Do you disagree with that?

Greatest government on earth is like saying the least smelling shit in the sewage plant.
Libertarians have once again proven they are unable to turn voters over to their cause. That is because voters look at candidates who object to civil rights, blame America for 9-11 and support Iran having nuclear weapons and say.....that guy is just fricken nuts

No. The issue is most people can't separate what they would like to see government do with what government should do. A club you clearly belong to.

I love America and think we have the greatest government on earth

Do you disagree with that?

I disagree with the bold. Any junkie will tell you the first step of 13 is admittance.

We are on the wrong path.
I am an Evangelical Republican, member of the tea party, and fiscal conservative. I can tell you that the more I read about Ron Paul, the more I cannot believe that ANY educated person would vote for this idiot. He is completely and totally talking through his butt, because surely there aren't any brain cells in ANY human being that would be so completely stupid.

What scares me is that there are those who actually "buy" into this guy's line of crap. I hate to admit it, but if Ron Paul got the Republican nomination, either I would vote for Barry OR I simply would sit it out.

My God, what a nightmare! The Republican's answer to Dennis Kusinich...

Damn, you mean he's lost the NeoCon/SoCon radical right wing fundy Christian vote? Say it isn't so!
Do you think that Dr.Martin Luther King sprung up as soon as the Civil Rights Act was passed? King brought the problem to light and changed the whole country's attitudes. Yes, that would have changed the market.

It's true that the civil rights movement caused the Civil Rights Act and not vice-versa, but I think the Act was an important part of the transformation of our culture. We have two generations (Gen-X and the Millennials) that have grown up without ever seeing segregation. (I was barely old enough to see it in Texas before Jim Crow was struck down; I'm a Boomer.) The Millies are by most stats the least racist generation we have ever had. I strongly believe that the one led to the other. If it had not become illegal to discriminate in hiring, employment, and service, a climate would have continued to exist in which racism was normal and accepted, even if the public schools and so on were integrated.

You can't legislate cultural change directly, but you can legislate physical circumstances that lead to it.

Fair enough, but I believe that society, if not eliminating descrimination entirely, would have driven it to inconseqential and isolated pocket where it still exists anyway.
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No. The issue is most people can't separate what they would like to see government do with what government should do. A club you clearly belong to.

I love America and think we have the greatest government on earth

Do you disagree with that?

I disagree with the bold. Any junkie will tell you the first step of 13 is admittance.

We are on the wrong path.

Well....then naturally my follow up question will be which government on earth is preferrable to the United States?

This should be interesting
I love America and think we have the greatest government on earth

Do you disagree with that?

I disagree with the bold. Any junkie will tell you the first step of 13 is admittance.

We are on the wrong path.

Well....then naturally my follow up question will be which government on earth is preferrable to the United States?

This should be interesting

Could you at least attempt a shred of integrity? Of course no one is going to say there is another government better than the U.S. style of government. As someone essentially pointed out to you your question is intellectually dishonest. You're essentially trying to get someone to say our shit smells great because it does't smell nearly as bad as anyone elses.
Fair enough, but I believe that society, if not eliminating descrimination entirell, would have driven it to inconseqential and isolated pocket where it still exists anyway.

Exactly. Nothing about the president signing his name to a bill all of sudden made racists not racist. As far as how people feel about and treat minorities, it is unlikely it woud be too different from today anyway.
I disagree with the bold. Any junkie will tell you the first step of 13 is admittance.

We are on the wrong path.

Well....then naturally my follow up question will be which government on earth is preferrable to the United States?

This should be interesting

Could you at least attempt a shred of integrity? Of course no one is going to say there is another government better than the U.S. style of government. As someone essentially pointed out to you your question is intellectually dishonest. You're essentially trying to get someone to say our shit smells great because it does't smell nearly as bad as anyone elses.

You call my country shit?

We have the finest country on earth AND the finest government that has been emulated around the world. The fact that of over a hundred governments around the world, the US is the finest is shit to libertarians

No wonder everyone loves America and hates libertarians
Well....then naturally my follow up question will be which government on earth is preferrable to the United States?

This should be interesting

Could you at least attempt a shred of integrity? Of course no one is going to say there is another government better than the U.S. style of government. As someone essentially pointed out to you your question is intellectually dishonest. You're essentially trying to get someone to say our shit smells great because it does't smell nearly as bad as anyone elses.

You call my country shit?

We have the finest country on earth AND the finest government that has been emulated around the world. The fact that of over a hundred governments around the world, the US is the finest is shit to libertarians

No wonder everyone loves America and hates libertarians

Actually all you had to say was 'no I don't have any intellectual integrity or honesty'. As is clearly displayed in the post above.
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Well....then naturally my follow up question will be which government on earth is preferrable to the United States?

This should be interesting

Could you at least attempt a shred of integrity? Of course no one is going to say there is another government better than the U.S. style of government. As someone essentially pointed out to you your question is intellectually dishonest. You're essentially trying to get someone to say our shit smells great because it does't smell nearly as bad as anyone elses.

You call my country shit?

We have the finest country on earth AND the finest government that has been emulated around the world. The fact that of over a hundred governments around the world, the US is the finest is shit to libertarians

No wonder everyone loves America and hates libertarians

That was a cute emotion-based rant, but you didn't even come close to responding to anything he said.

We probably do have the best gov't in the world, and like I said that's like having the least stinky shit at the sewage plant.

The Constitution is great, but no one in Washington really gives a damn about it anymore.
Could you at least attempt a shred of integrity? Of course no one is going to say there is another government better than the U.S. style of government. As someone essentially pointed out to you your question is intellectually dishonest. You're essentially trying to get someone to say our shit smells great because it does't smell nearly as bad as anyone elses.

You call my country shit?

We have the finest country on earth AND the finest government that has been emulated around the world. The fact that of over a hundred governments around the world, the US is the finest is shit to libertarians

No wonder everyone loves America and hates libertarians

Actually all you had to say was 'no I don't have any intellectual integrity or honesty'. As is clearly displayed in the post above.

Do we have the finest government on earth or not?

A simple yes will suffice

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