Unbelievable: Ron Paul Slams Civil Rights Act

That's because they didn't want any problems...

Man, I grew up like 3 miles away from Great Lakes Navel Station in North Chicago, Illinois.

The local black gangbangers and the Navy guys used to get into it all the time at this club/bar called Flannigans .... They destroyed the club about 100 times. Throwing TV's, tables or anything that wasn't bolted down.. Then shit would spew out into the parking lot and of course the gangbangers started pulling guns and shooting.

The aggressors were always the black and Mexican gangbangers...

I suppose my point is that some styles of dress mean potential trouble and its better to be safe than sorry....

I understand what you are saying, and can definently see why they would want a dress code and good security in that establishment.

I actually worked there about 10-12 years ago man. I actually quit my job because it was too damn dangerous..

They had out and out wild west bar brawls in that place where everyone was fighting...

The local gangbangers believed they owned the joint until the Navy guys arrived and it wouldn't be more than an hour before shit hit the fan wild west style...

Then when anarchy hit the gangbangers stole all the booze from the bar..

I was like fuck this shit, I'm not working here..

It was seriously insane and dangerous.

I don't even know what could even trigger such madness....

Hmm was the security at that establishment armed? theres a few clubs like that here in Birmingham however security at these places are all off duty cops packing, plus they have you go through a metal detector and pat down, its like checking into an airport but the clubs are safe, they throw anyone who starts shit out on their ass.
Let's get this right from the beginning: Ron Paul is wrong on this issue.

Only federal force of law and might ended an America that permitted certain groups of citizens to terrorize and torture certain minority groups of citizens.

Mother Kluckers, we are not going back.
I understand what you are saying, and can definently see why they would want a dress code and good security in that establishment.

I actually worked there about 10-12 years ago man. I actually quit my job because it was too damn dangerous..

They had out and out wild west bar brawls in that place where everyone was fighting...

The local gangbangers believed they owned the joint until the Navy guys arrived and it wouldn't be more than an hour before shit hit the fan wild west style...

Then when anarchy hit the gangbangers stole all the booze from the bar..

I was like fuck this shit, I'm not working here..

It was seriously insane and dangerous.

I don't even know what could even trigger such madness....

Hmm was the security at that establishment armed? theres a few clubs like that here in Birmingham however security at these places are all off duty cops packing, plus they have you go through a metal detector and pat down, its like checking into an airport but the clubs are safe, they throw anyone who starts shit out on their ass.

No, they only had a few bouncers that could do absolutely nothing...

Even if the bouncers were armed I don't think it would have mattered considering most of the gangsters there were packing anyways..

Its not the type of place where you just throw someone out on their ass because that would start a riot depending on the person that is thrown out.

I don't even know why anyone of any intelligence would even want to go there... It's gangster city in that place...

The funny part is that there are many bars/clubs in that area that are perfectly normal where fights are rare - however it just happens to be that one bar that has problems.
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I actually worked there about 10-12 years ago man. I actually quit my job because it was too damn dangerous..

They had out and out wild west bar brawls in that place where everyone was fighting...

The local gangbangers believed they owned the joint until the Navy guys arrived and it wouldn't be more than an hour before shit hit the fan wild west style...

Then when anarchy hit the gangbangers stole all the booze from the bar..

I was like fuck this shit, I'm not working here..

It was seriously insane and dangerous.

I don't even know what could even trigger such madness....

Hmm was the security at that establishment armed? theres a few clubs like that here in Birmingham however security at these places are all off duty cops packing, plus they have you go through a metal detector and pat down, its like checking into an airport but the clubs are safe, they throw anyone who starts shit out on their ass.

No, they only had a few bouncers that could do absolutely nothing...

Even if the bouncers were armed I don't think it would have mattered considering most of the gangsters there were packing anyways..

Its not the type of place where you just throw someone out on their ass because that would start a riot depending on the person that is thrown out.

I don't even know why anyone of any intelligence would even want to go there... It's gangster city in that place...

The funny part is that there are many bars/clubs in that area that are perfectly normal where fights are rare - however it just happens to be that one bar that has problems.

Yeah, if your going to have an establishment that is frequented by trouble makers you have to have good security, otherwise its total chaos. That reminds me of this club I went to in Sacramento, really upscale place it costs like $20 to get in, they had alot of security there however these bouncers were dressed in tuxedos and not armed, they only have radios to communicate with each other. This big dude got belligerent and had to be escorted out of the club, it took like 6 bouncers in tuxedos to subdue him and throw him out, I guess in California the security is not allowed to be armed, in my mind they should be allowed to carry because when you can't even control the people in your club, all kinds of shit can and will go wrong, it should not have took 6 bouncers to get that guy out of there.
So Ron Paul is ok with segregation, but wants to legalize drugs? oh boy.:cuckoo:

Why are people acting like Paul wants mandated segregation? He thinks that if a racist bar owner wants to refuse to serve blacks (or whites, or Asians), they should be allowed to do so.

so I'm driving cross country and I run out of gas and the only gas stations next to me are white only gas stations in rural Arkansas, I am fucked yeah? I can understand why some white people can shrug this off and not care, but I am half Black, if you were in my shoes you would view civil rights completely different.

To play Devil's Advocate, what right do you have to demand the gas station serve you? It's their gas, and not yours.

You can call AAA or some tow truck in that scenario.
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Why are people acting like Paul wants mandated segregation? He thinks that if a racist bar owner wants to refuse to serve blacks (or whites, or Asians), they should be allowed to do so.

so I'm driving cross country and I run out of gas and the only gas stations next to me are white only gas stations in rural Arkansas, I am fucked yeah? I can understand why some white people can shrug this off and not care, but I am half Black, if you were in my shoes you would view civil rights completely different.

To play Devil's Advocate, what right do you have to demand the gas station serve you?

You can call AAA or some tow truck in that scenario.

Wow, demand? if I have the money and can pay for the service, why should they not help me out? because I happen to be a different color?:cuckoo:

Now I know we DEFINENTLY do not need to rescend civil rights, the lack of empathy from people like you astounds me.
so I'm driving cross country and I run out of gas and the only gas stations next to me are white only gas stations in rural Arkansas, I am fucked yeah? I can understand why some white people can shrug this off and not care, but I am half Black, if you were in my shoes you would view civil rights completely different.

To play Devil's Advocate, what right do you have to demand the gas station serve you?

You can call AAA or some tow truck in that scenario.

Wow, demand? if I have the money and can pay for the service, why should they not help me out? because I happen to be a different color?:cuckoo:

Now I know we DEFINENTLY do not need to rescend civil rights, the lack of empathy from people like you astounds me.
I never said it was good business.
I don't think someone writing a law will make anyone less racist, however at the same time we have seen that the American people would not do the right thing on this issue, if civil rights was really something that was supposed to come along naturally, why did we still have segregation and Jim Crow laws 100 years after the civil war ended? the fact of the matter is the American people had to have civil rights and equal rights forced on them, I live in Alabama and I can tell you right now there is still alot of hatred towards Blacks and especially towards the new Hispanic immigrants we have here now, alot of the older white folks would love to have segregation back if they had their way.

For me personally I am half black and half white, so I don't like segregation because of my own personal reasons, if I happen to visit my mother in Virginia and all the stores and restaurants out there are mostly white, what am I supposed to do? are interracial couples just supposed to stay at home all day, if the businesses in their area only serve 1 race of people? I feel this way because if Civil rights were taken away, I would stand to lose alot and be put in alot of awkward positions because of my background.

You have to look at the assumptions you're making. You're assuming that without the civil rights act, most white business owners would choose to discriminate against minorities. That simply isn't a realistic assumption. Slowly, discrimination is being bread out of people.

Secondly you have to ask yourself do you believe in freedom or not. The quick answer you would probably give is 'well of course I do'. Do you really? Because most people don't know what real freedom is. Freedom is not just allowing people to behave in ways one deems moral and outlawing that which one deems immoral. it is allowing people to behave the way the want. Even if you don't approve of it, that's their right as a free member of society so long as they aren't harming you. Your ancesotors fought for freedom and by in large got it, but getting freedom doesn't require anyone else to like it.
so I'm driving cross country and I run out of gas and the only gas stations next to me are white only gas stations in rural Arkansas, I am fucked yeah? I can understand why some white people can shrug this off and not care, but I am half Black, if you were in my shoes you would view civil rights completely different.

To play Devil's Advocate, what right do you have to demand the gas station serve you?

You can call AAA or some tow truck in that scenario.

Wow, demand? if I have the money and can pay for the service, why should they not help me out? because I happen to be a different color?:cuckoo:

Now I know we DEFINENTLY do not need to rescend civil rights, the lack of empathy from people like you astounds me.

Hate has nothing to do with being logical. Obviously there is no logical reason to deny service based on skin color. But freedom is not about making people do what you want.

Empathy gets thrown out a lot too and is a horribly misused word. Case in point right here. Empathy is not sympathy, pity or charity. It is not an action word. It is the ability to understand the feelings of another. It does not mean you are required to agree with the way they feel and does not require that simply because one understands your feelings that they have to do something for you.
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I don't think someone writing a law will make anyone less racist, however at the same time we have seen that the American people would not do the right thing on this issue, if civil rights was really something that was supposed to come along naturally, why did we still have segregation and Jim Crow laws 100 years after the civil war ended? the fact of the matter is the American people had to have civil rights and equal rights forced on them, I live in Alabama and I can tell you right now there is still alot of hatred towards Blacks and especially towards the new Hispanic immigrants we have here now, alot of the older white folks would love to have segregation back if they had their way.

For me personally I am half black and half white, so I don't like segregation because of my own personal reasons, if I happen to visit my mother in Virginia and all the stores and restaurants out there are mostly white, what am I supposed to do? are interracial couples just supposed to stay at home all day, if the businesses in their area only serve 1 race of people? I feel this way because if Civil rights were taken away, I would stand to lose alot and be put in alot of awkward positions because of my background.

You have to look at the assumptions you're making. You're assuming that without the civil rights act, most white business owners would choose to discriminate against minorities. That simply isn't a realistic assumption. Slowly, discrimination is being bread out of people.

Secondly you have to ask yourself do you believe in freedom or not. The quick answer you would probably give is 'well of course I do'. Do you really? Because most people don't know what real freedom is. Freedom is not just allowing people to behave in ways one deems moral and outlawing that which one deems immoral. it is allowing people to behave the way the want. Even if you don't approve of it, that's their right as a free member of society so long as they aren't harming you. Your ancesotors fought for freedom and by in large got it, but getting freedom doesn't require anyone else to like it.

I would hope that most white business owners would not go that way, but like I said our country doesn't exactly have the best history when it comes to these issues. I would like to think that most businesses would not do this because it would take alot of cash out of their pockets, however in rural areas in places like Alabama and Idaho, they could easily have their businesses white only and not skip a beat. Thats not a part of history I would like to revisit myself.
To play Devil's Advocate, what right do you have to demand the gas station serve you?

You can call AAA or some tow truck in that scenario.

Wow, demand? if I have the money and can pay for the service, why should they not help me out? because I happen to be a different color?:cuckoo:

Now I know we DEFINENTLY do not need to rescend civil rights, the lack of empathy from people like you astounds me.

Hate has nothing to do with being logical. Obviously there is not logical reason to deny service based on skin color. But freedom is not about making people do what you want.

But if you put yourself in my shoes in that situation, you would see that this is something I would not want, correct?
To play Devil's Advocate, what right do you have to demand the gas station serve you?

You can call AAA or some tow truck in that scenario.

Wow, demand? if I have the money and can pay for the service, why should they not help me out? because I happen to be a different color?:cuckoo:

Now I know we DEFINENTLY do not need to rescend civil rights, the lack of empathy from people like you astounds me.
I never said it was good business.

It's lousy humanity as well.
Wow, demand? if I have the money and can pay for the service, why should they not help me out? because I happen to be a different color?:cuckoo:

Now I know we DEFINENTLY do not need to rescend civil rights, the lack of empathy from people like you astounds me.

Hate has nothing to do with being logical. Obviously there is not logical reason to deny service based on skin color. But freedom is not about making people do what you want.

But if you put yourself in my shoes in that situation, you would see that this is something I would not want, correct?

It's a flaw that could go either way. White people or people of a certain religion could be denied as well.

I just can't put my faith in gov't over my faith in free markets and the people of this country.

The gas station would be an shitty one for denying sales but they'd be hurting themselves more than they would you.
Hate has nothing to do with being logical. Obviously there is not logical reason to deny service based on skin color. But freedom is not about making people do what you want.

But if you put yourself in my shoes in that situation, you would see that this is something I would not want, correct?

It's a flaw that could go either way. White people or people of a certain religion could be denied as well.

I just can't put my faith in gov't over my faith in free markets and the people of this country.

The gas station would be an shitty one for denying sales but they'd be hurting themselves more than they would you.

You are correct, you could be driving through a mainly Hispanic part of Arizona and New Mexico and have your car break down, and be denied a tow because you are not Hispanic, these are situations I don't want anyone in our country to be faced with.
Let's get this right from the beginning: Ron Paul is wrong on this issue.

Only federal force of law and might ended an America that permitted certain groups of citizens to terrorize and torture certain minority groups of citizens.

Mother Kluckers, we are not going back.

It is just Ron Paul being Ron Paul

It would be easy enough to just say......in the case of civil rights, it was a necessary evil

But Paul has this Libertarian devil on his shoulder that makes him adhere to strict libertarian theory on every issue.......regardless of the consequences
Now I know we DEFINENTLY do not need to rescend civil rights, the lack of empathy from people like you astounds me.

I said I was playing Devil's Advocate.

Also just because I believe people should have the right to not help you out, doesn't mean I would refuse to help you out.
Another way to look at this is from the persepctive of a libertarian, which what Paul is. To him and people like me this doesn't have much to do with how people treat people. It has to do with the freedom of individuals and personal property rights. To a libertarian there isn't much distinction between owning property in terms of a home and owning property like a restaurant. They're mine. In either case I can invite you in or not. Would you agree to allowing a stranger to enter your home and demand food from you? Of course not. It's your property. You don't need any reason at all to kick him out of your home. It doesnt' belong to him and you don't owe him anything.
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Wow, demand? if I have the money and can pay for the service, why should they not help me out? because I happen to be a different color?:cuckoo:

Now I know we DEFINENTLY do not need to rescend civil rights, the lack of empathy from people like you astounds me.

Hate has nothing to do with being logical. Obviously there is not logical reason to deny service based on skin color. But freedom is not about making people do what you want.

But if you put yourself in my shoes in that situation, you would see that this is something I would not want, correct?

Of course you wouldn't want that. That doesn't translate into the right to tell someone else what they must do with or whom they allow on their personal property.
Let's get this right from the beginning: Ron Paul is wrong on this issue.

Only federal force of law and might ended an America that permitted certain groups of citizens to terrorize and torture certain minority groups of citizens.

Mother Kluckers, we are not going back.

Let's get another thing straight while we're getting things straight. The civil rights act did not end the rights of white people to terrorize and torture black people. They didn't have them well before that.
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