Unbelievable: Ron Paul Slams Civil Rights Act

That depends on the area of the business, if I opened a whites only store in Baltimore or Chicago sure it would fail, however if I did that in rural Alabama or Idaho, the business would probably survive.

That's one way to look at it, here's another.

You've got a POS racist who owns a business, he can't segregate his business so he gets business from black ppl who are making a POS racist who hates them rich. Rather than taking their money to a business who deserves it.

On the other hand with the economy the way it is, can anyone really afford to segregate their business anymore, unless they are really, really stubborn? businesses are closing left and right, I would assume most businesses would be welcome to any kind of business regardless of color right now.

Completely agree, the market and americans would handle the race issue far better than gov't.
"undermine[d] the concept of liberty" and "destroyed the principle of private property and private choices." I wonder if he was speaking on the behalf of blacks or whites when he said this?

Both. It affects all of us.

If it wasnt passed, who would have been affected more, Blacks or whites? When you honestly answer this, think about this, what if Paul could have had anything to do with passing the civil rights act.

I dont care how you spin it, saying you would vote against the civil right act cant be believed. People died for civil rights and for him to spit on them is disgusting in my opinion.
The Civil Rights Act of 1965 made the US a truly great nation.

Up until that time, we claimed to be a great nation but lacked a moral compass. Any nation that denies a significant part of their population basic liberty and freedom because they do not like their color is not a great nation.

For Ron Paul to seek to deny people the right to attend the college of their choice, eat at a public lunch counter, be seated in a restaurant, swim in a public pool or stay in a hotel solely because some racists believe them to be subhuman shows why Paul is unfit to be President

So Ron Paul is ok with segregation, but wants to legalize drugs? oh boy.:cuckoo:

No he's not ok with segregation.

It's the same tired old act Obamabots use when they say being against welfare means you want poor people to stay poor forever, if you're against Obamacare you want all sick/poor people to die, if you're against Social Security you want all old people to go broke, etc etc.

Same tired old act, having nothing to do with intellect, everything to do with grabbing at emotions and fearmongering.

Ron Paul is perfectly fine with segregation as long as the government is not doing it

You want to make deny blacks the use of your restrooms, that is your right. You own a hotel and don't want coloreds using your swimming pool, that is your right
You want to make coloreds eat around back, that is your right

That is Ron Paul's vision of America
So Ron Paul is ok with segregation, but wants to legalize drugs? oh boy.:cuckoo:

No he's not ok with segregation.

It's the same tired old act Obamabots use when they say being against welfare means you want poor people to stay poor forever, if you're against Obamacare you want all sick/poor people to die, if you're against Social Security you want all old people to go broke, etc etc.

Same tired old act, having nothing to do with intellect, everything to do with grabbing at emotions and fearmongering.

Ron Paul is perfectly fine with segregation as long as the government is not doing it

You want to make deny blacks the use of your restrooms, that is your right. You own a hotel and don't want coloreds using your swimming pool, that is your right
You want to make coloreds eat around back, that is your right

That is Ron Paul's vision of America

No, it's people who have more faith in gov't than americans who think we have to have gov't to keep americans from segregating.

When you take the emotion out of it you realize all those businesses would be out of business in 2 seconds thanks to the american ppl and not gov't.

Ron Paul clearly hates blacks, as evidence of all the free healthcare he gave to minorities. I can only imagine how much money Obama has given to minorities out of his pocket to pay their healthcare expenses. It's probably in the billions of dollars.

So Ron Paul is ok with segregation, but wants to legalize drugs? oh boy.:cuckoo:

No he's not ok with segregation.

It's the same tired old act Obamabots use when they say being against welfare means you want poor people to stay poor forever, if you're against Obamacare you want all sick/poor people to die, if you're against Social Security you want all old people to go broke, etc etc.

Same tired old act, having nothing to do with intellect, everything to do with grabbing at emotions and fearmongering.

Ron Paul is perfectly fine with segregation as long as the government is not doing it

You want to make deny blacks the use of your restrooms, that is your right. You own a hotel and don't want coloreds using your swimming pool, that is your right
You want to make coloreds eat around back, that is your right

That is Ron Paul's vision of America

This sums it up perfectly for Paul. He actually believes businesses will "do the right thing". I have been to some interesting places all over the country and believe me, if there were no law, they would not "do the right thing" when pertaining to civil rights.

Dr. Paul, it is not 1961. Please America, do not allow this man to get close to the white house. It is a scary thought.
No he's not ok with segregation.

It's the same tired old act Obamabots use when they say being against welfare means you want poor people to stay poor forever, if you're against Obamacare you want all sick/poor people to die, if you're against Social Security you want all old people to go broke, etc etc.

Same tired old act, having nothing to do with intellect, everything to do with grabbing at emotions and fearmongering.

Ron Paul is perfectly fine with segregation as long as the government is not doing it

You want to make deny blacks the use of your restrooms, that is your right. You own a hotel and don't want coloreds using your swimming pool, that is your right
You want to make coloreds eat around back, that is your right

That is Ron Paul's vision of America

No, it's people who have more faith in gov't than americans who think we have to have gov't to keep americans from segregating.

When you take the emotion out of it you realize all those businesses would be out of business in 2 seconds thanks to the american ppl and not gov't.

Ron Paul clearly hates blacks, as evidence of all the free healthcare he gave to minorities. I can only imagine how much money Obama has given to minorities out of his pocket to pay their healthcare expenses. It's probably in the billions of dollars.


Bullshit. I drove across the country twice and have stopped at some small towns who's demographics where pretty much the same. All white. In those towns, if they had signs that said no blacks served, they would be "out of business in 2 seconds"?

Here is a hint, Americans would not do the right thing if they didnt have to. Laws are in place for a reason and its juvenile and just dumb to think otherwise.
Ron Paul is perfectly fine with segregation as long as the government is not doing it

You want to make deny blacks the use of your restrooms, that is your right. You own a hotel and don't want coloreds using your swimming pool, that is your right
You want to make coloreds eat around back, that is your right

That is Ron Paul's vision of America

No, it's people who have more faith in gov't than americans who think we have to have gov't to keep americans from segregating.

When you take the emotion out of it you realize all those businesses would be out of business in 2 seconds thanks to the american ppl and not gov't.

Ron Paul clearly hates blacks, as evidence of all the free healthcare he gave to minorities. I can only imagine how much money Obama has given to minorities out of his pocket to pay their healthcare expenses. It's probably in the billions of dollars.


Bullshit. I drove across the country twice and have stopped at some small towns who's demographics where pretty much the same. All white. In those towns, if they had signs that said no blacks served, they would be "out of business in 2 seconds"?

Here is a hint, Americans would not do the right thing if they didnt have to. Laws are in place for a reason and its juvenile and just dumb to think otherwise.

So instead no one knows who the racist business owners are, and blacks are unknowingly lining racists pockets with their money.

Ok 99% of the businesses would go under either from lack of business, bad pub and people rightfully protesting these places and racist customers not wanting to deal with it.

We wouldn't be a more racist nation if it weren't for almighty gov't, i'll take the character of americans of the character of gov't politicians and bureacrats every single day of the week/year/milennium.

So if the Civil Rights Act had never been passed the only stores you'd see would be an occasional tiny store that didn't serve blacks, and this would benefit blacks in one way and that's the instance of them being able to take their business elsewhere.
No he's not ok with segregation.

It's the same tired old act Obamabots use when they say being against welfare means you want poor people to stay poor forever, if you're against Obamacare you want all sick/poor people to die, if you're against Social Security you want all old people to go broke, etc etc.

Same tired old act, having nothing to do with intellect, everything to do with grabbing at emotions and fearmongering.

Ron Paul is perfectly fine with segregation as long as the government is not doing it

You want to make deny blacks the use of your restrooms, that is your right. You own a hotel and don't want coloreds using your swimming pool, that is your right
You want to make coloreds eat around back, that is your right

That is Ron Paul's vision of America

No, it's people who have more faith in gov't than americans who think we have to have gov't to keep americans from segregating.

When you take the emotion out of it you realize all those businesses would be out of business in 2 seconds thanks to the american ppl and not gov't.

Ron Paul clearly hates blacks, as evidence of all the free healthcare he gave to minorities. I can only imagine how much money Obama has given to minorities out of his pocket to pay their healthcare expenses. It's probably in the billions of dollars.


Without the full Civil Rights bill those businesses would be business as usual, colored come around the back. That is the world as Ron Paul sees it

After the civil war, those businesses had 100 years to do the right thing and allow full access to all. The local community had 100 years to force business to treat all customers with respect. They were perfectly fine with their peculiar institution.

It was the government forcing business to accept all customers that broke the peculiar institution. Within five years of the Civil Rights bill, everyone accepted integration and it was no big deal.

It wouldnt have happened if Ron Paul was calling the shots
Ron Paul is perfectly fine with segregation as long as the government is not doing it

You want to make deny blacks the use of your restrooms, that is your right. You own a hotel and don't want coloreds using your swimming pool, that is your right
You want to make coloreds eat around back, that is your right

That is Ron Paul's vision of America

No, it's people who have more faith in gov't than americans who think we have to have gov't to keep americans from segregating.

When you take the emotion out of it you realize all those businesses would be out of business in 2 seconds thanks to the american ppl and not gov't.

Ron Paul clearly hates blacks, as evidence of all the free healthcare he gave to minorities. I can only imagine how much money Obama has given to minorities out of his pocket to pay their healthcare expenses. It's probably in the billions of dollars.


Bullshit. I drove across the country twice and have stopped at some small towns who's demographics where pretty much the same. All white. In those towns, if they had signs that said no blacks served, they would be "out of business in 2 seconds"?

Here is a hint, Americans would not do the right thing if they didnt have to. Laws are in place for a reason and its juvenile and just dumb to think otherwise.
According to the NBC affliate in Philadelphia, the Valley Swim Club booted a day camp of inner city kids—which had paid $1900 for summer swimming rights—after members refused to swim with black kids. Really.
"I heard this lady, she was like, 'Uh, what are all these black kids doing here?' She's like, 'I'm scared they might do something to my child,'" said camper Dymire Baylor....

"When the minority children got in the pool all of the Caucasian children immediately exited the pool," Horace Gibson, parent of a day camp child, wrote in an email.

"The pool attendants came and told the black children that they did not allow minorities in the club and needed the children to leave immediately."

The next day the club told the camp director that the camp's membership was being suspended and their money would be refunded....

The explanation they got was either dishearteningly honest or poorly worded.

"There was concern that a lot of kids would change the complexion … and the atmosphere of the club," John Duesler, President of The Valley Swim Club said in a statement.

Racist Outrage of the Day (Year?) | Mother Jones

Ron Paul is perfectly fine with segregation as long as the government is not doing it

You want to make deny blacks the use of your restrooms, that is your right. You own a hotel and don't want coloreds using your swimming pool, that is your right
You want to make coloreds eat around back, that is your right

That is Ron Paul's vision of America

No, it's people who have more faith in gov't than americans who think we have to have gov't to keep americans from segregating.

When you take the emotion out of it you realize all those businesses would be out of business in 2 seconds thanks to the american ppl and not gov't.

Ron Paul clearly hates blacks, as evidence of all the free healthcare he gave to minorities. I can only imagine how much money Obama has given to minorities out of his pocket to pay their healthcare expenses. It's probably in the billions of dollars.


Without the full Civil Rights bill those businesses would be business as usual, colored come around the back. That is the world as Ron Paul sees it

After the civil war, those businesses had 100 years to do the right thing and allow full access to all. The local community had 100 years to force business to treat all customers with respect. They were perfectly fine with their peculiar institution.

It was the government forcing business to accept all customers that broke the peculiar institution. Within five years of the Civil Rights bill, everyone accepted integration and it was no big deal.

It wouldnt have happened if Ron Paul was calling the shots

I'm sorry you have such a low opinion of your fellow americans, i truly am. If you really think we'd have a nationwide epidemic of thriving racist businesses.
Ron Paul is perfectly fine with segregation as long as the government is not doing it

You want to make deny blacks the use of your restrooms, that is your right. You own a hotel and don't want coloreds using your swimming pool, that is your right
You want to make coloreds eat around back, that is your right

That is Ron Paul's vision of America

No, it's people who have more faith in gov't than americans who think we have to have gov't to keep americans from segregating.

When you take the emotion out of it you realize all those businesses would be out of business in 2 seconds thanks to the american ppl and not gov't.

Ron Paul clearly hates blacks, as evidence of all the free healthcare he gave to minorities. I can only imagine how much money Obama has given to minorities out of his pocket to pay their healthcare expenses. It's probably in the billions of dollars.


Bullshit. I drove across the country twice and have stopped at some small towns who's demographics where pretty much the same. All white. In those towns, if they had signs that said no blacks served, they would be "out of business in 2 seconds"?

Here is a hint, Americans would not do the right thing if they didnt have to. Laws are in place for a reason and its juvenile and just dumb to think otherwise.

Businesses can serve whoever the fuck they want...

One time I wasn't dressed correctly and I was refused entry into a fucking club - is that discrimination??
No, it's people who have more faith in gov't than americans who think we have to have gov't to keep americans from segregating.

When you take the emotion out of it you realize all those businesses would be out of business in 2 seconds thanks to the american ppl and not gov't.

Ron Paul clearly hates blacks, as evidence of all the free healthcare he gave to minorities. I can only imagine how much money Obama has given to minorities out of his pocket to pay their healthcare expenses. It's probably in the billions of dollars.


Without the full Civil Rights bill those businesses would be business as usual, colored come around the back. That is the world as Ron Paul sees it

After the civil war, those businesses had 100 years to do the right thing and allow full access to all. The local community had 100 years to force business to treat all customers with respect. They were perfectly fine with their peculiar institution.

It was the government forcing business to accept all customers that broke the peculiar institution. Within five years of the Civil Rights bill, everyone accepted integration and it was no big deal.

It wouldnt have happened if Ron Paul was calling the shots

I'm sorry you have such a low opinion of your fellow americans, i truly am. If you really think we'd have a nationwide epidemic of thriving racist businesses.

As you fast forward 50 years and say.......see, we would have done it without the civil rights act

Looking at it from today's perspective it is easy to say "America is not like that, we would have desegregated on our own"

Looking at it from a 1960s perspective, we had maintained a states rights enforced segregation for 100 years. We had communities burning churches, lynching blacks, spitting on children.....all to maintain their cherished segregation

And Ron Paul would be perfectly fine in letting them
No, it's people who have more faith in gov't than americans who think we have to have gov't to keep americans from segregating.

When you take the emotion out of it you realize all those businesses would be out of business in 2 seconds thanks to the american ppl and not gov't.

Ron Paul clearly hates blacks, as evidence of all the free healthcare he gave to minorities. I can only imagine how much money Obama has given to minorities out of his pocket to pay their healthcare expenses. It's probably in the billions of dollars.


Bullshit. I drove across the country twice and have stopped at some small towns who's demographics where pretty much the same. All white. In those towns, if they had signs that said no blacks served, they would be "out of business in 2 seconds"?

Here is a hint, Americans would not do the right thing if they didnt have to. Laws are in place for a reason and its juvenile and just dumb to think otherwise.

Businesses can serve whoever the fuck they want...

One time I wasn't dressed correctly and I was refused entry into a fucking club - is that discrimination??

Slobs are not a protected class
Without the full Civil Rights bill those businesses would be business as usual, colored come around the back. That is the world as Ron Paul sees it

After the civil war, those businesses had 100 years to do the right thing and allow full access to all. The local community had 100 years to force business to treat all customers with respect. They were perfectly fine with their peculiar institution.

It was the government forcing business to accept all customers that broke the peculiar institution. Within five years of the Civil Rights bill, everyone accepted integration and it was no big deal.

It wouldnt have happened if Ron Paul was calling the shots

I'm sorry you have such a low opinion of your fellow americans, i truly am. If you really think we'd have a nationwide epidemic of thriving racist businesses.

As you fast forward 50 years and say.......see, we would have done it without the civil rights act

Looking at it from today's perspective it is easy to say "America is not like that, we would have desegregated on our own"

Looking at it from a 1960s perspective, we had maintained a states rights enforced segregation for 100 years. We had communities burning churches, lynching blacks, spitting on children.....all to maintain their cherished segregation

And Ron Paul would be perfectly fine in letting them

Burning churches was illegal then, lynching blacks was illegal then, spitting on children racists will still do.

Agree to disagree, as I do with most liberal emotion based stances on political issues.
No, it's people who have more faith in gov't than americans who think we have to have gov't to keep americans from segregating.

When you take the emotion out of it you realize all those businesses would be out of business in 2 seconds thanks to the american ppl and not gov't.

Ron Paul clearly hates blacks, as evidence of all the free healthcare he gave to minorities. I can only imagine how much money Obama has given to minorities out of his pocket to pay their healthcare expenses. It's probably in the billions of dollars.


Bullshit. I drove across the country twice and have stopped at some small towns who's demographics where pretty much the same. All white. In those towns, if they had signs that said no blacks served, they would be "out of business in 2 seconds"?

Here is a hint, Americans would not do the right thing if they didnt have to. Laws are in place for a reason and its juvenile and just dumb to think otherwise.

Businesses can serve whoever the fuck they want...

One time I wasn't dressed correctly and I was refused entry into a fucking club - is that discrimination??

Come now thats competely different and you know it, you can edit your dress and go back to the club, I can't edit my black skin color if a club is whites only.
I'm sorry you have such a low opinion of your fellow americans, i truly am. If you really think we'd have a nationwide epidemic of thriving racist businesses.

As you fast forward 50 years and say.......see, we would have done it without the civil rights act

Looking at it from today's perspective it is easy to say "America is not like that, we would have desegregated on our own"

Looking at it from a 1960s perspective, we had maintained a states rights enforced segregation for 100 years. We had communities burning churches, lynching blacks, spitting on children.....all to maintain their cherished segregation

And Ron Paul would be perfectly fine in letting them

Burning churches was illegal then, lynching blacks was illegal then, spitting on children racists will still do.

Agree to disagree, as I do with most liberal emotion based stances on political issues.

Those committing those acts were the same community that you claim would have graciously accepted integration without the Civil Rights bill
As I said above, I understand where Paul is coming from -- not racism, but a belief in an absolute right of a business owner to conduct his business as he chooses, regardless of any other considerations -- but I disagree. I disagree not merely on this point, but in general.

A business cannot be treated like private behavior in the home, because it has great impact on other people: employees, customers, the community. It is for that reason perfectly sound to apply greater obligations and restrictions to business behavior than we do to private behavior in the home. And there is a graduation of obligation depending on the nature and size of the business

If I'm baking bread just for myself and my family, I can do it any way I want. If I'm baking it for sale, though, I have to meet reasonable health-code restrictions and disclose my ingredients.

If I'm the only person working in my business, then I can oppress and exploit my sole employee (myself) anyway I want -- expect long hours, low (or no) pay, etc. But if my business is the source of someone else's livelihood, that creates an obligation towards my employee that doesn't exist if I have none.

Et cetera. Your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins. And a business inherently has a long arm.
As you fast forward 50 years and say.......see, we would have done it without the civil rights act

Looking at it from today's perspective it is easy to say "America is not like that, we would have desegregated on our own"

Looking at it from a 1960s perspective, we had maintained a states rights enforced segregation for 100 years. We had communities burning churches, lynching blacks, spitting on children.....all to maintain their cherished segregation

And Ron Paul would be perfectly fine in letting them

Burning churches was illegal then, lynching blacks was illegal then, spitting on children racists will still do.

Agree to disagree, as I do with most liberal emotion based stances on political issues.

Those committing those acts were the same community that you claim would have graciously accepted integration without the Civil Rights bill

And those same racist assholes who happened to own businesses probably became rich from the added business that blacks gave them.

Blacks giving money to racists, hooray government.
The Civil Rights Act of 1965 made the US a truly great nation.

Up until that time, we claimed to be a great nation but lacked a moral compass. Any nation that denies a significant part of their population basic liberty and freedom because they do not like their color is not a great nation.

For Ron Paul to seek to deny people the right to attend the college of their choice, eat at a public lunch counter, be seated in a restaurant, swim in a public pool or stay in a hotel solely because some racists believe them to be subhuman shows why Paul is unfit to be President

So Ron Paul is ok with segregation, but wants to legalize drugs? oh boy.:cuckoo:

Why are people acting like Paul wants mandated segregation? He thinks that if a racist bar owner wants to refuse to serve blacks (or whites, or Asians), they should be allowed to do so.

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