Unbelievable: Ron Paul Slams Civil Rights Act

You know what? I think the Republican party should run on a platform of repealing the Civil Rights Act.


I heartily recommend you go for it.

The civil rights act is tyranny..........

You cant force a person to like another person based on, race, religion, sex, sexuality or creed...

I'm not a racist, I just just believe that the government has no right telling others what they need to do.

Business owners have the right to hire whoever they like and for whatever reason... If you believe a business is racist then don't buy their product or service and buy from another you feel more comfortable with.

The notion that the government can just tell someone or a business what to do is exactly whats wrong with this country.

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The only problem he had with the act is that private businesses could no longer discriminate based on race. He believes businesses should be allowed to refuse service or employment to anyone.

That's it. He never said anything about special rights or whatever, and his stance on the act does not make him a racist.
You know what? I think the Republican party should run on a platform of repealing the Civil Rights Act.


I heartily recommend you go for it.

The civil rights act is tyranny..........

You cant force a person to like another person based on, race, religion, sex, sexuality or creed...

I'm not a racist, I just just believe that the government has no right telling others what they need to do.

Business owners have the right to hire whoever they like and for whatever reason... If you believe a business is racist then don't buy their product or service and buy from another you feel more comfortable with.

The notion that the government can just tell someone or a business what to do is exactly whats wrong with this country.

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Oh so the government has the right to tell people what they need to do??
Maybe, just fucking maybe Ron Paul could be right. What consitutional right gave the federal fucking government the power to tell you who the fuck you can hire or have in your private business? Seriously? The civil rights act was one of the biggest fucking federal government power grabs in US history.

What's it to the federal government? People should be able to hire or allow within their business who ever they fucking well wish.
The only problem he had with the act is that private businesses could no longer discriminate based on race. He believes businesses should be allowed to refuse service or employment to anyone.

That's it. He never said anything about special rights or whatever, and his stance on the act does not make him a racist.

Paul is 100 percent right. If someone doesn't want someone in his or her business. What's it to the federal government? It was one of the biggest effin power grabs in history...You're not a conserative if you support such.
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The civil rights act is tyranny..........

You cant force a person to like another person based on, race, religion, sex, sexuality or creed...

I'm not a racist, I just just believe that the government has no right telling others what they need to do.

Business owners have the right to hire whoever they like and for whatever reason... If you believe a business is racist then don't buy their product or service and buy from another you feel more comfortable with.

The notion that the government can just tell someone or a business what to do is exactly whats wrong with this country.

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Oh so the government has the right to tell people what they need to do??

The guy isn't a conserative as he believes in the feds forcing a business owner into hiring someone. Thats expanded the feds.
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The only problem he had with the act is that private businesses could no longer discriminate based on race. He believes businesses should be allowed to refuse service or employment to anyone.

That's it. He never said anything about special rights or whatever, and his stance on the act does not make him a racist.

Paul is 100 percent right. If someone doesn't want someone in his or her business. What's it to the federal government? It was one of the biggest effin power grabs in history...You're not a conserative if you support such.

So, what is the purpose of government?
The only problem he had with the act is that private businesses could no longer discriminate based on race. He believes businesses should be allowed to refuse service or employment to anyone.

That's it. He never said anything about special rights or whatever, and his stance on the act does not make him a racist.

Paul is 100 percent right. If someone doesn't want someone in his or her business. What's it to the federal government? It was one of the biggest effin power grabs in history...You're not a conserative if you support such.

So, what is the purpose of government?

Which government state or federal??

Federal government - to protect us from foreign threats...

State governments - to govern how the people see fit....

If you want to live in a welfare state that is governed by lunatic progressives then fine - that is your choice, but I will chose to live in a state where the government doesn't shove tomatoes down my throat and that grants me the liberties to govern over myself - to make my own decisions.
The civil rights act is tyranny..........

You cant force a person to like another person based on, race, religion, sex, sexuality or creed...

I'm not a racist, I just just believe that the government has no right telling others what they need to do.

Business owners have the right to hire whoever they like and for whatever reason... If you believe a business is racist then don't buy their product or service and buy from another you feel more comfortable with.

The notion that the government can just tell someone or a business what to do is exactly whats wrong with this country.

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Oh so the government has the right to tell people what they need to do??

Sometimes (and YOU want it to be so). That has never been in dispute since the founding of our nation, and is not what lay at the heart of what opposition there was to the specific Civil Rights Act in question.
Isn't one of the primary purposes of federal government to protect individual rights as defined in the U.S. Constitution?
You need to stop typing here and go on to another topic now.

Oh so the government has the right to tell people what they need to do??

Sometimes (and YOU want it to be so). That has never been in dispute since the founding of our nation, and is not what lay at the heart of what opposition there was to the specific Civil Rights Act in question.

What the fuck are you talking about??

I'm a libertarian - I don't believe the government has the right to tell anyone what they need to do, weather I agree or not with the idea.

I'm absolutely 100% opposed to all government intervention socially.
Oh so the government has the right to tell people what they need to do??

Sometimes (and YOU want it to be so). That has never been in dispute since the founding of our nation, and is not what lay at the heart of what opposition there was to the specific Civil Rights Act in question.

What the fuck are you talking about??

I'm a libertarian - I don't believe the government has the right to tell anyone what they need to do.

Oh yes you do. I notice you try to slip "socially" in there at the end of your post. See the brick wall ahead of you, do ya? You're still wrong.
You bring up a good point that goes back to the heart of the argument. It involves the idea that government can legislate morality effectively. Looking at the drug war, it obviously can't

I have to disagree with you here. We can legislate quite a bit with a strong enough police state. The question is, should we? Do we want government deciding for us what is moral and then forcing us to comply?

You know, on second thought, there is one sense in which I agree with the notion that "you can't legislate morality". And it has nothing to do with the practical challenges.

Moral accountability depends on freedom. You can't hold someone moral responsible for an action if they had no choice in the matter. When we coerce specific actions via force of law, the morality is removed from the equation. At that point, its just a question of following orders.

From that perspective, you can't create a moral society by passing laws. The best you can do is create one that does dutifully follows orders and is, arguably, less moral.
Paul is 100 percent right. If someone doesn't want someone in his or her business. What's it to the federal government? It was one of the biggest effin power grabs in history...You're not a conserative if you support such.

So, what is the purpose of government?

Which government state or federal??

Federal government - to protect us from foreign threats...

State governments - to govern how the people see fit....

If you want to live in a welfare state that is governed by lunatic progressives then fine - that is your choice, but I will chose to live in a state where the government doesn't shove tomatoes down my throat and that grants me the liberties to govern over myself - to make my own decisions.

Federal Government- to do what is in the best interests and general welfare of the people

State Government- to do what the federal government doesn't want to. Trickle down power

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