Zone1 Unbeliever: You Are Responsible

God exists. God is.
God cares.
I have experienced that caring.

I have no reason to believe the god in the bible exists. That you believe is not reason enough for me to believe. That 10 million people believe is not enough for me to believe.
The only thing that matters to the god of the bible is that you worship it.

Your sins don't matter as long as you repent

There is absolutely no reason to think any gods, if any exist , care any more about us mere humans than we care about a mayfly.

Your opinion
Some people are motivated by pleasure (getting to know Jesus, for example), others by the avoidance of pain (avoiding eternal punishment).
A man once lived in such a way that two thousand years later he had an amazing impact on my life, directing and redirecting my steps through some of life's greatest stumbling blocks and obstacles. His way of living works for everyone of every age, in every age. And this way of living is open to everyone. He told delightful, sublime stories. His was a message of redemption and he gained quite a following which irritated the great and powerful of his own time. They tried to scare him off, but he stood his ground. So, to get rid of him, they had him put to death. What they could not put to death were his teachings that has given countless a new way of life, a refreshing way of looking at life.


God saw a sinful world that needed and deserved to be punished. He sent his only begotten son to us here on earth to take on this punishment in order to save those who believed he lived to be punished might be saved from eternal damnation in the fires of hell. This man's name is Jesus. Believe he is the son of God, that he was punished for your sins, accept him as your Lord and Savior or spend your eternity damned in hell.

How would Jesus wish to be introduced? As someone who has teachings that change lives right here, right now--or, as someone who can be used to threaten people with hell in the next life? Can anyone picture Jesus shrugging his shoulders and saying, "Whatever works."
A man once lived in such a way that two thousand years later he had an amazing impact on my life, directing and redirecting my steps through some of life's greatest stumbling blocks and obstacles. His way of living works for everyone of every age, in every age. And this way of living is open to everyone. He told delightful, sublime stories. His was a message of redemption and he gained quite a following which irritated the great and powerful of his own time. They tried to scare him off, but he stood his ground. So, to get rid of him, they had him put to death. What they could not put to death were his teachings that has given countless a new way of life, a refreshing way of looking at life.


God saw a sinful world that needed and deserved to be punished. He sent his only begotten son to us here on earth to take on this punishment in order to save those who believed he lived to be punished might be saved from eternal damnation in the fires of hell. This man's name is Jesus. Believe he is the son of God, that he was punished for your sins, accept him as your Lord and Savior or spend your eternity damned in hell.

How would Jesus wish to be introduced? As someone who has teachings that change lives right here, right now--or, as someone who can be used to threaten people with hell in the next life? Can anyone picture Jesus shrugging his shoulders and saying, "Whatever works."

“I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept His claim to be God.' That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher ... You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool ... or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us.”​

― C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity
Oh no there are many instances in the bible where your god has got his rocks off with his petty revenge for his hurt feelings.

Or are you telling me the bible is just opinion ?

That He "got his rocks off" is most certainly your opinion.

Why are you so ready to go toe to toe on this? You don't believe it. Great, move on.
“I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept His claim to be God.' That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher ... You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool ... or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us.”
The reason this is not a good introduction is that it starts with the ending. It took time for the Apostles to come to this realization. Remember, when Peter, later in the ministry, made his declaration of faith? Jesus said flesh and blood had not revealed this to Peter, but God had.

While there is a time a person must take a stand about the divinity of Christ, is it our job to be ham-fisted about it in the introduction? Jesus, himself, waited for the Father to reveal Jesus' identity to Peter, and that was probably three years into Christ's ministry. Shouldn't we be following Jesus' example? Why be so hasty in jumping to the end?
YOU created sin in your life. Here's the BIBLICAL DEFINITION of sin:

Sin is a he transgression of the Law

Look up the word.

Sin is the violation of a religious law or tenet. Religions make up their lists of sins so they can control your actions.

If I do not subscribe to religion then I cannot sin because I give no religion any authority over me.

Buddhists and Taoists deny the existence of sin.
The reason this is not a good introduction is that it starts with the ending. It took time for the Apostles to come to this realization. Remember, when Peter, later in the ministry, made his declaration of faith? Jesus said flesh and blood had not revealed this to Peter, but God had.

While there is a time a person must take a stand about the divinity of Christ, is it our job to be ham-fisted about it in the introduction? Jesus, himself, waited for the Father to reveal Jesus' identity to Peter, and that was probably three years into Christ's ministry. Shouldn't we be following Jesus' example? Why be so hasty in jumping to the end?

They...did not know about the Resurrected Jesus yet.

We do.

It's not that difficult.
They...did not know about the Resurrected Jesus yet.

We do.

It's not that difficult.
Based on what you have said, I understand your not-so-difficult beliefs to be:
  • Believe God punished Jesus, the man without sins, for the sins of all mankind.
  • Believe Jesus died and was resurrected three days later.
  • Believe Jesus is Lord and Savior
  • Those who believe this will reside forever in heaven after death.
  • Those who do not believe this, will reside forever in a fiery, tormenting hell.
Is it your understanding this is the Great Commission Jesus gave his followers?

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