UNC professor: Here’s why most UNC faculty members are Democrats

The best you can do is teach them the basics, and try to give them vocational schooling at a young age and even pay them through internships. That might inspire a work ethic.
This also is worth a shot. It may surprise you to hear this, but I'm actually of the opinion we try to send too many kids to college. There are a lot of good vocational careers that will be fairly stable for years. I don't see A.I. replacing plumbers, brick layers, or mechanics any time soon and those jobs don't require a college degree. I went on to get an advanced degree, but my brothers all provide for their families on a high school diploma and do pretty well for themselves.

I don't know how you weed out the college bound kids from the tech school kids without creating a permanent underclass though. I do think we need to find a way to do it. Part of the problem is that we simply don't give plumbers, carpenters, mechanics, etc enough respect.
And who legislates all that red tape and forces schools and corporations to hire useless bureaucrooks who do nothing but "compliance" enforcement?

Republicans and Democrats. Anytime a politican comes with an idea for school reform it almost inevitably leads to a compliance officer in the school doing the paperwork. The difference is that typically Democrats will at least try to listen to teachers before passing a reform. Republicans tend to go right to calling the teachers failures, blaming them for the problem, and then passing reforms that were doomed to failure at the start. For which they'll blame teachers and repeat. Not terribly hard to figure out why educators don't vote Republican.
UNC professor: Here’s why most UNC faculty members are Democrats

Not for the ignorant, not for the members of the New Right, but I repeat myself.

Dumbing down America and Americans, one major goal of the Republikan Party.
Yet another example of liberals projecting their acts upon their opponents.

When you have a sycophantic media willing to spread your lies these rumors become more believable.

Which political party says all issues are centered around discrimination?

The Democratic Party.

Anyone who wants to stop illegal immigration must be a racist.
Anyone that respects the police must be racists.
Anyone who questions Obama’s policies must be a racist.
Anyone who thinks bringing hundreds of thousands of potential terrorists into this country is a bad idea must be a racist.
People in LA are assumed by Obama to be racists.
Anyone who believes in America first must be a racist.
Anyone who thinks all lives matter must be a racist.
This thread is supposed to be on education, Mud.
UNC professor: Here’s why most UNC faculty members are Democrats

Not for the ignorant, not for the members of the New Right, but I repeat myself.

Dumbing down America and Americans, one major goal of the Republikan Party.
Yet another example of liberals projecting their acts upon their opponents.

When you have a sycophantic media willing to spread your lies these rumors become more believable.

Which political party says all issues are centered around discrimination?

The Democratic Party.

Anyone who wants to stop illegal immigration must be a racist.
Anyone that respects the police must be racists.
Anyone who questions Obama’s policies must be a racist.
Anyone who thinks bringing hundreds of thousands of potential terrorists into this country is a bad idea must be a racist.
People in LA are assumed by Obama to be racists.
Anyone who believes in America first must be a racist.
Anyone who thinks all lives matter must be a racist.
This thread is supposed to be on education, Mud.
He has a short attention span.
And who legislates all that red tape and forces schools and corporations to hire useless bureaucrooks who do nothing but "compliance" enforcement?

Republicans and Democrats. Anytime a politican comes with an idea for school reform it almost inevitably leads to a compliance officer in the school doing the paperwork. The difference is that typically Democrats will at least try to listen to teachers before passing a reform. Republicans tend to go right to calling the teachers failures, blaming them for the problem, and then passing reforms that were doomed to failure at the start. For which they'll blame teachers and repeat. Not terribly hard to figure out why educators don't vote Republican.
Teachers are at fault because the schools are run almost entirely by teacher's unions. They do the actual teaching, they have a heavy hand in selecting the school board, and the also determine which school related agendas get approved.

How are they not at fault?
And who legislates all that red tape and forces schools and corporations to hire useless bureaucrooks who do nothing but "compliance" enforcement?

Republicans and Democrats. Anytime a politican comes with an idea for school reform it almost inevitably leads to a compliance officer in the school doing the paperwork. The difference is that typically Democrats will at least try to listen to teachers before passing a reform. Republicans tend to go right to calling the teachers failures, blaming them for the problem, and then passing reforms that were doomed to failure at the start. For which they'll blame teachers and repeat. Not terribly hard to figure out why educators don't vote Republican.
Teachers are at fault because the schools are run almost entirely by teacher's unions. They do the actual teaching, they have a heavy hand in selecting the school board, and the also determine which school related agendas get approved.

How are they not at fault?


Bill looks like that's the last place he wants to be
Republicans and Democrats. Anytime a politican comes with an idea for school reform it almost inevitably leads to a compliance officer in the school doing the paperwork. The difference is that typically Democrats will at least try to listen to teachers before passing a reform. Republicans tend to go right to calling the teachers failures, blaming them for the problem, and then passing reforms that were doomed to failure at the start. For which they'll blame teachers and repeat. Not terribly hard to figure out why educators don't vote Republican.


You went from the GOP "slitting throats" to both republicrats and democrooks passing stupid regulations, but still tried to shield the DNC as any other loyal hack does.

The fact is statist authoritarians AKA liberals pass these regulations. Party affiliation aside it seems clear to me that the more government gets involved with (anything) education, the worse it gets. The republicrats are supposed to be in the business of reducing the authority of the federal gov't and spending overall. That's why it's not hard to figure out why "educators" support the party that keeps the nanny state tit flowing with tax payer milk.

And who legislates all that red tape and forces schools and corporations to hire useless bureaucrooks who do nothing but "compliance" enforcement?

Republicans and Democrats. Anytime a politican comes with an idea for school reform it almost inevitably leads to a compliance officer in the school doing the paperwork. The difference is that typically Democrats will at least try to listen to teachers before passing a reform. Republicans tend to go right to calling the teachers failures, blaming them for the problem, and then passing reforms that were doomed to failure at the start. For which they'll blame teachers and repeat. Not terribly hard to figure out why educators don't vote Republican.
Teachers are at fault because the schools are run almost entirely by teacher's unions. They do the actual teaching, they have a heavy hand in selecting the school board, and the also determine which school related agendas get approved.

How are they not at fault?
Except for the fact that they do the actual teaching, you just made the rest of that shit up. Teachers have a heavy hand in selecting the school board? LOL In our dreams. The teachers unions have almost nothing to do with running schools. They insist teachers receive a living wage after investing five years in college, but that's about it. You are so off the mark it's laughable.
Republicans and Democrats. Anytime a politican comes with an idea for school reform it almost inevitably leads to a compliance officer in the school doing the paperwork. The difference is that typically Democrats will at least try to listen to teachers before passing a reform. Republicans tend to go right to calling the teachers failures, blaming them for the problem, and then passing reforms that were doomed to failure at the start. For which they'll blame teachers and repeat. Not terribly hard to figure out why educators don't vote Republican.


You went from the GOP "slitting throats" to both republicrats and democrooks passing stupid regulations, but still tried to shield the DNC as any other loyal hack does.

The fact is statist authoritarians AKA liberals pass these regulations. Party affiliation aside it seems clear to me that the more government gets involved with (anything) education, the worse it gets. The republicrats are supposed to be in the business of reducing the authority of the federal gov't and spending overall. That's why it's not hard to figure out why "educators" support the party that keeps the nanny state tit flowing with tax payer milk.

Yes, teachers like the office to have copy paper to make handouts and heat in the winter in their classrooms and sometimes even a budget to replace 20 year old textbooks. Absolutely ridiculous, I know.
UNC professor: Here’s why most UNC faculty members are Democrats

Not for the ignorant, not for the members of the New Right, but I repeat myself.

Dumbing down America and Americans, one major goal of the Republikan Party.
Total bullshit.
Fine example of dumbing the country down there Bripat! :lmao::lol::rofl:
Everyone in a room feels dumber the minute you walk in.
I do have that effect on the ignorant , it's working on you as we speak.
You do realize your attempt to insult me actually is about you.
Everyone in a room feels dumber the minute you walk in.

That's why I have %90 of the forum's bed wetters on ignore. The other %10 are just parroting the same insipid bullshit anyway.

It has significantly reduced my scrolling time.

Think of it as leaving the room when those idiots walk in. Stupidity that intense can actually cause a headache.

The republicrats are supposed to be in the business of reducing the authority of the federal gov't and spending overall. That's why it's not hard to figure out why "educators" support the party that keeps the nanny state tit flowing with tax payer milk.
"Supposed to" isn't the same as doing. Most GOP politicians would love to decrease the red tape on business and drown educators and public servants in it. Remove the restrictions and standards put on educators at the State Legislatures and return those powers to the local school boards and you'd save money and reduce paperwork. And I do mean State Legislatures. For all the talk about Federal over reach in the K12 arena the problem is almost entirely coming from the State Legislatures. They gobble up the funding in to the State budgets and dole it back out according to restrictions that intentionally hamper the local schools. I've seen that in every state I've lived in across the USA. For the K12 folks State Legislatures are the absolute worst and they are overwhelmingly GOP. That drives the push of a lot of educators towards voting Democrat.

The Federal level is an issue more for Higher Ed. Access to Pell Grant money and other Federal funds and grants drive the private institutions and the larger public. State Legislators are mostly an issue for just the regional campuses dependent on State funding to keep tuition low.
And who legislates all that red tape and forces schools and corporations to hire useless bureaucrooks who do nothing but "compliance" enforcement?

Republicans and Democrats. Anytime a politican comes with an idea for school reform it almost inevitably leads to a compliance officer in the school doing the paperwork. The difference is that typically Democrats will at least try to listen to teachers before passing a reform. Republicans tend to go right to calling the teachers failures, blaming them for the problem, and then passing reforms that were doomed to failure at the start. For which they'll blame teachers and repeat. Not terribly hard to figure out why educators don't vote Republican.
Teachers are at fault because the schools are run almost entirely by teacher's unions. They do the actual teaching, they have a heavy hand in selecting the school board, and the also determine which school related agendas get approved.

How are they not at fault?
Except for the fact that they do the actual teaching, you just made the rest of that shit up. Teachers have a heavy hand in selecting the school board? LOL In our dreams. The teachers unions have almost nothing to do with running schools. They insist teachers receive a living wage after investing five years in college, but that's about it. You are so off the mark it's laughable.
Teacher Union power is drastically overestimated. In most school districts the Union has zero impact on School Board elections and pretty minimal bargaining power. In some states the Teacher's union is pretty much only there to give you an advocate in the termination process, if it's there at all.

The really powerful Teacher's Unions exist in school districts that are way too large anyway. Places like the Indianapolis Public School district which is far too massive for it's own good. There you can get a lot of teachers together, they can live in neighborhoods totally foreign to their school, and their endorsement can actually sway an election. In a smaller community though a Teacher's Union won't dare endorse or go on strike. It'd backfire too spectacularly and make the community unlivable for the teachers.
Yes, teachers like the office to have copy paper to make handouts and heat in the winter in their classrooms and sometimes even a budget to replace 20 year old textbooks. Absolutely ridiculous, I know.

Oh spare me the sniveling bullshit.

When I was a kid teachers used the mimeograph which printed in cheap ink complaining photocopies weren't allowed because they were too expensive, they even had to re use paper so that the other side was someone else's old quiz. They bitched about funding to 3rd graders 35 years ago, and they're still bitching now.

The only difference is that the 3rd graders 35 years ago could read/write in cursive, knew geography, could count money, and rode their bikes to and from school without fucking helmets.

Yes, teachers like the office to have copy paper to make handouts and heat in the winter in their classrooms and sometimes even a budget to replace 20 year old textbooks. Absolutely ridiculous, I know.

Oh spare me the sniveling bullshit.

When I was a kid teachers used the mimeograph which printed in cheap ink complaining photocopies weren't allowed because they were too expensive, they even had to re use paper so that the other side was someone else's old quiz. They bitched about funding to 3rd graders 35 years ago, and they're still bitching now.

The only difference is that the 3rd graders 35 years ago could read/write in cursive, knew geography, could count money, and rode their bikes to and from school without fucking helmets.

I always loved the smell of mimeograph ink.
3rd graders today can do those things as well. Keeping their noggins safe is not such a bad thing.

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