UNC professor: Here’s why most UNC faculty members are Democrats

Yes, teachers like the office to have copy paper to make handouts and heat in the winter in their classrooms and sometimes even a budget to replace 20 year old textbooks. Absolutely ridiculous, I know.

Oh spare me the sniveling bullshit.

When I was a kid teachers used the mimeograph which printed in cheap ink complaining photocopies weren't allowed because they were too expensive, they even had to re use paper so that the other side was someone else's old quiz. They bitched about funding to 3rd graders 35 years ago, and they're still bitching now.

The only difference is that the 3rd graders 35 years ago could read/write in cursive, knew geography, could count money, and rode their bikes to and from school without fucking helmets.

I always loved the smell of mimeograph ink.
3rd graders today can do those things as well. Keeping their noggins safe is not such a bad thing.

Ah yes, the mimeograph paper.

"Supposed to" isn't the same as doing. Most GOP politicians would love to decrease the red tape on business and drown educators and public servants in it. Remove the restrictions and standards put on educators at the State Legislatures and return those powers to the local school boards and you'd save money and reduce paperwork.

Fuck me to tears...

I'll bet even a lot of democrooks would love to improve education but can't get past the idea of putting the state in charge. I'm sure there are republicrats who believe government should mandate "standards" where educators find themselves teaching to tests.

I'm not a GOP hack. However I am vehemently opposed to the democrook policy of getting the feds involved in everything.

Local control is the key, and finding REAL TEACHERS who desire to teach the youth basic skills and lead them in the right direction as a matter of calling rather than a career and retirement might help.

Back from my errands, and greeted by 18 alerts - many from members of the new right, offended by my post pointing out the obvious - the new right is anti science, anti intellectual and is defined by what they oppose, hate and fear. Pointing out their foibles, predjudices and biases is sure to piss them off. I can't wait to count how many times I will be called an idiot, moron or libtard.
"Sykes, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and others advanced a narrative in which no institution or authoritative source — not statistics, not science, not history, not polls, not CBS, CNN, The Miami Herald, or The New York Times — is legitimate if it contradicts conservative orthodoxy or simply questions the latest harebrained conspiracy theory."

Leonard Pitts: How conservative pundits helped break reality

This is what conservative media has been doing for the last 25 years. Their narrative has been 'opinion is on the same level as fact'. This is what Faux News is built on, the presentation of opinion as verified fact. It isn't, never was and never will be. But that is their narrative, as it is with Limbaugh and the rest on talk radio.

And as noted by one of the conservative talk show wonks in the article 'this has to be walked back. We have to go back to when facts mattered'.
UNC professor: Here’s why most UNC faculty members are Democrats

Not for the ignorant, not for the members of the New Right, but I repeat myself.

Dumbing down America and Americans, one major goal of the Republikan Party.
Yet another example of liberals projecting their acts upon their opponents.

When you have a sycophantic media willing to spread your lies these rumors become more believable.

Which political party says all issues are centered around discrimination?

The Democratic Party.

Anyone who wants to stop illegal immigration must be a racist.
Anyone that respects the police must be racists.
Anyone who questions Obama’s policies must be a racist.
Anyone who thinks bringing hundreds of thousands of potential terrorists into this country is a bad idea must be a racist.
People in LA are assumed by Obama to be racists.
Anyone who believes in America first must be a racist.
Anyone who thinks all lives matter must be a racist.
This thread is supposed to be on education, Mud.
He mentioned the dumbing down of America.

My comments were clearly relevant to the the issue.

Open your eyes.
UNC professor: Here’s why most UNC faculty members are Democrats

Not for the ignorant, not for the members of the New Right, but I repeat myself.

Dumbing down America and Americans, one major goal of the Republikan Party.
Yet another example of liberals projecting their acts upon their opponents.

When you have a sycophantic media willing to spread your lies these rumors become more believable.

Which political party says all issues are centered around discrimination?

The Democratic Party.

Anyone who wants to stop illegal immigration must be a racist.
Anyone that respects the police must be racists.
Anyone who questions Obama’s policies must be a racist.
Anyone who thinks bringing hundreds of thousands of potential terrorists into this country is a bad idea must be a racist.
People in LA are assumed by Obama to be racists.
Anyone who believes in America first must be a racist.
Anyone who thinks all lives matter must be a racist.
This thread is supposed to be on education, Mud.
He has a short attention span.
Nope. It's called getting straight to the point.
I always loved the smell of mimeograph ink.
3rd graders today can do those things as well. Keeping their noggins safe is not such a bad thing.

More bullshit.

As an NCO in the military I've been faced with training troops across the spectrum of every class and division. There are "college graduates" who got E-3 rank automatically because of their "education" who couldn't point to Russia on a blank map, couldn't make change out of a $10 bill because they've always used a card, and had to wear their kevlars to keep their heads protected from obstacles a normal person could see and avoid.

The current class of kids coming out of schools is pathetic. They're cry babies, they're generally stupid and incapable of making a decision and need "stress cards" because assholes like me are still clinging to the idea that you might need a sack and the ability to make quick decisions in a hostile environment. They piss and moan about their feelings being hurt, and always want to see the chaplain after proudly exclaiming their atheism.

UNC professor: Here’s why most UNC faculty members are Democrats

Not for the ignorant, not for the members of the New Right, but I repeat myself.

Dumbing down America and Americans, one major goal of the Republikan Party.
Yet another example of liberals projecting their acts upon their opponents.

When you have a sycophantic media willing to spread your lies these rumors become more believable.

Which political party says all issues are centered around discrimination?

The Democratic Party.

Anyone who wants to stop illegal immigration must be a racist.
Anyone that respects the police must be racists.
Anyone who questions Obama’s policies must be a racist.
Anyone who thinks bringing hundreds of thousands of potential terrorists into this country is a bad idea must be a racist.
People in LA are assumed by Obama to be racists.
Anyone who believes in America first must be a racist.
Anyone who thinks all lives matter must be a racist.
This thread is supposed to be on education, Mud.
He mentioned the dumbing down of America.

My comments were clearly relevant to the the issue.

Open your eyes.

My comments reflected reality. Unless you want to defend as intelligence,
  • Stephanie
  • CrusaderFrank
  • Willow Tree
  • 2aguy
  • M14 shooter
  • Irish Lamb
  • P@troit
  • Pete7469
and dozens more (an impossible task) the dumbing down of America has been a success.
what happens if you search on the google ''sandusky penn state'', what are the results like? why should anyone have to pay taxes that kind of behavior? if teacher unions want group benefits, they should accept group punishment any time one of them is caught.
UNC professor: Here’s why most UNC faculty members are Democrats

Not for the ignorant, not for the members of the New Right, but I repeat myself.

Dumbing down America and Americans, one major goal of the Republikan Party.
Yet another example of liberals projecting their acts upon their opponents.

When you have a sycophantic media willing to spread your lies these rumors become more believable.

Which political party says all issues are centered around discrimination?

The Democratic Party.

Anyone who wants to stop illegal immigration must be a racist.
Anyone that respects the police must be racists.
Anyone who questions Obama’s policies must be a racist.
Anyone who thinks bringing hundreds of thousands of potential terrorists into this country is a bad idea must be a racist.
People in LA are assumed by Obama to be racists.
Anyone who believes in America first must be a racist.
Anyone who thinks all lives matter must be a racist.
This thread is supposed to be on education, Mud.
He mentioned the dumbing down of America.

My comments were clearly relevant to the the issue.

Open your eyes.

My comments reflected reality. Unless you want to defend as intelligence,
  • Stephanie
  • CrusaderFrank
  • Willow Tree
  • 2aguy
  • M14 shooter
  • Irish Lamb
  • P@troit
  • Pete7469
and dozens more (an impossible task) the dumbing down of America has been a success.
Explain why Democrats have to bring non-English speaking folks here by the millions?

Answer: To replace all of the people that they have betrayed and gotten wise to them.

Why do they brainwash our kids?

Answer: It makes them easier to manipulate

Why are they trying to raise the cost of living while depressing wages by bringing in thousands of refugees?

Answer: A desperate voter is a loyal voter. Poverty changes you. Makes you drop your principles and give in to corruption
The ignorance in the OP is typical of todays left trying demonize and vilify any who disagree with them.
Your response is typically false .
Classic conservative paranoia.

Is that all you have, troll?

Calling you a liar and a paranoid seems quite a bit, and in my opinion is spot on!

Your opinion has as much value as a screen door on a submarine. Tell me how much value that is.
UNC professor: Here’s why most UNC faculty members are Democrats

Not for the ignorant, not for the members of the New Right, but I repeat myself.

Dumbing down America and Americans, one major goal of the Republikan Party.
Yet another example of liberals projecting their acts upon their opponents.

When you have a sycophantic media willing to spread your lies these rumors become more believable.

Which political party says all issues are centered around discrimination?

The Democratic Party.

Anyone who wants to stop illegal immigration must be a racist.
Anyone that respects the police must be racists.
Anyone who questions Obama’s policies must be a racist.
Anyone who thinks bringing hundreds of thousands of potential terrorists into this country is a bad idea must be a racist.
People in LA are assumed by Obama to be racists.
Anyone who believes in America first must be a racist.
Anyone who thinks all lives matter must be a racist.
This thread is supposed to be on education, Mud.
He has a short attention span.
Nope. It's called getting straight to the point.
It would be on another thread.
The ignorance in the OP is typical of todays left trying demonize and vilify any who disagree with them.
Your response is typically false .
Classic conservative paranoia.

Is that all you have, troll?

Calling you a liar and a paranoid seems quite a bit, and in my opinion is spot on!

Your opinion has as much value as a screen door on a submarine. Tell me how much value that is.
That's as old as Trump and he farts dust.
The ignorance in the OP is typical of todays left trying demonize and vilify any who disagree with them.
Your response is typically false .
Classic conservative paranoia.

Is that all you have, troll?

Calling you a liar and a paranoid seems quite a bit, and in my opinion is spot on!

Your opinion has as much value as a screen door on a submarine. Tell me how much value that is.
That's as old as Trump and he farts dust.

Since Hillary isn't but 15 months younger than Trump, does that mean Hillary queefs dust.
Your response is typically false .
Classic conservative paranoia.

Is that all you have, troll?

Calling you a liar and a paranoid seems quite a bit, and in my opinion is spot on!

Your opinion has as much value as a screen door on a submarine. Tell me how much value that is.
That's as old as Trump and he farts dust.

Since Hillary isn't but 15 months younger than Trump, does that mean Hillary queefs dust.
Just like you.
UNC professor: Here’s why most UNC faculty members are Democrats

Not for the ignorant, not for the members of the New Right, but I repeat myself.

Dumbing down America and Americans, one major goal of the Republikan Party.

So that's why democrats are opposed to school choice and would rather teach kids how to have sex than to read and write......suuuuuuure

If you didn't go to college, don't post in this thread.
Don't want to do that because he'll say he's abused because of his lack of education.
‘The life of the university depends on rational discourse. If people want to debate women’s reproductive issues or the integrity of elections, interested university faculty in the relevant areas would welcome these discussions. But how should we react when partisan legislation on these issues is justified by catch phrases like “protecting women’s health” and “massive voter fraud” and passed without any serious discussion? In several recent cases, the courts have found that the stated rationales for the partisan legislation in these areas were fictitious. Of course, the faculty are of the opinion that issues should be debated on merits rather than on rationale manufactured to appeal to a political base.’


The right’s hostility to the privacy rights of woman, the equal protection rights of gay Americans, and the voting rights of minorities are irrational, devoid of merit, and as a fact of law un-Constitutional.

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